Pojasnilo | 14. 3. 2025 |
ISSN | Revija | Založnik/Izdajatelj | Št. čl. v COBIB.SI (2020) | Odprti dostop![]() |
0249-7395 | [Revue d'écologie] | Société nationale de protection de la nature et d'acclimatation de France | 0 | |
0181-0863 | [Revue française d'entomologie] | Association des Amis du Laboratoire d'entomologie du Muséum, | 0 | |
2190-572X | 3 biotech | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
2190-5738 | 3 biotech (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
2366-004X | Abdominal radiology | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
2366-0058 | Abdominal radiology (e-vir) | 0 | ✔ | |
0077-6149 | Abhandlungen der Naturhistorischen Gesellschaft Nürnberg e. V | Naturhistorische Gesellschaft Nürnberg e. V | 0 | |
1868-0356 | Abhandlungen der Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung | Schweizerbart | 0 | |
0340-3718 | Abhandlungen des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins zu Bremen | Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein | 0 | |
0132-8077 | Acarina | Zoological Museum of Moscow Lomonosov State University | 0 | |
0044-586X | Acarologia | Acarologia | 1 | ✔ |
2107-7207 | Acarologia (e-vir) | Acarologia | 0 | ✔ |
0001-4575 | Accident analysis and prevention | Pergamon Press | 1 | ✔ |
1879-2057 | Accident analysis and prevention (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | |
2199-6067 | Acrocephalus (e-vir) | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
2373-9878 | ACS biomaterials science & engineering (e-vir) | American Chemical Society | 1 | ✔ |
1554-8929 | ACS chemical biology | American Chemical Society | 0 | ✔ |
1554-8937 | ACS chemical biology (e-vir) | American Chemical Society | 0 | ✔ |
1948-7193 | ACS chemical neuroscience (e-vir) | American Chemical Society | 0 | ✔ |
2156-8944 | ACS combinatorial science (e-vir) | American Chemical Society | 0 | |
2156-8952 | ACS combinatorial science | American Chemical Society | 1 | |
2373-8227 | ACS infectious diseases (e-vir) | ACS Publications | 2 | ✔ |
1948-5875 | ACS Medicinal Chemistry Letters | American Chemical Society | 4 | ✔ |
2161-5063 | ACS synthetic biology | American Chemical Society | 2 | ✔ |
0906-4702 | Acta agriculturæ Scandinavica | Taylor & Francis | 1 | ✔ |
0906-4710 | Acta agriculturæ Scandinavica | Taylor & Francis | 0 | |
1651-1913 | Acta agriculturæ Scandinavica (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1651-1972 | Acta agriculturæ Scandinavica (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0065-0951 | Acta Agrobotanica | Polskie Towarzystwo Botaniczne. | 0 | ✔ |
2300-357X | Acta Agrobotanica (e-vir) | Polish Botanical Society | 0 | ✔ |
0139-3006 | Acta alimentaria | Akadémiai Kiadó | 0 | ✔ |
1588-2535 | Acta alimentaria (e-vir) | Akadémiai Kiadó | 0 | ✔ |
0044-5967 | Acta Amazonica | Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazonia | 0 | |
1399-6576 | Acta anaesthesiologica scandinavica (e-vir) | Blackwell Publishing. | 0 | ✔ |
0001-5172 | Acta anaesthesiologica Scandinavica | Munksgaard | 0 | ✔ |
0001-5202 | Acta Arachnologica | Arachnological Society of East Asia. Biological Laboratory. Ohtemon-Gakuim University | 0 | |
1672-9145 | Acta biochimica et biophysica Sinica | Shanghai Scientific and Technical Publishers | 0 | |
1745-7270 | Acta biochimica et biophysica Sinica (e-vir) | Blackwell | 0 | |
0001-527X | Acta Biochimica Polonica | Polish Scientific Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1734-154X | Acta Biochimica Polonica (e-vir) | Committee of Biochemistry and Biophysics. Polish Academy of Sciences; Polish Biochemical Society. | 0 | ✔ |
0120-548X | Acta biologica colombiana | Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Facultad de Ciencias. Departamento de Biologia | 0 | ✔ |
1900-1649 | Acta biológica colombiana (e-vir) | 0 | ✔ | |
0001-530X | Acta Biologica Cracoviensia | Polish Academy of Sciences | 0 | |
1898-0295 | Acta Biologica Cracoviensia | Biological Commission of the Polish Academy of Sciences | 0 | |
0001-5296 | Acta Biologica Cracoviensia. Series Botanica | Zakład Narodowy imienia Ossolinskich | 0 | |
0236-5383 | Acta biologica Hungarica | Akadémiai Kiadó | 0 | |
1588-256X | Acta biologica Hungarica | Akadémiai Kiadó | 0 | |
0301-2123 | Acta Biológica Paranaense | Universidade Federal do Paraná. Departamento de Zoologia. Setor de Ciências Biológicas | 0 | |
2236-1472 | Acta Biológica Paranaense (e-vir) | Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Biológicas, Departamento de Zoologia | 0 | |
1588-385X | Acta biologica Szegediensis | Univ. Szeged | 0 | |
1407-8953 | Acta Biologica Universitatis Daugavpiliensis | University of Daugavpils | 0 | |
0001-5342 | Acta biotheoretica | Rijksuniversiteit | 0 | ✔ |
1572-8358 | Acta biotheoretica (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0102-3306 | Acta Botanica Brasílica | Sociedade Botânica do Brasil. | 0 | |
1677-941X | Acta Botânica Brasílica (e-vir) | Sociedade Botânica do Brasil. | 0 | |
0365-0588 | Acta botanica Croatica | Division of Biology, Faculty of Science, University | 3 | |
1847-8476 | Acta botanica Croatica (e-vir) | Division of Biology, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb | 0 | |
0001-5369 | Acta botanica Fennica | Societas pro fauna et flora Fennica | 0 | |
0236-6495 | Acta botanica Hungarica | Akadémiai Kiadó | 0 | ✔ |
1588-2578 | Acta botanica Hungarica | Akadémiai Kiadó | 0 | ✔ |
0374-5066 | Acta botanica islandica | Náttúrufræđistofnun Íslands = Icelandic Institute of Natural History | 0 | |
0210-9506 | Acta botanica malacitana | Publicaciones de la Universidad | 0 | |
0187-7151 | Acta botánica mexicana | Instituto de Ecología | 0 | |
2448-7589 | Acta botánica mexicana (e-vir) | Instituto de Ecología | 0 | |
2443-4264 | Acta Botánica Venezuela (e-vir) | Fundación Instituto Botánico de Venezuela | 0 | |
0084-5906 | Acta botánica venezuélica | Instituto Botánico | 0 | |
0001-5385 | Acta cardiologica | Acta Medica Belgica | 0 | ✔ |
1508-1109 | Acta Chiropterologica | Museum and Institute of Zoology Polish Academy of Sciences. | 0 | |
0001-5504 | Acta científica venezolana | Asociación Venezolana para el Avance de la Ciencia. | 0 | |
2053-230X | Acta crystallographica (e-vir) | John Wiley & Sons | 0 | ✔ |
2059-7983 | Acta crystallographica (e-vir) | International Union of Crystallography | 0 | ✔ |
0940-5429 | Acta diabetologica | Springer Internat. | 0 | ✔ |
1432-5233 | Acta diabetologica (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0716-5072 | Acta entomológica chilena | Instituto de Entomología, UMCE | 0 | |
0374-1036 | Acta entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae | Národní muzeum | 0 | |
1804-6487 | Acta entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae (e-vir) | Národní muzeum | 0 | |
0354-9410 | Acta entomologica Serbica | Entomological Society of Serbia. | 0 | |
0873-9749 | Acta ethologica | Springer; Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada and Sociedade Portuguesa de Etologia | 0 | ✔ |
1437-9546 | Acta ethologica | Springer-Verl. New York.; Springer. | 0 | ✔ |
Y504-2917 | Acta ethologica | Springer; Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada and Sociedade Portuguesa de Etologia | 0 | |
0326-2383 | Acta farmacéutica bonaerense | Colegio de Farmacéuticos de la Provincia de Buenos Aires | 0 | |
0567-7513 | Acta geológica lilloana | Fundación Miguel Lillo | 0 | |
1421-9662 | Acta haematologica (e-vir) | S. Karger | 0 | ✔ |
0001-5792 | Acta Haematologica | S. Karger AG | 0 | ✔ |
0001-5814 | Acta Haematologica Polonica | Państwowy Zakład Wydawnictw Lekarskich | 2 | |
2300-7117 | Acta Haematologica Polonica (e-vir) | Polskie Towarzystwo Hematologów i Transfuzjologów.; Instytut Hematologii i Transfuzjologii (Warszawa) | 0 | |
1827-9635 | Acta herpetologica | Firenze University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1827-9643 | Acta herpetologica | Firenze University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0044-5991 | Acta histochemica et cytochemica | Japan Society of Histochemistry and Cyotochemistry | 0 | |
1347-5800 | Acta histochemica et cytochemica (e-vir) | Japan Society of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry | 0 | |
1734-1515 | Acta ichthyologica et piscatoria (e-vir) | Faculty of Food Sciences and Fisheries, WPUT and Polish Zool. Soc. | 0 | ✔ |
0137-1592 | Acta Ichthyologica et Piscatoria | Akademia Rolnicza (Szczecin).; Zachodniopomorski Uniwersytet Technologiczny (Szczecin); Szczecińskie Towarzystwo Naukowe. | 0 | ✔ |
0065-1370 | Acta Manilana. Series A, Natural and applied sciences | University of Sto. Tomas Research Center | 0 | |
0001-6055 | Acta Medica Nagasakiensia | Nagasaki Daigaku Igakubu. | 0 | |
0386-300X | Acta Medica Okayama | [S.n.] | 0 | |
1217-8950 | Acta microbiologica et immunologica Hungarica | Akadémiai Kiadó | 0 | ✔ |
1588-2640 | Acta microbiologica et immunologica Hungarica (e-vir) | Akadémiai Kiadó | 0 | ✔ |
1311-8773 | Acta morphologica et anthropologica | Professor Marin Drinov Academic Publishing House | 0 | |
2336-3193 | Acta Musei Silesiae. Scientiae Naturales | Slezské zemské muzeum | 0 | ✔ |
2336-3207 | Acta Musei Silesiae. Scientiae Naturales (e-vir) | Slezské zemské muzeum | 0 | ✔ |
0001-625X | Acta Mycologica | Polskie Towarzystwo Botaniczne. | 0 | ✔ |
2353-074X | Acta Mycologica (e-vir) | Societas Botanicorum Poloniae | 0 | ✔ |
2075-8251 | Acta naturae | Park-media | 0 | |
0065-1400 | Acta Neurobiologiae Experimentalis | Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology. | 0 | |
1689-0035 | Acta Neurobiologiae Experimentalis (e-vir) | Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology; Polish Neuroscience Society | 0 | |
0942-0940 | Acta neurochirurgica | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0001-6268 | Acta Neurochirurgica | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1600-0404 | Acta neurologica Scandinavica (e-vir) | Munksgaard | 0 | ✔ |
0001-6314 | Acta Neurologica Scandinavica | [s.n.] | 0 | ✔ |
1432-0533 | Acta neuropathologica (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0001-6322 | Acta Neuropathologica | Springer-Verlag | 1 | ✔ |
1502-3850 | Acta odontologica Scandinavica (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0001-6357 | Acta Odontologica Scandinavica | Acta Odontologica Scandinavica | 0 | ✔ |
1146-609X | Acta oecologica | Gauthier-Villars | 0 | ✔ |
0284-186X | Acta oncologica | Almqvist & Wiksell | 0 | ✔ |
1651-226X | Acta oncologica (e-vir) | Taylor&Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1755-375X | Acta ophthalmologica | Blackwell Publishing | 1 | ✔ |
1755-3768 | Acta ophthalmologica (e-vir) | Blackwell | 1 | ✔ |
0001-6454 | Acta Ornithologica | Museum and Institute of Zoology, Polish Academy of Sciences | 0 | |
1734-8471 | Acta Ornithologica (e-vir) | Polska Akademia Nauk. Muzeum i Instytut Zoologii, Warszawa | 0 | |
1745-3674 | Acta orthopaedica | Taylor&Francis | 0 | |
1745-3682 | Acta orthopaedica (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis; Informa Healthcare | 2 | ✔ |
1745-3690 | Acta orthopaedica.Supplementum | Francis&Taylor | 0 | |
0803-5253 | Acta paediatrica | Scandinavian University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1651-2227 | Acta pædiatrica (e-vir) | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
0001-6594 | Acta Palaeobotanica | [S.n.] | 0 | |
2082-0259 | Acta Palaeobotanica | W. Szafer Institute of Botany Polish Academy of Sciences | 0 | |
0567-7920 | Acta Palaeontologica Polonica | Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe | 1 | ✔ |
1732-2421 | Acta Palaeontologica Polonica (e-vir) | Instytut Paleobiologii PAN | 0 | ✔ |
1230-2821 | Acta Parasitologica | Witold Stefański Institute of Parasitology | 0 | ✔ |
1896-1851 | Acta Parasitologica | Witold Stefański Institute of Parasitology. Polish Academy of Sciences. | 0 | ✔ |
1330-0075 | Acta pharmaceutica | Hrvatsko farmaceutsko društvo | 2 | |
1846-9558 | Acta pharmaceutica (e-vir) | Croatian Pharmaceutical Society | 3 | ✔ |
1671-4083 | Acta pharmacologica Sinica | Science Press; Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1745-7254 | Acta pharmacologica Sinica (e-vir) | PubMed | 0 | ✔ |
0137-5881 | Acta physilogiae plantarum | Polish Academy of science | 0 | ✔ |
1861-1664 | Acta physiologiae plantarum | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1748-1708 | Acta physiologica | Blackwell Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
1748-1716 | Acta physiologica (e-vir) | Blackwell Publishing Ltd | 4 | ✔ |
0084-5914 | Acta Phytogeographica Suecica | Sven. växtgeogr. sällsk. | 0 | |
0238-1249 | Acta phytopathologica et entomologica Hungarica | Akad. Kiadó | 0 | ✔ |
1588-2691 | Acta phytopathologica et entomologica Hungarica | Akadémiai Kiadó | 0 | ✔ |
1346-7565 | Acta phytotaxonomica et geobotanica | Japanese Society for Plant Systematics | 0 | |
0065-1583 | Acta protozoologica | Instytut Biologii Doświadczalnej im. M. Nenckiego Polskiej Akademii Nauk. | 0 | ✔ |
1689-0027 | Acta Protozoologica (e-vir) | Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology | 0 | ✔ |
0001-690X | Acta psychiatrica Scandinavica | Munksgaard | 0 | ✔ |
1600-0447 | Acta psychiatrica Scandinavica (e-vir) | Munksgaard | 0 | ✔ |
1678-0345 | Acta Scientiae Veterinariae | Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Faculdade de Veterinária. | 0 | |
1679-9216 | Acta Scientiae Veterinariae (e-vir) | Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Faculdade de Veterinária. | 0 | |
1807-8664 | Acta scientiarum | Universidade Estadual de Maringá, Pró-Reitoria de Pesquisa de Pós-Graduação. | 0 | ✔ |
1679-9283 | Acta Scientiarum | Universidade Estadual de Maringá. | 0 | |
1679-9291 | Acta Scientiarum | Universidade Estadual de Maringá. | 0 | |
1806-2563 | Acta Scientiarum | Universidade Estadual de Maringá. | 0 | |
1806-2636 | Acta Scientiarum | Editora da Universidade Estadual de Maringá. | 0 | |
1807-8621 | Acta Scientiarum (e-vir) | Universidade Estadual de Maringá, Pró-Reitoria de Pesquisa de Pós-Graduação. | 0 | ✔ |
1807-863X | Acta Scientiarum | Universidade Estadual de Maringá, Pró-Reitoria de Pesquisa de Pós-Graduação. | 0 | ✔ |
1807-8648 | Acta Scientiarum | Universidade Estadual de Maringá, Pró-Reitoria de Pesquisa de Pós-Graduação. | 0 | ✔ |
1807-8672 | Acta Scientiarum (e-vir) | Editora da Universidade Estadual de Maringá | 0 | ✔ |
1679-9275 | Acta Scientiarum. Agronomy | Editora da Universidade Estadual de Maringá. | 0 | ✔ |
0001-6977 | Acta societatis botanicorum Poloniae | Institute of plant biology - Instytut biologii Roślin | 0 | ✔ |
2083-9480 | Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae (e-vir) | Polish Botanical Society | 0 | ✔ |
1211-376X | Acta Societatis zoologicae Bohemicae | Czech Zoological Society | 0 | |
0001-706X | Acta Tropica | Verlag fuer Recht und Gesellschaft AG | 0 | ✔ |
0208-4449 | Acta Universitatis Nicolai Copernici. Nauki Matematyczno- Przyrodnicze. Biologia | Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu | 0 | ✔ |
0567-8315 | Acta veterinaria | Veterinarski fakultet | 2 | |
1820-7448 | Acta veterinaria | Veterinarski fakultet | 0 | ✔ |
0001-7213 | Acta veterinaria Brno | State Pedagogical Publishing House | 1 | |
1801-7576 | Acta veterinaria Brno (e-vir) | Veterinární a farmaceutická univerzita | 0 | |
0236-6290 | Acta veterinaria Hungarica | Akadémiai Kiadó | 2 | ✔ |
1588-2705 | Acta veterinaria Hungarica (e-vir) | Akadémiai Kiadó | 0 | ✔ |
0001-723X | Acta virologica | Academia | 0 | ✔ |
1336-2305 | Acta virologica (e-vir) | Slovak Academic Press s.r.o. | 0 | ✔ |
2409-367X | Acta ZooBot Austria | Verlag der Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Österreich | 0 | |
0001-7272 | Acta zoologica | Blackwell Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
1463-6395 | Acta zoologica (e-vir) | Blackwell Science Ltd. | 0 | ✔ |
1217-8837 | Acta zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae | Hung. Nat. Hist. Mus. | 0 | |
2064-2474 | Acta zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae (e-vir) | Hung. Nat. Hist. Mus.; Biological Section of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences | 0 | |
0324-0770 | Acta zoologica bulgarica | B''lgarska Akademija na Naukite | 2 | |
0065-1710 | Acta zoologica cracoviensia | Instytut Systematyki i Ewolucji Zwierząt Polskiej Akademii Nauk | 0 | |
0001-7299 | Acta zoologica Fennica | Societas pro fauna et flora Fennica | 0 | |
0065-1729 | Acta zoológica lilloana | Fundación Miguel Lillo; Tucumán | 0 | |
1852-6098 | Acta zoológica lilloana (e-vir) | Fundación Miguel Lillo | 0 | |
0065-1737 | Acta zoológica mexicana | Instituto de Ecología. | 0 | |
2448-8445 | Acta zoológica mexicana (e-vir) | Instituto de Ecología | 0 | |
0304-3584 | Actualidades biologicas | Universidad de Antioquia. Departamento de Biologia | 0 | |
1280-8571 | Adansonia | Publications scientifiques du Muséum | 0 | ✔ |
1639-4798 | Adansonia (e-vir) | Publications scientifiques du Muséum national d'histoire naturelle | 0 | ✔ |
1059-7123 | Adaptive behavior | MIT Press | 0 | ✔ |
1741-2633 | Adaptive behavior (e-vir) | MIT Press | 0 | ✔ |
0965-2140 | Addiction | Carfax | 1 | ✔ |
1360-0443 | Addiction (e-vir) | Carfax | 1 | ✔ |
1355-6215 | Addiction biology | Carfax | 0 | ✔ |
1369-1600 | Addiction biology (e-vir) | Carfax International Publishers. | 0 | ✔ |
0306-4603 | Addictive behaviors | Pergamon Press. | 0 | ✔ |
1873-6327 | Addictive Behaviors (e-vir) | Pergamon Press | 0 | ✔ |
2192-2640 | Advanced healthcare materials | Wiley-VCH | 0 | ✔ |
2192-2659 | Advanced healthcare materials (e-vir) | Wiley-VCH | 0 | ✔ |
1687-8027 | Advances in bioinformatics | 0 | ||
1687-8035 | Advances in Bioinformatics (e-vir) | Hindawi Publishing Corporation | 0 | |
2080-2218 | Advances in Cell Biology (e-vir) | De Gruyter Open | 0 | |
1431-7737 | Advances in food sciences | Institut für Lebensmitteltechnologie und Analytische Chemie, Technische Universität München | 0 | |
0394-6169 | Advances in horticultural science | University of Florence, Department of horticulture | 0 | ✔ |
1592-1573 | Advances in horticultural science (e-vir) | Firenze University Press. | 0 | ✔ |
0970-3586 | Advances in plant sciences | Academy of Plant Sciences, India. | 0 | |
1674-9928 | Advances in Polar Science | Science Press; Editorial Office of Advances in Polar Science | 0 | |
0741-238X | Advances in therapy | Health Communications Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1865-8652 | Advances in therapy (e-vir) | Springer Healthcare Communications | 0 | ✔ |
0044-6394 | Adverse drug reaction bulletin | Regional Postgraduate Institute for Medicine and Dentistry. | 0 | ✔ |
2159-7774 | Adverse drug reaction bulletin (e-vir) | Adverse Drug Reaction Research Unit | 0 | ✔ |
0393-5965 | Aerobiologia | Pitagora Editrice | 1 | ✔ |
1573-3025 | Aerobiologia (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
2375-6314 | Aerospace medicine and human performance | Aerospace Medical Association | 0 | |
2375-6322 | Aerospace medicine and human performance (e-vir) | Aerospace Medical Association. | 0 | |
1021-3589 | African entomology | Entomological Society of Southern Africa | 0 | |
2224-8854 | African entomology (e-vir) | Entomological Society of Southern Africa | 0 | |
1681-5556 | African invertebrates | Council of the Natal Museum | 0 | ✔ |
2305-2562 | African invertebrates (e-vir) | Council of the KwaZulu-Natal Museum | 0 | ✔ |
1608-5914 | African journal of aquatic science | NISC. | 0 | ✔ |
1727-9364 | African journal of aquatic science | African journal of aquatic science. | 0 | ✔ |
0141-6707 | African journal of ecology | Blackwell Scientific Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1365-2028 | African journal of ecology (e-vir) | Blackwell Science | 0 | ✔ |
2153-3660 | African journal of herpetology (e-vir) | [Taylor & Francis]; [UNISA Press] | 0 | ✔ |
2156-4574 | African journal of herpetology | Taylor & Francis; Unisa Press | 0 | ✔ |
1814-232X | African journal of marine science | NISC | 0 | ✔ |
1814-2338 | African journal of marine science | NISC | 0 | ✔ |
1022-0119 | African journal of range & forage science | Grassland Society of Southern Africa.; NISC. | 0 | ✔ |
1727-9380 | African journal of range & forage science | Department of Agriculture, University of Zululand. | 0 | ✔ |
2410-7220 | African journal of wildlife research | Southern African Wildlife Management Association | 0 | |
2410-8200 | African journal of wildlife research (e-vir) | Southern African Wildlife Management Association | 0 | |
2305-7963 | African natural history (e-vir) | Iziko Museums | 0 | |
1023-3121 | African plant protection | Plant Protection Research Institute. | 0 | |
1562-7020 | African zoology | Zoological Society of Southern Africa | 0 | ✔ |
2224-073X | African zoology | [Zoological Society of Southern Africa] | 0 | ✔ |
0002-0729 | Age and ageing | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1468-2834 | Age and ageing (e-vir) | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0096-140X | Aggressive behavior | Wiley-Liss, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1098-2337 | Aggressive behavior (e-vir) | [A.R. Liss]; Wiley-Liss, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1945-4589 | Aging (e-vir) | Impact Journals, LLC | 0 | ✔ |
2152-5250 | Aging and disease (e-vir) | JKL International | 0 | |
1474-9718 | Aging cell | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1474-9726 | Aging cell (e-vir) | Blackwell Science Ltd | 0 | ✔ |
1331-7768 | Agriculturae conspectus scientificus | Agronomski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu | 0 | |
1331-7776 | Agriculturae conspectus scientificus (e-vir) | Faculty of Agriculture, University of Zagreb | 0 | |
0970-1907 | Agricultural and Biological Research | Young Environmentalist Association. | 0 | |
1459-6067 | Agricultural and food science | MTT Agrifood Research Finland. | 0 | |
1795-1895 | Agricultural and food science (e-vir) | MTT Agrifood Research Finland | 0 | ✔ |
1461-9555 | Agricultural and forest entomology | Blackwell Science | 0 | ✔ |
1461-9563 | Agricultural and forest entomology (e-vir) | Blackwell Science Ltd | 1 | ✔ |
0168-1923 | Agricultural and forest meteorology | Elsevier | 3 | ✔ |
1873-2240 | Agricultural and Forest Meteorology (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
0253-150X | Agricultural science digest | Agricultural Research Communication Centre. | 0 | |
0308-521X | Agricultural systems | Applied Science Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0378-3774 | Agricultural water management | Elsevier | 1 | ✔ |
1873-2283 | Agricultural Water Management (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | |
0167-8809 | Agriculture, ecosystems & environment | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1873-2305 | Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
2452-316X | Agriculture and natural resources (e-vir) | Kasetsart University; Elsevier B.V. | 0 | |
2468-1458 | Agriculture and natural resources | Kasetsart University | 0 | |
1166-7699 | Agricultures | Université des réseaux d'expression française; Association des universités partiellement ou entièrement de langue française | 0 | ✔ |
0976-0547 | Agricutural science digest (e-vir) | Indianjournals.com | 0 | |
0002-1822 | Agroborealis | University of Alaska Fairbanks.; University of Alaska (College). | 0 | |
1405-3195 | Agrociencia | Colegio de Postgraduados. | 0 | |
0167-4366 | Agroforestry systems | International Council for Research in Agroforestry.; ICRAF. | 0 | ✔ |
1572-9680 | Agroforestry systems (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0002-1881 | Agrohimiâ | Nauka | 0 | |
1773-0155 | Agronomy for sustainable development (e-vir) | EDP sciences | 0 | ✔ |
1774-0746 | Agronomy for sustainable development | EDP sciences | 0 | ✔ |
0002-1962 | Agronomy journal | American Society of Agronomy | 1 | ✔ |
1435-0645 | Agronomy journal | Springer. | 0 | ✔ |
1406-894X | Agronomy Research | Estonian University of Life Sciences | 0 | |
2228-4907 | Agronomy Research (e-vir) | Estonian University of Life Sciences | 0 | |
0388-7995 | Aichi-ken Nōgyō Sōgō Shikenjō kenkyū hōkoku | Aichi-ken Nōgyō Sōgō Shikenjō; Aichiken nogyo sogo shikenjo; 愛知県農業総合試験場 | 0 | |
0269-9370 | AIDS | Gower Academic Journals | 0 | ✔ |
1473-5571 | AIDS (e-vir) | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins | 0 | ✔ |
0954-0121 | AIDS care | Carfax Publishing Company | 0 | ✔ |
1360-0451 | AIDS care (e-vir) | Carfax International Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0889-2229 | AIDS research and human retroviruses | Mary Ann Liebert | 0 | ✔ |
1931-8405 | AIDS research and human retroviruses (e-vir) | Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
0871-6595 | Airo | DIEE/CEMPA | 0 | ✔ |
1873-9318 | Air quality, atmosphere & health | Springer | 1 | ✔ |
1873-9326 | Air quality, atmosphere & health (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1000-467X | Aizheng | Gai Kan Bianjibu | 0 | |
0195-6108 | AJNR, American journal of neuroradiology | Williams & Wilkins | 0 | ✔ |
0341-051X | Aktuelle Rheumatologie | Thieme; Thieme Med. Publ. | 0 | ✔ |
0002-4619 | Alauda | Société ornithologique de France; Muséum national d'histoire naturelle (Paris) | 0 | |
0835-5851 | Alces | North American Moose Conference and Workshop | 0 | |
2293-6629 | Alces (e-vir) | North American Moose Conference and Workshop | 0 | |
0311-5518 | Alcheringa | Association of Australasian Palaeontologists. | 0 | ✔ |
1752-0754 | Alcheringa (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0741-8329 | Alcohol | Ankho International; Pergamon | 0 | ✔ |
1873-6823 | Alcohol | Elsevier Science | 0 | ✔ |
0735-0414 | Alcohol and alcoholism | Pergamon | 0 | ✔ |
1464-3502 | Alcohol and alcoholism (e-vir) | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0002-502X | Alcoholism | Center for Study and Control of Alcoholism and Addictions; International Council on Alcohol and Addictions | 0 | |
1849-1251 | Alcoholism (e-vir) | Klinika za psihijatriju, Klinički bolnički centar Sestre milosrdnice | 0 | |
1530-0277 | Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research (e-vir) | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Inc. | 0 | |
0145-6008 | Alcoholism: clinical and experimental research | Williams & Wilkins | 0 | |
0002-5208 | Alexanor | Alexanor | 0 | |
1226-2617 | Algae | Korean Society of Phycology | 0 | |
2093-0860 | Algae (e-vir) | han-gug joryu haghoe | 0 | |
2211-9264 | Algal research | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1864-1318 | Algological studies | Schweizerbart | 0 | |
2363-7080 | Algological studies (e-vir) | Schweizerbart Science Publ. | 0 | |
1748-7188 | Algorithms for molecular biology (e-vir) | BioMed Central | 0 | ✔ |
0300-5755 | Alimentaria | [s.n.] | 0 | |
0269-2813 | Alimentary pharmacology & therapeutics | Blackwell Scientific | 1 | ✔ |
1365-2036 | Alimentary pharmacology & therapeutics (e-vir) | Blackwell Science | 0 | ✔ |
0065-6275 | Aliso | Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden. | 0 | |
0974-1240 | Allelopathy journal (e-vir) | International Allelopathy Foundation | 0 | |
0971-4693 | Allelopathy Journal | International Allelopathy Foundation | 0 | |
0344-5062 | Allergologie | Dustri-Verl. Feistle | 0 | |
1440-1592 | Allergology international (e-vir) | Japanese Society of Allergology; Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1323-8930 | Allergology international | Blackwell Science | 0 | ✔ |
0105-4538 | Allergy | Munksgaard | 0 | ✔ |
1398-9995 | Allergy (e-vir) | Blackwell | 7 | ✔ |
1600-549X | Allergy (e-vir) | Blackwell | 0 | |
0108-1675 | Allergy. Supplementum | Munksgaard | 0 | |
0735-8032 | Allertonia | Pacific Tropical Botanical Garden.; National Tropical Botanical Garden. | 0 | |
2328-1995 | Allertonia (e-vir) | Pacific Tropical Botanical Garden | 0 | |
1319-562X | Al-MiŰgalatć al-sa'udiyatć läi-ulum al-îhayatć | Al-ŰGami'yatć al-Sa'udiyatć läi-Ulum al-îHayatć. | 0 | |
1664-2201 | Alpine botany | Birkhäuser | 0 | ✔ |
1664-221X | Alpine botany | Birkhäuser | 0 | ✔ |
0753-4973 | Alytes | Museum national d'histoire naturelle, Laboratoire des reptiles et amphibiens; Société batrachologique | 0 | |
2191-0855 | AMB express (e-vir) | Springer | 1 | ✔ |
0044-7447 | Ambio | Royal Swedish Academy or Sciences | 0 | ✔ |
1654-7209 | Ambio (e-vir) | Kungl. Vetenskapsakademien | 0 | ✔ |
Y505-5164 | Ambio (e-vir) | Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences | 0 | |
0002-7014 | Ameghiniana | Asociación Paleontológica Argentina | 0 | |
0004-7686 | American birds | National Audubon Society | 0 | |
1046-2821 | American entomologist | Entomological Society of America. | 0 | ✔ |
2155-9902 | American entomologist (e-vir) | Entomological Society of America | 0 | ✔ |
0002-8444 | American fern journal | American Fern Society | 0 | |
1938-422X | American fern journal (e-vir) | American Fern Society | 0 | |
1097-6744 | American heart journal (e-vir) | Mosby, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1526-5161 | American journal of bioethics | MIT Press | 0 | ✔ |
1536-0075 | American journal of bioethics (e-vir) | MIT Press | 0 | ✔ |
0002-9122 | American journal of botany | Botanical Society of America | 0 | ✔ |
1537-2197 | American journal of botany (e-vir) | Published in cooperation with the Botanical Society of America by the Brooklyn Botanic Gardens | 0 | ✔ |
2156-6976 | American journal of cancer research (e-vir) | E-Century Pub. Corp. | 0 | ✔ |
0277-3732 | American journal of clinical oncology | Masson Pub. | 0 | |
1537-453X | American journal of clinical oncology (e-vir) | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins | 0 | |
0002-9173 | American journal of clinical pathology | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1943-7722 | American journal of clinical pathology (e-vir) | Oxford University Press; American Society of Clinical Pathology (ASCP) | 0 | ✔ |
1097-9891 | American journal of drug and alcohol abuse (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis] | 0 | ✔ |
0002-9254 | American journal of enology and viticulture | American Society for Enology and Viticulture | 0 | ✔ |
1943-7749 | American journal of enology and viticulture (e-vir) | American Society for Enology and Viticulture | 0 | |
0002-9262 | American journal of epidemiology | School of Hygiene and Public Health of the Johns Hopkins University. | 0 | ✔ |
1476-6256 | American journal of epidemiology (e-vir) | Johns Hopkins University School of Hygiene and Public Health | 0 | ✔ |
1533-404X | American journal of forensic medicine & pathology (e-vir) | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins | 2 | ✔ |
0361-8609 | American journal of hematology | A.R. Liss | 1 | ✔ |
1096-8652 | American journal of hematology (e-vir) | Alan R. Liss, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1042-0533 | American journal of human biology | Alan R. Liss, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1520-6300 | American journal of human biology (e-vir) | Alan R. Liss]; Wiley-Liss, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
0002-9297 | American journal of human genetics | University of Chicago Press | 0 | ✔ |
1537-6605 | American journal of human genetics (e-vir) | University of Chicago Press for the American Society of Human Genetics | 0 | ✔ |
0895-7061 | American journal of hypertension | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1941-7225 | American journal of hypertension (e-vir) | Nature Pub., Co. | 0 | ✔ |
0271-3586 | American journal of industrial medicine | Alan R. Liss | 0 | ✔ |
1097-0274 | American journal of industrial medicine | Wiley-Liss, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
0196-6553 | American journal of infection control | C. V. Mosby Co. | 0 | ✔ |
1552-4825 | American journal of medical genetics | Wiley-Liss | 0 | ✔ |
1552-4833 | American journal of medical genetics | Wiley-Liss | 0 | ✔ |
1552-4841 | American journal of medical genetics | Wiley-Liss | 1 | ✔ |
1552-485X | American journal of medical genetics | Wiley-Liss | 0 | ✔ |
1552-4868 | American journal of medical genetics | Wiley-Liss | 0 | ✔ |
1552-4876 | American journal of medical genetics | Wiley-Liss, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1421-9670 | American journal of nephrology (e-vir) | S. Karger | 0 | ✔ |
0250-8095 | American Journal of Nephrology | Karger | 0 | ✔ |
1936-959X | American journal of neuroradiology (e-vir) | Williams & Wilkins Co.]; American Society of Neuroradiology | 0 | ✔ |
0002-9378 | American journal of obstetrics and gynecology | C.V. Mosby Co. | 0 | ✔ |
1085-8709 | American journal of obstetrics and gynecology (e-vir) | American Gynecological and Obstetrical Society. | 0 | |
1097-6868 | American journal of obstetrics and gynecology (e-vir) | Mosby, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
0002-9394 | American journal of ophthalmology | Ophthalmic Pub. Co. | 0 | ✔ |
1879-1891 | American journal of ophthalmology (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
0735-1631 | American journal of perinatology | Thieme-Stratton | 0 | ✔ |
1098-8785 | American journal of perinatology | Thieme Medical Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0002-9483 | American journal of physical anthropology | Wiley-Liss | 0 | |
1096-8644 | American journal of physical anthropology (e-vir) | Wiley-Liss, Inc. | 0 | |
0193-1849 | American journal of physiology | American Physiological Society. | 0 | ✔ |
0193-1857 | American journal of physiology | American Physiological Society | 0 | ✔ |
0363-6119 | American journal of physiology | American Physiological Society. | 1 | ✔ |
0363-6135 | American journal of physiology | American Physiological Society. | 0 | ✔ |
0363-6143 | American journal of physiology | American Physiological Society. | 0 | ✔ |
1040-0605 | American journal of physiology | American Physiological Society | 0 | ✔ |
1522-1466 | American journal of physiology (e-vir) | American Physiological Society | 0 | ✔ |
1522-1490 | American journal of physiology (e-vir) | American Physiological Society | 0 | ✔ |
1522-1504 | American journal of physiology (e-vir) | American Physiological Society | 0 | ✔ |
1522-1539 | American journal of physiology (e-vir) | American Physiological Society | 0 | ✔ |
1522-1547 | American journal of physiology (e-vir) | American Physiological Society | 0 | ✔ |
1522-1555 | American journal of physiology (e-vir) | American Physiological Society | 1 | ✔ |
1522-1563 | American journal of physiology (e-vir) | American Physiological Society | 0 | ✔ |
1931-857X | American journal of physiology | American Physiological Society | 0 | ✔ |
1099-209X | American journal of potato research | The Association | 0 | ✔ |
1874-9380 | American journal of potato research (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0749-3797 | American journal of preventive medicine | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0275-2565 | American journal of primatology | A.R. Liss | 0 | ✔ |
1098-2345 | American journal of primatology (e-vir) | A.R. Liss]; John Wiley & Sons, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
0090-0036 | American journal of public health | The Association | 0 | ✔ |
1541-0048 | American journal of public health (e-vir) | American Public Health Association | 0 | ✔ |
1046-7408 | American journal of reproductive immunology | Munksgaard International Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1600-0897 | American journal of reproductive immunology (e-vir) | Blackwell Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
1073-449X | American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine | American Lung Association | 0 | ✔ |
1535-4970 | American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine (e-vir) | American Lung Association | 0 | ✔ |
1044-1549 | American journal of respiratory cell and molecular biology | The Association | 0 | ✔ |
1535-4989 | American journal of respiratory cell and molecular biology (e-vir) | American Lung Association | 0 | ✔ |
1943-8141 | American journal of translational research (e-vir) | e-Century Pub. Corp. | 0 | ✔ |
0002-9645 | American journal of veterinary research | American Veterinary Medical Association. | 0 | ✔ |
1943-5681 | American journal of veterinary research | American Veterinary Medical Association | 0 | ✔ |
0044-7749 | American laboratory | International Scientific Communications, Inc., etc. | 0 | |
0740-2783 | American malacological bulletin | American Malacological Union. | 0 | |
0003-0082 | American Museum novitates | American Museum of Natural History | 0 | |
0939-4451 | Amino acids | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1438-2199 | Amino acids (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
Y502-5966 | Amino acids | Springer | 0 | |
1083-446X | Amphibian & Reptile Conservation | Amphibian & Reptile Conservation; Craig Hassapakis; Amphibian and Reptile Conservation | 0 | |
1525-9153 | Amphibian & Reptile Conservation (e-vir) | Amphibian & Reptile Conservation | 1 | |
0173-5373 | Amphibia-reptilia | Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft | 1 | ✔ |
1568-5381 | Amphibia-Reptilia (e-vir) | Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft; Brill | 0 | ✔ |
2190-3700 | Ampulex (e-vir) | 0 | ||
1350-6129 | Amyloid | Parthenon | 0 | ✔ |
1744-2818 | Amyloid (e-vir) | CRC Press | 0 | ✔ |
1075-9964 | Anaerobe | Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
1095-8274 | Anaerobe (e-vir) | Academic Press.; Elsevier ScienceDirect | 3 | ✔ |
2352-5568 | Anaesthesia critical care & pain medicine (e-vir) | Elsevier Masson SAS | 0 | ✔ |
0001-3765 | Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciencias | Academia Brasileira de Ciencias | 0 | |
1678-2690 | Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências = | Academia Brasileira de Ciências. | 0 | |
0378-8989 | Analele Universitæaţii Bucureşti. Biologie | Universitatea Bucureşti | 0 | |
1138-3399 | Anales de biología | Secretariado de Publicaciones e Intercambio Científico, Universidad de Murcia | 0 | ✔ |
1989-2128 | Anales de biología (e-vir) | Secretariado de Publicaciones e Intercambio Científico, Universidad de Murcia | 0 | ✔ |
1697-4271 | Anales de la Real Academia Nacional de Farmacia | Real Academia Nacional de Farmacia (España) | 0 | |
0718-686X | Anales del Instituto de la Patagonia (e-vir) | Instituto de la Patagonia, Universidad de Magallanes | 0 | ✔ |
0718-6932 | Anales del Instituto de la Patagonia | Instituto de la Patagonia, Universidad de Magallanes | 0 | |
0211-1322 | Anales del Jardín Botánico de Madrid | Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas | 0 | ✔ |
1988-3196 | Anales del Jardín Botánico de Madrid | Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas | 0 | ✔ |
0003-2670 | Analytica chimica acta | Elsevier | 1 | ✔ |
1873-4324 | Analytica chimica acta (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1618-2642 | Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry | Springer | 2 | ✔ |
1618-2650 | Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
Y504-5843 | Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry | Springer | 0 | |
Y505-9305 | Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | |
0884-6812 | Analytical and quantitative cytology and histology | Science Printers and Publishers | 0 | |
0003-2697 | Analytical biochemistry | Academic Press. | 2 | ✔ |
1096-0309 | Analytical biochemistry (e-vir) | Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
2210-7177 | Analytical cellular pathology | IOS Press | 0 | |
2210-7185 | Analytical cellular pathology (e-vir) | IOS Press | 0 | ✔ |
0003-2719 | Analytical letters | M. Dekker | 0 | ✔ |
1532-236X | Analytical letters (e-vir) | M. Dekker | 0 | ✔ |
0340-2096 | Anatomia, Histologia, Embryologia | Wiley-Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1439-0264 | Anatomia Histologia Embryologia (e-vir) | Wiley Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1447-073X | Anatomical science international (e-vir) | Blackwell Pub. Asia | 1 | ✔ |
1447-6959 | Anatomical science international | Blackwell Pub. | 0 | ✔ |
0721-6513 | Andrias | Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde | 0 | |
1439-0272 | Andrologia | Blackwell. | 0 | ✔ |
0303-4569 | Andrologie | Grosse | 0 | ✔ |
2047-2919 | Andrology | Waley Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
2047-2927 | Andrology (e-vir) | Wiley-Blackwell | 1 | ✔ |
1526-7598 | Anesthesia & analgesia (e-vir) | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins | 0 | ✔ |
0003-2999 | Anesthesia and analgesia | Elsevier Science | 0 | ✔ |
0003-3022 | Anesthesiology | American Society of Anesthesiologists | 0 | ✔ |
1528-1175 | Anesthesiology (e-vir) | Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins | 0 | ✔ |
0969-6970 | Angiogenesis | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1573-7209 | Angiogenesis (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0003-3197 | Angiology | Westminster Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1940-1574 | Angiology (e-vir) | Westminster Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1751-7311 | Animal | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1751-732X | Animal (e-vir) | Elsevier BV | 1 | ✔ |
0003-3472 | Animal behaviour | Baillière Tindall | 0 | ✔ |
1095-8282 | Animal behaviour (e-vir) | Published for the Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour and the Animal Behavior Society by Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
1578-665X | Animal biodiversity and conservation | Museu de Zoologia | 1 | ✔ |
2014-928X | Animal biodiversity and conservation (e-vir) | Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona | 0 | ✔ |
1570-7555 | Animal biology (e-vir) | Brill | 1 | ✔ |
1570-7563 | Animal biology | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
1049-5398 | Animal biotechnology | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1532-2378 | Animal biotechnology (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1976-8354 | Animal cells and systems | Zoological society of Korea | 0 | ✔ |
2151-2485 | Animal cells and systems (e-vir) | Zoological Society of Korea | 0 | ✔ |
1435-9448 | Animal cognition | Springer. | 0 | ✔ |
1435-9456 | Animal cognition (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1367-9430 | Animal conservation | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1469-1795 | Animal conservation (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0377-8401 | Animal feed science and technology | Elsevier Publ. Co | 0 | ✔ |
1873-2216 | Animal Feed Science and Technology (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
0268-9146 | Animal genetics | Blackwell Scientific Publications | 2 | ✔ |
1365-2052 | Animal genetics (e-vir) | Blackwell Science. | 0 | ✔ |
1836-0939 | Animal production science | CSIRO Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
1836-5787 | Animal production science | CSIRO Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
1806-9614 | Animal Reproduction | Colégio Brasileiro de Reprodução Animal. | 0 | |
1984-3143 | Animal Reproduction | Colégio Brasileiro de Reprodução Animal. | 0 | |
0378-4320 | Animal reproduction science | Elsevier | 1 | ✔ |
1873-2232 | Animal Reproduction Science (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1344-3941 | Animal science journal | Japanese Society of Zootechnical Science | 0 | ✔ |
1740-0929 | Animal science journal (e-vir) | John Wiley & Sons | 0 | ✔ |
0860-4037 | Animal Science Papers and Reports | Polish Scientific Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
2300-8342 | Animal Science Papers and Reports (e-vir) | Instytut Genetyki i Hodowli Zwierząt PAN | 0 | ✔ |
2234-6953 | Animal systematics, evolution and diversity | Korean Society of Systematic Zoology | 0 | |
2234-8190 | Animal systematics, evolution and diversity = | Korean Society of Systematic Zoology | 0 | |
0962-7286 | Animal welfare | Universities Federation for Animal Welfare | 0 | ✔ |
2054-1538 | Animal welfare (e-vir) | Universities Federation for Animal Welfare | 0 | |
0255-0091 | Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien | Naturhistorisches Museum | 0 | |
0255-0105 | Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien | Naturhistorisches Museum | 0 | |
0504-0736 | Annales Academiae Regiae Scientiarum Upsaliensis | Almqvist & Wiksell | 0 | |
0003-3847 | Annales botanici Fennici | Societas biologica Fennica Vanamo | 0 | ✔ |
1797-2442 | Annales botanici Fennici (e-vir) | University of Helsinki | 0 | |
0003-4266 | Annales d'Endocrinologie | Masson | 0 | ✔ |
0709-8502 | Annales de biochimie clinique du Québec | Société québécoise de biochimie clinique. | 0 | |
0003-3898 | Annales de biologie clinique | Expansion scientifique française | 0 | ✔ |
1950-6112 | Annales de biologie clinique (e-vir) | J. Libbey Eurotext | 0 | ✔ |
0037-9271 | Annales de la Société entomologique de France | Mequignon-Marvis | 0 | ✔ |
2168-6351 | Annales de la Société entomologique de France (e-vir) | La Société | 0 | ✔ |
2100-000X | Annales de limnologie (e-vir) | EDP sciences | 0 | |
0003-4088 | Annales de Limnologie | Masson et Cie | 0 | |
0753-3969 | Annales de Paléontologie | Masson | 0 | ✔ |
0521-4726 | Annales historico-naturales Musei nationalis hungarici | Hungarian Natural History Museum | 0 | |
0003-4509 | Annales pharmaceutiques françaises | Masson; Doin | 0 | ✔ |
0003-4541 | Annales Zoologici | Fundacja Natura optima dux | 0 | |
0003-455X | Annales zoologici Fennici | Akateeminen kirjakauppa | 0 | ✔ |
1797-2450 | Annales zoologici Fennici (e-vir) | University of Helsinki | 0 | |
0365-4389 | Annali del Museo civico di storia naturale Giacomo Doria | Museo civico di storia naturale Giacomo Doria | 0 | |
2972-4066 | Annals, Academy of Medicine, Singapore (e-vir) | Academy of Medicine, Singapore | 0 | |
0940-9602 | Annals of anatomy | Gustav Fischer | 0 | ✔ |
1618-0402 | Annals of anatomy (e-vir) | Elsevier. | 1 | ✔ |
1744-7348 | Annals of applied biology (e-vir) | Association of Applied Biologists | 0 | ✔ |
0003-4746 | Annals of Applied Biology | Association of Applied Biologists | 1 | ✔ |
0883-6612 | Annals of behavioral medicine | The Society | 0 | ✔ |
1532-4796 | Annals of behavioral medicine | Lawrence Erlbaum Associates; Springer Verlag | 0 | ✔ |
0970-0153 | Annals of Biology | Bio-Publishers. | 0 | |
0090-6964 | Annals of biomedical engineering | Pergamon Press | 0 | ✔ |
1573-9686 | Annals of biomedical engineering (e-vir) | Springer US | 0 | ✔ |
1095-8290 | Annals of botany (e-vir) | Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
0305-7364 | Annals of Botany | Academic press | 0 | ✔ |
0097-4463 | Annals of Carnegie Museum | Carnegie Museum | 0 | |
0091-7370 | Annals of clinical laboratory science | Institute for Clinical Science | 0 | |
1047-2797 | Annals of epidemiology | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1873-2585 | Annals of epidemiology (e-vir) | American College of Epidemiology. | 0 | |
1844-8135 | Annals of forest research | Editura Silvicæa | 0 | |
2065-2445 | Annals of Forest Research (e-vir) | Editura Silvica | 0 | |
1286-4560 | Annals of forest science | EDP sciences; Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1297-966X | Annals of forest science (e-vir) | EDP sciences | 0 | ✔ |
0939-5555 | Annals of hematology | Springer international | 1 | ✔ |
1432-0584 | Annals of hematology (e-vir) | Springer-Verlag France | 0 | ✔ |
0301-4460 | Annals of human biology | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1464-5033 | Annals of human biology (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis; Informa Healthcare | 1 | ✔ |
1469-1809 | Annals of human genetics (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0003-4800 | Annals of Human Genetics | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0003-4819 | Annals of internal medicine | American College of Physicians | 0 | ✔ |
1539-3704 | Annals of internal medicine (e-vir) | American College of Physicians | 1 | ✔ |
0785-3890 | Annals of medicine | Finnish Medical Society Duodecim | 1 | ✔ |
1365-2060 | Annals of medicine (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 0 | ✔ |
1590-4261 | Annals of microbiology | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1869-2044 | Annals of microbiology | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0364-5134 | Annals of neurology | Little, Brown and Co. | 1 | |
1531-8249 | Annals of neurology (e-vir) | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins | 0 | ✔ |
1421-9697 | Annals of nutrition & metabolism (e-vir) | S. Karger | 0 | ✔ |
0250-6807 | Annals of nutrition and metabolism | S. Karger | 1 | ✔ |
2299-0631 | Annals of Parasitology | Polskie Towarzystwo Parazytologiczne. | 0 | |
2300-6706 | Annals of Parasitology (e-vir) | Polish Parasitological Society | 0 | |
0256-4947 | Annals of saudi medicine | King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre | 0 | ✔ |
0975-4466 | Annals of Saudi medicine (e-vir) | Medknow Publications and Media Pvt. Ltd. | 0 | ✔ |
2284-354X | Annals of Silvicultural Research (e-vir) | CRA SEL | 0 | ✔ |
0304-4602 | Annals of the Academy of Medicine, Singapore | Academy of Medicine (Singapore) | 0 | |
2220-4563 | Annals of the Ditsong National Museum of Natural History | Ditsong National Museum of Natural History | 0 | |
1562-5273 | Annals of the Eastern Cape Museums | Directorate of Museums and Heritage Resources of the Eastern Cape Province, Albany Museum. | 0 | |
0013-8746 | Annals of the Entomological Society of America | Entomological Society of America | 0 | ✔ |
1938-2901 | Annals of the Entomological Society of America (e-vir) | Entomological Society of America | 0 | ✔ |
0146-6453 | Annals of the ICRP | Pergamon Press | 0 | ✔ |
1872-969X | Annals of the ICRP (e-vir) | Pergamon | 0 | ✔ |
0026-6493 | Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden | [Missouri Botanical Garden Press, etc.] | 0 | |
2162-4372 | Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden (e-vir) | Rumford Press | 0 | |
0077-8923 | Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences | New York Academy of Sciences | 0 | ✔ |
1749-6632 | Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences (e-vir) | Blackwell Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
0003-4967 | Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases | British Medical Association | 4 | ✔ |
0041-1752 | Annals of the Transvaal Museum | Transvaal Museum | 0 | |
2398-7308 | Annals of work exposures and health | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
2398-7316 | Annals of work exposures and health (e-vir) | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0954-1020 | Antarctic science | Blackwell scientifc | 0 | ✔ |
1365-2079 | Antarctic science (e-vir) | [Blackwell Science] | 0 | ✔ |
2275-9298 | Antenor | Alexanor | 0 | |
1872-8855 | Anthropod plant interactions | Springer Scinc and Business Media | 0 | ✔ |
1872-8847 | Anthropod-plant interactions (e-vir) | Springer and Business Media | 0 | ✔ |
0065-9452 | Anthropological papers of the American Museum of Natural History | Published by order of the trustees | 0 | |
0918-7960 | Anthropological science | Anthropological Society of Nippon | 0 | |
1348-8570 | Anthropological science (e-vir) | Anthropological Society of Nippon | 0 | |
0003-5548 | Anthropologischer Anzeiger | Schweizerbart | 0 | ✔ |
2363-7099 | Anthropologischer Anzeiger (e-vir) | Schweizerbart Science Publ. | 0 | ✔ |
0761-3032 | Anthropozoologica | l'Homme et l'animal, Société de recherche interdisciplinaire | 0 | ✔ |
0994-7213 | Anthropozoologica | L'Homme et l'animal (Paris) | 0 | |
2107-0881 | Anthropozoologica (e-vir) | Anthropozoologica | 0 | ✔ |
0235-2990 | Antibiotiki i himioterapiâ | Medicina. | 0 | |
0959-4973 | Anti-cancer drugs | Rapid Communications | 0 | ✔ |
1473-5741 | Anti-cancer drugs (e-vir) | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins | 0 | ✔ |
0250-7005 | Anticancer research | Hellenic Anticancer Institute | 0 | ✔ |
1791-7530 | Anticancer Research | International Institute of Anticancer Research; Iäoannäis G. Deläinasios | 0 | ✔ |
0066-4804 | Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy | American Society for Microbiology. | 0 | ✔ |
1098-6596 | Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy (e-vir) | American Society for Microbiology | 0 | ✔ |
2047-2994 | Antimicrobial resistance and infection control (e-vir) | BioMed Central | 0 | ✔ |
1523-0864 | Antioxidants & redox signaling | Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1557-7716 | Antioxidants & redox signaling (e-vir) | Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
0956-3202 | Antiviral chemistry & chemotherapy | Blackwell Scientific Publications; International Medical Press | 0 | |
2040-2066 | Antiviral chemistry & chemotherapy (e-vir) | International Medical Press | 0 | |
0166-3542 | Antiviral research | Elsevier/North-Holland | 0 | ✔ |
1872-9096 | Antiviral research (e-vir) | Elsevier Science | 1 | ✔ |
1359-6535 | Antiviral therapy | International Medical Press | 0 | ✔ |
2040-2058 | Antiviral therapy | International Medical Press | 0 | ✔ |
0003-6072 | Antonie van Leeuwenhoek | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 1 | ✔ |
1572-9699 | Antonie van Leeuwenhoek (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0373-4641 | Anuário da Sociedade Broteriana | Sociedade Broteriana | 0 | |
2041-2851 | AoB plants (e-vir) | Oxford Journals on behalf of the Annals of Botany Company | 0 | ✔ |
0044-8435 | Apidologie | Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique; Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Institute für Bienenforschung e.V | 0 | ✔ |
1297-9678 | Apidologie (e-vir) | EDP sciences | 0 | ✔ |
1600-0463 | Apmis (e-vir) | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
0903-4641 | APMIS | Munksgaard | 0 | ✔ |
1360-8185 | Apoptosis | Rapid Science | 0 | ✔ |
1573-675X | Apoptosis (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0195-6663 | Appetite | Academic Press | 2 | ✔ |
1095-8304 | Appetite (e-vir) | Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
2168-0450 | Applications in plant sciences (e-vir) | Botanical Society of America | 0 | ✔ |
0099-2240 | Applied and environmental microbiology | American Society for Microbiology | 0 | ✔ |
1098-5336 | Applied and environmental microbiology (e-vir) | American Society for Microbiology | 1 | ✔ |
0168-1591 | Applied animal behaviour science | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1872-9045 | Applied animal behaviour science (e-vir) | International Society for Applied Ethology | 0 | ✔ |
0273-2289 | Applied biochemistry and biotechnology | Humana Press; Springer Nature | 0 | ✔ |
1559-0291 | Applied biochemistry and biotechnology (e-vir) | Humana Press | 0 | ✔ |
0003-6838 | Applied biochemistry and microbiology | Consultants Bureau | 0 | ✔ |
1608-3024 | Applied biochemistry and microbiology (e-vir) | MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica | 0 | ✔ |
1589-1623 | Applied ecology and environmental research | Landsc. Archit. Decis. Support Syst. PhD Sch. Szent István Univ. | 0 | |
1785-0037 | Applied ecology and environmental research (e-vir) | ALÖKI Applied Ecological Research and Forensic Institute | 0 | |
0003-6862 | Applied entomology and zoology | Japanese Society of Applied entomology and zoology; Japanese Society of Applied entomology and zoology ;; Springer Japan | 0 | ✔ |
1347-605X | Applied entomology and zoology | Japanese Society of Applied Entomology and Zoolgy | 0 | ✔ |
1533-4058 | Applied immunohistochemistry & molecular morphology (e-vir) | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins | 0 | ✔ |
1541-2016 | Applied immunohistochemistry & molecular morphology | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins | 0 | ✔ |
0175-7598 | Applied microbiology and biotechnology | Springer | 4 | ✔ |
1432-0614 | Applied microbiology and biotechnology (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0268-2605 | Applied organometallic chemistry | Longman Scientific & Technical | 0 | ✔ |
1099-0739 | Applied organometallic chemistry (e-vir) | J. Wiley & Sons | 0 | ✔ |
1090-0586 | Applied psychophysiology and biofeedback | Plenum Press | 0 | ✔ |
1573-3270 | Applied psychophysiology and biofeedback | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0929-1393 | Applied soil ecology | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
0003-7028 | Applied spectroscopy | Society for Applied Spectroscopy. | 0 | ✔ |
1943-3530 | Applied spectroscopy (e-vir) | Society for Applied Spectroscopy | 0 | ✔ |
1402-2001 | Applied vegetation science | Opulus Press | 3 | |
1654-109X | Applied vegetation science (e-vir) | Opulus press; International Association of Vegetation Science (IAVS); Wiley-Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
0003-7214 | Aqua | Blackwell Scientific | 0 | |
0945-9871 | Aqua | Aquaprint-Verl.-GmbH. | 0 | |
1365-2087 | Aqua (e-vir) | Blackwell Science. | 0 | |
0144-8609 | Aquacultural engineering | Applied Science Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0044-8486 | Aquaculture | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1365-7305 | Aquaculture economics & management | Taylor & Francis Customer Service, Sheepen Place, Essex Co 3 3LP, UK | 0 | ✔ |
1551-8663 | Aquaculture economics & management (e-vir) | Blackwell Science | 0 | ✔ |
1869-215X | Aquaculture environment interactions | 0 | ✔ | |
1869-7534 | Aquaculture environment interactions (e-vir) | Inter-Research Science Center | 0 | ✔ |
0967-6120 | Aquaculture international | Chapman & Hall | 0 | ✔ |
1573-143X | Aquaculture international (e-vir) | 0 | ✔ | |
1353-5773 | Aquaculture nutrition | Blackwell Science | 0 | ✔ |
1365-2095 | Aquaculture nutrition (e-vir) | Blackwell Science | 0 | ✔ |
1355-557X | Aquaculture research | Blackwell Science | 0 | ✔ |
1365-2109 | Aquaculture research (e-vir) | Blackwell Science | 0 | ✔ |
1864-7782 | Aquatic biology | 0 | ✔ | |
1864-7790 | Aquatic biology (e-vir) | 0 | ✔ | |
0304-3770 | Aquatic botany | Elsevier Scientific Publ. Co. | 0 | ✔ |
1879-1522 | Aquatic botany (e-vir) | Elsevier BV | 0 | ✔ |
1052-7613 | Aquatic conservation | Wiley; John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. | 1 | ✔ |
1099-0755 | Aquatic conservation (e-vir) | John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. | 0 | ✔ |
1386-2588 | Aquatic ecology | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 2 | ✔ |
1573-5125 | Aquatic ecology (e-vir) | Kluwer; Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1463-4988 | Aquatic ecosystem health & management | Elsevier Science | 0 | ✔ |
1539-4077 | Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0165-0424 | Aquatic insects | Swets & Zeitlinger | 0 | ✔ |
1744-4152 | Aquatic insects (e-vir) | Swets & Zeitlinger Pub.; Taylor & Francis. | 0 | ✔ |
1798-6540 | Aquatic Invasions | Regional Euro-Asian Biological Invasions Centre. | 0 | |
0990-7440 | Aquatic living resources | CDR Centrale des revues; Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1765-2952 | Aquatic living resources (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
0167-5427 | Aquatic mammals | European Association for Aquatic Mammals | 0 | ✔ |
1996-7292 | Aquatic mammals (e-vir) | European Association for Aquatic Mammals | 0 | |
0948-3055 | Aquatic microbial ecology | Inter Research | 0 | ✔ |
1616-1564 | Aquatic microbial ecology (e-vir) | Inter-Research | 0 | ✔ |
1015-1621 | Aquatic sciences | Birkhäuser | 0 | ✔ |
1420-9055 | Aquatic sciences (e-vir) | Birkhäuser | 0 | ✔ |
0166-445X | Aquatic toxicology | Elsevier/North-Holland | 0 | ✔ |
1879-1514 | Aquatic toxicology (e-vir) | Elsevier BV | 0 | ✔ |
1018-4171 | Arachnologische Mitteilungen | Arachnologische Gesellschaft | 0 | |
2199-7233 | Arachnologische Mitteilungen (e-vir) | Arachnologische Ges. | 0 | |
2050-9928 | Arachnology | British Arachnological Society. | 0 | |
0103-5657 | Ararajuba | Sociedade Brasileira de Ornitologia. | 0 | |
0307-1375 | Arboricultural journal | Arboricultural Association. | 0 | ✔ |
1935-5297 | Arboriculture & urban forestry | International Society of Arboriculture | 1 | |
2155-0778 | Arboriculture & urban forestry (e-vir) | International Society of Arboriculture. | 0 | |
1472-3646 | Archaea | Heron Pub.,; Hindawi Publishing Corporation | 0 | |
1472-3654 | Archaea (e-vir) | Heron Pub. | 0 | |
1132-6891 | Archaeofauna | Asociación Española de Arqueozoología | 0 | |
0003-8121 | Archaeology and physical anthropology in Oceania | University of Sydney | 0 | |
0365-6233 | Archiv der pharmazie | VCH-Verlagsgesellschaft | 0 | ✔ |
1521-4184 | Archiv der Pharmazie (e-vir) | Wiley-VCH | 0 | ✔ |
2363-9822 | Archives animal breeding (e-vir) | Institut für Nutztierbiologie; Copernicus Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0020-2509 | Archives de l'Institut Pasteur de Tunis | Institut Pasteur de Tunis | 0 | |
0929-693X | Archives de pédiatrie | Elsevier; Ed. scientifiques Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1769-664X | Archives de pédiatrie (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
0340-3696 | Archives for dermatological research | Springer | 2 | ✔ |
0003-9829 | Archives Italiennes de Biologie | Università degli studi di Pisa | 0 | |
1476-3567 | Archives of agronomy and soil science (e-vir) | Akademie-Verlag | 0 | ✔ |
1477-2817 | Archives of animal nutrition (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1745-039X | Archives of animal nutrition | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0003-9861 | Archives of biochemistry and biophysics | Academic Press. | 0 | ✔ |
1096-0384 | Archives of biochemistry and biophysics (e-vir) | Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
0354-4664 | Archives of biological sciences | Serbian Biological Society [etc.] | 1 | ✔ |
1821-4339 | Archives of Biological Sciences | Serbian Biological Society | 0 | ✔ |
1432-069X | Archives of dermatological research (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1468-2044 | Archives of disease in childhood (e-vir) | BMJ Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
0003-9888 | Archives of Disease in Childhood | British Medical Association | 1 | ✔ |
1933-8244 | Archives of environmental & occupational health | Heldref Publications | 0 | ✔ |
2154-4700 | Archives of environmental & occupational health (e-vir) | [Heldref Publications] | 0 | ✔ |
0090-4341 | Archives of environmental contamination and toxicology | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1432-0703 | Archives of environmental contamination and toxicology (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
2083-4772 | Archives of Environmental Protection | Polish Academy of Sciences. Institute of Environmental Engineering, Committee of Environmental Engineering.; Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Podstaw Inżynierii Środowiska (Zabrze); Polska Akademia Nauk. Komitet Inżynierii Środowiska. | 0 | |
2083-4810 | Archives of Environmental Protection | Institute of Environmental Engineering of the Polish Academy of Sciences | 0 | |
0167-4943 | Archives of gerontology and geriatrics | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1872-6976 | Archives of gerontology and geriatrics (e-vir) | Elsevier | 1 | ✔ |
0932-0067 | Archives of gynecology and obstetrics | Springer-Verl. New York; Springer; Bergmann | 1 | ✔ |
1432-0711 | Archives of gynecology and obstetrics (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0739-4462 | Archives of insect biochemistry and physiology | Wiley-Liss | 0 | ✔ |
1520-6327 | Archives of insect biochemistry and physiology | Wiley-Liss, Inc.; [Alan R. Liss] | 0 | ✔ |
0302-8933 | Archives of microbiology | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1432-072X | Archives of microbiology (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0003-9969 | Archives of Oral Biology | Pergamon Press | 0 | ✔ |
1879-1506 | Archives of Oral Biology (e-vir) | Pergamon Press | 1 | |
0936-8051 | Archives of orthopaedic and trauma surgery | Springer Internat. | 3 | ✔ |
1434-3916 | Archives of orthopaedic and trauma surgery (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1543-2165 | Archives of pathology & laboratory medicine (e-vir) | College of American Pathologists | 0 | ✔ |
0003-9985 | Archives of pathology & Laboratory Medicine | American Medical Association | 0 | ✔ |
0253-6269 | Archives of pharmacal research | Pharmaceutical society of Korea | 0 | ✔ |
1976-3786 | Archives of pharmacal research (e-vir) | Pharmaceutical society of Korea | 0 | ✔ |
1381-3455 | Archives of physiology and biochemistry | Swets & Zeitlinger | 0 | ✔ |
1744-4160 | Archives of physiology and biochemistry (e-vir) | Swets & Zeitlinger Pub. | 0 | ✔ |
1477-2906 | Archives of phytopathology and plant protection (e-vir) | Akademie-Verlag | 0 | ✔ |
0004-0002 | Archives of sexual behavior | Plenum Press. | 0 | ✔ |
1573-2800 | Archives of sexual behavior (e-vir) | Kluwer | 1 | ✔ |
0340-5761 | Archives of toxicology | Springer | 3 | ✔ |
1432-0738 | Archives of toxicology | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0304-8608 | Archives of virology | Springer | 2 | ✔ |
1432-8798 | Archives of virology | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0365-0340 | Archiv für Acker- und Pflanzenbau und Bodenkunde | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0003-9225 | Archiv für Kriminologie | Schmidt-Römhild | 0 | |
1869-0963 | Archiv für Molluskenkunde | Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung; E. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung | 0 | ✔ |
2367-0622 | Archiv für Molluskenkunde (e-vir) | 0 | ✔ | |
0323-5408 | Archiv für Phytopathologie und Pflanzenschutz | Akademie-Verlag | 0 | ✔ |
0003-9438 | Archiv für Tierzucht | Leibniz Institute for Farm Animal Biology | 0 | ✔ |
1122-7214 | Archivio geobotanico | Università di Pavia, Istituto di Botanica | 0 | |
1885-4494 | Archivos de zootecnia (e-vir) | Servicio de Publicaciones, Universidad de Córdoba | 0 | |
0004-0592 | Archivos de Zootecnia | Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. Instituto de Zootecnia | 0 | |
0004-0614 | Archivos españoles de urología | Iniestares | 0 | |
0004-069X | Archivum Immunologiae et Therapiae Experimentalis | [Springer International Publishing AG] | 0 | ✔ |
1661-4917 | Archivum Immunologiae et Therapiae Experimentalis (e-vir) | [Springer International Publishing AG] | 0 | ✔ |
0004-0843 | Arctic | Artic Institute of North America. | 0 | ✔ |
1923-1245 | Arctic (e-vir) | Artic Institute of North America | 0 | |
1523-0430 | Arctic, antarctic, and alpine research | Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research, University of Colorado at Boulder | 0 | ✔ |
1938-4246 | Arctic, antarctic, and alpine research (e-vir) | Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research, University of Colorado at Boulder | 0 | ✔ |
0131-1379 | Arctoa | KMK Scientific Press Ltd. | 0 | |
0373-2266 | Ardea | Brill :; Nederlandse Ornithologische Unie = the Netherlands Ornithologists' Union | 0 | |
2213-1175 | Ardea (e-vir) | Netherlands Ornithologists' Union | 0 | |
0570-7358 | Ardeola | Sociedad Española de Ornitología | 0 | |
0004-1955 | Arhiv patologii | [S.n.] | 0 | |
0004-1254 | Arhiv za higijenu rada i toksikologiju | Institut za medicinska istraživanja i medicinu rada | 4 | ✔ |
1848-6312 | Arhiv za higijenu rada i toksikologiju (e-vir) | Institut za medicinska istraživanja i medicinu rada | 1 | ✔ |
1532-4990 | Arid land research and management (e-vir) | Taylor and Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1532-4982 | Arid land research and Management | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0004-2633 | Arnoldia | [Arnold Arboretum, Harvard University] | 0 | |
0250-6386 | Arnoldia Zimbabwe | National Museums and Monuments. | 0 | |
0873-4704 | Arquipélago | U.A. | 0 | |
2182-9799 | Arquipélago (e-vir) | U.A. | 0 | |
0102-0935 | Arquivo brasileiro de medicina veterinária e zootecnia | UFMG, Escola de Veterinária | 0 | |
1678-4162 | Arquivo brasileiro de medicina veterinária e zootecnia (e-vir) | Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Escola de Veterinária. | 0 | |
0004-2803 | Arquivos de gastroenterologia | Instituto Brasileiro de Estudos e Pesquisas de Gastroenterologia | 0 | |
1678-4219 | Arquivos de gastroenterologia | Instituto Brasileiro de Estudos e Pesquisas de Gastroenterologia. | 0 | |
0066-7870 | Arquivos de zoologia | Museu de Zoologia da Universidade | 0 | ✔ |
2176-7793 | Arquivos de Zoologia (e-vir) | Universidade de São Paulo, Museu de Zoologia | 0 | |
0020-3653 | Arquivos do Instituto Biológico | Instituto Biológico | 0 | |
1808-1657 | Arquivos do Instituto Biológico | Instituto Biológico. | 0 | |
0103-2550 | Arquivos do Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro | Expressão e Cultura | 0 | |
0365-4508 | Arquivos do Museu Nacional | Museu Nacional | 0 | |
1079-5642 | Arteriosclerosis, thrombosis, and vascular biology | The Association | 0 | ✔ |
1529-0131 | Arthritis & rheumatism (e-vir) | J.B. Lippincott Co.; Arthritis Foundation]; American College of Rheumatology | 0 | |
2326-5191 | Arthritis & rheumatology | Wiley | 0 | ✔ |
2326-5205 | Arthritis & rheumatology (e-vir) | John Wiley & Sons | 0 | ✔ |
Y507-973X | Arthritis & rheumatology | Wiley | 0 | |
0004-3591 | Arthritis and rheumatism | American College of Rheumatology | 0 | |
2151-4658 | Arthritis care & research (e-vir) | John Wiley & Sons | 0 | ✔ |
2151-464X | Arthritis Care & Research | American College of Rheumatology | 0 | ✔ |
0136-006X | Arthropoda selecta | KMK Press | 0 | |
0066-8036 | Arthropods of Florida and neighboring land areas | Florida. | 0 | |
1467-8039 | Arthropod structure & development | Elsevier. | 1 | ✔ |
1863-7221 | Arthropod systematics & phylogeny | Museum of Zoology = Museum für Tierkunde | 0 | ✔ |
1864-8312 | Arthropod systematics & phylogeny | Museum für Tierkunde. | 0 | ✔ |
0749-8063 | Arthroscopy | Raven Press | 0 | ✔ |
1526-3231 | Arthroscopy (e-vir) | W.B. Saunders Co. | 0 | ✔ |
2169-1401 | Artificial cells, nanomedicine, and biotechnology | Informa Healthcare | 0 | ✔ |
2169-141X | Artificial cells, nanomedicine, and biotechnology (e-vir) | Informa Healthcare | 0 | ✔ |
1064-5462 | Artificial life | MIT Press | 0 | ✔ |
1530-9185 | Artificial life | MIT Press | 0 | ✔ |
0160-564X | Artificial organs | Raven Press | 1 | ✔ |
1525-1594 | Artificial organs (e-vir) | Blackwell Science | 0 | ✔ |
1698-0476 | Arxius de miscelÜlània zoològica | Museu de Ciències Naturals de la Ciutadella. | 0 | ✔ |
1011-2367 | Asian-australasian journal of animal sciences | Asian-Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies | 0 | |
1976-5517 | Asian-Australasian journal of animal sciences (e-vir) | Asian-Australasian association of animal production societies | 0 | |
2095-0357 | Asian Herpetological Research | Science Press | 0 | |
1745-7262 | Asian journal of andrology (e-vir) | Blackwell Science | 0 | ✔ |
1008-682X | Asian Journal of Andrology | Science Press. | 0 | ✔ |
1682-3974 | Asian journal of plant sciences | ANSInet. | 0 | ✔ |
1812-5697 | Asian journal of plant sciences | Asian Network for Scientific Information | 0 | ✔ |
1011-4041 | Asian marine biology | Marine Biological Association of Hong Kong. | 0 | |
1985-1944 | Asian Myrmecology | Penerbit Universiti Malaysia Sabah | 0 | |
0125-877X | Asian Pacific Journal of Allergy and Immunology | Allergy and Immunology Society Thailand. | 0 | |
2588-9222 | Asian pacific journal of tropical biomedicine (e-vir) | Elsevier B.V. | 0 | ✔ |
2221-1691 | Asian Pacific journal of tropical biomedicine | China Humanity Technology Publishing House | 0 | ✔ |
1995-7645 | Asian Pacific journal of tropical medicine | Hong Kong Medical Technologies Publisher | 0 | ✔ |
1759-0914 | ASN neuro (e-vir) | Portland Press | 0 | ✔ |
1540-658X | Assay and drug development technologies | Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1557-8127 | Assay and drug development technologies (e-vir) | Mary Ann Liebert | 0 | ✔ |
1531-1074 | Astrobiology | Mary Ann Liebert | 0 | ✔ |
1557-8070 | Astrobiology (e-vir) | Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.; [Available from]; CatchWord | 0 | ✔ |
0171-0079 | Atalanta | Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Erforschung von Insektenwanderungen in Deutschland e. V | 0 | |
0021-9150 | Atherosclerosis | Elsevier | 3 | ✔ |
1567-5688 | Atherosclerosis | Elsevier | 0 | |
1879-1484 | Atherosclerosis (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1524-4636 | Atherosclerosis, thrombosis, and vascular biology (e-vir) | Lippincot | 0 | ✔ |
2632-3559 | ATLA (e-vir) | Fund for the Replacement of Animals in Medical Experiments | 0 | ✔ |
0261-1929 | ATLA. Alternatives to laboratory animals | Fund for the Replacement of Animals in Medical Experiments | 0 | ✔ |
1352-2310 | Atmospheric environment | Pergamon | 5 | ✔ |
1873-2844 | Atmospheric environment (e-vir) | Elsevier Science | 0 | |
0077-5630 | Atoll research bulletin | Smithsonian Institution.; National Research Council (U.S.).; Smithsonian Institution.; National Museum of Natural History (U.S.); United States.; Jay I. Kislak Reference Collection (Library of Congress) | 0 | |
0126-1568 | Atom Indonesia | National Atomic Energy Agency of Indonesia. | 0 | |
2356-5322 | Atom Indonesia (e-vir) | Pusat Pendayagunaan Informatika dan Kawasan Strategis Nuklir, Badan Tenaga Nuklir Nasional | 0 | |
1943-3921 | Attention, perception, & psychophysics | Psychonomic Society | 0 | ✔ |
Y506-3361 | Attention, perception, & psychophysics | Psychonomic Society | 0 | |
1943-393X | Attention, perception & psychophysics (e-vir) | Psychonomic Society | 0 | ✔ |
1720-0776 | Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Rendiconti Lincei. Scienze fisiche e naturali (e-vir) | Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei | 0 | ✔ |
0365-7027 | Atti della Società dei naturalisti e matematici di Modena | Mucchi | 0 | |
0037-8844 | Atti della Società Italiana di Scienze Naturali e del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Milano | Società Italiana di Scienze Naturali; Museo Civico di Storia Naturale | 0 | |
0365-1576 | Atti del Museo civico di storia naturale di Trieste | Museo civico di storia naturale | 0 | |
0394-0691 | Atti ticinensi di scienze della terra | Università degli studi di Pavia | 0 | |
0815-3191 | Australasian plant pathology | Australasian Plant Pathology Society | 0 | ✔ |
1448-6032 | Australasian plant pathology (e-vir) | [Australian Plant Pathology Society] | 0 | ✔ |
1442-9985 | Austral ecology | Blackwell Science Asia | 0 | ✔ |
1442-9993 | Austral ecology (e-vir) | Blackwell Science Asia | 0 | ✔ |
2052-1758 | Austral entomology (e-vir) | John Wiley & Sons, Ltd | 0 | ✔ |
2052-174X | Austral Entomology | 0 | ✔ | |
0004-8674 | Australian and New Zealand journal of psychiatry | [s.n.]. | 1 | ✔ |
1440-1614 | Australian and New Zealand journal of psychiatry (e-vir) | Blackwell Science | 0 | ✔ |
1444-9862 | Australian journal of botany | CSIRO Publishing.. | 0 | ✔ |
0067-1924 | Australian Journal of Botany | Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization | 0 | ✔ |
1322-7130 | Australian journal of grape and wine research | Australian Society of Viticulture and Oenology | 0 | ✔ |
1755-0238 | Australian journal of grape and wine research (e-vir) | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
Y502-2762 | Australian journal of grape and wine research | Australian Society of Viticulture and Oenology | 0 | |
0004-959X | Australian journal of zoology | C.S.I.R.O. | 0 | ✔ |
1446-5698 | Australian journal of zoology (e-vir) | CSIRO Pub. | 0 | ✔ |
0310-0049 | Australian mammalogy | Australian Mammal Society. | 0 | ✔ |
1836-7402 | Australian mammalogy | [s.n.] | 0 | ✔ |
1030-1887 | Australian systematic botany | CSIRO Australia | 0 | ✔ |
1446-5701 | Australian systematic botany (e-vir) | 0 | ✔ | |
1751-0813 | Australian veterinary journal (e-vir) | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
0005-0423 | Australian Veterinary Journal | Australian Veterinary Association | 0 | ✔ |
0067-2238 | Australian zoologist | Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales | 0 | |
0155-4131 | Austrobaileya | Queensland Herbarium, Dept. of Primary Industries. | 0 | |
1939-3792 | Autism research | Wiley Periodicals, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1939-3806 | Autism research (e-vir) | Wiley Periodicals, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
0891-6934 | Autoimmunity | Harwood Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1026-7859 | Autoimmunity (e-vir) | Harwood Academic Publishers. | 0 | |
1607-842X | Autoimmunity | Harwood Academic. | 0 | ✔ |
1474-8665 | Autonomic & autacoid pharmacology | Blackwell Science. | 0 | |
1474-8673 | Autonomic & autacoid pharmacology (e-vir) | Blackwell Publishing Ltd | 0 | |
1566-0702 | Autonomic neuroscience: basic & clinical | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1554-8627 | Autophagy | Landes Bioscience | 0 | ✔ |
1554-8635 | Autophagy (e-vir) | Landes Bioscience | 0 | ✔ |
0005-1993 | Aves | Société d'études ornithologiques | 0 | |
1758-1559 | Avian biology research | Science Reviews 2000 | 0 | ✔ |
1758-1567 | Avian biology research (e-vir) | Science Reviews | 0 | ✔ |
1712-6568 | Avian conservation & ecology | Resilience Alliance | 0 | ✔ |
0005-2086 | Avian diseases | American Association of Avian Pathologists | 0 | |
1938-4351 | Avian diseases (e-vir) | Cornell Veterinarian, Inc. | 0 | |
0307-9457 | Avian pathology | World Veterinary Poultry Assoc. | 0 | ✔ |
1465-3338 | Avian pathology (e-vir) | Carfax International Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
2053-7166 | Avian research (e-vir) | BioMed Central | 0 | ✔ |
2008-2835 | Avicenna journal of medical biotechnology | Avicenna Research Institute, Iranian Academic Center for Education, Cultural and Research | 0 | |
2008-4625 | Avicenna journal of medical biotechnology (e-vir) | Avicenna Research Institute, Iranian Academic Center for Education, Cultural and Research | 0 | |
0404-4266 | Avocetta | C.I.S.O. | 0 | |
2420-9589 | Avocetta (e-vir) | Associazione Centro italiano di studi ornitologici | 0 | |
1666-0390 | BAG. Journal of basic and applied genetics | Sociedad Argentina de Genética | 0 | |
1852-6233 | BAG. Journal of basic and applied genetics (e-vir) | Sociedad Argentina de Genética | 0 | |
1407-8619 | Baltic journal of Coleopterology | Baltic Institute of Coleopterology | 0 | |
1407-0944 | Baltic Journal of Laboratory Animal Science | Company GRINDEX | 0 | |
0253-5416 | Bangladesh journal of botany | Bangladesh Botanical Society. | 0 | |
1991-007X | Bangladesh journal of pharmacology | Bangladesh Pharmacological Society | 0 | ✔ |
1991-0088 | Bangladesh journal of pharmacology (e-vir) | Bangladesh Pharmacological Society | 0 | ✔ |
1028-2092 | Bangladesh journal of plant taxonomy | Bangladesh Association of Plant Taxonomists | 0 | |
2224-7297 | Bangladesh journal of plant taxonomy (e-vir) | Bangladesh Association of Plant Taxonomists | 0 | |
0304-9027 | Bangladesh journal of zoology | Zoological Society of Bangladesh | 0 | |
0385-1796 | Bäoei Ika Daigakkäo zasshi | National Defense Medical College. | 0 | |
0198-7356 | Bartonia; | Philadelphia Botanical Club, Academy of Natural Sciences | 0 | |
2255-1468 | Basic & applied herpetology | Asociación Herpetológica Española. | 0 | |
2255-1476 | Basic & applied herpetology (e-vir) | Asociación Herpetológica Española | 0 | |
1742-7835 | Basic & clinical pharmacology & toxicology | Nordic Pharmacological Society; Blackwell Publishing [distributor] | 0 | ✔ |
1742-7843 | Basic & clinical pharmacology & toxicology (e-vir) | Nordic Pharmacological Society; Blackwell Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
1439-1791 | Basic and applied ecology | Urban u. Fischer | 0 | ✔ |
1618-0089 | Basic and applied ecology (e-vir) | Urban u. Fischer | 0 | |
0300-8428 | Basic research in cardiology | D. Steinkopff | 0 | ✔ |
1435-1803 | Basic research in cardiology (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0005-6219 | Basteria | Nederlandse malacologische vereniging | 0 | |
0005-6227 | Bat research news | Bat Research News | 0 | |
0067-4605 | Bauhinia | Basler Botanische Gesellschaft. | 0 | |
0140-525X | Behavioral and brain sciences | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1469-1825 | Behavioral and brain sciences (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1045-2249 | Behavioral ecology | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1465-7279 | Behavioral ecology (e-vir) | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0340-5443 | Behavioral ecology and sociobiology | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1432-0762 | Behavioral ecology and sociobiology (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0896-4289 | Behavioral medicine | Heldref Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1940-4026 | Behavioral medicine (e-vir) | Heldref Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0735-7044 | Behavioral neuroscience | American Psychological Association | 0 | ✔ |
1939-0084 | Behavioral neuroscience | American Psychological Association | 0 | ✔ |
0001-8244 | Behavior genetics (e-vir) | Kluwer Online | 0 | ✔ |
1573-3297 | Behavior genetics | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1554-351X | Behavior research methods | Psychonomic Society | 0 | ✔ |
1554-3528 | Behavior research methods (e-vir) | Psychonomic Society | 1 | ✔ |
0005-7894 | Behavior therapy | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1878-1888 | Behavior therapy (e-vir) | Elsevier Ltd. | 0 | ✔ |
0005-7959 | Behaviour | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
1568-539X | Behaviour (e-vir) | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
0166-4328 | Behavioural brain research | Elsevier/North-Holland | 0 | ✔ |
0955-8810 | Behavioural pharmacology | European Behavioural Pharmacology Society. | 0 | ✔ |
1473-5849 | Behavioural pharmacology (e-vir) | Clinical Neuroscience Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0376-6357 | Behavioural processes | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1872-8308 | Behavioural processes (e-vir) | Elsevier BV | 0 | ✔ |
1873-622X | Behaviour research and therapy (e-vir) | Elsevier Ltd. | 0 | ✔ |
0005-7967 | Behaviour Research and Therapy | Elsevier Science | 0 | ✔ |
1563-1400 | Beiträge zur Entomofaunistik | Österreichische Gesellschaft für Entomofaunistik | 0 | |
0005-805X | Beiträge zur Entomologie | Senckenberg Deutsches Entomologisches Institut | 0 | ✔ |
0173-783X | Beiträge zur Tabakforschung international | 0 | ||
1612-9237 | Beiträge zur Tabakforschung international = | Verband der Cigarettenindustrie. | 0 | ✔ |
1374-5514 | Belgian Journal of Entomology | Royal Belgian Entomological Society.; Société royal belge d'Entomologie. | 0 | |
0777-6276 | Belgian journal of zoology | Koninklijke Belgische Vereniging voor Dierkunde = Société royale zoologique de Belgique | 0 | |
1876-2883 | Beneficial microbes | Wageningen Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1876-2891 | Beneficial microbes (e-vir) | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
0373-7640 | Berichte der Bayerischen Botanischen Gesellschaft zur Erforschung der Heimischen Flora | Bayerische Botanische Gesellschaft | 0 | |
0379-1416 | Berichte des naturwissenschaftlich-medizinischen Vereins in Innsbruck | Universitätsverlag Wagner | 0 | |
2196-5099 | Berichte über Landwirtschaft (e-vir) | Bundesministerium für Ernährung, Landwirtschaft und Verbraucherschutz | 0 | |
1618-3193 | Berichte zur Polar- und Meeresforschung | Alfred-Wegener-Institut für Polar- und Meeresforschung.; Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research. | 0 | |
1439-0299 | Berliner und Münchener tierärztliche Wochenschrift | Schlüter | 0 | |
0005-9366 | Berliner und Münchener Tierärztliche Wochenschrift | Paul Parey | 0 | |
1843-5637 | Biharean biologist | University of Oradea. Faculty of Sciences. | 0 | |
2065-1155 | Biharean biologist (e-vir) | Editura Universitaţii din Oradea | 0 | |
0006-2774 | Bīmārīhā-yi giyāhī.; بیماریهای گیاهی | Anjuman-i bīmārī'shināsī-i giyāhī-i Īrān; انجمن بیماری شناسی گیاهی ایران | 0 | |
1000-8721 | Bingdu xuebao | Zhongguo Weishengwu Xuehui, | 0 | |
0952-4622 | Bioacoustics | AB Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
2165-0586 | Bioacoustics (e-vir) | A B Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1024-2422 | Biocatalysis and biotransformation | Harwood Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1026-5503 | Biocatalysis and biotransformation (e-vir) | Harwood Academic Publishers. | 0 | |
1029-2446 | Biocatalysis and biotransformation | Gordon and Breach Publishing Group. | 0 | ✔ |
0327-9545 | Biocell | Instituto de Histología y Embriología, Facultad de Ciencias Médicas, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo/CONICET | 0 | ✔ |
1667-5746 | Biocell (e-vir) | Instituto de Histología y Embriología Dr. Mario Burgos, Facultad de Ciencias Médicas, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo | 0 | ✔ |
0006-291X | Biochemical and biophysical research communications | Academic Press | 2 | ✔ |
1090-2104 | Biochemical and biophysical research communications (e-vir) | Academic Press | 0 | |
0972-5075 | Biochemical and Cellular Archives | P.R. Yadav | 0 | |
1369-703X | Biochemical engineering journal | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1873-295X | Biochemical engineering journal (e-vir) | Elsevier Science | 0 | ✔ |
0006-2928 | Biochemical genetics | Plenum Press | 0 | ✔ |
1573-4927 | Biochemical genetics (e-vir) | Springer International Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
0264-6021 | Biochemical journal | Biochemical Society | 1 | ✔ |
1470-8728 | Biochemical journal online (e-vir) | Portland Press | 0 | ✔ |
0006-2952 | Biochemical pharmacology | Pergamon Press | 1 | ✔ |
1873-2968 | Biochemical pharmacology (e-vir) | Elsevier Science | 0 | ✔ |
0300-5127 | Biochemical Society transactions | Biochemical Society | 0 | ✔ |
1470-8752 | Biochemical Society transactions online | Portland Press. | 0 | ✔ |
0305-1978 | Biochemical systematics and ecology | Pergamon Press | 0 | ✔ |
0006-2960 | Biochemistry | American Chemical Society | 1 | ✔ |
0006-2979 | Biochemistry | Consultants Bureau [etc.] | 0 | ✔ |
1520-4995 | Biochemistry (e-vir) | American Chemical Society | 0 | ✔ |
1608-3040 | Biochemistry (e-vir) | Nauka/Interperiodica | 0 | ✔ |
0829-8211 | Biochemistry and cell biology | National Research Council Canada | 0 | ✔ |
1208-6002 | Biochemistry and cell biology | NRC Research Press, National Research Council of Canada. | 0 | ✔ |
1879-2618 | Biochimica and biophysica acta (e-vir) | Elsevier | 2 | |
0005-2728 | Biochimica et biophysica acta | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
0005-2736 | Biochimica et biophysica acta | Elsevier | 4 | ✔ |
0167-4889 | Biochimica et biophysica acta | Elsevier | 1 | ✔ |
0925-4439 | Biochimica et biophysica acta | Elsevier Science Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1570-9639 | Biochimica et biophysica acta | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1874-9399 | Biochimica et biophysica acta | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1876-4320 | Biochimica et biophysica acta (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1878-1454 | Biochimica et biophysica acta (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1879-2561 | Biochimica et biophysica acta (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1879-260X | Biochimica et biophysica acta (e-vir) | Elsevier | 2 | ✔ |
1879-2642 | Biochimica et biophysica acta (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1388-1981 | Biochimica et biophysica acta. Molecular and cell biology of lipids | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
0304-4165 | Biochimica et biophysica acta (G). General subjects | Elsevier Scientific Publ. Co. | 1 | ✔ |
0304-419X | Biochimica et biophysica acta CR | Elsevier Scientific Publ. Co. | 0 | ✔ |
0300-9084 | Biochimie | Masson & cie | 1 | ✔ |
1638-6183 | Biochimie (e-vir) | Ed. scientifiques et médicales Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1976-0280 | Biochip journal | Korean BioChip Society | 0 | ✔ |
2092-7843 | Biochip journal = | Korean BioChip Society | 0 | ✔ |
1043-1802 | Bioconjugate chemistry | American Chemical Society | 0 | ✔ |
1520-4812 | Bioconjugate chemistry (e-vir) | American Chemical Society | 0 | ✔ |
1386-6141 | BioControl | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1573-8248 | BioControl (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1342-4815 | Biocontrol science | Society for Antibacterial and Antifungal Agents, Japan | 0 | |
0958-3157 | Biocontrol science and technology | Carfax | 0 | ✔ |
1360-0478 | Biocontrol science and technology (e-vir) | Carfax | 0 | ✔ |
0762-6428 | Biocosme mésogéen | Muséum d'histoire naturelle; Jardin botanique | 0 | |
1756-0381 | Biodata mining (e-vir) | BioMed Central | 0 | ✔ |
0923-9820 | Biodegradation | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1572-9729 | Biodegradation (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1948-5565 | Biodemography and social biology | Society for the Study of Social Biology | 0 | ✔ |
1948-5573 | Biodemography and social biology (e-vir) | Society for the Study of Social Biology | 0 | ✔ |
1488-8386 | Biodiversity | Tropical Conservancy. | 0 | ✔ |
2160-0651 | Biodiversity (e-vir) | Tropical Conservancy | 0 | ✔ |
1613-9801 | Biodiversity & ecology | Modul Systematik & Evolution der Pflanzen. | 0 | |
0960-3115 | Biodiversity and conservation | Chapman & Hall | 2 | ✔ |
1572-9710 | Biodiversity and conservation (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
2039-0394 | Biodiversity journal | Edizioni Danaus | 0 | |
2039-0408 | Biodiversity journal (e-vir) | Edizioni Danaus | 0 | |
0967-9952 | Biodiversity letters | Blackwell Scientific | 0 | |
1567-5394 | Bioelectrochemistry | Elsevier | 5 | ✔ |
1878-562X | Bioelectrochemistry (e-vir) | Elsevier | 1 | ✔ |
Y504-2836 | Bioelectrochemistry | Elsevier | 0 | |
Y504-2844 | Bioelectrochemistry (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | |
0197-8462 | Bioelectromagnetics | Wiley-Liss | 0 | ✔ |
1521-186X | Bioelectromagnetics (e-vir) | Wiley-Liss, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1939-1234 | BioEnergy research | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1939-1242 | BioEnergy research (e-vir) | Springer | 1 | ✔ |
2165-5979 | Bioengineered | Landes Bioscience | 0 | ✔ |
2165-5987 | Bioengineered (e-vir) | Landes Bioscience | 0 | ✔ |
2306-5354 | Bioengineering (e-vir) | MDPI AG | 0 | ✔ |
1758-5082 | Biofabrication | IOP Pub., | 0 | ✔ |
1758-5090 | Biofabrication (e-vir) | IOP Pub. | 0 | ✔ |
0951-6433 | BioFactors | IRL Press | 0 | ✔ |
1872-8081 | BioFactors | IOS Press | 0 | ✔ |
0006-3029 | Biofizika | Nauka | 0 | |
0892-7014 | Biofouling | Harwood Academic Publishers | 1 | ✔ |
1026-7867 | Biofouling (e-vir) | Harwood Academic Publishers. | 0 | |
1029-2454 | Biofouling | Gordon and Breach Publishing Group. | 0 | ✔ |
0168-8561 | Biogenic amines | Unité de neuropharmacologie; VNU Science Press; Pergamon Press; VSP | 0 | |
1569-3910 | Biogenic amines | VSP; International Medart, Society of Integrated Sciences | 0 | |
0168-2563 | Biogeochemistry | Nijhoff/Junk | 0 | ✔ |
1573-515X | Biogeochemistry (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1345-0662 | Biogeography | Biogepgraphical Society of Japan; Biogepgraphical Society of Japan | 0 | |
1726-4170 | Biogeosciences | Copernicus | 1 | ✔ |
1726-4189 | Biogeosciences (e-vir) | Copernicus Publ. | 0 | ✔ |
1389-5729 | Biogerontology | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1573-6768 | Biogerontology (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0102-9568 | Bioikos | Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas, Centro de Ciências da Vida | 0 | |
1367-4803 | Bioinformatics | Oxford University Press | 4 | |
1367-4811 | Bioinformatics (e-vir) | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1748-3182 | Bioinspiration & biomimetics | Institute of Physics Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
1748-3190 | Bioinspiration & biomimetics (e-vir) | Institute of Physics and IOP Pub. | 0 | ✔ |
2045-9858 | Bioinspired, biomimetic and nanobiomaterials | ICE Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
2045-9866 | Bioinspired, biomimetic and nanobiomaterials | ICE Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
1559-4106 | Biointerphases (e-vir) | American Vacuum Society | 0 | |
1934-8630 | Biointerphases | American Vacuum Society | 0 | |
2242-1300 | BioInvasions Records (e-vir) | Regional Euro-Asian Biological Invasions Centre (REABIC) | 2 | ✔ |
0006-3088 | Biologia | Veda | 0 | ✔ |
1336-9563 | Biologia (e-vir) | Botanický ústav SAV | 0 | ✔ |
1126-5221 | Biologia e conservazione della fauna | Istituto nazionale per la fauna selvatica | 0 | |
1519-1982 | Biologia geral e experimental | Universidade Federal de Sergipe. | 0 | |
0006-3134 | Biologia plantarum | Academia | 0 | ✔ |
1573-8264 | Biologia plantarum (e-vir) | Kluwer | 1 | ✔ |
0918-6158 | Biological & pharmaceutical bulletin | Pharmacetical Society of Japan | 0 | |
1347-5215 | Biological & pharmaceutical bulletin | Pharmaceutical Society of Japan | 0 | |
0144-8765 | Biological agriculture & horticulture | A B Academic Publishers. | 0 | ✔ |
2165-0616 | Biological agriculture & horticulture (e-vir) | A B Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1939-8697 | Biological bulletin (e-vir) | Press of the New Era Printing Company | 0 | ✔ |
1431-6730 | Biological chemistry | Walter de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1437-4315 | Biological chemistry | de Gruyter. | 0 | ✔ |
1873-2917 | Biological conservation (e-vir) | Elsevier Ltd. | 2 | ✔ |
0006-3207 | Biological Conservation | Applied Science Publishers | 1 | ✔ |
1049-9644 | Biological control | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1090-2112 | Biological control (e-vir) | Academic Press; Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
0340-1200 | Biological cybernetics | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1432-0770 | Biological cybernetics (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1387-3547 | Biological invasions | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1573-1464 | Biological invasions (e-vir) | Kluwer | 1 | ✔ |
0024-4066 | Biological journal of the Linnean Society | Academic Press | 3 | ✔ |
1095-8312 | Biological journal of the Linnean Society (e-vir) | Published for the Linnean Society of London by Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
1644-7700 | Biological letters | Adam Mickiewicz University, Faculty of Biology; 2002- | 0 | |
1734-7467 | Biological Letters | Adam Mickiewicz University. Faculty of Biology; Poznań Society for the Advancement of the Arts and Sciences. | 0 | |
1480-9222 | Biological procedures online (e-vir) | Springer New York | 0 | |
0006-3223 | Biological psychiatry | Elsevier | 1 | ✔ |
1873-2402 | Biological psychiatry (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
0301-0511 | Biological psychology | North-Holland Pub. Co. | 0 | ✔ |
1873-6246 | Biological psychology (e-vir) | Elsevier BV | 0 | ✔ |
0716-9760 | Biological research | Chilean Biology Society | 0 | |
0717-6287 | Biological Research (e-vir) | Sociedad de Biología de Chile | 0 | ✔ |
0929-1016 | Biological rhythm research | Swets & Zeitlinger | 1 | ✔ |
1744-4179 | Biological rhythm research (e-vir) | Swets & Zeitlinger Pub. | 0 | ✔ |
1045-1056 | Biologicals | Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
0163-4984 | Biological trace element research | Humana Press | 0 | ✔ |
1559-0720 | Biological trace element research | Humana Press | 0 | ✔ |
0233-4755 | Biologičeskie membrany | Izdatel'stvo "nauka" | 0 | |
2105-0678 | Biologie aujourd'hui | Société de biologie (France) | 0 | ✔ |
2105-0686 | Biologie aujourd'hui (e-vir) | EDP sciences | 0 | ✔ |
2079-7737 | Biology (e-vir) | MDPI AG | 2 | ✔ |
0169-3867 | Biology & philosophy | Reidel | 0 | ✔ |
0791-7945 | Biology and environment | Royal Irish Academy | 0 | ✔ |
2009-003X | Biology and environment (e-vir) | Royal Irish Academy | 0 | ✔ |
0178-2762 | Biology and fertility of soils | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1432-0789 | Biology and fertility of soils | Springer. | 0 | ✔ |
1608-3059 | Biology bulletin (e-vir) | MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica | 0 | ✔ |
1062-3590 | Biology bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences | Consultants Bureau | 0 | ✔ |
1745-6150 | Biology direct (e-vir) | BioMed Central | 0 | ✔ |
1744-9561 | Biology letters | Royal Society | 0 | ✔ |
1744-957X | Biology letters (e-vir) | Royal Society | 0 | ✔ |
0006-3363 | Biology of reproduction | Society for the Study of Reproduction | 1 | ✔ |
1529-7268 | Biology of reproduction (e-vir) | Society for the Study of Reproduction | 0 | ✔ |
2042-6410 | Biology of sex differences (e-vir) | BioMed Central | 0 | ✔ |
1768-322X | Biology of the cell (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
0248-4900 | Biology of the Cell | Société française de microscopie électronique | 0 | ✔ |
2046-6390 | Biology open (e-vir) | Company of Biologists | 0 | ✔ |
1525-7797 | Biomacromolecules | American Chemical Society | 1 | ✔ |
1526-4602 | Biomacromolecules (e-vir) | American Chemical Society | 0 | ✔ |
1354-750X | Biomarkers | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 0 | ✔ |
1366-5804 | Biomarkers (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 1 | ✔ |
0961-9534 | Biomass & bioenergy | Elsevier | 1 | ✔ |
1873-2909 | Biomass & bioenergy (e-vir) | Pergamon Press | 0 | ✔ |
0142-9612 | Biomaterials | Butterworth Scientific Limited | 0 | ✔ |
2047-4830 | Biomaterials science | Royal Society of Chemistry | 1 | ✔ |
2047-4849 | Biomaterials science (e-vir) | Royal Society of Chemistry | 1 | ✔ |
1617-7940 | Biomechanics and modeling in mechanobiology (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1617-7959 | Biomechanics and modeling in mechanobiology | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0895-3988 | Biomedical and environmental sciences | Academic Press; Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
2214-0190 | Biomedical and environmental sciences (e-vir) | Elsevier Singapore | 0 | ✔ |
0269-3879 | Biomedical chromatography | Heyden & Son | 0 | ✔ |
1099-0801 | Biomedical chromatography (e-vir) | Heyden & Son Limited | 0 | ✔ |
0013-5585 | Biomedical engineering | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
0959-2989 | Bio-medical materials and engineering | Pergamon | 0 | ✔ |
1878-3619 | Bio-medical materials and engineering (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1213-8118 | Biomedical papers | Palacky University | 0 | |
1804-7521 | Biomedical Papers (e-vir) | Palacký University | 0 | |
0388-6107 | Biomedical research | Biomedical Research Foundation, Tokyo | 0 | |
0976-1683 | Biomedical research (e-vir) | Scientific Publishers of India | 0 | ✔ |
1880-313X | Biomedical research | Biomedical Research Press | 0 | |
0970-938X | Biomedical Research | Scientific Publishers of India. | 0 | ✔ |
0753-3322 | Biomedicine & pharmacotherapy | Masson | 0 | ✔ |
1950-6007 | Biomedicine & pharmacotherapy (e-vir) | Éditions scientifiques et médicales Elsevier | 3 | ✔ |
2310-6972 | Biomedicinskaâ himiâ.; Биомедицинская химия | IBMH RAMN; ИБМХ РАМН | 0 | |
1862-278X | Biomedizinische Technik (e-vir) | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
2314-6133 | Biomed research international | Hindawi Publishing Corporation | 1 | ✔ |
2314-6141 | BioMed research international (e-vir) | Hindawi Publishing | 3 | ✔ |
0966-0844 | Biometals | Rapid Communications of Oxford | 0 | ✔ |
1572-8773 | BioMetals (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0323-3847 | Biometrical journal | Akademie-Verlag | 0 | ✔ |
1521-4036 | Biometrical journal (e-vir) | Wiley-VCH | 0 | ✔ |
0006-341X | Biometrics | Biometric Society [etc.] | 0 | ✔ |
1541-0420 | Biometrics (e-vir) | Blackwell Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0006-3444 | Biometrika | Biometrika Trust | 0 | ✔ |
1464-3510 | Biometrika (e-vir) | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1932-1058 | Biomicrofluidics (e-vir) | American Institute of Physics | 0 | ✔ |
1874-270X | Biomolecular NMR assignments (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1874-2718 | Biomolecular NMR assignments | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1976-9148 | Biomolecules & therapeutics | Korean Society of Applied Pharmacology | 0 | |
0970-9835 | Bionature | Society of Bionaturalists and Genetic Institute for Human Welfare | 0 | |
1179-7649 | Bionomina | Magnolia Press, | 0 | ✔ |
1179-7657 | Bionomina | Magnolia Press | 0 | ✔ |
0968-0896 | Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry | Pergamon | 0 | ✔ |
1464-3391 | Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry (e-vir) | Pergamon Press | 0 | ✔ |
0960-894X | Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters | Pergamon | 0 | ✔ |
1464-3405 | Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
0045-2068 | Bioorganic chemistry | Academic Press. | 7 | ✔ |
1090-2120 | Bioorganic chemistry (e-vir) | Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
0142-2782 | Biopharmaceutics & drug disposition | Wiley. | 0 | ✔ |
1099-081X | Biopharmaceutics & drug disposition | John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. | 0 | ✔ |
0301-4622 | Biophysical chemistry | North-Holland | 0 | ✔ |
1873-4200 | Biophysical chemistry (e-vir) | North-Holland | 2 | ✔ |
0006-3495 | Biophysical journal | Published for the Biophysical Society by the Rockefeller University Press | 5 | ✔ |
1542-0086 | Biophysical journal (e-vir) | Biophysical Society | 1 | ✔ |
0233-7657 | Biopolimery i kletka | Naukova dumka | 0 | ✔ |
0006-3525 | Biopolymers | John Wiley & Sons | 0 | ✔ |
1097-0282 | Biopolymers (e-vir) | John Wiley & Sons | 1 | ✔ |
1993-6842 | Biopolymers and cell | Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics | 0 | ✔ |
1947-5535 | Biopreservation and biobanking | Mary Ann Liebert | 1 | ✔ |
1947-5543 | Biopreservation and biobanking | Mary Ann Liebert | 1 | ✔ |
1615-7591 | Bioprocess and biosystems engineering | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1615-7605 | Bioprocess and biosystems engineering (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
Y504-6904 | Bioprocess and biosystems engineering | Springer | 0 | |
1088-9868 | Bioremediation journal | CRC Press | 0 | ✔ |
1547-6529 | Bioremediation journal (e-vir) | CRC Press | 0 | ✔ |
0960-8524 | Bioresource technology | Elsevier Applied Science | 0 | ✔ |
1873-2976 | Bioresource technology (e-vir) | Elsevier Ltd. | 0 | ✔ |
0006-355X | Biorheology | Pergamon Press | 0 | ✔ |
1878-5034 | Biorheology | IOS Press | 0 | ✔ |
0005-3155 | Bios | Beta Beta Beta National Biological Society] | 0 | |
1943-6289 | Bios (e-vir) | Beta Beta Beta Biological Fraternity | 0 | |
0006-3568 | Bioscience | American Institut of Biology Sciences | 1 | ✔ |
1525-3244 | BioScience (e-vir) | American Institute of Biological Sciences | 0 | ✔ |
0916-8451 | Bioscience, biotechnology, and biochemistry | Japan Society for Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Agrochemistry | 0 | |
1347-6947 | Bioscience, biotechnology, and biochemistry (e-vir) | Japan Society for Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Agrochemistry | 0 | ✔ |
0144-8463 | Bioscience reports | Biochemical Society | 0 | ✔ |
1573-4935 | Bioscience reports | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1881-7815 | Bioscience trends | International Research and Cooperation Association for Bio & Socio-Sciences Advancement | 0 | |
1881-7823 | Bioscience trends (e-vir) | International Research and Cooperation Association for Bio & Socio-Sciences Advancement | 0 | |
0956-5663 | Biosensors & bioelectronics | Elsevier Science Publishers | 1 | ✔ |
1873-4235 | Biosensors & bioelectronics (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1465-4644 | Biostatistics | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1468-4357 | Biostatistics (e-vir) | Oxford University Press] | 0 | ✔ |
0973-9955 | Biosystematica | Prof. T.C. Narendran Trust for Animal Taxonomy | 0 | |
0303-2647 | Biosystems | North-Holland | 0 | ✔ |
1537-5110 | Biosystems engineering | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1537-5129 | Biosystems engineering (e-vir) | Published for Silsoe Research Institute by Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
1676-0603 | Biota Neotropica (e-vir) | Centro de Referência em Informação Ambiental. | 0 | |
1678-6424 | Biota Neotropica | Centro de Referência em Informação Ambiental. | 0 | |
1473-7760 | Biotechnic & histochemistry (e-vir) | BIOS Scientific Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1052-0295 | Biotechnic and Histochemistry | BIOS Scientific Publishers; Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0736-6205 | Biotechniques | Eaton Pub. Co. | 1 | ✔ |
1940-9818 | Biotechniques (e-vir) | Eaton Pub. Co. | 0 | ✔ |
0860-7796 | BioTechnologia | Polska Akademia Nauk.; Polska Akademia Nauk.; Polska Akademia Nauk. | 0 | ✔ |
2353-9461 | BioTechnologia (e-vir) | Committee of Biotechnology. Polish Academy of Sciences; Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry. Polish Academy of Sciences | 0 | ✔ |
1370-6233 | Biotechnologie, agronomie, société et environnement | Bibliothèque de la Faculté universitaire des sciences agronomiques | 0 | ✔ |
1780-4507 | Biotechnologie, agronomie, société et environnement (e-vir) | Bibliothèque de la Faculté universitaire des sciences agronomiques | 0 | ✔ |
0885-4513 | Biotechnology and applied biochemistry | Published for the International Union of Biochemistry by Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
1470-8744 | Biotechnology and applied biochemistry online | Portland Press. | 0 | ✔ |
0006-3592 | Biotechnology and bioengineering | Wiley | 0 | ✔ |
1097-0290 | Biotechnology and bioengineering | John Wiley & Sons, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1976-3816 | Biotechnology and bioprocess engineering (e-vir) | Korean society for biotechnology and bioengineering | 0 | ✔ |
1226-8372 | Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering | Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering. | 0 | ✔ |
1860-6768 | Biotechnology journal | Wiley-VCH. | 0 | ✔ |
1860-7314 | Biotechnology journal (e-vir) | Wiley-VCH | 0 | ✔ |
0141-5492 | Biotechnology letters | Science and Technology Letters | 0 | ✔ |
1573-6776 | Biotechnology letters (e-vir) | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1520-6033 | Biotechnology progress (e-vir) | American Institute of Chemical Engineers | 0 | ✔ |
8756-7938 | Biotechnology progress | American Institute of Chemical Engineers | 1 | ✔ |
1609-1841 | Biotecnología vegetal | Instituto de Biotecnología Vegetal. | 0 | |
2074-8647 | Biotecnología vegetal | Instituto de Biotecnología de las Plantas | 0 | |
0234-2758 | Biotehnologiâ | Glavnoe upravlenie mikrobiologičeskoj promyšlennosti pri Sovete Ministrov SSSR | 0 | |
0006-3606 | Biotropica | Association for Tropical Biology | 0 | ✔ |
1744-7429 | Biotropica (e-vir) | Association for Tropical Biology | 0 | ✔ |
0959-2709 | Bird conservation international | Cambridge University Press. | 0 | ✔ |
1474-0001 | Bird conservation international (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 1 | ✔ |
0006-3657 | Bird study | British Trust for Ornithology | 0 | ✔ |
1944-6705 | Bird study (e-vir) | British Trust for Ornithology | 0 | ✔ |
2472-1727 | Birth defects research (e-vir) | John Wiley & Sons, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
0893-1348 | Bishop Museum occasional papers | Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum. | 0 | |
0006-386X | Bitamin | Nippon Bitamin Gakkai | 0 | |
1365-2125 | BJCP. British journal of clinical pharmacology (e-vir) | [Blackwell Science]. | 0 | ✔ |
1464-4096 | BJU international | Blackwell Science | 0 | ✔ |
1464-410X | BJU international (e-vir) | Blackwell Science | 0 | ✔ |
0006-4971 | Blood | Grune and Stratton. | 0 | ✔ |
1528-0020 | Blood (e-vir) | W.B. Saunders | 0 | ✔ |
2044-5385 | Blood cancer journal (e-vir) | Nature Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
1079-9796 | Blood cells, molecules & diseases | Blood Cells Foundation | 0 | ✔ |
1096-0961 | Blood cells, molecules & diseases (e-vir) | Blood Cells Foundation, | 0 | |
0957-5235 | Blood coagulation & fibrinolysis | Rapid Communications | 1 | ✔ |
1473-5733 | Blood coagulation and fibrinolysis (e-vir) | Rapid Science Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0803-7051 | Blood pressure | Scandinavian University Press; Scandinavian University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1651-1999 | Blood pressure (e-vir) | Scandinavian University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0253-5068 | Blood purification | S. Karger | 1 | ✔ |
1421-9735 | Blood purification (e-vir) | S. Karger | 0 | ✔ |
0006-5099 | Blue jay | Nature Saskatchewan,; Yorkton Natural History Society. | 0 | ✔ |
2562-5667 | Blue jay (e-vir) | 0 | ✔ | |
0006-5196 | Blumea | Rijksherbarium | 0 | |
0006-5269 | Blyttia | Blyttia | 0 | |
1894-3985 | Blyttia (e-vir) | Norsk botanisk forening | 0 | |
1976-6696 | BMB Reports | Korean society for biochemistry and molecular biology | 0 | |
1976-670X | BMB Reports (e-vir) | Korean society for biochemistry and molecular biology | 0 | |
1471-2091 | BMC biochemistry (e-vir) | BioMed Central. | 0 | |
1471-2105 | BMC bioinformatics (e-vir) | BioMed Central | 2 | ✔ |
1741-7007 | BMC biology (e-vir) | BioMed Central | 1 | ✔ |
2046-1682 | BMC biophysics (e-vir) | BioMed Central | 0 | |
1472-6750 | BMC biotechnology (e-vir) | BioMed Central | 0 | ✔ |
1471-2121 | BMC cell biology (e-vir) | BioMed Central | 0 | |
1471-213X | BMC developmental biology (e-vir) | BioMed Central | 0 | |
1472-6785 | BMC ecology (e-vir) | BioMed Central | 0 | |
1471-2148 | BMC evolutionary biology (e-vir) | BioMed Central | 1 | |
1471-2156 | BMC genetics (e-vir) | BioMed Central | 0 | |
1471-2164 | BMC genomics (e-vir) | BioMed Central | 0 | ✔ |
1471-2172 | BMC immunology (e-vir) | BioMed Central | 0 | ✔ |
1471-2350 | BMC medical genetics (e-vir) | BioMed Central | 0 | |
1755-8794 | BMC medical genomics (e-vir) | BioMed Central | 1 | ✔ |
1741-7015 | BMC medicine (e-vir) | BioMed Central | 0 | ✔ |
1471-2180 | BMC microbiology (e-vir) | BioMed Central | 1 | ✔ |
1471-2199 | BMC molecular biology (e-vir) | BioMed Central | 0 | |
1471-2202 | BMC neuroscience (e-vir) | BioMed Central | 0 | ✔ |
2050-6511 | BMC pharmacology & toxicology (e-vir) | BioMed Central | 0 | ✔ |
1472-6793 | BMC physiology (e-vir) | BioMed Central | 0 | |
1471-2229 | BMC plant biology (e-vir) | BioMed Central | 2 | ✔ |
1472-6807 | BMC structural biology (e-vir) | BioMed Central | 0 | |
1752-0509 | BMC systems biology (e-vir) | BioMed Central | 0 | |
2056-3132 | BMC zoology (e-vir) | BioMed Central | 0 | ✔ |
1756-1833 | BMJ (e-vir) | BMJ Publishing Group | 1 | |
0959-8138 | BMJ. British medical journal | British Medical Association | 0 | ✔ |
0523-7904 | Bocagiana | Museu Municipal do Funchal | 0 | |
0006-579X | Bois et forêts des tropiques | Société pour le développement de l'utilisation des bois tropicaux [puis]; Centre technique forestier tropical | 0 | |
1777-5760 | Bois et forêts des tropiques (e-vir) | CIRAD | 0 | |
0373-2975 | Boissiera | Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques de la Ville de Genève | 0 | |
0081-0657 | Boletim da Sociedade Broteriana | Instituto Botânico da Universidade de Coimbra | 0 | |
0870-7227 | Boletim da Sociedade Portuguesa de Entomologia | Sociedade Portuguesa de Entomologia | 0 | |
0302-2439 | Boletim de Botânica | Universidade de São Paulo, Instituto de Biociências, Departamento de Botânica. | 0 | |
2316-9052 | Boletim de Botânica da Universidade de São Paulo (e-vir) | Universidade de São Paulo, Instituto de Biociências, Departamento de Botânica | 0 | |
0074-0055 | Boletim do Instituto de Botânica | Instituto de Botánica. Secretaria de Agricultura de São Paulo | 0 | |
0046-9939 | Boletim do Instituto de Pesca | Instituto de Pesca | 0 | |
1678-2305 | Boletim do Instituto de Pesca (e-vir) | Instituto de Pesca. | 0 | |
0103-9121 | Boletim do Museu de Biologia Mello Leitão | Museu de Biologia Mello Leitão | 0 | |
2318-9444 | Boletim do Museu de Biologia Mello Leitão (e-vir) | Museu de Biologia Professor Mello Leitão. | 0 | |
0870-3876 | Boletim do Museu Municipal do Funchal | Museu Municipal do Funchal | 0 | |
0080-312X | Boletim do Museu Nacional | Museu Nacional | 0 | |
0080-3197 | Boletim do Museu Nacional | Museu Nacional. | 0 | |
0077-2216 | Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi | Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi | 0 | |
0103-4278 | Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi | Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi. | 0 | |
0122-9761 | Boletin de investigaciones marinas y costeras | Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras | 0 | ✔ |
2590-4671 | Boletín de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras (e-vir) | Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras | 0 | ✔ |
0325-2051 | Boletín de la Academia Nacional de Ciencias | Academia Nacional de Ciencias. | 0 | |
0210-8984 | Boletín de la Asociación Española de Entomología | Asociación Española de Entomología; Universidad de Salamanca | 0 | |
0583-7510 | Boletin de la Real Sociedad Espanola de Historia Natural, Seccion Geologica | Real Sociedad Espanola de Historia Natural | 0 | |
0366-3272 | Boletín de la Real Sociedad Española de Historia Natural. Sección biológica | Real Sociedad Española de Historia Natural | 0 | |
1134-6094 | Boletín de la S.E.A. | Sociedad Entomológica Aragonesa | 0 | |
0373-580X | Boletín de la Sociedad Argentina de Botánica | Sociedad Argentina de Botánica | 0 | ✔ |
1850-2075 | Boletín de la Sociedad Argentina de Botánica (e-vir) | Sociedad Argentina de Botánica | 0 | |
1851-2372 | Boletín de la Sociedad Argentina de Botánica (e-vir) | Sociedad Argentina de Botánica | 0 | ✔ |
0037-850X | Boletín de la Sociedad de Biología de Concepción | Sociedad de Biología de Concepción. | 0 | |
0375-538X | Boletín del Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas Universidad del Zulia | Universidad del Zulia. Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas. | 0 | |
0027-3910 | Boletin del Museo Nacional de Historia Natural | Museo Nacional de Historia Natural | 0 | |
0717-7917 | Boletín latinoamericano y del Caribe de plantas medicinales y aromáticas | Cooperación Latinoamericana y Caribeña en Plantas Medicinales y Aromáticas | 0 | |
0232-4598 | Boletus | Kulturbund der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik; NABU - Naturschutzbund Deutschland; Arbeitsgemeinschaft Sächsischer Mykologen | 0 | |
0392-758X | Bollettino | Museo regionale di scienze naturali | 0 | |
0004-6000 | Bollettino dell'Associazione romana di entomologia | A.r.d.e.. | 0 | |
0304-0658 | Bollettino del Laboratorio di entomologia agraria "Filippo Silvestri" | Laboratorio di entomologia agraria di Portici. | 0 | |
0373-3491 | Bollettino della Società Entomologica Italiana | Societá entomologica italiana | 0 | |
0375-7633 | Bollettino della Società paleontologica italiana | S.T.E.M.-Mucchi | 1 | |
1590-8399 | Bollettino del Museo civico di storia naturale di Verona | Museo civico di storia naturale | 0 | |
2039-4160 | Bollettino del Museo di Storia Naturale di Venezia | Fondazione Musei civici di Venezia | 0 | |
0394-7149 | Bollettino malacologico | Società Italiana di Malacologia | 0 | |
1873-2763 | Bone (e-vir) | International Bone and Mineral Society | 0 | ✔ |
8756-3282 | Bone | Pergamon Press; Elsevier Science | 1 | ✔ |
0268-3369 | Bone marrow transplantation | Macmillan | 4 | ✔ |
1476-5365 | Bone marrow transplantation (e-vir) | Nature Publishing Group | 2 | ✔ |
0302-671X | Bonner Zoologische Monographien | Zoologisches Forschungsinstitut und Museum Alexander Koenig | 0 | |
2363-6947 | Bonn zoological bulletin (e-vir) | Zoologisches Forschungsmuseum Alexander Koenig | 0 | |
1239-6095 | Boreal environment research | Finnish Environment Institute | 0 | ✔ |
1797-2469 | Boreal environment research | Finnish Environment Institute | 0 | ✔ |
0300-9483 | Boreas | Scandinavian University press | 0 | ✔ |
1502-3885 | Boreas (e-vir) | Universitetsforlaget. | 0 | ✔ |
0214-4565 | Botanica complutensis | Servicio de Publicaciones, Universidad Complutense. | 0 | |
1696-7542 | Botanica complutensis (e-vir) | Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas. Departamento de Biología Vegetal I.; UCM. Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas. Departamento de Biología Vegetal I.; Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Departamento de Biología Vegetal I. | 0 | |
1988-2874 | Botanica complutensis (e-vir) | Universidad Complutense de Madrid | 0 | |
1392-1665 | Botanica Lithuanica | Botanikos institutas; Botanikos institutas; Gamtos tyrimų centro Botanikos institutas; Gamtos tyrimų centras | 0 | |
2029-932X | Botanica Lithuanica (e-vir) | Botanikos institutas | 0 | |
0024-4074 | Botanical journal of the Linnean Society | Academic Press. | 1 | ✔ |
1095-8339 | Botanical journal of the Linnean Society (e-vir) | Published for the Linnean Society of London by Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
2007-4298 | Botanical sciences | Sociedad Botánica de México, A. C | 0 | |
2007-4476 | Botanical sciences | Sociedad Botánica de México | 0 | |
1817-406X | Botanical studies | Institute of Plant and Microbial Biology, Academia Sinica; Research Center for Biodiversity, Academia Sinica | 0 | |
1999-3110 | Botanical studies (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0006-8055 | Botanica marina | De Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1437-4323 | Botanica marina | de Gruyter. | 0 | ✔ |
2226-4701 | Botanica Pacifica | Botanical Garden-Institute FEB RAS | 0 | |
2410-3713 | Botanica Pacifica (e-vir) | Botanical Garden-Institute of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian academy of sciences | 0 | |
1821-2158 | Botanica Serbica | Institute of Botany and Botanical Garden "Jevremovac", Faculty of Biology | 2 | |
1821-2638 | Botanica Serbica (e-vir) | Institute of Botany and Botanical Garden "Jevremovac", Faculty of Biology | 0 | |
0006-8136 | Botaničeskij žurnal | Nauka | 0 | |
1650-3767 | Botaniska notiser | Lunds botaniska förening | 0 | |
1916-2790 | Botany | National Research Council of Canada | 0 | ✔ |
1916-2804 | Botany (e-vir) | National Research Council Canada | 0 | ✔ |
2381-8115 | Botany letters (e-vir) | 0 | ✔ | |
2381-8107 | Botany Letters | Taylor & Francis | 2 | ✔ |
0006-8241 | Bothalia | Botanical Research Institute, Department of Agricultural Technical Services; AOSIS OpenJournals; AOSIS (Pty) Ltd | 0 | |
2311-9284 | Bothalia (e-vir) | AOSIS OpenJournals | 0 | |
1386-3460 | Brachytron | Nederlandse Vereniging voor Libellenstudie. | 0 | |
0084-800X | Bradea | Herbarium Bradeanum. | 0 | |
0265-086X | Bradleya | British Cactus & Succulent Society. | 0 | |
0006-8705 | Bragantia | Instituto Agronômico | 0 | |
1678-4499 | Bragantia (e-vir) | Instituto Agronômico | 0 | |
0006-8950 | Brain | Macmillan Journals | 3 | ✔ |
1460-2156 | Brain (e-vir) | Oxford University Press. | 0 | ✔ |
0889-1591 | Brain, behavior, and immunity | Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
1090-2139 | Brain, behavior, and immunity (e-vir) | Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
0006-8977 | Brain, behavior and evolution | S. Karger | 0 | ✔ |
1421-9743 | Brain, behavior and evolution | S. Karger | 0 | ✔ |
0387-7604 | Brain & development | Japanese Society of Child Neurology | 0 | ✔ |
0269-9052 | Brain injury | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1362-301X | Brain injury (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1015-6305 | Brain pathology | International Society of Neuropathology | 1 | ✔ |
1750-3639 | Brain pathology (e-vir) | International Society of Neuropathology | 1 | ✔ |
0006-8993 | Brain research | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1872-6240 | Brain research (e-vir) | Elsevier Science | 0 | ✔ |
0361-9230 | Brain research bulletin | Pergamon Journals, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1873-2747 | Brain research bulletin (e-vir) | Elsevier Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1876-4754 | Brain stimulation (e-vir) | Elsevier Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1935-861X | Brain stimulation | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1863-2653 | Brain structure & function | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1863-2661 | Brain structure & function (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0896-0267 | Brain topography | Human Sciences Press | 0 | ✔ |
1573-6792 | Brain topography (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0174-3384 | Braunschweiger naturkundliche Schriften | Staatliches Naturhistorisches Museum Braunschweig | 0 | |
1678-4324 | Brazilian archives of biology and technology | Instituto de Tecnologia do Paraná. | 0 | |
1516-8913 | Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology | Instituto de Tecnologia do Paraná, Núcleo de Informação e Extensão Tecnológica. | 0 | |
1519-6984 | Brazilian Journal of Biology | Instituto Internacional de Ecologia | 0 | |
1678-4375 | Brazilian Journal of Biology | Instituto Internacional de Ecologia. | 0 | |
0100-8404 | Brazilian Journal of Botany | Sociedade Botânica de São Paulo. | 0 | ✔ |
0100-879X | Brazilian journal of medical and biological research | Associação Brasileira de Divulgação Científica | 0 | |
1414-431X | Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research (e-vir) | Associação Brasileira de Divulgação Científica. | 0 | |
1517-8382 | Brazilian journal of microbiology | Sociedade Brasileira de Microbiologia. | 0 | |
1678-4405 | Brazilian journal of microbiology | Sociedade Brasileira de Microbiologia. | 0 | |
0102-9010 | Brazilian Journal of Morphological Sciences | Sociedade Brasileira de Anatomia | 0 | |
1679-8759 | Brazilian Journal of Oceanography | Universidade de São Paulo, Instituto Oceanográfico. | 0 | |
1982-436X | Brazilian Journal of Oceanography (e-vir) | Universidade de São Paulo, Instituto Oceanográfico | 0 | |
1984-8250 | Brazilian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences | Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Ciências Farmacêuticas | 0 | |
2175-9790 | Brazilian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences | Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Ciências Farmacêuticas | 0 | |
0103-846X | Brazilian Journal of Veterinary Parasitology | Colégio Brasileiro de Parasitologia Veterinária | 0 | |
0167-6806 | Breast cancer research and treatment | Nijhoff; Springer | 2 | ✔ |
1573-7217 | Breast cancer research and treatment (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1344-7610 | Breeding science | Japanese Society of Breeding | 1 | |
1347-3735 | Breeding science | Japanese Society of Breeding | 0 | |
0304-3711 | Brenesia | Museo nacional de Costa Rica, Departamento de historia natural | 0 | |
0006-9698 | Breviora | Museum of Comparative Zoology | 0 | |
1938-2979 | Breviora (e-vir) | Harvard University. | 0 | |
1467-5463 | Briefings in bioinformatics | Henry Stewart | 2 | ✔ |
1477-4054 | Briefings in bioinformatics (e-vir) | Henry Stewart; Oxford Journals | 0 | ✔ |
0007-0335 | British birds | British birds | 0 | |
1471-6771 | British journal of anaesthesia (e-vir) | Oxford University Press; Elsevier | 1 | ✔ |
0007-0912 | British Journal of Anaesthesia | Macmillan Journals | 1 | ✔ |
0967-4845 | British journal of biomedical science | Institute of Medical Laboratory Sciences | 0 | ✔ |
2474-0896 | British journal of biomedical science (e-vir) | Frontiers Publishing Partnerships | 0 | ✔ |
1532-1827 | British journal of cancer (e-vir) | Nature Publishing Group | 0 | ✔ |
0007-0920 | British Journal of Cancer | H. K. Lewis and Co.; Macmillan Press | 1 | ✔ |
0306-5251 | British journal of clinical pharmacology | Macmillan Journals | 0 | ✔ |
0007-0963 | British journal of dermatology | Blackwell Scientific Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1365-2133 | British journal of dermatology | [Blackwell Science]. | 0 | ✔ |
1365-2141 | British journal of haematology (e-vir) | [Blackwell Science]. | 0 | ✔ |
0007-1048 | British Journal of Haematology | Blackwell Scientific Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1475-2662 | British journal of nutrition (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press; CAB International | 0 | ✔ |
0007-1145 | British Journal of Nutrition | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0007-1161 | British journal of ophthalmology | British Medical Journal | 1 | ✔ |
1468-2079 | British journal of ophthalmology (e-vir) | BMJ Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
1476-5381 | British journal of pharmacology (e-vir) | Nature Publishing Group | 0 | ✔ |
0007-1188 | British Journal of Pharmacology | Macmillan Journals | 0 | ✔ |
0007-1250 | British Journal of Psychiatry | Headley Brothers | 0 | ✔ |
1466-1799 | British poultry science (e-vir) | Carfax International Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0007-1668 | British Poultry Science | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0007-196X | Brittonia | New York Botanical Garden | 0 | ✔ |
1938-436X | Brittonia (e-vir) | New York Botanical Garden | 0 | ✔ |
0365-9445 | Bromatologia i Chemia Toksykologiczna | Polskie Towarzystwo Farmaceutyczne. | 0 | |
0027-1403 | Bûlleten` Moskovskogo obščtestva ispytatelej prirody. Biologičeskij | [S.n.] | 0 | |
0074-0993 | Bulletin | Scripps Institution of Oceanography | 0 | |
0078-3994 | Bulletin | Ohio State University | 0 | |
1524-4156 | Bulletin | New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science. | 0 | |
0038-3872 | Bulletin / | Southern California Academy of Sciences. | 0 | |
0079-032X | Bulletin / | Peabody Museum of Natural History. | 0 | |
0352-5740 | Bulletin - Académie serbe des sciences et des arts. Classe des sciences mathematiques et naturelles. Sciences naturelles | Académie serbe des sciences et des arts | 0 | |
0374-6232 | Bulletin de l'Institut royal des sciences naturelles de Belgique | Institut royal des sciences naturelles de Belgique | 0 | |
0758-4113 | Bulletin de la Societe d'Histoire Naturelle de Toulouse | Societe d'Histoire Naturelle de Toulouse, Faculte des Sciences | 0 | |
0304-9620 | Bulletin de la Société des naturalistes luxembourgeois | Société des naturalistes luxembourgeois | 0 | |
0037-928X | Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France | Société entomologique de France | 0 | |
0754-9962 | Bulletin de la Société herpétologique de France | Société herpétologique de France | 0 | |
0750-6848 | Bulletin de la Société linnéenne de Bordeaux | Société linnéenne de Bordeaux | 0 | |
0373-0875 | Bulletin de la Société linnéenne de Provence | Société linnéenne de Provence | 0 | |
0366-3469 | Bulletin de la Société neuchâteloise des sciences naturelles | Société neuchâteloise des sciences naturelles | 0 | |
1374-8297 | Bulletin de la Société royale belge d'entomologie | Société royale belge d'entomologie.; Koninklijke Belgische Vereniging voor entomologie. | 0 | |
0037-9603 | Bulletin de la Société vaudoise des sciences naturelles | Société vaudoise des sciences naturelles | 0 | |
0037-962X | Bulletin de la Société Zoologique de France | Société Zoologique de France, Institut Océanographique | 0 | |
0007-4551 | Bulletin du cancer | Masson; Editions scientifiques Elsevier; John Libbey eurotext | 0 | ✔ |
1769-6917 | Bulletin du cancer (e-vir) | John Libbey eurotext | 0 | ✔ |
0374-6291 | Bulletin - Institut royal des sciences naturelles de Belgique. Sciences de la terre | Institut royal des sciences naturelles de Belgique | 0 | |
0332-1185 | Bulletin - Irish Biogeographical Society | Irish Biogeographical Society | 0 | |
0366-1326 | Bulletin mensuel de la Société linnéenne de Lyon | Société linnéenne | 0 | |
1028-9127 | Bulletin - North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission | NPAFC.; North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission. | 0 | |
0250-8052 | Bulletin OEPP | Blackwell Scientific Publications | 4 | ✔ |
1365-2338 | Bulletin OEPP (e-vir) | [Blackwell Science] | 0 | ✔ |
0007-4853 | Bulletin of entomological research | Commonwealth Bureau of Entomology | 0 | ✔ |
1475-2670 | Bulletin of entomological research (e-vir) | CABI Pub | 0 | ✔ |
0007-4861 | Bulletin of environmental contamination and toxicology | SpringerNature | 1 | ✔ |
1432-0800 | Bulletin of environmental contamination and toxicology (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1721-8861 | Bulletin of insectology | Filograf Litografia | 0 | ✔ |
2283-0332 | Bulletin of insectology (e-vir) | Department of agroenvironmental science and technologies, Alma mater studiorum University of Bologna | 0 | ✔ |
0007-4977 | Bulletin of marine science | University of Miami Press | 0 | ✔ |
1553-6955 | Bulletin of marine science | University of Miami Press | 0 | ✔ |
0092-8240 | Bulletin of mathematical biology | Pergamon Press. | 0 | ✔ |
0097-3211 | Bulletin of the Allyn Museum | Allyn Museum of Entomology.; Florida State Museum.; Florida Museum of Natural History. | 0 | |
0003-0090 | Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History | American Museum of Natural History | 0 | |
0007-1595 | Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club | ???? | 0 | |
2070-4526 | Bulletin of the Entomological Society of Malta | Entomological Society of Malta | 1 | |
0108-0288 | Bulletin of The European Association of Fish Pathologists | European Association of Fish Pathologists | 0 | ✔ |
1052-3669 | Bulletin of the Florida Museum of Natural History | Florida Museum of Natural History. | 0 | |
0011-6297 | Bulletin of the Geological Society of Denmark | Hans Reitzels Forlag | 0 | |
2245-7070 | Bulletin of the Geological Society of Denmark | Dansk Geologisk Forening | 0 | |
0367-5211 | Bulletin of the Geological society of Finland | Geological society of Finland | 0 | ✔ |
1799-4632 | Bulletin of the Geological Society of Finland | The Geological Society of Finland | 0 | ✔ |
0007-5140 | Bulletin of the history of medicine (e-vir) | Johns Hopkins University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1086-3176 | Bulletin of the history of medicine (e-vir) | Johns Hopkins University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0915-499X | Bulletin of the Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Kyushu University | Kyushu University. Institute of Tropical Agriculture | 0 | |
0027-4100 | Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology | Museum of Comparative Zoology | 0 | |
0883-9484 | Bulletin of the Museum of Life Sciences | Louisiana State University in Shreveport. | 0 | |
1881-9052 | Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science | National Museum of Nature and Science | 0 | |
1881-9060 | Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science | National Museum of Nature and Science | 0 | |
1881-9079 | Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science | Kokuritsu Kagaku Hakubutsukan, | 0 | |
1110-0591 | Bulletin of the National Research Center | National Research Center | 0 | |
2522-8307 | Bulletin of the National Research Centre (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0385-3039 | Bulletin of the National Science Museum. Series D Anthropology | National Science Museum | 0 | |
0916-2844 | Bulletin of the Osaka Medical College | Osaka Medical College | 0 | |
0078-6675 | Bulletin of the Osaka Museum of Natural History | Osaka Museum of Natural History | 0 | |
0040-4543 | Bulletin of the Texas Ornithological Society | Texas Ornithological Society, | 0 | |
0093-6812 | Bulletin of the University of Nebraska State Museum | University of Nebraska State Museum. | 0 | |
0042-9686 | Bulletin of the World Health Organization | Organisation Mondiale de la Sante, Service de Distribution et de Vente | 1 | ✔ |
1564-0604 | Bulletin of the World Health Organization (e-vir) | World Health Organization. | 0 | ✔ |
0007-5167 | Bulletin of zoological nomenclature | International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature.; Natural History Museum (London, England) | 0 | |
1777-5469 | Bulletins et mémoires de la Société d'anthropologie de Paris (e-vir) | Société d'anthropologie de Paris, c/o Musée de l'homme | 0 | |
0037-8984 | Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société d'anthropologie de Paris | Société d'anthropologie; Masson | 0 | |
0007-5779 | Bulletins of American paleontology | Paleontological Research Institution [etc.] | 0 | |
0395-7527 | Bulletin trimestriel de la Société mycologique de France | Société mycologique de France | 0 | |
0526-717X | Cactaceas y suculentas mexicanas | Sociedad mexicana de cactología. | 0 | |
1777-5949 | Cahiers Agricultures (e-vir) | J. Libbey Eurotext | 0 | ✔ |
0778-7103 | Cahiers d'éthologie | Service d'éthologie de l'Université de Liège | 0 | |
0007-9723 | Cahiers de Biologie Marine | Editions de la station biologique de Roscoff | 0 | |
0008-0039 | Cahiers des Naturalistes | Les Naturalistes parisiens | 0 | |
0171-967X | Calcified tissue international | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1432-0827 | Calcified tissue international (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0366-5232 | Caldasia | Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Facultad de Ciencias. Instituto de Ciencias Naturales | 0 | ✔ |
2357-3759 | Caldasia (e-vir) | 0 | ||
0008-1078 | California fish and game | California.; California.; California. | 0 | |
1492-9058 | Canadian biosystems engineering | Canadian Society of Agricultural Engineering | 0 | ✔ |
1492-9066 | Canadian biosystems engineering (e-vir) | Canadian Society of Agricultural Engineering; Canadian Society for Bioengineering | 0 | |
0706-6465 | Canadian data report of fisheries and aquatic sciences | Canada. Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans | 0 | |
0711-6721 | Canadian data report of hydrography and ocean sciences | Canada. Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans | 0 | |
0008-347X | Canadian Entomologist | Entomological Society of Canada. | 0 | ✔ |
0008-3550 | Canadian field-naturalist | Ottawa Field-Naturalists' Club. | 0 | ✔ |
0704-3694 | Canadian industry report of fisheries and aquatic sciences | Canada. Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans | 0 | |
0832-610X | Canadian journal of anaesthesia | Canadian Anaesthetists' Society | 0 | ✔ |
1496-8975 | Canadian journal of anesthesia (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0008-3984 | Canadian journal of animal science | Agricultural Institute of Canada | 0 | ✔ |
1918-1825 | Canadian journal of animal science (e-vir) | Canadian Science Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
0008-400X | Canadian journal of behavioural science | University of Toronto Press | 0 | ✔ |
1879-2669 | Canadian journal of behavioural science = | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1916-7075 | Canadian journal of cardiology (e-vir) | Canadian Cardiovascular Society | 0 | ✔ |
1205-7533 | Canadian journal of fisheries and aquatic sciences (e-vir) | National Research Council Canada | 0 | ✔ |
0706-652X | Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences | Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans | 0 | ✔ |
0045-5067 | Canadian journal of forest research | National Research Council of Canada | 1 | ✔ |
1208-6037 | Canadian journal of forest research (e-vir) | NRC Research Press, National Research Council Canada. | 1 | ✔ |
0008-4166 | Canadian journal of microbiology | National Research Council of Canada | 0 | ✔ |
1480-3275 | Canadian journal of microbiology (e-vir) | NRC Research Press, National Research Council of Canada. | 0 | ✔ |
0317-1671 | Canadian journal of neurological sciences | s.n. | 0 | ✔ |
0008-4212 | Canadian journal of physiology and pharmacology | National Research Council of Canada | 0 | ✔ |
1205-7541 | Canadian journal of physiology and pharmacology | NRC Research Press, National Research Council of Canada. | 0 | ✔ |
0706-0661 | Canadian journal of plant pathology = | Canadian Phytopathological Society. | 0 | ✔ |
1715-2992 | Canadian journal of plant pathology = | Canadian Phytopathological Society | 0 | ✔ |
1918-1833 | Canadian journal of plant science (e-vir) | Canadian Science Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
0008-4220 | Canadian Journal of Plant Science | Agricultural Institute of Canada | 0 | ✔ |
1918-1841 | Canadian journal of soil science (e-vir) | Canadian Science Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
0008-4271 | Canadian Journal of Soil Science | Agricultural Institute of Canada. | 0 | ✔ |
0830-9000 | Canadian journal of veterinary research = | Canadian Veterinary Medical Association = Association canadienne des vétérinaires | 0 | |
0008-4301 | Canadian journal of zoology | National Research Council of Canada | 0 | ✔ |
1480-3283 | Canadian journal of zoology (e-vir) | National Research Council Canada. | 0 | ✔ |
0706-6473 | Canadian manuscript report of fisheries and aquatic sciences | Canada. Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans. | 0 | |
0706-6481 | Canadian special publication of fisheries and aquatic sciences | Canada. Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans. | 0 | |
0706-6457 | Canadian technical report of fisheries and aquatic sciences | Canada. Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans. | 0 | |
0008-5286 | Canadian veterinary journal | Canadian Veterinary Medical Assoc. | 0 | |
0008-543X | Cancer | Wiley; American Cancer Society | 0 | ✔ |
1097-0142 | Cancer (e-vir) | Wiley; American Cancer Society | 1 | ✔ |
2095-3941 | Cancer Biology & Medicine | Editorial Office of Clinical Oncology and Cancer Research | 0 | |
1084-9785 | Cancer biotherapy & radiopharmaceuticals | Mary Ann Liebert | 0 | |
1557-8852 | Cancer biotherapy & radiopharmaceuticals (e-vir) | Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. | 0 | |
0957-5243 | Cancer causes & control | Rapid Communications of Oxford | 0 | ✔ |
1573-7225 | Cancer causes & control | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1535-6108 | Cancer cell | Cell Press | 0 | ✔ |
1878-3686 | Cancer cell (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1475-2867 | Cancer cell international (e-vir) | BioMed Central | 0 | ✔ |
0344-5704 | Cancer chemotherapy and pharmacology | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1432-0843 | Cancer chemotherapy and pharmacology | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1934-662X | Cancer cytopathology | Wiley; American Cancer Society | 1 | ✔ |
1934-6638 | Cancer cytopathology (e-vir) | Wiley; American Cancer Society | 1 | ✔ |
2159-8274 | Cancer discovery | American Association for Cancer Research | 1 | ✔ |
2159-8290 | Cancer discovery (e-vir) | American Association for Cancer Research | 0 | ✔ |
1877-7821 | Cancer epidemiology | Elsevier Science | 0 | ✔ |
1877-783X | Cancer epidemiology (e-vir) | Elsevier Ltd. | 1 | ✔ |
1055-9965 | Cancer epidemiology, biomarkers & prevention | American Association for Cancer Research | 0 | ✔ |
1538-7755 | Cancer epidemiology biomarkers & prevention (e-vir) | American Association for Cancer Research | 0 | ✔ |
0929-1903 | Cancer gene therapy | Appleton & Lange | 0 | ✔ |
1476-5500 | Cancer gene therapy (e-vir) | Nature Publishing Group | 0 | ✔ |
2210-7762 | Cancer genetics | Elsevier Inc. | 1 | ✔ |
2210-7770 | Cancer genetics (e-vir) | Elsevier Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1109-6535 | Cancer genomics & proteomics | International Institute of Anticancer Research | 1 | ✔ |
1790-6245 | Cancer Genomics & Proteomics | Iäoannäis Deläinasios | 0 | ✔ |
1432-0851 | Cancer immunology, immunotherapy | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0340-7004 | Cancer immunology and immunotherapy | Springer International | 2 | ✔ |
2326-6066 | Cancer immunology research | American Association for Cancer Research | 0 | ✔ |
2326-6074 | Cancer immunology research (e-vir) | American Association for Cancer Research | 0 | ✔ |
0735-7907 | Cancer investigation | Marcel Dekker | 0 | ✔ |
1532-4192 | Cancer investigation (e-vir) | Marcel Dekker | 0 | ✔ |
0304-3835 | Cancer letters | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1872-7980 | Cancer letters | Elsevier Science | 0 | ✔ |
2045-7634 | Cancer medicine (e-vir) | Blackwell Publishing | 1 | ✔ |
1940-6207 | Cancer prevention research | American Association for Cancer Research | 0 | ✔ |
1940-6215 | Cancer prevention research (e-vir) | American Association for Cancer Research | 0 | ✔ |
0008-5472 | Cancer research | Waverly Press | 4 | ✔ |
1538-7445 | Cancer research (e-vir) | American Association for Cancer Research | 0 | ✔ |
2072-6694 | Cancers (e-vir) | MDPI | 17 | ✔ |
1347-9032 | Cancer science | Japanese Cancer Association | 0 | ✔ |
1349-7006 | Cancer science | Japanese Cancer Association | 0 | ✔ |
0373-2967 | Candollea | Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques | 0 | |
2235-3658 | Candollea (e-vir) | Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques de la Ville de Genève | 0 | |
0144-8617 | Carbohydrate polymers | Applied Science Publishers | 8 | ✔ |
1879-1344 | Carbohydrate polymers (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
0008-6215 | Carbohydrate research | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1873-426X | Carbohydrate research (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
0143-3334 | Carcinogenesis | IRL Press Limited | 0 | ✔ |
1460-2180 | Carcinogenesis (e-vir) | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0008-6312 | Cardiology | S. Karger AG; Albert J. Phiebig Inc | 0 | ✔ |
1421-9751 | Cardiology (e-vir) | S. Karger | 0 | ✔ |
0920-3206 | Cardiovascular drugs and therapy | Nijhoff | 0 | ✔ |
1573-7241 | Cardiovascular drugs and therapy (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1755-3245 | Cardiovascular research (e-vir) | British Medical Association; Oxford University Press | 1 | ✔ |
0008-6363 | Cardiovascular Research | British Medical Association | 0 | ✔ |
1755-5914 | Cardiovascular therapeutics | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1755-5922 | Cardiovascular therapeutics (e-vir) | Blackwell | 1 | ✔ |
1530-7905 | Cardiovascular toxicology | Humana Press | 0 | ✔ |
1559-0259 | Cardiovascular toxicology (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
2333-2468 | Caribbean herpetology (e-vir) | 0 | ||
0008-6452 | Caribbean journal of science | University of Puerto Rico (Mayagüez Campus).; University of Puerto Rico (Mayagüez Campus).; University of Puerto Rico (Río Piedras Campus). | 0 | |
2326-7100 | Caribbean naturalist | Eagle Hill Institute. | 0 | |
2326-7119 | Caribbean naturalist (e-vir) | Eagle Hill Institute | 0 | ✔ |
1421-976X | Caries research (e-vir) | S. Karger | 0 | ✔ |
0008-6568 | Caries Research | S. Karger AG | 1 | ✔ |
1634-0744 | Carnets de géologie (e-vir) | Association Carnets de géologie | 0 | ✔ |
1765-2553 | Carnets de géologie (e-vir) | Carnets de géologie; 6 avenue Le Gorgeu ; 29238 Cedex 3 | 0 | |
2108-5196 | Carnets de géologie (e-vir) | Université de Bretagne occidentale, UFR des sciences et techniques, Département des sciences de la terre | 0 | |
0176-3997 | Carolinea | Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde | 0 | |
0008-7114 | Caryologia | Istituto Botanico Universita | 0 | |
2165-5391 | Caryologia (e-vir) | Ex Officina Francisci Pacini | 0 | ✔ |
0008-7475 | Castanea | Published for the Club at West Virginia University | 0 | |
1938-4386 | Castanea (e-vir) | Published for the Club at West Virginia University | 0 | |
2325-5021 | Catalogue of American amphibians and reptiles (e-vir) | American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists. | 0 | |
1134-6108 | Catalogus de la entomofauna aragonesa | Sociedad Entomologica Aragonesa | 0 | |
1566-7367 | Catalysis communications | Elsevier Science; Elsevier | 1 | |
1873-3905 | Catalysis communications (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | |
0341-8162 | Catena | Elsevier | 1 | ✔ |
1872-6887 | Catena (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1879-0445 | CB (e-vir) | Elsevier Science | 0 | ✔ |
1023-4063 | CCAMLR science | Commission for the Conservation of Antartic Marine Living Resources.; CCAMLR. | 0 | |
0092-8674 | Cell | MIT Press | 0 | ✔ |
1097-4172 | Cell (e-vir) | Cell Press | 0 | ✔ |
2045-3701 | Cell & bioscience (e-vir) | BioMed Central | 0 | ✔ |
1432-0878 | Cell & tissue research | Springer. | 0 | ✔ |
1933-6918 | Cell adhesion & migration | Landes Bioscience | 0 | ✔ |
1933-6926 | Cell adhesion & migration | Landes Bioscience | 0 | ✔ |
0254-2935 | Cell and Chromosome Research | Association for Cell and Chromosome Research | 0 | |
1389-9333 | Cell and tissue banking | Kluwer Online | 0 | ✔ |
1573-6814 | Cell and tissue banking (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0302-766X | Cell and tissue research | Springer New York; Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1085-9195 | Cell biochemistry and biophysics | Humana Press | 0 | ✔ |
1559-0283 | Cell biochemistry and biophysics (e-vir) | Humana Press | 0 | ✔ |
0263-6484 | Cell biochemistry and function | Butterworth Scientific Ltd.; John Wiley & Sons | 0 | ✔ |
1099-0844 | Cell biochemistry and function | John Wiley & Sons, Ltd | 0 | ✔ |
0742-2091 | Cell biology and toxicology (e-vir) | Kluwer Online | 0 | ✔ |
1573-6822 | Cell biology and toxicology (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1065-6995 | Cell biology international | Published for the International Federation for Cell Biology by Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
1095-8355 | Cell biology international (e-vir) | Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
0143-4160 | Cell calcium | Churchill Livingstone | 0 | ✔ |
1532-1991 | Cell calcium (e-vir) | Elsevier Ltd. | 0 | ✔ |
2451-9448 | Cell chemical biology (e-vir) | Cell Press | 0 | ✔ |
2451-9456 | Cell chemical biology | Cell Press | 0 | ✔ |
1541-9061 | Cell communication & adhesion | Informa Healthcare | 0 | |
1543-5180 | Cell communication & adhesion (e-vir) | Gordon and Breach. | 0 | |
1478-811X | Cell communication and signaling (e-vir) | BioMed Central | 0 | ✔ |
1538-4101 | Cell cycle | Landes Bioscience | 0 | ✔ |
1551-4005 | Cell cycle (e-vir) | Landes Bioscience | 0 | ✔ |
2041-4889 | Cell death & disease (e-vir) | Nature Publishing Group | 0 | ✔ |
1350-9047 | Cell death and differentiation | Edward Arnold | 0 | ✔ |
1476-5403 | Cell death and differentiation (e-vir) | Nature Publishing Group | 1 | ✔ |
1747-1028 | Cell division (BMC) (e-vir) | BioMed Central | 0 | ✔ |
1931-3128 | Cell host & microbe | Cell Press | 0 | ✔ |
1934-6069 | Cell host & microbe (e-vir) | Elsevier Inc., Cell Press Imprint | 0 | ✔ |
2228-5806 | Cell journal | Royan Institute | 0 | |
2228-5814 | Cell journal (e-vir) | Royan Institute | 0 | |
1550-4131 | Cell metabolism | Cell Press | 0 | ✔ |
1932-7420 | Cell metabolism (e-vir) | Cell Press | 0 | ✔ |
0960-7722 | Cell proliferation | Blackwell scientific publications | 0 | ✔ |
1365-2184 | Cell proliferation (e-vir) | [Blackwell Science] | 0 | ✔ |
2211-1247 | Cell reports (e-vir) | Elsevier | 4 | ✔ |
1748-7838 | Cell research (e-vir) | Science Press | 0 | ✔ |
1001-0602 | Cell Research | Science Press | 0 | ✔ |
1875-9777 | Cell stem cell (e-vir) | Cell Press; Elsevier Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1934-5909 | Cell stem cell | Cell Press | 0 | ✔ |
1422-6405 | Cells tissues organs | S. Karger | 0 | ✔ |
1422-6421 | Cells tissues organs | S. Karger | 0 | ✔ |
1355-8145 | Cell stress & chaperones | Churchill Livingstone | 0 | ✔ |
1466-1268 | Cell stress & chaperones (e-vir) | Churchill Livingstone | 1 | ✔ |
0386-7196 | Cell structure and function | Nihon Saibou Seibutsu Gakkai. | 0 | ✔ |
1347-3700 | Cell structure and function | Japan Society for Cell Biology | 0 | |
2405-4712 | Cell systems | Cell Press; Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
2405-4720 | Cell systems (e-vir) | Cell Press; Elsevier | 0 | |
0963-6897 | Cell transplantation | Pergamon | 0 | ✔ |
1555-3892 | Cell transplantation (e-vir) | Cognizant Communication Corp. | 1 | ✔ |
2211-3428 | Cellulair oncology | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1425-8153 | Cellular & molecular biology letters | University, Institute of Biochemistry, Department of Genetic Biochemistry | 0 | |
Y502-6148 | Cellular & molecular biology letters | University, Institute of Biochemistry, Department of Genetic Biochemistry | 0 | |
2042-0226 | Cellular & molecular immunology (e-vir) | Chinese Society of Immunology | 0 | ✔ |
1672-7681 | Cellular & Molecular Immunology | Chinese Society of Immunology | 0 | ✔ |
1865-5025 | Cellular and molecular bioengineering | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1865-5033 | Cellular and molecular bioengineering | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0145-5680 | Cellular and molecular biology | Pergamon | 0 | |
1165-158X | Cellular and molecular biology (e-vir) | CMB association | 0 | |
1689-1392 | Cellular and molecular biology letters (e-vir) | University of Wrocław | 0 | ✔ |
0272-4340 | Cellular and molecular neurobiology | Plenum Press | 0 | ✔ |
1573-6830 | Cellular and molecular neurobiology | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0008-8749 | Cellular immunology | Academic Press. | 0 | ✔ |
1090-2163 | Cellular immunology (e-vir) | Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
1462-5814 | Cellular microbiology | Blackwell Science | 0 | |
1462-5822 | Cellular microbiology (e-vir) | Blackwell Science | 0 | ✔ |
2211-3436 | Cellular oncology (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1015-8987 | Cellular physiology and biochemistry | S. Karger | 0 | |
1421-9778 | Cellular physiology and biochemistry (e-vir) | S. Karger | 0 | |
2152-4971 | Cellular reprogramming (e-vir) | Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
2152-4998 | Cellular reprogramming (e-vir) | Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
0898-6568 | Cellular signalling | Pergamon Press. | 0 | ✔ |
0969-0239 | Cellulose | Chapman & Hall; Kluwer Academic Publishers | 7 | ✔ |
1572-882X | Cellulose (e-vir) | Kluwer | 2 | ✔ |
1644-4124 | Central European Journal of Immunology (e-vir) | Blackhorse; "Termedia" | 0 | ✔ |
1426-3912 | Central-European Journal of Immunology | Polish Society for Immunology.; Polskie Towarzystwo Immunologiczne. | 0 | ✔ |
1210-7778 | Central European journal of public health | Czech Medical Association | 0 | |
1803-1048 | Central European Journal of Public Health (e-vir) | National Institute of Public Health | 0 | |
0333-1024 | Cephalalgia | Scandinavian University Press | 1 | ✔ |
1468-2982 | Cephalalgia (e-vir) | Blackwell Science | 0 | ✔ |
0009-0352 | Cereal chemistry | American Association of Cereal Chemists. | 0 | ✔ |
1943-3638 | Cereal chemistry (e-vir) | American Association of Cereal Chemists | 0 | ✔ |
0133-3720 | Cereal research communications | Cereal Res. Non-profit Co. | 1 | ✔ |
1788-9170 | Cereal research communications | Akadémiai Kiadó | 0 | ✔ |
1047-3211 | Cerebral cortex | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1460-2199 | Cerebral cortex (e-vir) | Oxford University Press. | 0 | ✔ |
1300-5227 | Cerrahpaşa tıp dergisi | İstanbul Üniversitesi Cerrahpaşa Tıp Fakültesi | 0 | |
1933-6950 | Channels | Landes Bioscience | 0 | ✔ |
1933-6969 | Channels (e-vir) | Landes Bioscience | 0 | ✔ |
1071-8443 | Chelonian conservation and biology | Chelonian Research Foundation | 0 | |
1943-3956 | Chelonian conservation and biology (e-vir) | IUCN/SSC Tortoise and Freshwater Turtle Specialist Group.; Chelonian Research Foundation. | 0 | |
1439-4227 | ChemBioChem | Wiley-VCH | 0 | ✔ |
1439-7633 | ChemBioChem (e-vir) | Wiley-VCH-Verl.. | 2 | ✔ |
1846-5153 | Chemical & biochemical engineering quarterly (e-vir) | Croatian Association of Chemical Engineers | 0 | ✔ |
1347-5223 | Chemical & pharmaceutical bulletin | Pharmaceutical Society of Japan | 0 | |
0352-9568 | Chemical and biochemical engineering quarterly | Croatian Society of Chemical Engineers | 1 | ✔ |
0009-2363 | Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin | Japan Publications Trading Co Inc | 0 | |
1747-0277 | Chemical biology & drug design | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1747-0285 | Chemical biology & drug design (e-vir) | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1385-8947 | Chemical engineering journal | Elsevier Sequoia | 8 | ✔ |
1873-3212 | Chemical engineering journal (e-vir) | Elsevier Science | 0 | ✔ |
0893-228X | Chemical research in toxicology | American Chemical Society | 2 | ✔ |
1520-5010 | Chemical research in toxicology (e-vir) | American Chemical Society | 0 | ✔ |
0379-864X | Chemical senses | Oxford University Press | 1 | ✔ |
1464-3553 | Chemical senses (e-vir) | [IRL Press] | 0 | ✔ |
0954-2299 | Chemical speciation and bioavailability | Science and Technology Letters | 0 | |
2047-6523 | Chemical speciation and bioavailability (e-vir) | Science and Technology Letters | 0 | |
0009-2797 | Chemico-biological interactions | Elsevier | 1 | ✔ |
1872-7786 | Chemico-Biological Interactions (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
0275-7540 | Chemistry and ecology | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1029-0370 | Chemistry and ecology (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0009-3084 | Chemistry and physics of lipids | North-Holland | 0 | ✔ |
1873-2941 | Chemistry and physics of lipids (e-vir) | Elsevier Ireland | 0 | ✔ |
1860-7179 | ChemMedChem | Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH | 0 | ✔ |
1860-7187 | ChemMedChem (e-vir) | Wiley-VCH-Verl.. | 3 | ✔ |
0937-7409 | Chemoecology | G. Thieme; Thieme Medical Publ | 0 | ✔ |
1423-0445 | Chemoecology (e-vir) | Birkhäuser; Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0045-6535 | Chemosphere | Pergamon Press. | 9 | ✔ |
1879-1298 | Chemosphere (e-vir) | Pergamon | 1 | ✔ |
0009-3157 | Chemotherapy | S. Karger | 0 | ✔ |
1421-9794 | Chemotherapy | S. Karger | 0 | ✔ |
0012-3692 | Chest | American College of Chest Physicians | 0 | ✔ |
1931-3543 | Chest (e-vir) | American College of Chest Physicians | 0 | ✔ |
1685-1994 | Chiang Mai University Journal | Chiang Mai University | 0 | |
0069-3227 | Chiba Daigaku Engeigakubu Gakujutsu Hokoku | Chiba University. Faculty of Horticulture. | 0 | |
0529-1356 | Chieh P'ou Hsueh Pao | Zhongguo Jiepou Xuehui, | 0 | |
0256-7040 | Child's nervous system | Springer-Verlag | 1 | ✔ |
1433-0350 | Child's nervous system (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0009-398X | Child psychiatry and human development | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1573-3327 | Child psychiatry and human development (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1944-446X | Chinese journal of cancer (e-vir) | Landes Bioscience; Zhongshan yi ke da xue fu shu zhong liu yi yuan | 0 | |
1875-5364 | Chinese journal of natural medicines (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
2095-6975 | Chinese Journal of Natural Medicines | Science Press | 0 | ✔ |
0254-4059 | Chinese journal of oceanology and limnology | Science Press. | 0 | |
1993-5005 | Chinese journal of oceanology and limnology | Science Press | 0 | |
2666-0059 | Chinese journal of physiology (e-vir) | Wolters Kluwer - Medknow | 0 | |
0366-6999 | Chinese medical journal | Chinese Medical Association | 0 | ✔ |
2542-5641 | Chinese medical journal (e-vir) | Chinese Medical Association | 0 | ✔ |
2352-4014 | Chinese medical sciences journal (e-vir) | Elsevier (Singapore) Pte Ltd | 0 | ✔ |
1001-9294 | Chinese Medical Sciences Journal | Editorial Board of The Chinese Medical Sciences Journal | 0 | ✔ |
0899-0042 | Chirality | Alan R. Liss | 0 | ✔ |
1520-636X | Chirality (e-vir) | Alan R. Liss, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
0577-9316 | Chiribotan | Nihon Kairui Gakkai; Nihon kairui gakkai | 0 | |
0125-2208 | Chot Mai Het Thang Phaet | Medical Association of Thailand. | 0 | |
0009-5915 | Chromosoma | Springer-Verl. New York; Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1432-0886 | Chromosoma (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0967-3849 | Chromosome research | Rapid Communications; Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1573-6849 | Chromosome research (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1344-1051 | Chromosome science | Society of Chromosome Research; Society of Chromosome Research; Society of Chromosome Research | 0 | |
0742-0528 | Chronobiology international | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1525-6073 | Chronobiology international (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1870-0713 | CICIMAR Oceánides | Instituto Politécnico Nacional | 0 | |
0590-6334 | Cicindela | R.L. Huber | 0 | |
1809-6891 | Ciência animal brasileira | Universidade Federal de Goiás, Escola de Veterinária | 0 | |
1518-2797 | Ciência Animal Brasileira | Universidade Federal de Goiás, Escola de Veterinária | 0 | |
0009-6725 | Ciência e Cultura | Sociedade Brasileira para o Progresso da Ciência. | 0 | |
2317-6660 | Ciência e Cultura (e-vir) | Sociedade Brasileira para o Progresso da Ciência | 0 | |
0103-9954 | Ciência Florestal | Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Centro de Pesquisas Florestais | 0 | |
1980-5098 | Ciência Florestal (e-vir) | Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Centro de Pesquisas Florestais | 0 | |
0103-8478 | Ciência rural | Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Centro de Ciências Rurais | 0 | |
1678-4596 | Ciência rural (e-vir) | Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Centro de Ciências Rurais. | 0 | |
0185-3880 | Ciencias marinas | UABC. Instituto de Investigaciones Oceanológicas | 0 | |
2395-9053 | Ciencias marinas (e-vir) | UABC. Instituto de Investigaciones Oceanológicas. | 0 | |
0716-2006 | Ciencia y tecnología del mar | Comité Oceanográfico Nacional | 0 | |
0100-0039 | Científica | Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho, Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias e Veterinárias de Jaboticabal | 0 | |
0578-2724 | Cimbebasia | Staatsmuseum. | 0 | |
1012-4926 | Cimbebasia | State Museum. | 0 | |
0009-7322 | Circulation | American Heart Association, etc. | 5 | ✔ |
1524-4539 | Circulation (e-vir) | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; Highwire Press | 0 | ✔ |
1942-325X | Circulation | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins | 0 | |
1942-3268 | Circulation | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins | 0 | |
1346-9843 | Circulation journal | Japanese Circulation Society,; Japanese Circulation Society | 0 | |
1347-4820 | Circulation journal | Japanese Circulation Society | 0 | |
0009-7330 | Circulation research | Grune & Stratton | 0 | ✔ |
1524-4571 | Circulation research (e-vir) | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; Highwire Press | 0 | |
0748-3007 | Cladistics | Meckler Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
1096-0031 | Cladistics (e-vir) | Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
1863-0650 | Clean - soil, air, water | Wiley-VCH | 0 | ✔ |
1863-0669 | Clean - soil, air, water (e-vir) | Wiley-VCH | 0 | ✔ |
Y505-6055 | Clean - soil, air, water | Wiley-VCH | 0 | |
0891-1150 | Cleveland Clinic journal of medicine | Cleveland Clinic Educational Foundation. | 0 | |
1939-2869 | Cleveland Clinic journal of medicine | Cleveland Clinic Educational Foundation | 0 | |
0936-577X | Climate research | Inter-Research. | 0 | ✔ |
1616-1572 | Climate research | Inter-Research. | 0 | ✔ |
0165-0009 | Climatic change | Reidel | 0 | ✔ |
1573-1480 | Climatic change (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0009-8981 | Clinica chimica acta | Elsevier | 1 | ✔ |
1873-3492 | Clinica Chimica Acta (e-vir) | Elsevier | 1 | ✔ |
1365-2222 | Clinical & experimental allergy (e-vir) | Blackwell Science | 1 | ✔ |
0262-0898 | Clinical & experimental metastasis | Springer | 1 | ✔ |
1573-7276 | Clinical & experimental metastasis (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0954-7894 | Clinical and experimental allergy | Blackwell Scientific Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1064-1963 | Clinical and experimental hypertension | Marcel Dekker, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1525-6006 | Clinical and experimental hypertension (e-vir) | Marcel Dekker, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
0009-9104 | Clinical and experimental immunology | Blackwell Scientific Publications Ltd | 0 | ✔ |
1365-2249 | Clinical and experimental immunology (e-vir) | Blackwell Scientific | 0 | ✔ |
1591-9528 | Clinical and experimental medicine (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1591-8890 | Clinical and Experimental Medicine | Springer-Verlag Italia | 0 | ✔ |
0305-1870 | Clinical and experimental pharmacology and physiology | Blackwell Scientific Publ. | 0 | ✔ |
1440-1681 | Clinical and experimental pharmacology and physiology | Blackwell Science | 0 | ✔ |
0147-958X | Clinical and investigative medicine | Pergamon Press | 0 | |
1488-2353 | Clinical and investigative medicine (e-vir) | Canadian Medical Association | 0 | ✔ |
1752-8054 | Clinical and translational science | Wiley Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1752-8062 | Clinical and translational science (e-vir) | Wiley Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1556-679X | Clinical and vaccine immunology (e-vir) | American Society for Microbiology | 0 | |
1556-6811 | Clinical and vaccine immunology | American Society for Microbiology | 0 | |
0009-9120 | Clinical biochemistry | Elsevier. | 1 | ✔ |
1873-2933 | Clinical biochemistry (e-vir) | Elsevier Science | 0 | ✔ |
0268-0033 | Clinical biomechanics | Elsevier | 1 | ✔ |
1879-1271 | Clinical Biomechanics (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1078-0432 | Clinical cancer research | American Association for Cancer Research | 1 | ✔ |
1557-3265 | Clinical cancer research (e-vir) | American Association for Cancer Research | 1 | ✔ |
0009-9147 | Clinical chemistry | P.B. Hoeber | 1 | ✔ |
1530-8561 | Clinical chemistry (e-vir) | American Association for Clinical Chemistry | 0 | ✔ |
1434-6621 | Clinical chemistry and laboratory medicine | Walter de Gruyter | 1 | ✔ |
1437-4331 | Clinical chemistry and laboratory medicine (e-vir) | de Gruyter | 2 | ✔ |
1173-2563 | Clinical drug investigation | ADIS Press | 1 | ✔ |
1179-1918 | Clinical drug investigation | Adis | 0 | ✔ |
0009-9163 | Clinical genetics | Munksgaard | 0 | ✔ |
1399-0004 | Clinical genetics (e-vir) | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1386-0291 | Clinical hemorheology and microcirculation | IOS Press | 0 | ✔ |
1875-8622 | Clinical hemorheology and microcirculation (e-vir) | IOS Press | 0 | ✔ |
1521-6616 | Clinical immunology | Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
1058-4838 | Clinical infectious diseases | The University of Chicago Press | 1 | ✔ |
1537-6591 | Clinical infectious diseases (e-vir) | Oxford University Press; University of Chicago Press for the Infectious Diseases Society of America | 0 | ✔ |
1470-2118 | Clinical medicine | Clinical medicine | 0 | |
1473-4893 | Clinical medicine | Royal College of Physicians | 0 | |
0362-5664 | Clinical neuropharmacology | Raven Press | 0 | ✔ |
1537-162X | Clinical neuropharmacology | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins | 0 | ✔ |
1388-2457 | Clinical neurophysiology | Elsevier | 5 | ✔ |
1532-6535 | Clinical pharmacology & therapeutics (e-vir) | Mosby; Nature Publishing Group | 0 | ✔ |
0009-9236 | Clinical pharmacology and therapeutics | C. V. Mosby. | 0 | ✔ |
1475-0961 | Clinical physiology and functional imaging | Blackwell Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
1475-097X | Clinical physiology and functional imaging (e-vir) | Blackwell Science | 0 | ✔ |
1542-6416 | Clinical proteomics | Humana Press | 0 | ✔ |
1559-0275 | Clinical proteomics (e-vir) | Humana | 0 | ✔ |
1738-1088 | Clinical Psychopharmacology and Neuroscience | Korean College of Neuropsychopharmacology | 0 | |
1861-0684 | Clinical research in cardiology | Steinkopff; Springer-Medizin-Verl.. | 0 | ✔ |
1861-0692 | Clinical research in cardiology | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0143-5221 | Clinical science | Medical Research Society; Biochemical Society | 0 | ✔ |
1470-8736 | Clinical science online (e-vir) | Portland Press | 0 | ✔ |
1879-114X | Clinical therapeutics | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
0149-2918 | Clinical Therapeutics | Excerpta Medica | 1 | ✔ |
1556-3650 | Clinical toxicology | Taylor & Francis | 1 | ✔ |
1556-9519 | Clinical toxicology (e-vir) | Taylor and Francis, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
2210-7401 | Clinics and research in hepatology and gastroenterology | Elsevier Masson | 0 | ✔ |
2210-741X | Clinics and research in hepatology and gastroenterology (e-vir) | Elsevier Masson | 0 | ✔ |
0010-0277 | Cognition | Mouton | 0 | ✔ |
1531-135X | Cognitive, affective & behavioral neuroscience (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1530-7026 | Cognitive, affective & behavioral neuroscience. | Psychonomic Society | 0 | ✔ |
1650-6073 | Cognitive behaviour therapy | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1651-2316 | Cognitive behaviour therapy | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0264-3294 | Cognitive neuropsychology | Lawrence Erlbaum Associates | 0 | ✔ |
1464-0627 | Cognitive neuropsychology (e-vir) | Psychology Press. | 0 | ✔ |
0147-5916 | Cognitive therapy and research (e-vir) | Kluwer Online | 0 | ✔ |
1573-2819 | Cognitive therapy and research | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1943-0264 | Cold Spring Harbor perspectives in biology (e-vir) | Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press | 0 | |
1934-0451 | Coleopterists Society monographs Patricia Vaurie series | Allen Press | 0 | |
1938-4408 | Coleopterists Society monographs Patricia Vaurie series (e-vir) | Coleopterists Society | 0 | |
0010-0730 | Collectanea botanica | Institut Botànic, CSIC-ICUB | 0 | ✔ |
1989-1067 | Collectanea Botanica | Institut Botànic de Barcelona | 0 | |
1726-2038 | Collection and Research | National Museum of Natural Science | 0 | |
1386-2073 | Combinatorial chemistry & high throughput screening | Bentham Science Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1875-5402 | Combinatorial chemistry & high throughput screening | Bentham Science Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1379-1176 | Communications in agricultural and applied biological sciences | University Gent. Department of Plant Production | 0 | |
0010-3624 | Communications in soil science and plant analysis | M. Dekker | 0 | ✔ |
1532-2416 | Communications in soil science and plant analysis | Marcel Dekker; Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1585-8553 | Community ecology | Akadémiai Kiadó | 0 | ✔ |
1588-2756 | Community ecology (e-vir) | Akadémiai Kiadó | 0 | ✔ |
1095-6433 | Comparative biochemistry and physiology | Elsevier Science | 0 | ✔ |
1096-4959 | Comparative biochemistry and physiology | Pergamon; Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1531-4332 | Comparative biochemistry and physiology (e-vir) | Elsevier Science | 0 | ✔ |
1532-0456 | Comparative biochemistry and physiology | Elsevier Science | 0 | ✔ |
1744-117X | Comparative biochemistry and physiology | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1878-0407 | Comparative biochemistry and physiology (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1878-1659 | Comparative biochemistry and physiology (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1879-1107 | Comparative biochemistry and physiology (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1993-0771 | Comparative cytogenetics | Comparative cytogenetics | 0 | ✔ |
1993-078X | Comparative cytogenetics (e-vir) | Comparative cytogenetics | 0 | ✔ |
0147-9571 | Comparative immunology, microbiology and infectious diseases | Pergamon Press. | 0 | ✔ |
1878-1667 | Comparative immunology, microbiology and infectious diseases (e-vir) | Elsevier Ltd. | 0 | ✔ |
1532-0820 | Comparative medicine | American Association for Laboratory Animal Science | 0 | |
1525-2647 | Comparative parasitology | Helminthological Society of Washington. | 0 | |
1076-2787 | Complexity | Wiley & Sons | 1 | ✔ |
1099-0526 | Complexity (e-vir) | Wiley | 1 | ✔ |
1065-657X | Compost science & utilization | JG Press | 0 | ✔ |
2326-2397 | Compost science & utilization (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0010-440X | Comprehensive psychiatry | Grune & Stratton | 0 | ✔ |
1532-8384 | Comprehensive psychiatry (e-vir) | W.B. Saunders | 0 | |
1631-0683 | Comptes rendus | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1631-0691 | Comptes rendus | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
Y504-6858 | Comptes rendus | Elsevier | 0 | |
1768-3238 | Comptes rendus Biologies (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1777-571X | Comptes rendus Palévol (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1476-9271 | Computational biology and chemistry | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1476-928X | Computational biology and chemistry (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1879-0771 | Computerized medical imaging and graphics (e-vir) | Elsevier Ltd. | 0 | ✔ |
Y506-0583 | Computerized medical imaging and graphics (e-vir) | Pergamon Press | 0 | |
0895-6111 | Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics | Pergamon Press | 0 | ✔ |
0169-2607 | Computer methods and programs in biomedicine | Elsevier | 4 | ✔ |
1872-7565 | Computer methods and programs in biomedicine (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1025-5842 | Computer methods in biomechanics and biomedical engineering | Gordon and Breach | 0 | ✔ |
1476-8259 | Computer methods in biomechanics and biomedical engineering (e-vir) | Gordon and Breach, licensed to copy | 0 | ✔ |
0168-1699 | Computers and electronics in agriculture | Elsevier Science Publishers | 1 | ✔ |
1872-7107 | Computers and electronics in agriculture (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1879-0534 | Computers in biology and medicine (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
0010-4825 | Computers in Biology and Medicine | Pergamon Press. | 2 | ✔ |
1510-7310 | Comunicaciones botánicas | Museo Nacional de Historia Natural y Antropología | 0 | |
1510-7337 | Comunicaciones paleontológicas | Museo Nacional de Historia Natural y Antropología | 0 | |
1510-7345 | Comunicaciones zoológicas | Museo Nacional de Historia Natural y Antropología | 0 | |
0871-1755 | Comunicações. | I.I.C.T. | 0 | |
1020-6167 | Concise international chemical assessment document | World Health Organization | 0 | |
0914-3505 | Congenital anomalies | Japanese Teratology Society | 0 | ✔ |
1741-4520 | Congenital anomalies (e-vir) | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
0300-8207 | Connective tissue research | Gordon and Breach | 0 | ✔ |
1026-7433 | Connective tissue research (e-vir) | Gordon and Breach | 0 | |
1607-8438 | Connective tissue research (e-vir) | Gordon and Breach | 0 | ✔ |
0888-8892 | Conservation biology | Blackwell Scientific Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1523-1739 | Conservation biology (e-vir) | Blackwell Science, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1572-9737 | Conservation genetics (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1566-0621 | Conservation Genetics | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1877-7252 | Conservation genetics resources | Springer Netherlands | 0 | ✔ |
1877-7260 | Conservation genetics resources (e-vir) | Springer Netherlands | 0 | ✔ |
Y506-3825 | Conservation genetics resources | Springer Netherlands | 0 | |
1755-263X | Conservation letters (e-vir) | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
2051-1434 | Conservation physiology (e-vir) | Oxford University Press on behalf of the Society for Experimental Biology | 0 | ✔ |
0105-1873 | Contact dermatitis | Munksgaard | 0 | ✔ |
1600-0536 | Contact dermatitis (e-vir) | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1551-7144 | Contemporary clinical trials | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1559-2030 | Contemporary clinical trials (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1995-4255 | Contemporary problems of ecology | Pleiades Publishing; Nauka/Interperiodica | 0 | ✔ |
1995-4263 | Contemporary problems of ecology (e-vir) | Nauka/Interperiodica | 0 | ✔ |
0010-7824 | Contraception | Butterworth Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0069-9616 | Contribuţii botanice | Risoprint | 0 | |
0452-9987 | Contributions from the Biological Laboratory Kyoto University | [S.n.] | 0 | |
0097-3556 | Contributions from the Museum of Paleontology | University of Michigan. | 0 | |
0097-1618 | Contributions from the United States National Herbarium | Smithsonian Institution Press | 0 | |
0160-5313 | Contributions in biology and geology | Milwaukee Public Museum. | 0 | |
0082-3449 | Contributions in marine science | University of Texas Marine Science Institute.; Port Aransas Marine Laboratory. | 0 | |
0459-8113 | Contributions in science / | Los Angeles County Museum.; Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History.; Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County. | 0 | |
2511-6428 | Contributions to entomology (e-vir) | 0 | ✔ | |
1383-4517 | Contributions to zoology | SPB Academic Publishing | 1 | ✔ |
1875-9866 | Contributions to zoology = (e-vir) | Digitaal Productiecentrum van de Universiteit van Amsterdam | 0 | ✔ |
0929-7839 | Coolia | Nederlandse Mycologische Vereniging. | 0 | |
0045-8511 | Copeia | American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists. | 0 | |
1938-5110 | Copeia (e-vir) | [publisher not identified] | 0 | |
0722-4028 | Coral reefs | Springer. | 0 | ✔ |
1432-0975 | Coral reefs | Springer. | 0 | ✔ |
0155-0438 | Corella | Australian Bird Study Association. | 0 | |
0954-6928 | Coronary artery disease | Current Science | 0 | ✔ |
1473-5830 | Coronary artery disease (e-vir) | Rapid Science Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0010-9452 | Cortex | Tipografica Varese | 1 | ✔ |
0886-9634 | Cranio | Chroma, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
2151-0903 | Cranio (e-vir) | Chroma; Williams & Wilkens | 0 | ✔ |
0195-6671 | Cretaceous research | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1095-998X | Cretaceous research (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1848-0586 | Croatian journal of fisheries (e-vir) | Agronomski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu; Hrvatsko ihtiološko društvo | 0 | ✔ |
0353-9504 | Croatian medical journal | University of Zagreb Medical School | 6 | ✔ |
1332-8166 | Croatian medical journal online (e-vir) | Medicinska naklada | 1 | ✔ |
1836-0947 | Crop & pasture science | CSIRO Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
1518-7853 | Crop Breeding and Applied Biotechnology | Sociedade Brasileira de Melhoramento de Plantas. | 0 | |
1984-7033 | Crop Breeding and Applied Biotechnology | Sociedade Brasileira de Melhoramento de Plantas | 0 | |
0256-0933 | Crop improvement | Crop Improvement Society of India | 0 | |
0261-2194 | Crop protection | Butterworth Scientific Limited | 0 | ✔ |
0970-4884 | Crop research | Gaurav Publications | 0 | |
1836-5795 | Crops & pasture science | CSIRO Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
0011-183X | Crop science | Crop Science Society of America | 0 | ✔ |
1435-0653 | Crop science (e-vir) | Crop Science Society of America | 0 | ✔ |
0891-9100 | Crossosoma | Southern California Botanists. | 0 | |
0011-216X | Crustaceana | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
1568-5403 | Crustaceana | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
0011-2240 | Cryobiology | Academic Press. | 0 | ✔ |
1742-0644 | Cryoletters (e-vir) | CryoLetters | 0 | |
0143-2044 | Cryo-letters | Cryoletters | 0 | |
0181-1568 | Cryptogamie | Museum national d'histoire naturelle | 0 | ✔ |
0181-1584 | Cryptogamie | Laboratoire de cryptogamie | 0 | ✔ |
1290-0796 | Cryptogamie | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1776-0984 | Cryptogamie (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1776-0992 | Cryptogamie (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1776-100X | Cryptogamie (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
0727-9620 | Cunninghamia | National Herbarium of New South Wales.; Royal Botanic Gardens (Sydney, N.S.W.) | 0 | |
0011-3204 | Current anthropology | The University of Chicago Press | 0 | ✔ |
1537-5382 | Current anthropology (e-vir) | University of Chicago Press | 0 | ✔ |
1574-8936 | Current bioinformatics | Bentham Science Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
2212-392X | Current bioinformatics (e-vir) | Bentham Science Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0960-9822 | Current biology | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1568-0096 | Current cancer drug targets | Bentham Science Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1873-5576 | Current cancer drug targets (e-vir) | Bentham Science Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1567-2018 | Current drug delivery | Bentham Science Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1875-5704 | Current drug delivery | Bentham Science Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1389-2002 | Current drug metabolism | Bentham Science Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1875-5453 | Current drug metabolism | Bentham Science Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1389-4501 | Current drug targets | Bentham Science Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1873-5592 | Current drug targets (e-vir) | Bentham Science Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1566-5232 | Current gene therapy | Bentham Science Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1875-5631 | Current gene therapy | Bentham Science Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0172-8083 | Current genetics | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1432-0983 | Current genetics | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1345-5834 | Current herpetology | Herpetological Society of Japan. | 0 | |
1881-1019 | Current herpetology (e-vir) | Herpetological Society of Japan | 0 | |
0929-8673 | Current medicinal chemistry | Bentham Science Publishers | 1 | ✔ |
1875-533X | Current medicinal chemistry (e-vir) | Bentham Science | 1 | ✔ |
0343-8651 | Current microbiology | Springer-Verlag | 0 | ✔ |
1432-0991 | Current microbiology | Springer-Verl. New York. | 0 | ✔ |
1566-5240 | Current molecular medicine | Bentham Science Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1875-5666 | Current molecular medicine | Bentham Science Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1567-2026 | Current neurovascular research | Bentham Science Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1875-5739 | Current neurovascular research (e-vir) | Bentham Science Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
2214-5745 | Current opinion in insect science | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
2214-5753 | Current opinion in insect science (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1389-2010 | Current pharmaceutical biotechnology | Bentham Science Publishers | 1 | ✔ |
1873-4316 | Current pharmaceutical biotechnology (e-vir) | Bentham Science | 0 | ✔ |
1381-6128 | Current pharmaceutical design | Bentham Science Publishers | 1 | ✔ |
1873-4286 | Current pharmaceutical design (e-vir) | Bentham Science Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1570-1646 | Current proteomics | Bentham Science Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1875-6247 | Current proteomics (e-vir) | Bentham Science Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1046-1310 | Current psychology | Transaction Periodicals Consortium, Rutgers University | 0 | ✔ |
1936-4733 | Current psychology (e-vir) | Transaction Periodicals Consortium, Rutgers University | 0 | ✔ |
2452-3186 | Current research in translational medicine (e-vir) | Elsevier-Masson SAS | 1 | ✔ |
0011-3891 | Current Science | Current Science Association. | 0 | ✔ |
1574-3624 | Current signal transduction therapy | Bentham Science Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
2212-389X | Current signal transduction therapy | Bentham Science Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1574-888X | Current stem cell research and therapy | Bentham Science Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
2641-452X | Current topics in nutraceutical research (e-vir) | New Century Health Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1540-7535 | Current topics in nutraceuticals research | New Century Health Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
2396-9814 | Current zoology (e-vir) | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1674-5507 | Current Zoology | Editorial Office, Current Zoology | 0 | ✔ |
1355-4905 | Curtis's botanical magazine | Blackwell Publishers for the Royal Botanic Society, Kew | 0 | ✔ |
1467-8748 | Curtis's botanical magazine (e-vir) | Blackwell Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1556-9527 | Cutaneous and ocular toxicology | Taylor & Francis, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1556-9535 | Cutaneous and ocular toxicology (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
0196-9722 | Cybernetics and systems | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1087-6553 | Cybernetics and systems (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0399-0974 | Cybium | Muséum national d'histoire naturelle | 0 | |
1947-6345 | CyTA: journal of food (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1947-6337 | CYTA: journal of food | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1424-8581 | Cytogenetic and genome research | S. Karger | 0 | ✔ |
1424-859X | Cytogenetic and genome research | S. Karger | 0 | ✔ |
1043-4666 | Cytokine | Saunders | 0 | ✔ |
1096-0023 | Cytokine (e-vir) | Academic Press | 0 | |
0011-4545 | Cytologia | c/o Botanical Institute, Faculty of Science, University of Tokyo; Japan Mendel Society | 0 | |
1552-4922 | Cytometry | Wiley-Liss | 0 | ✔ |
1552-4930 | Cytometry (e-vir) | Wiley-Liss | 0 | ✔ |
1552-4949 | Cytometry | Wiley-Liss | 0 | ✔ |
1552-4957 | Cytometry (e-vir) | Wiley-Liss | 0 | ✔ |
1949-3584 | Cytoskeleton | Wiley-Liss | 0 | ✔ |
1949-3592 | Cytoskeleton (e-vir) | J. Wiley & Sons | 0 | ✔ |
0920-9069 | Cytotechnology | Martinus Nijhoff Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1573-0778 | Cytotechnology (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1465-3249 | Cytotherapy | ISIS Medical Media | 1 | ✔ |
1477-2566 | Cytotherapy (e-vir) | Martin Dunitz Ltd | 0 | ✔ |
1212-1819 | Czech Journal of Animal Science | Ústav zemědělských a potravinářských informací; Česká akademie zemědělských věd | 0 | |
1805-9309 | Czech Journal of Animal Science (e-vir) | Czech Academy of Agricultural Sciences | 0 | |
1211-0981 | Czech Mycology | Czech Scientific Society for Mycology | 0 | |
1881-8129 | Daiyonki kenkyu (e-vir) | Nihon Daiyonki Gakkai | 0 | |
0418-2642 | Daiyonki kenkyû | Nihon Daiyonki Gakkai; Nihon daishiki gakkai | 0 | |
2245-1919 | Danish medical journal | Danish Medical Association | 0 | ✔ |
0011-6394 | Dansk Ornithologisk Forenings tidsskrift | Dansk Ornitologisk Forening | 0 | |
0916-8419 | Däobutsu shinrigaku kenkyäu | Japanese Society for Animal Psychology. | 0 | |
0254-5853 | Däongwùxué yánjiäu | Yúnnán rénmín chäubǎnshè | 0 | |
2008-2231 | Daru (e-vir) | Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Faculty of Pharmacy | 0 | ✔ |
1560-8115 | Daru = | Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Faculty of Pharmacy | 0 | |
0011-6793 | Darwiniana | Instituto de Botánica Darwinion | 0 | |
1850-1699 | Darwiniana (e-vir) | Instituto de Botánica Darwinion, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Academia Argentina de Ciencias Exactas Físicas y Naturales | 0 | |
1758-0463 | Database (e-vir) | Oxford Journals | 1 | ✔ |
0967-0637 | Deep-sea research | Pergamon | 0 | ✔ |
0923-9308 | Deinsea | Natuurmuseum Rotterdam | 0 | |
0024-1520 | De levende natuur | Stichting "De Levende Natuur"; Nederlandsche Natuurhistorische Vereeniging. | 0 | |
2459-4113 | Deltion Ellīnikīs Mikroviologikīs Etaireias; Δελτίον Ελληνικής Μικροβιολογικής Εταιρείας (e-vir) | Ellīnikī Mikroviologikī Etaireia; Ελληνική Μικροβιολογική Εταιρεία | 0 | |
0438-9573 | Deltion Ellīnikīs Mikroviologikīs Etaireias.; Δελτίον Ελληνικής Μικροβιολογικής Εταιρείας | Ellīnikī Mikroviologikī Etaireia | 0 | |
1641-1307 | Dendrobiology | Bogucki Wydawnictwo Naukowe. | 0 | |
2083-8387 | Dendrobiology (e-vir) | Institute of Dendrology | 1 | |
1125-7865 | Dendrochronologia | Instituto Italiano di dendrochronologia | 1 | ✔ |
1612-0051 | Dendrochronologia (e-vir) | Elsevier | 1 | ✔ |
1608-8700 | Denisia | Biologiezentrum des Oberösterreichischen Landesmuseums | 0 | |
0003-2417 | Der Anaesthesist | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1432-055X | Der Anaesthesist | Springer. | 0 | ✔ |
1018-8665 | Dermatology | S.Karger | 0 | ✔ |
1421-9832 | Dermatology | S. Karger | 0 | ✔ |
0028-2804 | Der Nervenarzt | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1433-0407 | Der Nervenarzt | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1433-0563 | Der Urologe | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0340-2592 | Der Urologe. Ausgabe A | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0044-5169 | Der zoologische Garten | Zoologische Gesellschaft | 0 | |
1431-4819 | Descriptions of ectomycorrhizae | Einhorn-Verlag | 0 | |
1439-4413 | Deutsche medizinische Wochenschrift | Thieme. | 0 | ✔ |
0012-0472 | Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift | Georg Thieme Verlag | 0 | ✔ |
0950-1991 | Development | Company of Biologists | 0 | ✔ |
1477-9129 | Development | Company of Biologists. | 0 | ✔ |
0949-944X | Development, genes and evolution | Springer. | 0 | |
1432-041X | Development, genes and evolution (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | |
0012-1592 | Development, growth & differentiation | Japanese Society of Developmental Biologists | 0 | ✔ |
1440-169X | Development, growth & differentiation | Blackwell Science | 0 | ✔ |
0145-305X | Developmental and comparative immunology | Pergamon Press | 1 | ✔ |
0012-1606 | Developmental biology | Academic Press. | 0 | ✔ |
1095-564X | Developmental biology (e-vir) | Academic Press | 0 | |
1534-5807 | Developmental cell | Cell Press | 1 | ✔ |
1878-1551 | Developmental cell (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1878-9293 | Developmental cognitive neuroscience | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1878-9307 | Developmental cognitive neuroscience (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1058-8388 | Developmental dynamics | Wiley-Liss | 0 | ✔ |
1097-0177 | Developmental dynamics (e-vir) | John Wiley & Sons | 0 | ✔ |
1469-8749 | Developmental medicine & child neurology (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press. | 0 | ✔ |
0012-1622 | Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology | Heinemann William Medical Books | 0 | ✔ |
1932-8451 | Developmental neurobiology | John Wiley & Sons | 0 | ✔ |
1932-846X | Developmental neurobiology (e-vir) | Wiley Periodicals, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1532-6942 | Developmental neuropsychology (e-vir) | L. Erlbaum Associates | 0 | ✔ |
8756-5641 | Developmental neuropsychology | Lawrence Erlbaum Associates | 0 | ✔ |
0378-5866 | Developmental neuroscience | S. Karger | 0 | ✔ |
1421-9859 | Developmental neuroscience | S. Karger | 0 | ✔ |
0012-1630 | Developmental psychobiology | International Society for Developmental Psychobiology. | 0 | ✔ |
1098-2302 | Developmental psychobiology (e-vir) | John Wiley & Sons | 0 | ✔ |
0273-2297 | Developmental review | Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
1090-2406 | Developmental review (e-vir) | Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
0012-1797 | Diabetes | American Diabetes Association | 1 | ✔ |
1939-327X | Diabetes (e-vir) | American Diabetes Association; Stanford University | 3 | ✔ |
1520-7552 | Diabetes/metabolism research and reviews | Wiley | 0 | ✔ |
1520-7560 | Diabetes/metabolism reviews and research (e-vir) | John Wiley & Sons, ltd.. | 3 | ✔ |
1262-3636 | Diabetes & metabolism | Masson | 1 | ✔ |
0168-8227 | Diabetes research and clinical practice | Elsevier | 1 | ✔ |
1872-8227 | Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
0012-186X | Diabetologia | Springer-Verlag | 3 | ✔ |
1432-0428 | Diabetologia (e-vir) | Springer | 1 | ✔ |
1097-0339 | Diagnostic cytopathology (e-vir) | Wiley | 1 | ✔ |
8755-1039 | Diagnostic cytopathology | Wiley | 1 | ✔ |
0732-8893 | Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease | Elsevier Science Pub. Co. | 0 | ✔ |
1879-0070 | Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease (e-vir) | Elsevier | 2 | ✔ |
0269-249X | Diatom research | Biopress | 0 | ✔ |
2159-8347 | Diatom research (e-vir) | Biopress Limited] | 0 | ✔ |
0038-9056 | Die Stärke | VCH-Verlagsgesellschaft | 0 | ✔ |
0254-3486 | Die Suid-Afrikaanse tydskrif vir natuurwetenskap en tegnologie | Suid-Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns | 0 | ✔ |
0042-7993 | Die Vogelwelt | Duncker & Humblot | 0 | |
0301-4681 | Differentiation | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1432-0436 | Differentiation (e-vir) | Springer-Verlag | 0 | ✔ |
0012-2823 | Digestion | S. Karger AG; Albert J. Phiebig Inc | 0 | ✔ |
1421-9867 | Digestion (e-vir) | S. Karger | 0 | ✔ |
1878-3562 | Digestive and liver disease (e-vir) | Editrice Gastroenterologica Italiana; Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1590-8658 | Digestive and Liver Disease | Editrice Gastroenterologica Italiana | 0 | ✔ |
0163-2116 | Digestive diseases and sciences | Plenum Pub. Corp. | 0 | ✔ |
1573-2568 | Digestive diseases and sciences (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1026-3764 | Dirāsāt | ’Imādaẗ al-baḥṯ al-’ilmī, Al-Ǧāmi’aẗ al-urdunniyyaẗ | 0 | |
1026-3772 | Dirāsāt | ’Imādaẗ al-baḥṯ al-’ilmī al-ǧāmi’aẗ al-urdunniyyaẗ | 0 | |
0278-0240 | Disease markers | Wiley; ASFRA; IOS Press | 0 | ✔ |
1574-0153 | Disease markers | IOS Press | 0 | ✔ |
1875-8592 | Disease markers (e-vir) | IOS Press | 0 | ✔ |
1875-8630 | Disease markers (e-vir) | IOS Press | 1 | ✔ |
1754-8403 | Disease models & mechanisms | Company of Biologists | 1 | ✔ |
1754-8411 | Disease models & mechanisms (e-vir) | Company of Biologists | 0 | ✔ |
0177-5103 | Diseases of aquatic organisms | Inter-Research | 0 | ✔ |
1616-1580 | Diseases of aquatic organisms | Inter-Research. | 0 | ✔ |
1424-2818 | Diversity (e-vir) | MDPI | 9 | ✔ |
1366-9516 | Diversity and distributions | Blackwell Science | 0 | ✔ |
1472-4642 | Diversity and distributions (e-vir) | Blackwell Science. | 0 | ✔ |
1044-5498 | DNA and cell biology | Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1557-7430 | DNA and cell biology (e-vir) | Mary Ann Liebert | 0 | ✔ |
1568-7864 | DNA repair | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1568-7856 | DNA Repair (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1340-2838 | DNA research | Kazusa DNA Research Institute; Universal Academy Press; Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1756-1663 | DNA research (e-vir) | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1347-2542 | Dobutsu eisei kenkyujo kenkyu hokoku | Nogyo gijutsu kenkyu kiko dobutsu eisei kenkyujo,; Nogyo, seibutsukei tokutei sangyo gijutsu kenkyu kiko dobutsu eisei kenkyujo; Noken kiko dobutsu eisei kenkyujo | 0 | |
0012-4486 | Documenta ophthalmologica | Junk | 4 | ✔ |
1573-2622 | Documenta ophthalmologica (e-vir) | Kluwer | 1 | ✔ |
0385-5023 | Dokkyo journal of medical sciences | Dokkyo Medical Society | 0 | |
1310-1331 | Dokladi na B'lgarskata akademija na naukite | B'lgarska akademija na naukite | 1 | |
0869-5652 | Doklady Akademii nauk | Nauka | 0 | |
0739-7240 | Domestic animal endocrinology | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1879-0054 | Domestic animal endocrinology (e-vir) | Elsevier Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
0250-3263 | Dongwuxue zazhi | Kexue Chubanshe, | 0 | |
0417-9927 | Doriana | Museo Civico di Storia Naturale Giacomo Doria | 0 | |
1559-3258 | Dose-response (e-vir) | International Hormesis Society | 0 | ✔ |
0341-406X | Drosera | Verein zur Förderung Naturkundlicher Untersuchungen in Nordwestdeutschland e.V. | 0 | |
0376-8716 | Drug and alcohol dependence | Elsevier Sequoia | 0 | ✔ |
0148-0545 | Drug and chemical toxicology | Dekker | 0 | ✔ |
1525-6014 | Drug and chemical toxicology (e-vir) | Marcel Dekker, Inc.; CRC Press | 0 | ✔ |
2190-393X | Drug delivery and translational research | Controlled Release Society. | 0 | ✔ |
2190-3948 | Drug delivery and translational research | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1177-8881 | Drug design, development and therapy (e-vir) | Dove Medical Press | 0 | ✔ |
0272-4391 | Drug development research | Alan R. Liss | 1 | ✔ |
1098-2299 | Drug development research | Alan R. Liss, Inc.]; Wiley-Liss, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
0090-9556 | Drug metabolism and disposition | American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, etc. | 0 | ✔ |
1521-009X | Drug metabolism and disposition (e-vir) | American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics | 0 | ✔ |
2363-8907 | Drug metabolism and personalized therapy | De Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
2363-8915 | Drug metabolism and personalized therapy (e-vir) | De Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1347-4367 | Drug metabolism and pharmacokinetics (e-vir) | Japanese Society for the Study of Xenobiotics | 0 | ✔ |
1880-0920 | Drug metabolism and pharmacokinetics | Japanese Society for the Study of Xenobiotics | 0 | ✔ |
0377-8282 | Drugs of the future | Prous | 0 | |
1699-3993 | Drugs of today | Prous Science | 0 | |
1577-3302 | Dugastella | Roncadell, Grup d'Estudi i Defensa de l'Entorn | 0 | |
0012-723X | Durban Museum novitates | Durban Natural Science Museum | 0 | |
0179-051X | Dysphagia | Springer. | 0 | ✔ |
1432-0460 | Dysphagia (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0196-0202 | Ear and hearing | American Auditory Society. | 0 | ✔ |
1538-4667 | Ear and hearing (e-vir) | Lippincot | 0 | ✔ |
1468-2060 | eARD (e-vir) | BMJ Publishing | 16 | ✔ |
0378-3782 | Early human development | Elsevier/North-Holland | 0 | ✔ |
1872-6232 | Early human development (e-vir) | Elsevier Science | 0 | ✔ |
1755-6910 | Earth and environmental science transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh | RSE Scotland Foundation | 0 | ✔ |
1755-6929 | Earth and environmental science transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh (e-vir) | RSE Scotland Foundation | 0 | ✔ |
1020-3397 | Eastern Mediterranean health journal | WHO, Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean | 0 | ✔ |
1687-1634 | Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal (e-vir) | World Health Organization, Eastern Mediterranean Regional Office | 0 | ✔ |
0906-7590 | Ecography | Munksgaard | 0 | ✔ |
1600-0587 | Ecography (e-vir) | Munksgaard International Publishers | 1 | ✔ |
1612-9202 | Ecohealth | Springer Science + Business Media | 0 | ✔ |
1612-9210 | ECOHealth (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1936-0584 | Ecohydrology | Oxford | 0 | ✔ |
1936-0592 | Ecohydrology (e-vir) | John Wiley & Sons | 0 | ✔ |
1642-3593 | Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology | International Centre for Ecology, Polish Academy of Sciences | 0 | ✔ |
0327-5477 | Ecología austral | Asociación Argentina de Ecología | 0 | |
1667-782X | Ecología austral (e-vir) | Asociación Argentina de Ecología | 0 | |
1313-9940 | Ecologia Balkanica (e-vir) | Union of Scientists in Bulgaria % Plovdiv; University of Plovdiv Publishing House | 0 | |
1314-0213 | Ecologia Balkanica | S"juz na učenite v B"lgarija = Union of Scientists in Bulgaria; Plovdivsko universitetsko izdatelstvo | 0 | |
0153-8756 | Ecologia mediterranea | Faculté des sciences et techniques de St. Jérôme | 0 | |
1775-4100 | Ecologia mediterranea (e-vir) | Université de droit, d'économie et des sciences (Aix-Marseille); Institut méditerranéen de biodiversité et d'écologie marine et continentale (France) | 0 | |
1051-0761 | Ecological applications | Ecological Society of America | 0 | ✔ |
1939-5582 | Ecological applications (e-vir) | Ecological Society of America | 1 | ✔ |
1476-945X | Ecological complexity | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
0921-8009 | Ecological economics | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
0925-8574 | Ecological engineering | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1872-6992 | Ecological Engineering (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
0307-6946 | Ecological entomology | Blackwell Scientific Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1365-2311 | Ecological entomology (e-vir) | Blackwell Scientific for the Royal Entomological Society of London | 0 | ✔ |
1470-160X | Ecological indicators | Elsevier | 4 | ✔ |
1872-7034 | Ecological indicators (e-vir) | Elsevier Ltd. | 1 | ✔ |
1574-9541 | Ecological informatics | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1878-0512 | Ecological informatics (e-vir) | Elsevier B.V. | 0 | ✔ |
1442-7001 | Ecological management & restoration | Blackwell Science Asia [for] the Ecological Society of Australia | 0 | ✔ |
1839-3330 | Ecological management & restoration (e-vir) | Blackwell Science | 0 | |
0304-3800 | Ecological modelling | Elsevier | 1 | ✔ |
1872-7026 | Ecological modelling (e-vir) | Elsevier BV | 0 | ✔ |
0012-9615 | Ecological monographs | Ecological Society of America | 0 | |
1557-7015 | Ecological monographs (e-vir) | Duke University Press | 0 | |
1040-7413 | Ecological psychology | Lawrence Erlbaum Associates | 0 | ✔ |
1532-6969 | Ecological psychology (e-vir) | L. Erlbaum Associates. | 0 | ✔ |
1644-7298 | Ecological Questions | Nicolaus Copernicus University Press | 0 | ✔ |
2083-5469 | Ecological Questions (e-vir) | "Versita" | 0 | |
0912-3814 | Ecological research | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1440-1703 | Ecological research (e-vir) | Springer Japan | 0 | ✔ |
2336-9744 | Ecologica Montenegrina (e-vir) | Centre for Biodiversity; University of Montenegro, Department of Biology | 0 | |
2337-0173 | Ecologica Montenegrina | Centre for Biodiversity; University of Montenegro, Department of Biology | 0 | |
1259-5314 | Écologie | P. Blandin | 0 | |
0012-9658 | Ecology | Ecological Society of America | 0 | ✔ |
1939-9170 | Ecology (e-vir) | Brooklyn Botanic Garden | 0 | ✔ |
2045-7758 | Ecology and evolution (e-vir) | Wiley-Blackwell; Blackwell Publishing | 4 | ✔ |
1708-3087 | Ecology and society (e-vir) | Resilience Alliance | 0 | ✔ |
1461-023X | Ecology letters | Blackwell Science | 0 | ✔ |
1461-0248 | Ecology letters (e-vir) | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
0906-6691 | Ecology of freshwater fish | Munksgaard | 0 | ✔ |
1600-0633 | Ecology of freshwater fish (e-vir) | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
0013-0001 | Economic botany | New York Botanical Garden | 0 | ✔ |
1874-9364 | Economic botany (e-vir) | New York Botanical Garden Press; Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1195-6860 | Écoscience | Université Laval. | 0 | ✔ |
2376-7626 | Écoscience (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
2150-8925 | Ecosphere (e-vir) | Ecological Society of America | 1 | ✔ |
2332-8878 | Ecosystem health and sustainability (e-vir) | Ecological Society of America | 0 | ✔ |
1432-9840 | Ecosystems | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1435-0629 | Ecosystems (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0963-9292 | Ecotoxicology | Chapman & Hall | 0 | ✔ |
1573-3017 | Ecotoxicology (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
2317-9643 | Ecotoxicology and Environmental Contamination (e-vir) | Sociedade Brasileira de Ecotoxicologia | 0 | |
0147-6513 | Ecotoxicology and environmental safety | Academic Press. | 1 | ✔ |
1090-2414 | Ecotoxicology and environmental safety (e-vir) | Academic Press | 1 | |
0949-3026 | Ecotropica | Deutsche Gesellschaft für Tropenökologie | 0 | |
1012-1692 | Ecotrópicos | Sociedad Venezolana de Ecología | 0 | |
0960-4286 | Edinburgh journal of botany | H.M.S.O. | 0 | ✔ |
1474-0036 | Edinburgh journal of botany (e-vir) | H.M.S.O. | 0 | ✔ |
0375-9237 | Egyptian Journal of Botany | National Information and Documentation Center | 0 | |
1110-0206 | Egyptian Journal of Horticulture | National Information and Documentation Center | 0 | |
0022-2704 | Egyptian Journal of Microbiology | National Information and Documentation Centre | 0 | |
0424-6845 | Ehime Daigaku Nogakubu Enshurin hokoku | Ehime Daigaku. Nogakubu. Fuzoku Enshurin | 0 | |
0424-7086 | Eisei Dobutsu | Japan Society of Medical Entomology and Zoology. | 0 | |
1813-1859 | E-journal of Northwest Atlantic fishery science | Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization | 0 | |
1335-342X | Ekológia | Institute of Landscape Ecology, Slovak Academy of Sciences [etc.] | 0 | ✔ |
1337-947X | Ekológia (e-vir) | Ústav krajinnej ekológie Slovenskej akadémie vied; De Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1040-0397 | Electroanalysis | VCH | 0 | ✔ |
1521-4109 | Electroanalysis (e-vir) | Wiley-VCH | 1 | ✔ |
1536-8378 | Electromagnetic biology and medicine | M. Dekker | 0 | ✔ |
1536-8386 | Electromagnetic biology and medicine (e-vir) | Marcel Dekker | 0 | ✔ |
Y504-5800 | Electromagnetic biology and medicine | M. Dekker | 0 | |
0717-3458 | Electronic Journal of Biotechnology (e-vir) | Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso; Comisión Nacional de Investigació Científica y Tecnológica | 0 | |
0173-0835 | Electrophoresis | VCH | 2 | ✔ |
1522-2683 | Electrophoresis (e-vir) | Wiley-VCH-Verl.. | 0 | ✔ |
2325-1026 | Elementa (e-vir) | BioOne | 0 | ✔ |
2050-084X | eLife (e-vir) | eLife Sciences Publications | 3 | ✔ |
0214-1353 | Elytron | Asociación Europea de Coleopterología | 0 | |
1757-4676 | EMBO molecular medicine | Wiley-Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1757-4684 | EMBO molecular medicine (e-vir) | Wiley Europe | 0 | ✔ |
1469-221X | EMBO reports | Oxford University Press | 0 | |
1469-3178 | EMBO reports (e-vir) | Wiley | 0 | ✔ |
2405-6642 | Emerging contaminants (e-vir) | KeAi Communications Co., Ltd. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. | 0 | |
2405-6650 | Emerging contaminants | Elsevier B.V. | 0 | |
1080-6040 | Emerging infectious diseases | National Center for Infectious Diseases, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) | 1 | ✔ |
1080-6059 | Emerging infectious diseases (e-vir) | National Center for Infectious Diseases; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention | 3 | ✔ |
2222-1751 | Emerging microbes & infections (e-vir) | Nature Publishing Group | 0 | ✔ |
2079-052X | Emirates journal of food and agriculture | Faculty of Food and Agriculture, United Arab Emirates University | 0 | ✔ |
2079-0538 | Emirates journal of food and agriculture (e-vir) | Faculty of Food and Agriculture, United Arab Emirates University | 0 | ✔ |
1528-3542 | Emotion | American Psychological Association | 0 | ✔ |
1931-1516 | Emotion | American Psychological Association | 0 | ✔ |
1448-5540 | Emu (e-vir) | 0 | ✔ | |
1613-4796 | Endangered species research | Inter-Research. | 0 | ✔ |
1863-5407 | Endangered species research | Inter-Research. | 0 | ✔ |
0160-9327 | Endeavour | Pergamon Press | 0 | ✔ |
1873-1929 | Endeavour (e-vir) | Elsevier Current Trends Journals | 0 | ✔ |
1355-008X | Endocrine | Macmillan | 0 | ✔ |
1559-0100 | Endocrine (e-vir) | Springer | 1 | ✔ |
2049-3614 | Endocrine connections (e-vir) | BioScientifica Ltd. | 4 | ✔ |
0918-8959 | Endocrine journal | Japan Endocrine Society | 0 | |
1348-4540 | Endocrine journal (e-vir) | Japan Endocrine Society | 0 | |
1351-0088 | Endocrine-related cancer | Journal of Endocrinology Ltd | 0 | ✔ |
1479-6821 | Endocrine-related cancer (e-vir) | Society for Endocrinology | 0 | ✔ |
0743-5800 | Endocrine research | Marcel Dekker | 0 | ✔ |
1532-4206 | Endocrine research (e-vir) | Marcel Dekker | 0 | ✔ |
0013-7227 | Endocrinology | Published for the Endocrine Society by J.B. Lippincot Co. | 0 | ✔ |
1945-7170 | Endocrinology (e-vir) | Endocrine Society | 0 | ✔ |
1618-0240 | Engineering in life sciences | Wiley-VCH-Verl.. | 0 | |
1618-2863 | Engineering in life sciences | Wiley-VCH-Verl.. | 0 | ✔ |
1662-8500 | Entomo Helvetica | Entomologische Gesellschaft Zürich [etc.] | 0 | |
2281-9584 | Entomologia | PagePress Publications | 0 | |
1330-6200 | Entomologia Croatica | Hrvatsko entomološko društvo | 0 | |
0013-8703 | Entomologia experimentalis et applicata | Nederlandse Entomologische Vereniging; Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1570-7458 | Entomologia experimentalis et applicata (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0171-8177 | Entomologia generalis | Schweizerbart | 0 | ✔ |
2363-7102 | Entomologia generalis (e-vir) | Schweizerbart Science Publ. | 0 | ✔ |
0254-5381 | Entomologia hellenica | Hellenic Entomological Society = Entomologikäi Etaireia Ellados | 0 | |
2459-3885 | Entomologia Hellenica (e-vir) | Entomologikī Etaireia Ellados; Εντομολογική Εταιρεία Ελλάδος, | 0 | |
0425-1016 | Entomologica | Università degli studi "Aldo Moro", Bari. Istituto di entomologia agraria; Università degli studi, Bari. Dipartimento di scienze del suolo, della pianta e degli alimenti; Università degli Studi, Bari. Dipartimento di Scienze del Suolo, della Pianta e degli Alimenti | 0 | |
1947-5136 | Entomologica americana | New York Entomological Society. | 0 | |
1947-5144 | Entomologica americana (e-vir) | New York Entomological Society | 0 | |
0785-8760 | Entomologica Fennica | Entomological Society of Finland [etc.] | 0 | |
0013-872X | Entomological news | American Entomological Society. | 0 | |
1738-2297 | Entomological research | Entomological Society of Korea | 0 | ✔ |
1748-5967 | Entomological research (e-vir) | Entomological Society of Korea | 0 | ✔ |
1343-8786 | Entomological science | Entomological Society of Japan. | 0 | ✔ |
1479-8298 | Entomological science (e-vir) | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
0367-1445 | Entomologičeskoe obozrenie | Nauka Leningradskoe otdelenie | 0 | |
0013-8827 | Entomologische berichten | Nederlandse Entomologische Vereniging | 0 | |
0013-8835 | Entomologische Blätter für Biologie und Systematik der Käfer | Goecke and Evers,Verlag | 0 | |
0044-5223 | Entomologische Mitteilungen aus dem Zoologischen Museum Hamburg | Zoologisches Institut und Zoologisches Museum der Universtät Hamburg | 0 | |
0232-5535 | Entomologische Nachrichten und Berichte | B. Klausnitzer | 0 | |
0013-8843 | Entomologische Zeitschrift mit Insektenbörse | E. Ulmer | 0 | |
0013-8851 | Entomologiske meddelelser | Entomologisk Forening | 0 | |
0013-886X | Entomologisk tidskrift / (e-vir) | Entomologiska föreningen i Stockholm; Sveriges entomologiska förening | 0 | |
0013-8894 | Entomologist's gazette | E.W. Classey Ltd | 0 | |
0013-8908 | Entomologist's monthly magazine | van Voorst; Entomologist's Monthly Magazine Ltd | 0 | |
0013-8916 | Entomologist's record and journal of variation | J.M. Chalmers-Hunt | 0 | |
0377-9335 | Entomon | Assoc. for Advancement of Entomology, Dep. of Zoology, University of Kerala. | 0 | |
1317-5262 | Entomotrópica | Sociedad venezolana de entomologia | 0 | |
2443-437X | Entomotrópica (e-vir) | Sociedad Venezolana de Entomología | 0 | |
0013-9157 | Environment | Helen Dwight Reid Educational Foundation | 0 | ✔ |
1939-9154 | Environment (e-vir) | [Helen Dwight Reid Educational Foundation] | 0 | ✔ |
1387-585X | Environment, development and sustainability | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1573-2975 | Environment, development and sustainability (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1352-8505 | Environmental and ecological statistics | Chapman & Hall | 0 | ✔ |
1573-3009 | Environmental and ecological statistics (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1873-7307 | Environmental and experimental botany (e-vir) | Elsevier B.V. | 0 | ✔ |
0098-8472 | Environmental and Experimental Botany | Pergamon Press | 2 | ✔ |
1029-0400 | Environmental studies: Sections A & B | Gordon and Breach Publishing Group. | 0 | ✔ |
2408-2384 | Environment and Natural Resources Journal (e-vir) | Faculty of Environment and Resource Studies, Mahidol University | 0 | |
0160-4120 | Environment international | Elsevier | 8 | ✔ |
1873-6750 | Environment International (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
2194-5403 | Environment systems & decisions | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
2194-5411 | Environment systems & decisions (e-vir) | 0 | ✔ | |
0302-1033 | Epetäeris Mouseiou Goulandräe | Mouseion Goulandräe Fusikäes Istorias | 0 | |
0887-4840 | General technical report PNW | Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station (Portland, Or.); Pacific Northwest Research Station (Portland, Or.) | 0 | |
0016-7746 | Geologie en mijnbouw | Koninklijk Nederlandsch Geologisch Mijnbouwkundig Genootschap | 0 | |
1573-9708 | Geologie en mijnbouw (e-vir) | G.A. Tiesing | 0 | |
1000-3118 | Gujizhui dongwu xuebao | Kexue Chubanshe | 0 | |
0021-5090 | Gyoruigaku Zasshi | Nippon Gyogaku Shinkokai; Nihon Gyorui Gakkai | 0 | |
1345-5826 | Hachäu Ryäoseirui Gakkaihäo | Herpetological Society of Japan. | 0 | |
1225-0171 | Han'gug eung'yong goncung haghoeji | Han'gug eung'yong goncung haghoe | 0 | |
1598-642X | Han'gug mi'saengmul saengmyeong gong haghoeji; 한국 미생물 생명공학회지 | Han'gug mi'saengmul.saengmyeong gong haghoe; 한국미생물.생명공학회 | 0 | |
0445-4650 | han-gugimhakoeji; 한국임학회지 | Hangug n̊imhag hoi | 0 | |
1598-9429 | Han-gukdongmuljawon-gwahakoeji | han-guk dongmul jawon gwahakoe | 0 | |
0289-0755 | Häoigaku no jissai to kenkyäu | Häoigaku Danwakai. | 0 | |
2363-6122 | Hessische Ahnenlisten | Schmidt | 0 | ✔ |
1881-8064 | Hokkaido daigaku daigakuin nogaku kenkyuin hobun kiyo =.; 北海道大学大学院農学研究院邦文紀要 | Hokkaido daigaku daigakuin nogaku kenkyuin; 北海道大学大学院農学研究院 | 0 | |
1346-1842 | Hokkaido daigaku suisan kagaku kenkyu iho | Hokkaido daigaku daigakuin suisan kagaku kenkyuka henshu shuppan iinkai,; Hokkaido Daigaku Daigakuin Suisan Kagaku Kenkyuin Henshu Shuppan Iinkai | 0 | |
2186-1064 | Hokkaidoritsu sogo kenkyu kiko nogyo shikenjo hokoku | [Hokkaidoritsu sogo kenkyu kiko nogyo kenkyu honbu nogyo shikenjo]; Hokkaidoritsu sogo kenkyu kiko chuo shikenjo | 0 | |
2185-3290 | Hokkaido suisan shikenjo kenkyu hokoku | Hokkaido Research Organization. Fisheries Research Department. | 0 | |
0439-3600 | Hokuriku Näogyäo Shikenjäo häokoku | Hokuriku National Agricultural Experiment Station.; Näorinshäo Hokuriku Näogyäo Shikenjäo.; Hokuriku Agricultural Experiment Station. | 0 | |
0441-2559 | Hoshi Yakka Daigaku Kiyo | Hoshi Yakka Daigaku | 0 | |
1000-2537 | Hu'nan Shifan Daxue xuebao | Gai Kan Bian-Wei-Hui | 0 | |
0250-3301 | Huanjing Kexue | Kexue Chubanshe, | 0 | |
1074-7613 | Immunity | Cell Press | 0 | ✔ |
1097-4180 | Immunity (e-vir) | Cell Press | 0 | ✔ |
1742-4933 | Immunity and ageing (e-vir) | BioMed Central | 0 | ✔ |
0171-2985 | Immunobiology | Fischer | 0 | ✔ |
0093-7711 | Immunogenetics | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1432-1211 | Immunogenetics (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0206-4952 | Immunologiâ.; Иммунология | Medicina; Медицина; GÈOTAR-Media; ГЭОТАР-Медиа | 0 | |
0882-0139 | Immunological investigations | Marcel Dekker | 1 | ✔ |
1532-4311 | Immunological investigations (e-vir) | Marcel Dekker | 0 | ✔ |
0257-277X | Immunologic research | S. Karger | 0 | ✔ |
1559-0755 | Immunologic research | Humana Press | 0 | ✔ |
0019-2805 | Immunology | Blackwell Scientific Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1365-2567 | Immunology (e-vir) | Blackwell Science. | 1 | ✔ |
0818-9641 | Immunology and cell biology | University of Adelaide | 0 | ✔ |
1440-1711 | Immunology and cell biology (e-vir) | University of Adelaide] | 0 | ✔ |
0165-2478 | Immunology letters | Elsevier/North-Holland | 0 | ✔ |
0892-3973 | Immunopharmacology and immunotoxicology | Marcel Dekker | 0 | ✔ |
1532-2513 | Immunopharmacology and immunotoxicology (e-vir) | Marcel Dekker | 0 | ✔ |
1750-743X | Immunotherapy | Future Medicine | 0 | ✔ |
1750-7448 | Immunotherapy (e-vir) | Future Medicine | 0 | ✔ |
0970-2741 | Indian Fern Journal | Indian Fern Society. | 0 | |
0367-8245 | Indian Journal of Agricultural Research | Agricultural Research Communication Centre. | 0 | |
0976-058X | Indian Journal of Agricultural Research (e-vir) | Indianjournals.com | 0 | |
0974-4460 | Indian journal of agronomy (e-vir) | Indian Society of Agronomy | 0 | |
0537-197X | Indian Journal of Agronomy | Indian Society of Agronomy. | 0 | |
2394-3327 | Indian journal of animal sciences (e-vir) | Indian Agricultural Research Institute | 0 | |
0367-8318 | Indian Journal of Animal Sciences | Indian Council of Agricultural Research | 0 | |
0975-0959 | Indian journal of biochemistry and biophysics (e-vir) | National Institute of Science Communication and Information Resources, CSIR | 0 | |
0301-1208 | Indian Journal of Biochemistry and Biophysics | CSIR-National Institute of Science Communication and Policy Research (CSIR-NIScPR) | 0 | |
0975-0967 | Indian journal of biotechnology (e-vir) | National Institute of Science Communication and Information Resources, CSIR | 0 | |
0972-5849 | Indian Journal of Biotechnology | CSIR-National Institute of Science Communication and Policy Research (CSIR-NIScPR) | 0 | |
1998-4774 | Indian journal of cancer | Medknow Publications Pvt. Ltd. | 0 | ✔ |
0367-827X | Indian Journal of Environmental Health | Central Public Health Engineering Research Institute | 0 | |
0975-1009 | Indian journal of experimental biology (e-vir) | National Institute of Science Communication and Information Resources, CSIR | 0 | |
0019-5189 | Indian Journal of Experimental Biology | Council of Scientific & Industrial Research | 0 | |
0970-6011 | Indian Journal of Fisheries | Editorial Committee, Indian Journal of Fisheries | 0 | |
0019-5200 | Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding | Indian Society of Genetics and Plant Breeding | 0 | |
0379-5136 | Indian journal of marine sciences | National Institute of Science Communication and Information Resources, CSIR | 0 | |
0975-1033 | Indian journal of marine sciences (e-vir) | National Institute of Science Communication and Information Resources, CSIR | 0 | |
0046-8991 | Indian Journal of Microbiology | Association of Microbiologists of India. | 0 | ✔ |
0970-129X | Indian Journal of Natural Products | Indian Society of Pharmacognosy. | 0 | |
1998-3689 | Indian journal of ophthalmology | Medknow Publications Pvt. Ltd. | 0 | ✔ |
0301-4738 | Indian Journal of Ophthalmology | All-India Ophthalmological Society. | 0 | ✔ |
0973-7693 | Indian journal of pediatrics (e-vir) | Springer India | 0 | ✔ |
0019-5456 | Indian Journal of Pediatrics | All India Institute of Medical Sciences | 1 | ✔ |
1998-3743 | Indian journal of pharmaceutical sciences | Medknow Publications Pvt. Ltd. | 0 | ✔ |
0250-474X | Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences | Indian Pharmaceutical Association. | 0 | ✔ |
0253-7613 | Indian Journal of Pharmacology | Indian Pharmacological Society. | 0 | ✔ |
0019-5499 | Indian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology | Dr. SK. Manchanda, Dep. of Physiology, All India Institute of Medical Sciences | 0 | ✔ |
2582-2799 | Indian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology (e-vir) | Dr K K Deepak | 0 | ✔ |
0974-0252 | Indian journal of plant physiology | Indian Society for Plant Physiology | 0 | ✔ |
0019-5502 | Indian Journal of Plant Physiology | Indian Society for Plant Physiology | 0 | ✔ |
0253-4355 | Indian journal of plant protection | Plant Protection Association of India | 0 | |
0019-5529 | Indian Journal of Poultry Science | Indian Poultry Science Association | 0 | |
0445-7722 | Indian Journal of Sericulture | Central Silk Board. | 0 | |
0971-6580 | Indian Journal of Toxicology | Society of Toxicology. | 0 | |
0254-4105 | Indian journal of veterinary surgery | Indian Society for Veterinary Surgery | 0 | |
1880-8026 | Industrial health | National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health | 0 | |
0019-8366 | Industrial Health | National Institute of Industrial Health :; National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health | 0 | |
0163-6383 | Infant behavior & development | Ablex Pub. | 0 | ✔ |
1879-0453 | Infant behavior & development (e-vir) | Elsevier Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
0300-8126 | Infection | MMV-Medizin-Verlag | 0 | ✔ |
1439-0973 | Infection | Urban u. Vogel | 0 | ✔ |
1567-1348 | Infection, genetics and evolution | Elsevier | 2 | ✔ |
1567-7257 | Infection, genetics and evolution (e-vir) | Elsevier Science | 0 | |
0019-9567 | Infection & immunity | American Society for Microbiology | 0 | ✔ |
1098-5522 | Infection and immunity (e-vir) | American Society for Microbiology | 0 | ✔ |
0899-823X | Infection control and hospital epidemiology | SLACK | 0 | ✔ |
1559-6834 | Infection control and hospital epidemiology (e-vir) | SLACK] | 0 | ✔ |
2000-8686 | Infection ecology & epidemiology (e-vir) | Co-Action publishing | 0 | ✔ |
1750-9378 | Infectious agents and cancer (e-vir) | BioMed Central | 0 | ✔ |
2374-4235 | Infectious Diseases | 0 | ✔ | |
0360-3997 | Inflammation | Kluwer Online | 0 | ✔ |
1573-2576 | Inflammation | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1023-3830 | Inflammation research | Birkhäuser | 0 | ✔ |
1420-908X | Inflammation research (e-vir) | Birkhäuser | 0 | ✔ |
0925-4692 | Inflammopharmacology | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1568-5608 | Inflammopharmacology (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1750-2640 | Influenza and other respiratory viruses | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1750-2659 | Influenza and other respiratory viruses (e-vir) | Blackwell | 2 | ✔ |
1753-8157 | Informatics for health & social care | Informa Healthcare | 0 | ✔ |
1753-8165 | Informatics for health & social care (e-vir) | Informa Healthcare | 0 | ✔ |
0020-0697 | Informatore Botanico Italiano | s. n.] | 0 | |
1995-0829 | Inland water biology | Preiades publishing; Nauka/Interperiodica | 0 | ✔ |
1995-0837 | Inland water biology (e-vir) | Nauka/Interperiodica | 0 | ✔ |
2044-2041 | Inland waters | Freshwater Biological Association | 0 | ✔ |
2044-205X | Inland waters (e-vir) | Freshwater Biological Association | 0 | ✔ |
1753-4259 | Innate immunity | Sage | 0 | ✔ |
1753-4267 | Innate immunity (e-vir) | Sage | 0 | ✔ |
0020-1804 | Insecta Matsumurana | Hokkaido University. Faculty of Agriculture.; Hokkaido University. Graduate School of Agriculture. | 0 | |
0965-1748 | Insect biochemistry and molecular biology | Pergamon | 0 | ✔ |
1879-0240 | Insect biochemistry and molecular biology (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1752-458X | Insect conservation and diversity | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1752-4598 | Insect conservation and diversity (e-vir) | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1420-9098 | Insectes sociaux | Birkhäuser | 0 | ✔ |
0020-1812 | Insectes sociaux = | Masson; Birkhäuser | 0 | ✔ |
0962-1075 | Insect molecular biology | Blackwell Scientific | 0 | ✔ |
1365-2583 | Insect molecular biology (e-vir) | Blackwell Science | 0 | ✔ |
2075-4450 | Insects (e-vir) | MDPI AG | 3 | ✔ |
1672-9609 | Insect science | Blackwell | 1 | ✔ |
1744-7917 | Insect science (e-vir) | Blackwell Pub. | 0 | ✔ |
1399-560X | Insect systematics & evolution | Apollo Books | 0 | ✔ |
1876-312X | Insect systematics & evolution | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
1386-6338 | In silico biology | IOS Press; Bioinformation Systems | 0 | ✔ |
1434-3207 | In silico biology (e-vir) | IOS Press | 0 | ✔ |
2193-9616 | In silico pharmacology (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1073-9149 | Instrumentation science & technology | Marcel Dekker, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1525-6030 | Instrumentation science & technology (e-vir) | Marcel Dekker, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
0101-9554 | Insula | Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências Biológicas, Departamento de Botânica | 0 | |
2178-4574 | Insula (e-vir) | Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências Biológicas, Departamento de Botânica | 0 | |
1551-3777 | Integrated environmental assessment and management | Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) | 0 | ✔ |
1551-3793 | Integrated environmental assessment and management (e-vir) | SETAC | 0 | ✔ |
1540-7063 | Integrative and comparative biology | Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology | 0 | ✔ |
1557-7023 | Integrative and comparative biology (e-vir) | Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology | 0 | ✔ |
1757-9694 | Integrative biology | Royal Society of Chemistry | 0 | ✔ |
1757-9708 | Integrative biology (e-vir) | Royal Society of Chemistry | 0 | ✔ |
1749-4869 | Integrative zoology | Blackwell Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
1749-4877 | Integrative zoology (e-vir) | Blackwell Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
0947-5362 | Intensiv- und Notfallbehandlung | Dustri-Verl. Feistle. | 0 | |
0378-1844 | Interciencia | Asociación Interciencia | 0 | |
2244-7776 | Interciencia (e-vir) | Asociación Interciencia, | 0 | |
1867-1462 | Interdisciplinary sciences: computational life sciences | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1913-2751 | Interdisciplinary sciences: computational life sciences | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
2042-8898 | Interface focus | Royal Society | 0 | |
2042-8901 | Interface focus (e-vir) | Royal Society | 0 | ✔ |
1081-3519 | Intermountain journal of sciences | Montana Academy of Sciences. | 0 | |
0918-2918 | Internal medicine | Japanese Society of Internal Medicine. | 0 | |
1349-7235 | Internal medicine | Japanese Society of Internal Medicine | 0 | |
0392-9590 | International angiology | Minerva Medica | 12 | ✔ |
1827-1839 | International angiology (e-vir) | Edizioni Minerva Medica | 0 | ✔ |
1018-2438 | International archives of allergy and immunology | S. Karger | 0 | ✔ |
1423-0097 | International archives of allergy and immunology (e-vir) | S. Karger | 0 | ✔ |
0340-0131 | International archives of occupational and environmental health | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0964-8305 | International biodeterioration & biodegradation | Elsevier Applied Science | 0 | ✔ |
0268-1315 | International clinical psychopharmacology | Clinical Neuroscience Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1473-5857 | International clinical psychopharmacology (e-vir) | Rapid Science Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0958-6946 | International dairy journal | Elsevier Limited (Corporate Office) | 0 | ✔ |
1879-0143 | International dairy journal (e-vir) | Elsevier BV | 0 | ✔ |
1349-2365 | International heart journal | International Heart Journal Association | 0 | ✔ |
1349-3299 | International heart journal (e-vir) | International Heart Journal Association | 0 | ✔ |
0953-8178 | International immunology | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1460-2377 | International immunology (e-vir) | Oxford University Press. | 0 | ✔ |
1567-5769 | International immunopharmacology | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1878-1705 | International immunopharmacology (e-vir) | Elsevier BV | 1 | ✔ |
1314-1902 | International Journal Bioautomation | Centre of Biomedical Engineering Prof. Ivan Daskalov at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences | 0 | |
1314-2321 | International Journal Bioautomation (e-vir) | BAS, Institute of Biophysics and Biomedical Engineering | 0 | |
2213-2244 | International journal for parasitology (e-vir) | Elsevier Australia | 0 | ✔ |
0020-7519 | International Journal for Parasitology | Pergamon Press | 0 | ✔ |
2211-3207 | International journal for parasitology, drugs and drug resistance | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
0300-9831 | International journal for vitamin and nutrition research | H. Huber | 0 | ✔ |
1664-2821 | International journal for vitamin and nutrition research (e-vir) | H. Huber, Hogrefe | 0 | ✔ |
0164-7954 | International journal of acarology | Indira Acarology Pub. House [1975]- | 0 | ✔ |
1945-3892 | International journal of acarology | Indira Pub. House | 0 | ✔ |
1934-6344 | International journal of agricultural and biological engineering | Association of Overseas Chinese Agricultural, Biological and Food Engineers; Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering | 0 | |
1934-6352 | International journal of agricultural and biological engineering (e-vir) | Association of Overseas Chinese Agricultural, Biological and Food Engineers & CSAE | 0 | |
1462-4605 | International journal of agricultural resources, governance and ecology | Inderscience Enterprises, | 0 | ✔ |
1741-5004 | International journal of agricultural resources, governance and ecology (e-vir) | Inderscience Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0924-8579 | International journal of antimicrobial agents | Elsevier Science Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1872-7913 | International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents (e-vir) | Elsevier | 1 | ✔ |
0391-3988 | International journal of artificial organs | Wichtig editore | 0 | ✔ |
1473-5504 | International journal of astrobiology | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1475-3006 | International journal of astrobiology (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1499-2027 | International journal of audiology | BC Decker Inc | 0 | ✔ |
1708-8186 | International journal of audiology (e-vir) | BC Decker | 0 | ✔ |
0165-0254 | International journal of behavioral development | North-Holland; L. Erlbaum; Psychology Press; SAGE | 0 | ✔ |
1464-0651 | International journal of behavioral development (e-vir) | North-Holland | 0 | ✔ |
1357-2725 | International journal of biochemistry & cell biology | Elsevier Science Ltd | 0 | ✔ |
2151-3740 | International journal of biodiversity science, ecosystem services & management (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | |
0141-8130 | International journal of biological macromolecules | Butterworth Scientific Ltd; Elsevier | 6 | ✔ |
1879-0003 | International journal of biological macromolecules (e-vir) | Elsevier | 2 | ✔ |
1449-2288 | International journal of biological sciences (e-vir) | Ivyspring International Publisher | 0 | ✔ |
1810-2719 | International journal of biology and biotechnology | University of Karachi | 0 | |
1793-5245 | International journal of biomathematics | World Scientific | 0 | ✔ |
1793-7159 | International journal of biomathematics (e-vir) | World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd | 0 | ✔ |
0020-7128 | International journal of biometeorology | Springer-Verl. New York; Springer | 1 | ✔ |
0963-6048 | International journal of biotechnology | Inderscience Enterprises | 0 | ✔ |
1741-5020 | International journal of biotechnology (e-vir) | Inderscience Enterprises Ltd | 0 | ✔ |
1811-9700 | International journal of botany | Asian Network for Scientific Information. | 0 | ✔ |
1811-9719 | International journal of botany | Asian Network for Scientific Information | 0 | ✔ |
0020-7136 | International journal of cancer | Wiley | 4 | ✔ |
1097-0215 | International journal of cancer (e-vir) | Wiley | 0 | ✔ |
0167-5273 | International journal of cardiology | Elsevier/North-Holland | 0 | ✔ |
1874-1754 | International journal of cardiology (e-vir) | Elsevier Ireland | 0 | ✔ |
1940-5901 | International journal of clinical and experimental medicine (e-vir) | E-Century Pub. Corp. | 0 | ✔ |
1936-2625 | International journal of clinical and experimental pathology (e-vir) | E-Century Pub. Corp. | 0 | ✔ |
0946-1965 | International journal of clinical pharmacology and therapeutics | Dustri-Verl. Feistle | 0 | ✔ |
0179-1958 | International journal of colorectal disease | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1432-1262 | International journal of colorectal disease (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1756-0756 | International journal of computational biology and drug design | Inderscience Enterprises | 0 | ✔ |
1756-0764 | International journal of computational biology and drug design (e-vir) | Inderscience Enterprises Ltd | 0 | ✔ |
0142-5463 | International journal of cosmetic science | Blackwell Scientific Publications Ltd | 0 | ✔ |
1468-2494 | International journal of cosmetic science (e-vir) | Blackwell Science. | 0 | ✔ |
1364-727X | International journal of dairy technology | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1471-0307 | International journal of dairy technology (e-vir) | Blackwell Science | 0 | ✔ |
1748-5673 | International journal of data mining and bioinformatics | Inderscience, | 0 | ✔ |
1748-5681 | International journal of data mining and bioinformatics (e-vir) | Inderscience | 0 | ✔ |
0736-5748 | International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience | Pergamon | 0 | ✔ |
1098-108X | International journal of eating disorders (e-vir) | John Wiley & Sons | 0 | ✔ |
0960-3123 | International journal of environmental health research | Taylor & Francis | 1 | ✔ |
1369-1619 | International journal of environmental health research (e-vir) | Taylor and Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0957-4352 | International journal of environment and pollution | Interscience Enterprises | 0 | ✔ |
1741-5101 | International journal of environment and pollution (e-vir) | Inderscience Enterprises | 0 | ✔ |
0300-5771 | International journal of epidemiology | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1464-3685 | International journal of epidemiology (e-vir) | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1365-2613 | International journal of experimental pathology (e-vir) | Blackwell Scientific Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0959-9673 | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL PATHOLOGY | Blackwell Scientific Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0168-1605 | International journal of food microbiology | Elsevier | 2 | ✔ |
1879-3460 | International Journal of Food Microbiology (e-vir) | Elsevier; Elsevier | 1 | ✔ |
0950-5423 | International journal of food science & technology | Wiley-Blackwell | 2 | ✔ |
1365-2621 | International journal of food science & technology (e-vir) | Wiley-Blackwell | 1 | ✔ |
0963-7486 | International journal of food sciences and nutrition | Macmillan Press | 1 | ✔ |
1465-3478 | International journal of food sciences and nutrition (e-vir) | Taylor and Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1756-2104 | International journal of functional informatics and personalised medicine | Inderscience Enterprises, | 0 | |
1756-2112 | International journal of functional informatics and personalised medicine (e-vir) | Inderscience | 0 | |
2314-436X | International Journal of Genomics | Hindawi | 0 | ✔ |
2314-4378 | International Journal of Genomics (e-vir) | Hindawi Publishing Corporation | 0 | ✔ |
0885-6230 | International journal of geriatric psychiatry | Wiley | 0 | ✔ |
1099-1166 | International journal of geriatric psychiatry | John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. | 0 | ✔ |
0277-1691 | International journal of gynecological pathology | Raven Press | 0 | ✔ |
1538-7151 | International journal of gynecological pathology | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins | 0 | ✔ |
0925-5710 | International journal of hematology | Elsevier Science Publishers; Garden Jennings Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
1865-3774 | International journal of hematology | Springer Japan | 0 | ✔ |
2456-6330 | International journal of human genetics (e-vir) | Kamla-Raj Enterprises | 0 | ✔ |
0972-3757 | International Journal of Human Genetics | Kamla-Raj Enterprises. | 0 | ✔ |
1438-4639 | International journal of hygiene and environmental health | Elsevier | 1 | ✔ |
1618-131X | International journal of hygiene and environmental health (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
0265-6736 | International journal of hyperthermia | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1464-5157 | International journal of hyperthermia (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1744-3121 | International journal of immunogenetics | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1744-313X | International journal of immunogenetics (e-vir) | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
0394-6320 | International journal of immunopathology and pharmacology | Università di Chieti. | 0 | ✔ |
2058-7384 | International journal of immunopathology and pharmacology (e-vir) | Biomedical Research Press | 0 | ✔ |
1201-9712 | International journal of infectious diseases | International Society for Infectious Diseases | 0 | ✔ |
1878-3511 | International journal of infectious diseases (e-vir) | Elsevier | 1 | ✔ |
0937-9827 | International journal of legal medicine | Springer | 1 | ✔ |
1437-1596 | International journal of legal medicine (e-vir) | Springer | 1 | ✔ |
1477-6545 | International journal of low radiation | Inderscience Enterprises, | 0 | |
1741-9190 | International journal of low radiation (e-vir) | Inderscience Enterprises | 0 | |
1386-5056 | International journal of medical informatics | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1438-4221 | International journal of medical microbiology | Urban & Fischer | 0 | ✔ |
1618-0607 | International journal of medical microbiology (e-vir) | Urban u. Fischer | 0 | ✔ |
1521-9437 | International journal of medicinal mushrooms | Begell House | 0 | ✔ |
1940-4344 | International journal of medicinal mushrooms (e-vir) | Begell House Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1107-3756 | International Journal of Molecular Medicine | D. A. Spandidos | 0 | ✔ |
1791-244X | International Journal of Molecular Medicine (e-vir) | D. A. Spandidos | 0 | ✔ |
1875-2535 | International journal of myriapodology | Brill | 0 | |
1875-2543 | International journal of myriapodology (e-vir) | Brill | 0 | |
1176-9114 | International journal of nanomedicine | Dove Medical Press | 0 | ✔ |
1178-2013 | International journal of nanomedicine (e-vir) | Dove Medical Press | 0 | ✔ |
0307-0565 | International journal of obesity | Newman Publishing Ltd | 0 | ✔ |
1476-5497 | International journal of obesity (e-vir) | Nature Publishing Group. | 0 | ✔ |
1232-1087 | International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health | Nofer Institute of Occupational Medicine; Polish Association of Occupational Medicine | 0 | ✔ |
1896-494X | International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health (e-vir) | Nofer Institute of Occupational Medicine | 1 | ✔ |
1388-7890 | International journal of odonatology | Backhuys Publishers | 0 | |
2159-6719 | International journal of odonatology (e-vir) | Backhuys Publishers | 0 | |
1019-6439 | International journal of oncology | Editorial Academy of the International Journal of Oncology | 1 | ✔ |
1791-2423 | International journal of oncology (e-vir) | D. A. Spandidos | 0 | ✔ |
1879-9817 | International journal of paleopathology | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1879-9825 | International journal of paleopathology (e-vir) | Paleopathology Association | 0 | ✔ |
1573-3149 | International journal of peptide research and therapeutics | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1573-3904 | International journal of peptide research and therapeutics (e-vir) | Springer Netherlands | 0 | ✔ |
0967-0874 | International journal of pest management | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1366-5863 | International journal of pest management (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0378-5173 | International journal of pharmaceutics | Elsevier/North-Holland | 7 | ✔ |
1811-7775 | International journal of pharmacology | Asian Network for Scientific Information | 0 | ✔ |
1812-5700 | International journal of pharmacology | Asian Network for Scientific Information | 0 | ✔ |
1815-459X | International journal of phycology and phycochemistry | Phycology and phycochemistry lab., M.A.H. Qadri Biological Research Centre, University of Karachi.; M.A.H. Qadri Biological Research Centre.; University of Karachi. | 0 | |
1522-6514 | International journal of phytoremediation | CRC Press | 0 | ✔ |
1549-7879 | International journal of phytoremediation | CRC Press | 0 | ✔ |
1735-6814 | International journal of plant production | Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources | 0 | ✔ |
1735-8043 | International journal of plant production | Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources | 0 | ✔ |
1058-5893 | International journal of plant sciences | University of Chicago Press | 0 | ✔ |
1537-5315 | International journal of plant sciences (e-vir) | University of Chicago Press | 0 | ✔ |
0164-0291 | International journal of primatology | Plenum. | 0 | ✔ |
1573-8604 | International journal of primatology | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0167-8760 | International journal of psychophysiology | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1661-8564 | International journal of public health (e-vir) | Birkhäuser; Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1661-8556 | International Journal of Public Health | Birkhäuser | 3 | ✔ |
0955-3002 | International journal of radiation biology | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1362-3095 | International journal of radiation biology (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0360-3016 | International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics | Elsevier; American Society for Radiation Oncology | 4 | ✔ |
1879-355X | International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
0143-1161 | International journal of remote sensing | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1366-5901 | International journal of remote sensing (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0172-4622 | International journal of sports medicine | Thieme | 0 | ✔ |
1439-3964 | International journal of sports medicine (e-vir) | Thieme | 0 | ✔ |
0956-4624 | International journal of STD & AIDS | Royal Society of Medicine Services | 0 | ✔ |
1758-1052 | International journal of STD & AIDS (e-vir) | RSM Press | 0 | ✔ |
2005-3606 | International journal of stem cells | Korean Society for Stem Cell Research | 0 | |
0960-1406 | International journal of sustainable development | Inderscience Enterprises | 0 | ✔ |
1741-5268 | International journal of sustainable development (e-vir) | Inderscience Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1466-5026 | International journal of systematic and evolutionary microbiology | The Microbiology Society | 3 | ✔ |
1466-5034 | International journal of systematic and evolutionary microbiology (e-vir) | Society for General Microbiology. | 0 | ✔ |
1091-5818 | International journal of toxicology | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1092-874X | International journal of toxicology (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis; CatchWord [distributor] | 0 | ✔ |
1742-7584 | International journal of tropical insect science | CABI Publishing | 0 | |
1742-7592 | International journal of tropical insect science (e-vir) | CABI Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
1448-5516 | International journal of wildland fire | CSIRO Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
1521-9429 | International journal on algae | Begell House Inc. Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1940-4328 | International journal on algae | Begell House Inc. Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1139-6709 | International microbiology | Springer; Viguera | 0 | ✔ |
1618-1905 | International microbiology | Springer; Viguera | 0 | ✔ |
0165-5701 | International ophtalmology | Junk; Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1573-2630 | International ophthalmology (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1751-6919 | International pest control | Research Information | 0 | |
0020-8256 | International Pest Control | McDonald Publications. | 0 | |
1522-2632 | International review of hydrobiology (e-vir) | Wiley-VCH | 0 | ✔ |
1434-2944 | International Review of Hydrobiology | Wiley-VCH | 0 | ✔ |
0020-8841 | International Sugar Journal | International Sugar Journal | 0 | |
0301-1623 | International urology and nephrology | Akadémiai K. | 0 | ✔ |
1573-2584 | International urology and nephrology (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0074-9664 | International zoo yearbook | Zoological Society of London | 0 | ✔ |
1748-1090 | International zoo yearbook (e-vir) | Zoological Society of London | 0 | ✔ |
0300-5526 | Intervirology | S.Karger | 0 | ✔ |
1423-0100 | Intervirology | S. Karger | 0 | ✔ |
1939-7291 | Invasive plant science and management | Weed Science Society of America | 0 | ✔ |
1939-747X | Invasive plant science and management (e-vir) | Weed Science Society of America | 0 | ✔ |
1077-8306 | Invertebrate biology | Allen Press | 0 | ✔ |
1744-7410 | Invertebrate biology (e-vir) | Allen Press | 0 | ✔ |
1354-2516 | Invertebrate neuroscience | Springer | 0 | |
1439-1104 | Invertebrate neuroscience (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | |
0792-4259 | Invertebrate reproduction & development | International Society of Invertebrate Reproduction. | 0 | ✔ |
2157-0272 | Invertebrate reproduction & development (e-vir) | Balaban | 0 | ✔ |
1824-307X | Invertebrate survival journal = | Enzo Ottaviani | 0 | ✔ |
1445-5226 | Invertebrate systematics | Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization | 0 | ✔ |
1447-2600 | Invertebrate systematics (e-vir) | CSIRO; Australian Academy of Science | 0 | ✔ |
0167-6997 | Investigational new drugs | Martinus Nijhoff Publishers; Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1573-0646 | Investigational new drugs | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0146-0404 | Investigative ophthalmology & visual science | Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology | 0 | ✔ |
1552-5783 | Investigative ophthalmology & visual science (e-vir) | C.V. Mosby | 7 | ✔ |
0020-9996 | Investigative radiology | J. B. Lippincott. | 0 | ✔ |
1536-0210 | Investigative radiology (e-vir) | Lippincott | 0 | ✔ |
1054-5476 | In vitro cellular & developmental biology | Springer; Society for in vitro biology; International association for plant biotechnology | 0 | ✔ |
1071-2690 | In vitro cellular & developmental biology | Tissue Culture Association | 0 | ✔ |
1475-2689 | In vitro cellular & developmental biology | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1543-706X | In vitro cellular & developmental biology (e-vir) | Tissue Culture Association | 0 | ✔ |
0258-851X | In vivo | In vivo | 0 | ✔ |
1791-7549 | In Vivo (e-vir) | The International Institute of Anticancer Research | 0 | ✔ |
1028-852X | Iranian biomedical journal | Pasteur Institute of Iran | 0 | |
2008-823X | Iranian biomedical journal | Pasteur Institute of Iran | 0 | |
2008-3866 | Iranian journal of basic medical sciences | Mashahd University of Medical Sciences | 0 | |
2008-3874 | Iranian journal of basic medical sciences (e-vir) | Mashahd University of Medical Sciences | 0 | |
1728-3043 | Iranian journal of biotechnology | National Research Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology. | 0 | |
1562-2916 | Iranian journal of fisheries science | Iranian Fisheries Research Organization | 0 | |
1726-6882 | Iranian journal of pharmaceutical research (e-vir) | School of Pharmacy, Shaheed Beheshti University of Medical Sciences and Health Services | 0 | |
1726-6890 | Iranian journal of pharmaceutical research (e-vir) | School of Pharmacy, Shaheed Beheshti University of Medical Sciences and Health Services. | 0 | |
1735-0328 | Iranian journal of pharmaceutical research | School of Pharmacy, Shaheed Beheshti University of Medical Sciences and Health Services | 0 | |
1028-6276 | Iranian journal of science and technology. Transaction A, Science | Shiraz University. | 0 | ✔ |
0791-6833 | Irish journal of agricultural and food research | Teagasc | 0 | |
2009-9029 | Irish journal of agricultural and food research (e-vir) | Teagasc | 0 | |
0790-9667 | Irish journal of psychological medicine | MedMedia | 0 | ✔ |
2051-6967 | Irish journal of psychological medicine (e-vir) | Irish Institute of Psychological Medicine] | 0 | ✔ |
0021-1311 | Irish naturalists' journal | "Irish naturalists' journal" committee | 0 | |
2633-9404 | Irish naturalists' journal (e-vir) | 0 | ||
0342-7188 | Irrigation science | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1432-1319 | Irrigation science | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1938-2014 | Islets | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1938-2022 | Islets (e-vir) | Landes Bioscience | 0 | ✔ |
0959-3020 | Isokinetics and exercise science | Butterworth-Heinemann | 0 | ✔ |
1878-5913 | Isokinetics and exercise science (e-vir) | Elsevier; IOS Press | 0 | ✔ |
0792-156X | Israeli journal of aquaculture-Bamidgeh | Fish Breeders Association | 0 | |
0021-2164 | Israel Journal of Earth-Sciences | Weizmann Science Press; William Dawson and Sons Ltd | 0 | |
1565-9801 | Israel journal of ecology & evolution | Science from Israel-LPPLtd. | 1 | ✔ |
2224-4662 | Israel journal of ecology & evolution | Science from Israel-LPPLtd. | 0 | ✔ |
0075-1243 | Israel journal of entomology | Entomological Society of Israel; Laser Pages Publishing Ltd. | 0 | |
2224-6304 | Israel journal of entomology (e-vir) | Entomological Society of Israel | 0 | |
0792-9978 | Israel journal of plant sciences | Laser Pages Publishing. | 0 | ✔ |
2223-8980 | Israel journal of plant sciences | Laser Pages Publishing Ltd | 0 | ✔ |
0334-9152 | Israel journal of veterinary medicine | Israel Veterinary Medical Association. | 0 | |
1122-6714 | Italian journal of anatomy and embryology | Editrice Il Sedicesimo | 0 | ✔ |
2038-5129 | Italian journal of anatomy and embryology (e-vir) | Firenze university press | 0 | ✔ |
1594-4077 | Italian Journal of Animal Science | Edizioni Avenue media | 0 | |
1828-051X | Italian Journal of Animal Science (e-vir) | Edizioni Avenue media | 1 | ✔ |
1120-1770 | Italian journal of food science | Chiriotti Editori | 0 | ✔ |
2239-5687 | Italian journal of food science (e-vir) | Chiriotti Editori | 0 | |
0213-8530 | Itinera geobotanica | Servicio de publicaciones de la universidad | 0 | |
1521-6543 | IUBMB life | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1521-6551 | IUBMB life (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
Y503-6070 | IUBMB life | Taylor & Francis | 0 | |
0286-4339 | Iwate Daigaku Näogakubu Enshäurin häokoku | Iwate University. Faculty of Agriculture. Iwate University Forests. | 0 | |
0021-342X | Izvestiâ Timirâzevskoj sel'skohozâjstvennoj akademii | Kolos | 0 | |
1525-4135 | JAIDS. Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins,Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
0098-7484 | JAMA | American Medical Association | 0 | ✔ |
1538-3598 | JAMA (e-vir) | American Medical Association | 1 | ✔ |
2168-6106 | Jama internal medicine | American Medical Association | 0 | ✔ |
2168-6114 | JAMA internal medicine (e-vir) | American Medical Association | 0 | ✔ |
2168-6149 | Jama neurology | American Medical Association | 0 | ✔ |
2168-6157 | JAMA neurology (e-vir) | American Medical Association | 0 | ✔ |
2168-6165 | Jama ophthalmology | American Medical Association | 1 | ✔ |
2168-6173 | JAMA ophthalmology (e-vir) | American Medical Association | 0 | ✔ |
2168-6203 | JAMA pediatrics | American Medical Association, | 0 | ✔ |
2168-6211 | JAMA pediatrics (e-vir) | American Medical Association | 0 | ✔ |
2168-622X | JAMA psychiatry | American Medical Association, | 0 | ✔ |
2168-6238 | JAMA psychiatry (e-vir) | American Medical Association | 1 | ✔ |
0368-2781 | Japanese journal of antibiotics | Nihon Kōsei Busshitsu Gakujutsu Kyōgikai; Nihon kansensho iyakuhin kyokai; 日本感染症医薬品協会 | 0 | |
0368-2811 | Japanese journal of clinical oncology | Japanese Journal of Clinical Oncology, Editorial Committee | 0 | ✔ |
1465-3621 | Japanese journal of clinical oncology online (e-vir) | Oxford University Press. | 0 | ✔ |
1344-6304 | Japanese journal of infectious diseases | National Institute of Infectious Diseases | 0 | |
1884-2836 | Japanese journal of infectious diseases (e-vir) | National Institute of Infectious Diseases | 0 | |
0913-400X | Japanese journal of ornithology | Nihon chogakkai; Nihon chogakkai | 0 | |
1341-1160 | Japanese journal of systematic entomology | Japanese Society of Systematic Entomology | 0 | |
2424-0621 | Japanese journal of systematic entomology | Japanese Society of Systematic Entomology | 0 | |
0047-1917 | Japanese journal of veterinary research | Hokkaidō Daigaku, Jūigakubu; Hokkoidō Daigaku. Daigakuin. Jūigaku Kenkyuuka | 0 | |
0021-5368 | Japanese psychological research | Japanese Psychological Association | 0 | ✔ |
1468-5884 | Japanese psychological research (e-vir) | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1438-7573 | JARO (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0021-3551 | JARQ. Japan agricultural research quarterly | Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Research Council, the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry; Tropical Agriculture Research Center, the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry; Tropical Agriculture Research Center, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries; Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries; Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences | 0 | |
0949-8257 | JBIC | Springer. | 0 | ✔ |
1432-1327 | JBIC | Springer. | 0 | ✔ |
1512-0856 | JBPC | s.n. | 0 | ✔ |
1470-2738 | JECH online (e-vir) | BMJ Pub. Group | 0 | ✔ |
1473-2300 | JIMR on-line (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 4 | ✔ |
1005-0507 | Jishengchong yu yixue kunchong xuebao | Gai-Kan Bianweihui, | 0 | |
1007-2985 | Jishou Daxue xuebao | Gai Kan Bianjibu | 0 | |
1121-8428 | JN. Journal of Nephrology | Wichtig editore. | 0 | ✔ |
1724-6059 | JN. Journal of Nephrology (e-vir) | Springer International Publishing | 2 | ✔ |
1738-2696 | Jo'jig gonghag gwa jaesaeng uihag | Han'gug jojig gonghag.jaesaeng uihaghoe. | 0 | ✔ |
0035-9173 | Journal and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New South Wales | Royal Society of New South Wales | 0 | |
1156-5233 | Journal de mycologie médicale | Ed. Masson | 0 | |
1773-0449 | Journal de mycologie médicale (e-vir) | Société française de mycologie médicale | 0 | |
0291-1981 | Journal de pharmacie clinique | Lavoisier, | 0 | ✔ |
1952-4064 | Journal de pharmacie clinique (e-vir) | J. Libbey Eurotext | 0 | ✔ |
1617-1381 | Journal for nature conservation | Elsevier | 3 | ✔ |
1618-1093 | Journal for nature conservation (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
2414-0201 | Journal for religion film and media | Schüren; Institut für Fundamentaltheologie | 0 | ✔ |
2617-3697 | Journal for religion film and media (e-vir) | Universität Graz | 0 | ✔ |
1439-0361 | Journal für Ornithologie | Wiley-VCH | 0 | |
0021-8375 | Journal für Ornithologie = | Blackwell | 0 | |
0021-843X | Journal of abnormal psychology | American Psychological Association. | 0 | |
1939-1846 | Journal of abnormal psychology (e-vir) | American Psychological Association | 0 | |
1944-7884 | Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (e-vir) | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins | 0 | |
1055-0887 | Journal of addictive diseases | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
1545-0848 | Journal of addictive diseases (e-vir) | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
0253-7214 | Journal of advanced zoology | Association for the Advancement of Zoology. | 0 | |
0165-0327 | Journal of affective disorders | Elsevier/North-Holland | 1 | ✔ |
1573-2517 | Journal of affective disorders (e-vir) | Elsevier | 1 | ✔ |
1085-7117 | Journal of agricultural, biological, and environmental statistics | American Statistical Association; International Biometric Society | 0 | ✔ |
1537-2693 | Journal of agricultural, biological, and environmental statistics (e-vir) | American Statistical Association; International Biometric Society | 0 | ✔ |
1187-7863 | Journal of agricultural & environmental ethics | University of Guelph | 0 | ✔ |
1573-322X | Journal of agricultural and environmental ethics (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0021-8561 | Journal of agricultural and food chemistry | American Chemical Society, Books and Journals Division | 4 | ✔ |
1520-5118 | Journal of agricultural and food chemistry (e-vir) | American Chemical Society | 0 | ✔ |
1523-5475 | Journal of agricultural and urban entomology | South Carolina Entomological Society. | 0 | |
1803-4403 | Journal of agrobiology | Faculty of Agriculture, University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice | 0 | |
1804-2686 | Journal of Agrobiology (e-vir) | Faculty of Agriculture, University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice | 0 | |
0931-2250 | Journal of agronomy and crop science | Wiley-Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1439-037X | Journal of agronomy and crop science (e-vir) | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1387-2877 | Journal of Alzheimer's disease | IOS Press | 3 | ✔ |
1875-8908 | Journal of Alzheimer's disease (e-vir) | IOS Press | 0 | ✔ |
1527-3741 | Journal of American Pomological Society | American Pomological Society | 0 | |
0267-9477 | Journal of analytical atomic spectrometry | The Royal Society of Chemistry | 4 | ✔ |
1364-5544 | Journal of analytical atomic spectrometry (e-vir) | Royal Society of Chemistry | 0 | ✔ |
1469-7580 | Journal of anatomy (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press. | 0 | ✔ |
0021-8782 | Journal of Anatomy | Cambridge University Press | 1 | ✔ |
1230-1388 | Journal of Animal and Feed Sciences | Kielanowski Institute of Animal Physiology and Nutrition, Polish Academy of Sciences | 0 | |
2719-8448 | Journal of Animal and Feed Sciences (e-vir) | Polska Akademia Nauk. | 0 | |
0931-2668 | Journal of animal breeding and genetics | Parey; Wiley | 0 | ✔ |
1439-0388 | Journal of animal breeding and genetics (e-vir) | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
0021-8790 | Journal of Animal Ecology | Blackwell Scientific Publications Ltd | 0 | ✔ |
0931-2439 | Journal of animal physiology and animal nutrition | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1439-0396 | Journal of animal physiology and animal nutrition (e-vir) | Wiley-Blackwell | 1 | ✔ |
0021-8812 | Journal of animal science | American Society of Animal Science | 0 | ✔ |
1525-3163 | Journal of animal science (e-vir) | American Society of Animal Science | 1 | ✔ |
2049-1891 | Journal of animal science and biotechnology (e-vir) | BioMed Central | 0 | ✔ |
1674-9782 | Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology | Chinese Journal of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine Co., Ltd | 0 | |
1827-4765 | Journal of anthropological sciences | Centro Stampa d'Ateneo | 0 | ✔ |
2037-0644 | Journal of anthropological sciences (e-vir) | Istituto Italiano di Antropologia | 0 | |
1881-1469 | Journal of antibiotics | Japan Antibiotics Research Association | 0 | ✔ |
0021-8820 | Journal of Antibiotics | Japan Antibiotics Research Association | 0 | ✔ |
0305-7453 | Journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy | Academic Press | 1 | ✔ |
1460-2091 | Journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy (e-vir) | Academic Press for the British Society for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy | 0 | ✔ |
0887-6185 | Journal of anxiety disorders | Pergamon Press | 0 | ✔ |
1060-3271 | Journal of AOAC International | AOAC International | 0 | ✔ |
1944-7922 | Journal of AOAC International | AOAC International | 0 | ✔ |
2078-6913 | Journal of apicultural research (e-vir) | International Bee Research Association | 0 | ✔ |
0021-8839 | Journal of Apicultural Research | Bee Research Association | 6 | ✔ |
1643-4439 | Journal of Apicultural Science | Research Institut of Pomology and Floriculture. Division of Apliculture; Aplicultiral Research Association. | 1 | ✔ |
2299-4831 | Journal of Apicultural Science | Research Institute of Horticulture. Apiculture Division; "Versita" | 0 | ✔ |
0971-2119 | Journal of applied animal research | Francis & Taylor | 0 | ✔ |
0974-1844 | Journal of applied animal research (e-vir) | Garuda Scientific Publications; Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1088-8705 | Journal of applied animal welfare science | L. Erlbaum Associates | 1 | ✔ |
1532-7604 | Journal of applied animal welfare science (e-vir) | L. Erlbaum Associates. | 0 | ✔ |
1045-4438 | Journal of applied aquaculture | Food Products Press | 0 | ✔ |
1545-0805 | Journal of applied aquaculture (e-vir) | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
1976-0442 | Journal of applied biological chemistry | Korean society for applied biological chemisrty | 0 | |
2347-212X | Journal of applied biology and biotechnology (e-vir) | Open Science Publishers LLP | 0 | ✔ |
2455-7005 | Journal of applied biology and biotechnology | Open Science Publishers LLP | 0 | ✔ |
0975-685X | Journal of applied bioscience | International Society of Applied Biology | 0 | |
1439-040X | Journal of applied botany and food quality (e-vir) | Julius Kühn-Institut | 1 | ✔ |
1613-9216 | Journal of applied botany and food quality | L. Halm | 0 | ✔ |
1365-2664 | Journal of applied ecology (e-vir) | Blackwell Science. | 0 | ✔ |
0021-8901 | Journal of Applied Ecology | Blackwell Scientific Publications | 1 | ✔ |
0931-2048 | Journal of applied entomology | Parey | 1 | ✔ |
1439-0418 | Journal of applied entomology (e-vir) | Wiley-Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
2190-3883 | Journal of applied genetics (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1234-1983 | Journal of Applied Genetics | Institute of Plant Genetics, Polish Academy of Sciences | 0 | |
0175-8659 | Journal of applied ichthyology | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1439-0426 | Journal of applied ichthyology (e-vir) | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1364-5072 | Journal of applied microbiology | Blackwell Science | 0 | ✔ |
1365-2672 | Journal of applied microbiology (e-vir) | Blackwell Science. | 0 | ✔ |
0921-8971 | Journal of applied phycology | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1573-5176 | Journal of applied phycology | Kluwer; Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1522-1601 | Journal of applied physiology (e-vir) | American Physiological Society | 3 | ✔ |
8750-7587 | Journal of applied physiology | American Physiological Society | 0 | ✔ |
1119-8362 | Journal of Applied Science & Environmental Management | Faculty of Science, University of Port Harcourt. | 0 | |
0260-437X | Journal of applied toxicology | Heyden & Son | 0 | ✔ |
1099-1263 | Journal of applied toxicology (e-vir) | J. Wiley | 0 | ✔ |
0970-9304 | Journal of Applied Zoological Researches | Applied Zoologist Research Association. | 0 | |
0899-7659 | Journal of aquatic animal health | American Fisheries Society | 0 | ✔ |
1548-8667 | Journal of aquatic animal health | American Fisheries Society | 0 | ✔ |
0146-6623 | Journal of aquatic plant management | Aquatic Plant Management Society. | 0 | |
0140-1963 | Journal of arid environments | Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
1095-922X | Journal of arid environments (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
2322-1984 | Journal of arthropod-borne diseases | Iranian Society of Medical Entomology; Tehran University of Medical Sciences. | 0 | |
2322-2271 | Journal of arthropod-borne diseases (e-vir) | Iranian Society of Medical Entomology; Tehran University of Medical Sciences. | 0 | ✔ |
1226-8615 | Journal of Asia Pacific Entomology | Korean Society of Applied Entomology. | 0 | ✔ |
1876-7990 | Journal of Asia-Pacific entomology (e-vir) | Korean Society of Applied Entomology; Taiwan Entomological Society; Malaysian Plant Protection Society | 0 | ✔ |
1058-0468 | Journal of assisted reproduction and genetics | Plenum Press | 1 | ✔ |
1573-7330 | Journal of assisted reproduction and genetics (e-vir) | Springer | 1 | ✔ |
1062-6050 | Journal of athletic training (e-vir) | The National Athletic Trainers' Association | 0 | ✔ |
1938-162X | Journal of athletic training (e-vir) | National Athletic Trainers' Association | 0 | ✔ |
0162-3257 | Journal of autism and developmental disorders | Plenum Press. | 0 | ✔ |
1573-3432 | Journal of autism and developmental disorders (e-vir) | Kluwer | 1 | ✔ |
0896-8411 | Journal of autoimmunity | Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
1095-9157 | Journal of autoimmunity (e-vir) | Academic Press | 0 | |
0908-8857 | Journal of avian biology | Munksgaard | 0 | ✔ |
1600-048X | Journal of avian biology (e-vir) | Munksgaard International | 0 | ✔ |
0021-9193 | Journal of bacteriology | American Society for Microbiology | 0 | ✔ |
1098-5530 | Journal of bacteriology (e-vir) | American Society for Microbiology | 0 | ✔ |
1569-1594 | Journal of bamboo and rattan (e-vir) | VSP | 0 | |
0973-4449 | Journal of Bamboo and Rattan | VSP; VSP1; Kerala Forest Research Institute | 0 | |
0792-6855 | Journal of basic & clinical physiology & pharmacology | de Gruyter | 0 | |
2191-0286 | Journal of basic and clinical physiology and pharmacology (e-vir) | De Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
0233-111X | Journal of basic microbiology | Akademie-Verlag | 0 | ✔ |
1521-4028 | Journal of basic microbiology | Wiley-VCH | 0 | ✔ |
0160-7715 | Journal of behavioral medicine (e-vir) | Kluwer Online | 0 | ✔ |
1573-3521 | Journal of behavioral medicine | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1873-7943 | Journal of behavior therapy and experimental psychiatry | Elsevier Science | 0 | ✔ |
0005-7916 | Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry | Pergamon Press | 0 | ✔ |
0883-9115 | Journal of bioactive and compatible polymers | Technomic Pub. Co. | 0 | ✔ |
1530-8030 | Journal of bioactive and compatible polymers (e-vir) | Technomic Pub. Co. | 0 | ✔ |
1095-6670 | Journal of biochemical and molecular toxicology | Wiley | 0 | ✔ |
1099-0461 | Journal of biochemical and molecular toxicology (e-vir) | Wiley | 0 | ✔ |
0021-924X | Journal of Biochemistry | Nippon Seikagakkai; Japan Publications Trading Co, (U.S.A.) Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1573-6881 | Journal of bioenergetics and biomembranes | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0145-479X | Journal of bioenergetics and biomembranes [Online] (e-vir) | Kluwer Online | 0 | ✔ |
0305-0270 | Journal of biogeography | Blackwell Scientific Publ. | 3 | ✔ |
1365-2699 | Journal of biogeography (e-vir) | Blackwell Science | 1 | ✔ |
0219-7200 | Journal of bioinformatics and computational biology | Imperial College Press | 0 | ✔ |
1757-6334 | Journal of bioinformatics and computational biology | Imperial College Press]; World Scientific [distributor] | 0 | ✔ |
1083-351X | Journal of biological chemistry (e-vir) | American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology | 2 | ✔ |
0971-930X | Journal of biological control | Indian Society for Biocontrol Advancement | 0 | ✔ |
2230-7281 | Journal of biological control (e-vir) | Indianjournals.com | 0 | ✔ |
1751-3758 | Journal of biological dynamics | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1751-3766 | Journal of biological dynamics (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0021-9266 | Journal of biological education | Academic Press | 1 | ✔ |
2157-6009 | Journal of biological education (e-vir) | Academic Press; Routledge | 0 | ✔ |
1754-1611 | Journal of biological engineering (e-vir) | BioMed Central | 0 | ✔ |
0092-0606 | Journal of biological physics | Kluwer Online | 0 | ✔ |
1573-0689 | Journal of biological physics (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0393-974X | Journal of biological regulators and homeostatic agents | Wichtig Editore | 0 | |
2241-5793 | Journal of biological research (e-vir) | School of Biology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki | 0 | |
1790-045X | Journal of Biological Research | Aristotle University of Thessaloniki | 0 | |
0748-7304 | Journal of biological rhythms | Guilford Press | 0 | ✔ |
1552-4531 | Journal of biological rhythms (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0218-3390 | Journal of biological systems | World Scientific | 0 | ✔ |
1793-6470 | Journal of biological systems (e-vir) | World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd | 0 | ✔ |
2157-9083 | Journal of biomaterials and tissue engineering | American Scientific Publishers | 0 | |
2157-9091 | Journal of biomaterials and tissue engineering (e-vir) | American Scientific Publishers | 0 | |
0920-5063 | Journal of biomaterials science | VSP | 0 | ✔ |
1568-5624 | Journal of biomaterials science (e-vir) | VSP | 0 | ✔ |
0021-9290 | Journal of biomechanics | Elsevier | 5 | ✔ |
1873-2380 | Journal of biomechanics | Elsevier Science | 0 | ✔ |
1532-0464 | Journal of biomedical informatics | Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
1532-0480 | Journal of biomedical informatics (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | |
Y505-088X | Journal of biomedical informatics | Academic Press | 0 | |
1549-3296 | Journal of biomedical materials research | John Wiley & Sons | 0 | ✔ |
1552-4965 | Journal of biomedical materials research (e-vir) | Wiley | 0 | ✔ |
1552-4973 | Journal of biomedical materials research | John Wiley & Sons | 0 | ✔ |
1552-4981 | Journal of biomedical materials research (e-vir) | Wiley Periodicals, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1083-3668 | Journal of biomedical optics | SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering; International Biomedical Optics Society | 0 | ✔ |
1560-2281 | Journal of biomedical optics (e-vir) | SPIE-The International Society for Optical Imaging | 0 | ✔ |
1021-7770 | Journal of biomedical science | S. Karger | 0 | ✔ |
1423-0127 | Journal of biomedical science (e-vir) | Karger | 0 | ✔ |
2041-1480 | Journal of biomedical semantics (e-vir) | BioMed Central | 0 | ✔ |
0925-2738 | Journal of biomolecular NMR | ESCOM | 0 | ✔ |
1573-5001 | Journal of biomolecular NMR (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0739-1102 | Journal of biomolecular structure & dynamics | Adenine Press; Taylor & Francis | 1 | ✔ |
1538-0254 | Journal of biomolecular structure and dynamics (e-vir) | Adenine Press; Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1864-063X | Journal of biophotonics | Wiley-VCH-Verl. | 0 | ✔ |
1864-0648 | Journal of biophotonics (e-vir) | Wiley-VCH-Verl. | 2 | ✔ |
1347-4421 | Journal of bioscience and bioengineering (e-vir) | Elsevier Science | 0 | ✔ |
1389-1723 | Journal of bioscience and bioengineering | University, Faculty of Engineering; Elsevier Science | 0 | ✔ |
0973-7138 | Journal of biosciences (e-vir) | Springer India | 0 | ✔ |
0250-5991 | Journal of Biosciences | Indian Academy of Sciences | 0 | ✔ |
1469-7599 | Journal of biosocial science (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0021-9320 | Journal of Biosocial Science | Blackwell Scientific Publications Ltd | 0 | ✔ |
0168-1656 | Journal of biotechnology | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
0914-8779 | Journal of bone and mineral metabolism | Springer. | 0 | ✔ |
1435-5604 | Journal of bone and mineral metabolism (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0884-0431 | Journal of bone and mineral research | Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1523-4681 | Journal of bone and mineral research (e-vir) | Blackwell Science, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
0373-6687 | Journal of bryology | Blackwell Scientific Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1743-2820 | Journal of bryology (e-vir) | Maney Pub. on behalf of the British Bryological Society | 0 | ✔ |
1559-047X | Journal of burn care & research | American Burn Association. | 0 | ✔ |
1559-0488 | Journal of burn care & research (e-vir) | Lippincot | 0 | ✔ |
2156-5368 | Journal of caffeine research (e-vir) | Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. | 0 | |
2156-5783 | Journal of caffeine research | Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. | 0 | |
0171-5216 | Journal of cancer research and clinical oncology | Springer | 1 | ✔ |
1432-1335 | Journal of cancer research and clinical oncology (e-vir) | Springer. | 0 | ✔ |
0732-8303 | Journal of carbohydrate chemistry | M. Dekker | 0 | ✔ |
1532-2327 | Journal of carbohydrate chemistry (e-vir) | Marcel Dekker | 0 | ✔ |
1045-3873 | Journal of cardiovascular electrophysiology | Futura Pub. | 0 | ✔ |
1540-8167 | Journal of cardiovascular electrophysiology (e-vir) | [Futura Pub. Co.] | 0 | ✔ |
0160-2446 | Journal of cardiovascular pharmacology | Raven Press | 1 | ✔ |
1533-4023 | Journal of cardiovascular pharmacology (e-vir) | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins | 0 | ✔ |
1074-2484 | Journal of cardiovascular pharmacology and therapeutics | Churchill Livingstone, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1940-4034 | Journal of cardiovascular pharmacology and therapeutics (e-vir) | Westminster Publications, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1937-5387 | Journal of cardiovascular translational research | Springer (Firm) | 0 | ✔ |
1937-5395 | Journal of cardiovascular translational research | Springer US | 0 | ✔ |
1090-6924 | Journal of caves and karst studies | The National Speleological Society | 0 | |
1303-3646 | Journal of cell & molecular biology | Haliç Üniversitesi | 0 | |
1873-9601 | Journal of cell communication and signaling | The International CCN Society.; ICCNS. | 0 | ✔ |
1873-961X | Journal of cell communication and signaling (e-vir) | Springer Netherlands | 0 | ✔ |
0021-9533 | Journal of cell science | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1477-9137 | Journal of cell science (e-vir) | Company of Biologists | 0 | ✔ |
1582-1838 | Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine | Foundation for Cellular and Molecular Medicine. | 0 | ✔ |
1582-4934 | Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine (e-vir) | University Press "Carol Davila" | 0 | ✔ |
0730-2312 | Journal of cellular biochemistry | A.R. Liss | 0 | ✔ |
1097-4644 | Journal of cellular biochemistry (e-vir) | A. R. Liss | 0 | ✔ |
0021-9541 | Journal of cellular physiology | Liss | 0 | ✔ |
1097-4652 | Journal of cellular physiology (e-vir) | Wiley-Liss | 0 | ✔ |
0733-5210 | Journal of cereal science | Academic Press | 1 | ✔ |
1095-9963 | Journal of cereal science (e-vir) | Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
1559-7016 | Journal of cerebral blood flow & metabolism (e-vir) | Raven Press | 0 | ✔ |
0271-678X | Journal of cerebral blood flow and metabolism | Raven Press | 0 | ✔ |
1864-6158 | Journal of chemical biology | Springer | 0 | |
1864-6166 | Journal of chemical biology | Springer | 0 | |
0098-0331 | Journal of chemical ecology | Plenum Pub. Corp. | 0 | ✔ |
1573-1561 | Journal of chemical ecology | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0891-0618 | Journal of chemical neuroanatomy | Wiley; Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1873-6300 | Journal of chemical neuroanatomy (e-vir) | Elsevier BV | 0 | ✔ |
0268-2575 | Journal of chemical technology and biotechnology | John Wiley & Sons | 0 | ✔ |
1097-4660 | Journal of chemical technology and biotechnology (e-vir) | John Wiley & Sons | 0 | ✔ |
1120-009X | Journal of chemotherapy | Edizioni Riviste Scientifiche | 0 | ✔ |
1973-9478 | Journal of chemotherapy (e-vir) | Edizioni riviste scientifiche | 0 | ✔ |
0883-0738 | Journal of child neurology | B.C. Decker | 1 | ✔ |
1702-6075 | Journal of child neurology (e-vir) | BC Decker. | 0 | |
1708-8283 | Journal of child neurology (e-vir) | Decker Periodicals | 0 | ✔ |
1469-7610 | Journal of child psychology and psychiatry (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press. | 1 | ✔ |
0021-9630 | Journal of child psychology and psychiatry and allied disciplines | Pergamon Press | 0 | ✔ |
0021-9665 | Journal of chromatographic science | Preston Publications. | 0 | ✔ |
1945-239X | Journal of chromatographic science (e-vir) | Preston Technical Abstract Company | 0 | ✔ |
0021-9673 | Journal of chromatography | Elsevier | 2 | ✔ |
1570-0232 | Journal of chromatography | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1873-376X | Journal of chromatography (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1873-3778 | Journal of chromatography A (e-vir) | Elsevier Science | 0 | ✔ |
1740-3391 | Journal of circadian rhythms (e-vir) | BioMed Central | 0 | ✔ |
0176-4268 | Journal of classification | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0912-0009 | Journal of clinical biochemistry and nutrition | [Institute of Applied Biochemistry]; [Japanese Society of Clinical Nutrition] ;; [Japanese Society of Lipid Peroxide and Free Radical Research]; [Japanese Society of Lipid Peroxide and Free Radical Research]; Society for Free Radical Research Japan | 0 | |
1880-5086 | Journal of clinical biochemistry and nutrition | Japanese Society of Lipid Peroxide and Free Radical Research; Japanese Society of Clinical Nutrition | 0 | |
0271-9142 | Journal of clinical immunology | Plenum Press | 0 | ✔ |
1573-2592 | Journal of clinical immunology | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0021-9746 | Journal of clinical pathology | British Medical Association | 0 | ✔ |
1472-4146 | Journal of clinical pathology (e-vir) | BMJ Publishing Group; British Medical Association | 0 | ✔ |
0269-4727 | Journal of clinical pharmacy and therapeutics | Blackwell Scientific | 0 | ✔ |
1365-2710 | Journal of clinical pharmacy and therapeutics (e-vir) | Blackwell Science | 0 | ✔ |
0271-0749 | Journal of clinical psychopharmacology | Williams & Wilkins | 0 | ✔ |
1533-712X | Journal of clinical psychopharmacology (e-vir) | Lippincot | 0 | ✔ |
1400-0350 | Journal of coastal conservation | Opulus Press | 0 | ✔ |
1874-7841 | Journal of coastal conservation (e-vir) | Springer Netherlands | 0 | ✔ |
2309-5288 | Journal of coastal life medicine | Coastal Life Medicine Media | 0 | |
2309-6152 | Journal of coastal life medicine (e-vir) | Coastal Life Medicine Media | 0 | |
0749-0208 | Journal of coastal research | Coastal Education and Research Foundation | 0 | |
1551-5036 | Journal of coastal research (e-vir) | Coastal Education and Research Foundation | 1 | |
2581-351X | Journal of communicable diseases (e-vir) | Advanced Research Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0021-9924 | Journal of communication disorders | American Elsevier, etc. | 0 | ✔ |
1873-7994 | Journal of Communication Disorders (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
0021-9967 | Journal of comparative neurology | Wistar Institute of Anatomy and Biology | 0 | ✔ |
1532-3129 | Journal of comparative pathology (e-vir) | Harcourt | 0 | ✔ |
0021-9975 | Journal of Comparative Pathology | Academic Press | 2 | ✔ |
0340-7594 | Journal of comparative physiology. A, Sensory, neural, and behavioral physiology | Springer | 1 | ✔ |
0174-1578 | Journal of comparative physiology. B, Biochemical, systemic, and environmental physiology | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1432-136X | Journal of comparative physiology. B, Biochemical, systemic, and environmental physiology (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1432-1351 | Journal of comparative physiology A (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0735-7036 | Journal of comparative psychology | American Psychological Association | 0 | ✔ |
1939-2087 | Journal of comparative psychology (e-vir) | American Psychological Association | 0 | ✔ |
1066-5277 | Journal of computational biology | Mary Ann Liebert | 1 | ✔ |
1557-8666 | Journal of computational biology (e-vir) | Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
0929-5313 | Journal of computational neuroscience (e-vir) | Kluwer Online | 0 | ✔ |
1573-6873 | Journal of computational neuroscience (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0920-654X | Journal of computer-aided molecular design | ESCOM | 0 | ✔ |
1573-4951 | Journal of computer-aided molecular design (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0022-0019 | Journal of Conchology | Conchological Society of Great Britain and Ireland | 0 | |
0169-7722 | Journal of contaminant hydrology | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1873-6009 | Journal of contaminant hydrology (e-vir) | Elsevier Science | 0 | ✔ |
0168-3659 | Journal of controlled release | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1873-4995 | Journal of controlled release (e-vir) | Elsevier Science | 0 | ✔ |
0278-0372 | Journal of crustacean biology | The Society | 0 | ✔ |
1937-240X | Journal of crustacean biology (e-vir) | Crustacean Society | 0 | ✔ |
0303-6987 | Journal of cutaneous pathology | Munksgaard | 1 | ✔ |
1600-0560 | Journal of cutaneous pathology (e-vir) | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1469-7629 | Journal of dairy research (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press. | 0 | ✔ |
0022-0299 | Journal of Dairy Research | Cambridge University Press | 4 | ✔ |
0022-0302 | Journal of dairy science | Elsevier | 6 | ✔ |
1525-3198 | Journal of dairy science (e-vir) | American Dairy Science Association] | 0 | ✔ |
0022-0345 | Journal of dental research | Journal of Dental Research, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1544-0591 | Journal of dental research (e-vir) | International & American Associations for Dental Research | 0 | ✔ |
0923-1811 | Journal of dermatological science | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
0196-206X | Journal of developmental & behavioral pediatrics (e-vir) | Lippincot | 0 | ✔ |
1536-7312 | Journal of developmental & behavioral pediatrics | Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins | 0 | ✔ |
2040-1744 | Journal of developmental origins of health and disease | International Society for Developmental Origins of Health and Disease. | 0 | ✔ |
2040-1752 | Journal of developmental origins of health and disease (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1056-8727 | Journal of diabetes and its complications | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1873-460X | Journal of diabetes and its complications (e-vir) | Elsevier Science | 0 | ✔ |
2040-1116 | Journal of diabetes investigation | Asian Association for the Study of Diabetes; John Wiley & Sons Australia | 0 | ✔ |
2040-1124 | Journal of diabetes investigation (e-vir) | Asian Association for the Study of Diabetes and Blackwell Pub. Asia Pty Ltd. | 0 | ✔ |
1939-0211 | Journal of dietary supplements | Informa Healthcare | 0 | ✔ |
1939-022X | Journal of dietary supplements (e-vir) | Informa Healthcare | 0 | ✔ |
0193-2691 | Journal of dispersion science and technology | M. Dekker | 0 | ✔ |
1532-2351 | Journal of dispersion science and technology (e-vir) | Marcel Dekker | 0 | ✔ |
1026-7158 | Journal of drug targeting (e-vir) | Harwood Academic Publishers. | 0 | |
1029-2330 | Journal of drug targeting | Harwood Academic. | 0 | ✔ |
1061-186X | Journal of drug targeting | Harwood Academic Publishers. | 0 | ✔ |
1026-1613 | Journal of East African natural history | East Africa Natural History Society; National Museums of Kenya | 0 | |
1365-2745 | Journal of ecology (e-vir) | Blackwell Science. | 1 | ✔ |
0022-0477 | Journal of Ecology | Blackwell Scientific Publications | 0 | ✔ |
2287-8327 | Journal of ecology and environment | Ecological Society of Korea; Korean Society of Limnology; SHD | 0 | |
2288-1220 | Journal of ecology and environment(Online) (e-vir) | SHD | 0 | |
0250-9768 | Journal of Economic and Taxonomic Botany | Scientific Publishers | 0 | |
0022-0493 | Journal of economic entomology | Entomological Society of America | 2 | ✔ |
1938-291X | Journal of economic entomology (e-vir) | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0974-0805 | Journal of ecophysiology & occupational health | Academy of Environmental Biology | 0 | ✔ |
0972-4397 | Journal of Ecophysiology & Occupational Health | Academy of Environmental Biology. | 0 | ✔ |
0391-4097 | Journal of endocrinological investigation | Editrice Kurtis | 0 | ✔ |
1720-8386 | Journal of endocrinological investigation (e-vir) | Kurtis. | 0 | ✔ |
0022-0795 | Journal of Endocrinology | Journal of Endocrinology Ltd | 0 | ✔ |
0971-913X | Journal of Endocrinology and Reproduction | P. Govindarajulu | 0 | |
2038-324X | Journal of entomological and acarological research | Università degli Studi di Milano. Dipartimento dei Sistemi Agroalimentare e Urbano e Valorizzazione delle Biodiversità | 0 | ✔ |
2279-7084 | Journal of entomological and acarological research | Pagepress publications; University of Milan | 0 | ✔ |
0378-9519 | Journal of entomological research | Malhotra Publishing House | 0 | |
0974-4576 | Journal of entomological research (e-vir) | Malhotra Publishing House | 0 | |
0749-8004 | Journal of entomological science | Georgia Entomological Society. | 0 | |
1812-5670 | Journal of entomology | Asian Network for Scientific Information. | 0 | |
1812-5689 | Journal of entomology | Asian Network for Scientific Information. | 0 | |
1464-3332 | Journal of environmental assessment policy and management | Imperial College Press | 0 | ✔ |
1757-5605 | Journal of environmental assessment policy and management | Imperial College Press; World Scientific [distributor] | 0 | ✔ |
0254-8704 | Journal of environmental biology | Academy of environmental biology. | 0 | |
2052-336X | Journal of environmental health science & engineering (e-vir) | BioMed Central | 0 | ✔ |
0738-2898 | Journal of environmental horticulture | Horticultural Research Institute. | 0 | |
0301-4797 | Journal of environmental management | Elsevier | 2 | ✔ |
1095-8630 | Journal of environmental management (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | |
0731-8898 | Journal of environmental pathology, toxicology, and oncology | Chem-Orbital | 0 | ✔ |
2162-6537 | Journal of environmental pathology, toxicology, and oncology | Chem-Orbital] | 0 | ✔ |
0047-2425 | Journal of environmental quality | Published cooperatively by American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, and Soil Science Society of America | 0 | ✔ |
1537-2537 | Journal of environmental quality (e-vir) | Published cooperatively by American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, and Soil Science Society of America | 0 | ✔ |
0265-931X | Journal of environmental radioactivity | Elsevier Applied Science Publishers | 2 | ✔ |
1879-1700 | Journal of environmental radioactivity (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
0360-1234 | Journal of environmental science and health | M. Dekker | 1 | ✔ |
1093-4529 | Journal of environmental science and health | Marcel Dekker | 1 | ✔ |
1532-4109 | Journal of environmental science and health | Marcel Dekker; Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1532-4117 | Journal of environmental science and health (e-vir) | Marcel Dekker | 0 | ✔ |
1878-7320 | Journal of environmental sciences (e-vir) | IOS Press; Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1001-0742 | Journal of Environmental Sciences(China) | Elsevier | 1 | ✔ |
1475-6366 | Journal of enzyme inhibition and medicinal chemistry | Taylor & Francis | 2 | ✔ |
1475-6374 | Journal of enzyme inhibition and medicinal chemistry (e-vir) | Gordon and Breach; Taylor & Francis | 2 | ✔ |
0143-005X | Journal of epidemiology and community health | British Medical Association | 0 | ✔ |
1340-3516 | Journal of equine science | Japanese Society of Equine Science | 0 | |
1347-7501 | Journal of equine science (e-vir) | Japanese Society of Equine Science | 0 | |
0278-0771 | Journal of ethnobiology | Center for Western Studies | 0 | ✔ |
2162-4496 | Journal of ethnobiology (e-vir) | Center for Western Studies | 0 | ✔ |
0378-8741 | Journal of ethnopharmacology | Elsevier Sequoia | 0 | ✔ |
1872-7573 | Journal of ethnopharmacology (e-vir) | International Society of Ethnopharmacology. | 0 | ✔ |
0289-0771 | Journal of ethology | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1439-5444 | Journal of ethology | Springer. | 0 | ✔ |
0022-0930 | Journal of evolutionary biochemistry and physiology (e-vir) | Kluwer Online | 1 | ✔ |
1608-3202 | Journal of evolutionary biochemistry and physiology (e-vir) | Nauka/Interpariodica | 0 | ✔ |
1010-061X | Journal of evolutionary biology | Birkhäuser | 1 | ✔ |
1420-9101 | Journal of evolutionary biology | Birkhäuser | 0 | ✔ |
0022-0949 | Journal of Experimental Biology (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 3 | ✔ |
1460-2431 | Journal of experimental botany (e-vir) | Clarendon Press | 0 | ✔ |
0022-0957 | Journal of Experimental Botany | Clarendon Press | 0 | ✔ |
0022-0965 | Journal of experimental child psychology | Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
1096-0457 | Journal of experimental child psychology (e-vir) | Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
0022-0981 | Journal of experimental marine biology and ecology | North-Holland | 0 | ✔ |
1879-1697 | Journal of experimental marine biology and ecology (e-vir) | Elsevier BV | 0 | ✔ |
0096-1523 | Journal of experimental psychology | American Psychological Association. | 0 | ✔ |
0096-3445 | Journal of experimental psychology | American Psychological Association | 0 | ✔ |
0097-7403 | Journal of experimental psychology | American Psychological Association. | 0 | |
0278-7393 | Journal of experimental psychology | American Psychological Association | 0 | ✔ |
1939-1277 | Journal of experimental psychology | American Psychological Association | 0 | ✔ |
1939-1285 | Journal of experimental psychology | American Psychological Association | 0 | ✔ |
1939-2184 | Journal of experimental psychology (e-vir) | American Psychological Association | 0 | |
1939-2222 | Journal of experimental psychology (e-vir) | American Psychological Association | 0 | ✔ |
1552-5007 | Journal of experimental zoology | Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, | 0 | ✔ |
1552-5015 | Journal of experimental zoology | Wiley-Liss, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1932-5223 | Journal of experimental zoology | Wiley-Liss, Inc., | 0 | ✔ |
1932-5231 | Journal of experimental zoology | Wiley-Liss, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
0972-0030 | Journal of Experimental Zoology India | P. R. Yadav | 0 | |
0273-8570 | Journal of field ornithology | Northeastern Bird-Banding Association | 0 | ✔ |
1557-9263 | Journal of field ornithology (e-vir) | Northeastern Bird-Banding Association | 0 | ✔ |
1944-687X | Journal of fish and wildlife management (e-vir) | U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, | 0 | |
0022-1112 | Journal of fish biology | John Wiley & Sons; Fisheries Society of the British Isles | 0 | ✔ |
1095-8649 | Journal of fish biology | Academic Press. | 0 | ✔ |
0140-7775 | Journal of fish diseases | Blackwell Scientific Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1365-2761 | Journal of fish diseases (e-vir) | Blackwell Science. | 0 | ✔ |
0094-730X | Journal of fluency disorders | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
0889-1575 | Journal of food composition and analysis | Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
1096-0481 | Journal of food composition and analysis (e-vir) | Academic Press; Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
0260-8774 | Journal of food engineering | Applied Science Publishers | 1 | ✔ |
1873-5770 | Journal of food engineering (e-vir) | Elsevier Science | 0 | ✔ |
0362-028X | Journal of food protection | International Association for Food Protection | 0 | ✔ |
1944-9097 | Journal of food protection (e-vir) | International Association for Food Protection | 0 | ✔ |
0022-1147 | Journal of food science | Institute of food technologists | 1 | ✔ |
1750-3841 | Journal of food science (e-vir) | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
0975-8402 | Journal of food science and technology (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0022-1155 | Journal of Food Science and Technology | Association of Food Scientists and Technologists | 0 | ✔ |
0096-1191 | Journal of foraminiferal research | Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research. | 0 | |
0022-1198 | Journal of forensic sciences | Callaghan and Co. | 0 | ✔ |
1556-4029 | Journal of forensic sciences (e-vir) | ASTM | 0 | ✔ |
1341-6979 | Journal of forest research | Japanese Forestry Society | 0 | ✔ |
1610-7403 | Journal of forest research (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1993-0607 | Journal of forestry research | Editorial Board of Journal of Forestry Research | 0 | ✔ |
1007-662X | Journal of Forestry Research | Editorial Board of Journal of Forestry Research | 1 | ✔ |
1212-4834 | Journal of forest science | Institute of agricultural and food information | 0 | |
1805-935X | Journal of Forest Science (e-vir) | Czech Academy of Agricultural Sciences | 0 | |
0270-5060 | Journal of freshwater ecology | Oikos Publishers; Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
2156-6941 | Journal of freshwater ecology (e-vir) | 0 | ✔ | |
0944-1174 | Journal of gastroenterology | Springer International | 0 | ✔ |
1435-5922 | Journal of gastroenterology | Springer Japan | 0 | ✔ |
0815-9319 | Journal of gastroenterology and hepatology | Blackwell Scientific Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1440-1746 | Journal of gastroenterology and hepatology (e-vir) | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
0022-1260 | Journal of General and Applied Microbiology | Microbiology Research Foundation | 0 | |
0884-8734 | Journal of general internal medicine | Hanley & Belfus | 0 | ✔ |
1525-1497 | Journal of general internal medicine (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1345-2630 | Journal of general plant pathology | Springer Japan | 0 | ✔ |
1610-739X | Journal of general plant pathology (e-vir) | Springer Japan | 0 | ✔ |
1465-2099 | Journal of general virology (e-vir) | Society for General Microbiology. | 0 | ✔ |
0022-1317 | Journal of General Virology | Cambridge University Press | 1 | ✔ |
2090-5920 | Journal of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1687-157X | Journal of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (Print) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
0973-7731 | Journal of genetics | Springer India | 0 | ✔ |
0022-1333 | Journal of Genetics | Indian Academy of Sciences. | 0 | ✔ |
1873-5533 | Journal of genetics and genomics (e-vir) | Elsevier Publishing Services | 0 | ✔ |
1673-8527 | Journal of Genetics and Genomics | Science Press | 0 | ✔ |
2093-4947 | Journal of ginseng research (e-vir) | Korean Society of Ginseng; Elsevier Korea LLC | 0 | |
1226-8453 | Journal of Ginseng Research = | goryeo insam hakoe | 0 | |
0380-1330 | Journal of Great Lakes research | International Association for Great Lakes Research. | 0 | ✔ |
0304-3894 | Journal of hazardous materials | Elsevier Scientific Publ. Co. | 3 | ✔ |
1873-3336 | Journal of Hazardous Materials (e-vir) | Elsevier | 1 | ✔ |
1606-0997 | Journal of health, population and nutrition | International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research | 0 | |
2072-1315 | Journal of health, population and nutrition (e-vir) | ICDDR, B; Centre for Health and Population Research | 0 | ✔ |
1053-2498 | Journal of heart and lung transplantation | Mosby-Year Book | 0 | ✔ |
1475-2697 | Journal of helminthology (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 1 | ✔ |
0022-149X | Journal of Helminthology | London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine | 0 | ✔ |
0168-8278 | Journal of hepatology | Elsevier | 1 | ✔ |
1600-0641 | Journal of Hepatology (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1522-8940 | Journal of herbal pharmacotherapy | Haworth Herbal Press | 0 | |
1522-9106 | Journal of herbal pharmacotherapy (e-vir) | Haworth Press | 0 | |
1465-7333 | Journal of heredity (e-vir) | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0022-1511 | Journal of herpetology | Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles | 0 | |
1937-2418 | Journal of herpetology (e-vir) | Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles | 0 | |
1551-5044 | Journal of histochemistry and cytochemistry (e-vir) | Histochemical Society; HighWire Press | 0 | ✔ |
0147-8885 | Journal of histotechnology | Mayo Publications | 0 | ✔ |
2046-0236 | Journal of histotechnology (e-vir) | Maney | 0 | ✔ |
2300-5009 | Journal of Horticultural Research | Research Institute of Horticulture | 0 | |
2353-3978 | Journal of Horticultural Research (e-vir) | De Gruyter Open | 0 | ✔ |
2456-6608 | Journal of human ecology (e-vir) | Kamla-Raj Enterprises | 0 | ✔ |
0970-9274 | Journal of Human Ecology | Kamla-Raj Enterprises. | 0 | ✔ |
1095-8606 | Journal of human evolution (e-vir) | Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
0047-2484 | Journal of Human Evolution | Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
1434-5161 | Journal of human genetics | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1435-232X | Journal of human genetics (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0952-3871 | Journal of human nutrition and dietetics | Wiley | 0 | ✔ |
1365-277X | Journal of human nutrition and dietetics (e-vir) | Wiley | 0 | ✔ |
0022-1694 | Journal of hydrology | North-Holland; Elsevier | 3 | ✔ |
1879-2707 | Journal of hydrology (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
2463-3933 | Journal of hydrology (NZ) (e-vir) | [New Zealand Hydrological Society] | 0 | |
0022-1708 | Journal of hydrology New Zealand | New Zealand Hydrological Society.; New Zealand National Committee for the International Hydrological Decade. | 0 | |
1070-9428 | Journal of Hymenoptera research | International Society of Hymenopterists | 0 | ✔ |
1314-2607 | Journal of Hymenoptera Research (e-vir) | International Society of Hymenopterists | 0 | ✔ |
0263-6352 | Journal of hypertension | Gower Medical Publishing | 1 | ✔ |
1473-5598 | Journal of hypertension (e-vir) | Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins | 1 | ✔ |
1872-7905 | Journal of immunological methods (e-vir) | Elsevier Science | 0 | ✔ |
0022-1759 | Journal of Immunological Methods | North-Holland | 0 | ✔ |
2314-8861 | Journal of Immunology Research | Hindawi Publishing Corporation | 0 | ✔ |
2314-7156 | Journal of Immunology Research (Online) (e-vir) | Hindawi Publishing Corporation | 0 | ✔ |
1524-9557 | Journal of immunotherapy | Society for Biological Therapy. | 0 | ✔ |
1537-4513 | Journal of immunotherapy (e-vir) | Lippincott-Raven Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1547-6901 | Journal of immunotoxicology | Taylor and Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1547-691X | Journal of immunotoxicology | Taylor & Francis Health Sciences | 0 | ✔ |
1088-1980 | Journal of industrial ecology | Wiley-Blackwell | 1 | ✔ |
1530-9290 | Journal of industrial ecology (e-vir) | MIT Press; Wiley | 0 | ✔ |
1367-5435 | Journal of industrial microbiology & biotechnology | Stockton | 0 | ✔ |
1476-5535 | Journal of industrial microbiology and biotechnology | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1341-321X | Journal of infection and chemotherapy | Churchill Livingstone. | 1 | ✔ |
1972-2680 | Journal of infection in developing countries (e-vir) | OLoeP | 0 | |
2036-6590 | Journal of infection in developing countries | OLoeP | 1 | |
1476-9255 | Journal of inflammation (e-vir) | BioMed Central | 0 | |
0141-8955 | Journal of inherited metabolic disease | M.T.P. Press; Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | |
1573-2665 | Journal of inherited metabolic disease (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | |
1662-811X | Journal of innate immunity | S. Karger | 0 | ✔ |
1662-8128 | Journal of innate immunity | S. Karger | 0 | ✔ |
0162-0134 | Journal of inorganic biochemistry | Elsevier. | 1 | ✔ |
1873-3344 | Journal of inorganic biochemistry (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
0892-7553 | Journal of insect behavior | Plenum | 0 | ✔ |
1572-8889 | Journal of insect behavior (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
2147-7612 | Journal of insect biodiversity (e-vir) | Levent Gültekin | 0 | ✔ |
2538-1318 | Journal of insect biodiversity | [Magnolia Press] | 0 | ✔ |
1346-8073 | Journal of insect biotechnology and sericology | Japanese Society of Sericultural Science | 0 | |
1366-638X | Journal of insect conservation | Chapman & Hall | 0 | ✔ |
1572-9753 | Journal of insect conservation (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0022-1910 | Journal of Insect Physiology | Pergamon Press | 0 | ✔ |
2352-4588 | Journal of insects as food and feed (e-vir) | Wageningen Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1536-2442 | Journal of insect science (e-vir) | Oxford Academic | 0 | ✔ |
0970-3837 | Journal of Insect Science | Indian Society for the Advancement of Insect Science | 0 | |
2352-3425 | Journal of integrative agriculture (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | |
2095-3119 | Journal of Integrative Agriculture | Elsevier Limited | 0 | ✔ |
0219-6352 | Journal of integrative neuroscience | Imperial College Press; World Scientific [distributor] | 0 | ✔ |
1757-448X | Journal of integrative neuroscience (e-vir) | Imperial College Press]; World Scientific [distributor] | 0 | ✔ |
1672-9072 | Journal of integrative plant biology | Blackwell Publishing Asia Pty | 0 | ✔ |
1744-7909 | Journal of integrative plant biology (e-vir) | Chinese Academy of Sciences | 0 | ✔ |
0964-2633 | Journal of intellectual disability research | Blackwell Scientific Publications | 1 | ✔ |
1365-2788 | Journal of intellectual disability research (e-vir) | Blackwell Science | 0 | ✔ |
1079-9907 | Journal of interferon & cytokine research | Mary Ann Liebert | 0 | ✔ |
1557-7465 | Journal of interferon & cytokine research (e-vir) | Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
0954-6820 | Journal of internal medicine | Blackwell Scientific Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1365-2796 | Journal of internal medicine | Blackwell Science. | 0 | ✔ |
0300-0605 | Journal of international medical research | Cambridge Medical Publications Ltd | 1 | ✔ |
0022-2011 | Journal of invertebrate pathology | Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
1523-1747 | Journal of investigative dermatology (e-vir) | Elsevier Science; Blackwell Pub.; Nature Publishing Group | 0 | ✔ |
1081-5589 | Journal of investigative medicine | Slack | 0 | ✔ |
1708-8267 | Journal of investigative medicine | American Federation for Clinical Research; Lippincott Williams & Wilkins | 0 | ✔ |
2213-686X | Journal of King Saud University (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1011-8934 | Journal of Korean medical science | Korean Academy of Medical Science | 0 | ✔ |
1598-6357 | Journal of Korean Medical Science (e-vir) | Korean Academy of Medical Sciences | 0 | ✔ |
0362-4803 | Journal of labelled compounds & radiopharmaceuticals | Wiley. | 0 | ✔ |
1099-1344 | Journal of labelled compounds & radiopharmaceuticals (e-vir) | J. Wiley | 0 | ✔ |
0022-2151 | Journal of Laryngology and Otology | Headley Brothers Ltd | 0 | ✔ |
0741-5400 | Journal of leukocyte biology | Society for Leukocyte Biology | 0 | ✔ |
1938-3673 | Journal of leukocyte biology (e-vir) | Society for Leukocyte Biology | 1 | ✔ |
1129-5767 | Journal of limnology | Istituto Italiano di Idrobiologia | 0 | |
1723-8633 | Journal of limnology (e-vir) | Istituto per lo Studio degli Ecosistemi | 0 | ✔ |
0022-2275 | Journal of lipid research | Lipid Research, inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1539-7262 | Journal of lipid research (e-vir) | Rockefeller Institute Press; American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
0898-2104 | Journal of liposome research | Marcel Dekker | 0 | ✔ |
1532-2394 | Journal of liposome research (e-vir) | Marcel Dekker | 0 | ✔ |
1082-6076 | Journal of liquid chromatography & related technologies | Marcel Dekker | 0 | ✔ |
1520-572X | Journal of liquid chromatography & related technologies (e-vir) | Marcel Dekker, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1064-7554 | Journal of mammalian evolution | Plenum Press | 0 | ✔ |
1573-7055 | Journal of mammalian evolution | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0022-2372 | Journal of mammalogy | American Society of Mammalogists | 0 | ✔ |
1545-1542 | Journal of mammalogy (e-vir) | American Society of Mammalogists | 0 | ✔ |
0022-2402 | Journal of marine research | Sears Foundation for Marine Research. | 0 | |
1543-9542 | Journal of marine research (e-vir) | Sears Foundation for Marine Research, | 0 | |
1076-5174 | Journal of mass spectrometry | Wiley | 0 | ✔ |
1096-9888 | Journal of mass spectrometry (e-vir) | John Wiley & Sons | 0 | ✔ |
0303-6812 | Journal of mathematical biology | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1432-1416 | Journal of mathematical biology | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0309-1902 | Journal of medical engineering & technology | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1464-522X | Journal of medical engineering & technology (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0022-2585 | Journal of medical entomology | Entomology Dept., B.P. Bishop Museum. | 0 | ✔ |
1938-2928 | Journal of medical entomology (e-vir) | Entomology Department, Bishop Museum | 0 | ✔ |
1468-6244 | Journal of medical genetics (e-vir) | BMJ Publishing Group | 0 | ✔ |
0022-2593 | Journal of Medical Genetics | British Medical Association | 0 | ✔ |
0022-2615 | Journal of medical microbiology | Livingstone; Society for General Microbiology | 0 | ✔ |
1473-5644 | Journal of medical microbiology (e-vir) | Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins | 0 | ✔ |
0047-2565 | Journal of medical primatology | Karger | 0 | ✔ |
1600-0684 | Journal of medical primatology (e-vir) | Blackwell Munksgaard | 0 | ✔ |
0146-6615 | Journal of medical virology | Alan R. Liss | 0 | ✔ |
1096-9071 | Journal of medical virology (e-vir) | Wiley-Liss | 1 | ✔ |
0022-2623 | Journal of medicinal chemistry | American Chemical Society | 6 | ✔ |
1520-4804 | Journal of medicinal chemistry (e-vir) | ACS Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1096-620X | Journal of medicinal food | Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1557-7600 | Journal of medicinal food (e-vir) | Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
2037-2272 | Journal of Mediterranean earth sciences | Casa Editrice Università la Sapienza | 0 | |
0167-7012 | Journal of microbiological methods | Elsevier | 1 | ✔ |
1872-8359 | Journal of microbiological methods | Elsevier Science | 0 | ✔ |
1225-8873 | Journal of microbiology | Microbiological society of Korea | 0 | |
1976-3794 | Journal of microbiology (e-vir) | Microbiological society of Korea | 0 | |
1995-9133 | Journal of microbiology, immunology and infection (e-vir) | Scientific Communications International Limited; Elsevier Taiwan LLC | 0 | ✔ |
1017-7825 | Journal of microbiology and biotechnology | Korean society for microbiology and biotechnology | 0 | |
1738-8872 | Journal of microbiology and biotechnology (e-vir) | Korean society for microbiology and biotechnology | 0 | |
0265-2048 | Journal of microencapsulation | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1464-5246 | Journal of microencapsulation (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0262-821X | Journal of micropalaeontology | British Micropaleontological Society | 0 | ✔ |
2041-4978 | Journal of micropalaeontology (e-vir) | Geological Society Publishing House | 0 | ✔ |
1365-2818 | Journal of microscopy (e-vir) | Blackwell Science | 0 | ✔ |
0022-2720 | Journal of Microscopy | Blackwell Scientific Publications Ltd | 0 | ✔ |
1095-8584 | Journal of molecular and cellular cardiology (e-vir) | Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
0022-2828 | Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology | Academic Press Inc, Ltd | 0 | ✔ |
0022-2836 | Journal of molecular biology | Academic Press | 1 | ✔ |
1089-8638 | Journal of molecular biology (e-vir) | Academic Press | 0 | |
1759-4685 | Journal of molecular cell biology (e-vir) | Uxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1674-2788 | Journal of Molecular Cell Biology | Journal of Molecular Cell Biology Editorial Office; Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1525-1578 | Journal of molecular diagnostics | Association for Investigative Pathology | 0 | ✔ |
0952-5041 | Journal of molecular endocrinology | Journal of Endocrinology | 0 | ✔ |
1479-6813 | Journal of molecular endocrinology (e-vir) | Society for Endocrinology | 0 | ✔ |
0022-2844 | Journal of molecular evolution | Springer International | 0 | ✔ |
1093-3263 | Journal of Molecular Graphics & Modelling | Elsevier Science, Inc. | 1 | ✔ |
1873-4243 | Journal of molecular graphics and modelling (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1567-2379 | Journal of molecular histology | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1567-2387 | Journal of molecular histology | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0946-2716 | Journal of molecular medicine | s. n.] | 0 | ✔ |
1432-1440 | Journal of molecular medicine (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1464-1801 | Journal of molecular microbiology and biotechnology | S. Karger | 0 | |
1660-2412 | Journal of molecular microbiology and biotechnology | Horizon Scientific Press; Karger | 0 | |
0895-8696 | Journal of molecular neuroscience | Birkhäuser Boston | 0 | ✔ |
1559-1166 | Journal of molecular neuroscience (e-vir) | Humana Press | 0 | ✔ |
0952-3499 | Journal of molecular recognition | Heydon & Son | 0 | ✔ |
1099-1352 | Journal of molecular recognition (e-vir) | Heydon & Son]; John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. | 0 | ✔ |
0362-2525 | Journal of morphology | Wistar Institute of Anatomy and Biology | 0 | ✔ |
1097-4687 | Journal of morphology (e-vir) | Wistar Institute of Anatomy and Biology | 0 | ✔ |
0022-2895 | Journal of motor behavior | HELDREF Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1940-1027 | Journal of motor behavior | HELDREF Publications, etc.] | 0 | ✔ |
0142-4319 | Journal of muscle research and cell motility | Chapman and Hall | 0 | ✔ |
1573-2657 | Journal of muscle research and cell motility (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1108-7161 | Journal of Musculoskeletal and Neuronal Interactions | Hylonome. Parask. Liritis | 1 | |
0218-9577 | Journal of musculoskeletal research | World Scientific | 0 | ✔ |
1793-6497 | Journal of musculoskeletal research (e-vir) | World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd | 0 | ✔ |
Y504-1309 | Journal of musculoskeletal research | World Scientific | 0 | |
0971-9393 | Journal of Mycology and Plant Pathology | Indian Society of Mycology and Plant Pathology | 0 | |
1210-8049 | Journal of Nannoplankton Research | International Nannoplankton Association | 0 | |
1477-3155 | Journal of nanobiotechnology (e-vir) | BioMed Central | 0 | |
0022-2933 | Journal of natural history | Taylor and Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1464-5262 | Journal of natural history (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1861-0293 | Journal of natural medicines (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0163-3864 | Journal of natural products | American Chemical Society; American Society of Pharmacognosy | 0 | ✔ |
1520-6025 | Journal of natural products (e-vir) | American Chemical Society and American Society of Pharmacognosy | 0 | ✔ |
0972-5547 | Journal of Natural Remedies | Informatics Publishing Ltd. and Natural Remedies Pvt. Ltd | 0 | ✔ |
2320-3358 | Journal of Natural Remedies | Natural Remedies Pvt. Ltd. | 0 | ✔ |
0022-300X | Journal of nematology | Society of Nematologists. | 1 | ✔ |
2640-396X | Journal of nematology (e-vir) | Society of Nematologists | 0 | ✔ |
0022-3018 | Journal of nervous and mental disease | [S. E. Jelliffe etc.] | 0 | ✔ |
1741-2552 | Journal of neural engineering (e-vir) | Institute of Physics Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
1741-2560 | Journal of neural engineering | Institute of Physics Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
0300-9564 | Journal of neural transmission | Springer-Verlag | 0 | ✔ |
1435-1463 | Journal of neural transmission (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0022-3042 | Journal of neurochemistry | Raven Press | 0 | ✔ |
1471-4159 | Journal of neurochemistry (e-vir) | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1866-1947 | Journal of neurodevelopmental disorders | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1866-1955 | Journal of neurodevelopmental disorders (e-vir) | Springer | 1 | ✔ |
0953-8194 | Journal of neuroendocrinology | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1365-2826 | Journal of neuroendocrinology (e-vir) | Blackwell Science | 0 | ✔ |
0167-7063 | Journal of neurogenetics | Harvard Academic :; Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1563-5260 | Journal of neurogenetics | Harwood Academic Publishers. | 0 | ✔ |
1026-8057 | JOURNAL OF NEUROGENETICS | 0 | ||
1557-1890 | Journal of neuroimmune pharmacology | Springer Science + Business Media | 0 | ✔ |
1557-1904 | Journal of neuroimmune pharmacology (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0165-5728 | Journal of neuroimmunology | Elsevier/North-Holland | 0 | ✔ |
1872-8421 | Journal of Neuroimmunology (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1742-2094 | Journal of neuroinflammation (e-vir) | BioMed Central | 0 | ✔ |
0340-5354 | Journal of neurology | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1432-1459 | Journal of neurology (e-vir) | Steinkopff | 0 | ✔ |
1619-800X | Journal of neurology | Springer Internat. | 0 | |
1468-330X | Journal of neurology, neurosurgery and psychiatry (e-vir) | BMJ Publishing | 1 | ✔ |
0022-3050 | Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry | British Medical Association | 1 | ✔ |
1554-6578 | Journal of neuropathology & experimental neurology (e-vir) | Lippincot | 0 | ✔ |
0022-3069 | Journal of neuropathology and experimental neurology | Association of the Journal of Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology | 0 | ✔ |
0022-3077 | Journal of neurophysiology | American Physiological Society | 0 | ✔ |
1522-1598 | Journal of neurophysiology (e-vir) | American Physiological Society | 0 | ✔ |
0150-9861 | Journal of neuroradiology | Masson | 0 | ✔ |
0165-0270 | Journal of neuroscience methods | Elsevier/North-Holland | 0 | ✔ |
1872-678X | Journal of neuroscience methods (e-vir) | Elsevier | 1 | ✔ |
0360-4012 | Journal of neuroscience research | Wiley-Liss | 0 | ✔ |
1097-4547 | Journal of neuroscience research (e-vir) | John Wiley & Sons | 0 | ✔ |
0022-3085 | Journal of neurosurgery | American Association of Neurological Surgeons | 0 | |
1933-0693 | Journal of neurosurgery (e-vir) | American Association of Neurological Surgeons | 0 | |
0897-7151 | Journal of neurotrauma | M.A. Liebert | 0 | ✔ |
1557-9042 | Journal of neurotrauma (e-vir) | Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1355-0284 | Journal of neurovirology | Stockton | 0 | ✔ |
1538-2443 | Journal of neurovirology | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1522-9025 | Journal of new seeds | The Haworth Press; Taylor & Francis Inc. | 0 | |
1347-3409 | Journal of Nippon Medical School (e-vir) | Nihon ika daigaku igakkai | 0 | |
1345-4676 | Journal of Nippon Medical School = | Medical Association of Nippon Medical School. | 0 | |
0250-6408 | Journal of Northwest Atlantic fishery science | Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization | 0 | |
1661-6499 | Journal of nutrigenetics and nutrigenomics | S. Karger | 0 | |
1661-6758 | Journal of nutrigenetics and nutrigenomics | S. Karger | 0 | |
0301-4800 | Journal of nutritional science and vitaminology | University of Tokyo Press | 0 | |
2155-1197 | Journal of nutrition in gerontology and geriatrics | Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group | 0 | ✔ |
2155-1200 | Journal of nutrition in gerontology and geriatrics (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1545-9624 | Journal of occupational and environmental hygiene | Taylor and Francis, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1545-9632 | Journal of occupational and environmental hygiene (e-vir) | Taylor and Francis, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1076-2752 | Journal of occupational and environmental medicine | Williams & Wilkins | 0 | ✔ |
1536-5948 | Journal of occupational and environmental medicine (e-vir) | Williams & Wilkins | 0 | ✔ |
1341-9145 | Journal of occupational health | Japan Society for Occupational Health. | 0 | ✔ |
1348-9585 | Journal of occupational health | Japan Society for Occupational Health | 0 | ✔ |
1672-5182 | Journal of Ocean University of China | Editorial Office of Journal of Ocean University of China | 0 | ✔ |
1993-5021 | Journal of Ocean University of China | Science Press; Springer-Verlag GmbH | 0 | ✔ |
1080-7683 | Journal of ocular pharmacology and therapeutics | The Association | 0 | ✔ |
1557-7732 | Journal of ocular pharmacology and therapeutics (e-vir) | Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
2333-0376 | Journal of oral & facial pain and headache (e-vir) | Quintessence Publishing Co., Inc. | 0 | |
2333-0384 | Journal of oral & facial pain and headache | Quintessence Publishing Co., Inc. | 0 | |
2000-2297 | Journal of oral microbiology (e-vir) | Co-Action Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
0904-2512 | Journal of oral pathology & medicine | Munksgaard | 0 | ✔ |
1600-0714 | Journal of oral pathology & medicine (e-vir) | Munksgaard International Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0022-3263 | Journal of organic chemistry | American Chemical Society. | 0 | ✔ |
1520-6904 | Journal of organic chemistry (e-vir) | American Chemical Society | 0 | ✔ |
0736-0266 | Journal of orthopaedic research | Elsevier Science | 1 | ✔ |
1554-527X | Journal of Orthopaedic Research (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1082-6467 | Journal of orthoptera research | Orthopterists' Society | 0 | ✔ |
1937-2426 | Journal of orthoptera research (e-vir) | Orthopterists' Society | 0 | ✔ |
0921-2728 | Journal of paleolimnology | Kluwer Academic | 0 | ✔ |
1573-0417 | Journal of paleolimnology (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0022-3360 | Journal of paleontology | Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists | 0 | ✔ |
1937-2337 | Journal of paleontology (e-vir) | Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists | 0 | ✔ |
0971-2208 | Journal of Parasitology and Applied Animal Biology | Ravishankar University, School of Life Sciences. | 0 | |
0148-6071 | Journal of parenteral and enteral nutrition | American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition | 0 | ✔ |
1941-2444 | Journal of parenteral and enteral nutrition (e-vir) | American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition; Sage | 0 | ✔ |
0334-018X | Journal of pediatric endocrinology & metabolism | Freund Publishing House | 0 | ✔ |
2191-0251 | Journal of pediatric endocrinology and metabolism | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
0277-2116 | Journal of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition | Raven Press | 2 | ✔ |
1536-4801 | Journal of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition (e-vir) | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins | 4 | ✔ |
1075-2617 | Journal of peptide science | John Wiley & Sons | 0 | ✔ |
1099-1387 | Journal of peptide science (e-vir) | European Peptide Society; John Wiley & Sons | 0 | ✔ |
0300-5577 | Journal of perinatal medicine | de Gruyter | 1 | ✔ |
1619-3997 | Journal of perinatal medicine (e-vir) | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1600-0765 | Journal of periodontal research (e-vir) | Blackwell Munksgaard | 0 | ✔ |
0022-3484 | Journal of Periodontal Research | Munksgaard | 0 | ✔ |
0022-3492 | Journal of periodontology | American Academy of Periodontology. | 0 | ✔ |
1943-3670 | Journal of periodontology (e-vir) | American Academy of Periodontology | 0 | ✔ |
1348-589X | Journal of pesticide science | Nihon Noyaku Gakkai | 0 | |
1349-0923 | Journal of pesticide science (e-vir) | Pesticide Science Society of Japan | 0 | |
1612-4758 | Journal of pest science | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1612-4766 | Journal of pest science (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0731-7085 | Journal of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis | Pergamon Press | 2 | ✔ |
1873-264X | Journal of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis (e-vir) | Elsevier Science | 0 | ✔ |
2093-6214 | Journal of pharmaceutical investigation | Korean Society of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technology | 0 | ✔ |
2093-5552 | Journal of pharmaceutical investigation = | Korean Society of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technology | 0 | ✔ |
0022-3549 | Journal of pharmaceutical sciences | The Association | 2 | ✔ |
1520-6017 | Journal of pharmaceutical sciences (e-vir) | American Chemical Society and American Pharmaceutical Association; Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1567-567X | Journal of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1573-8744 | Journal of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics (e-vir) | Kluwer Online | 0 | ✔ |
1056-8719 | Journal of pharmacological and toxicological methods | Elsevier | 1 | ✔ |
1873-488X | Journal of pharmacological and toxicological methods | Elsevier Science | 0 | ✔ |
1347-8613 | Journal of pharmacological sciences | Japanese Pharmacological Society | 0 | |
1347-8648 | Journal of pharmacological sciences (e-vir) | Japan Pharmacology Society; Elsevier B.V. | 0 | |
2042-7158 | Journal of pharmacy and pharmacology (e-vir) | Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain; Wiley] | 0 | ✔ |
0022-3573 | Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology | Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain | 0 | ✔ |
1445-937X | Journal of pharmacy practice and research | Society of Hospital Pharmacists of Australia. | 0 | |
1010-6030 | Journal of photochemistry and photobiology | Elsevier Sequoia | 0 | ✔ |
1873-2666 | Journal of photochemistry and photobiology (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1873-2682 | Journal of photochemistry and photobiology (e-vir) | Elsevier B.V. | 0 | ✔ |
1011-1344 | Journal of photochemistry and photobiology. B, Biology | Elsevier Sequoia | 1 | ✔ |
0022-3646 | Journal of phycology | Phycological Society of America. | 0 | ✔ |
1529-8817 | Journal of phycology (e-vir) | Blackwell Pub. | 0 | ✔ |
1880-6791 | Journal of physiological anthropology | Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology | 0 | |
1880-6805 | Journal of physiological anthropology (e-vir) | Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology] | 0 | |
1880-6546 | Journal of physiological sciences | Physiological Society of Japan | 0 | ✔ |
1880-6562 | Journal of physiological sciences | Physiological Society of Japan | 0 | ✔ |
1138-7548 | Journal of physiology and biochemistry | Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra. | 0 | ✔ |
1877-8755 | Journal of physiology and biochemistry = | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0867-5910 | Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology | Polish Physiological Society | 0 | |
0970-5767 | Journal of Phytological Research | Phytological Society. | 0 | |
0931-1785 | Journal of phytopathology | Wiley-Blackwell | 1 | ✔ |
1439-0434 | Journal of phytopathology (e-vir) | Wiley | 0 | ✔ |
0742-3098 | Journal of pineal research | Munksgaard International Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1600-079X | Journal of pineal research (e-vir) | Munksgaard International Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1789-0993 | Journal of planar chromatography, modern TLC (e-vir) | Akadémiai Kiadó | 0 | ✔ |
0142-7873 | Journal of plankton research | Information Retrieval Inc.]; Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1464-3774 | Journal of plankton research (e-vir) | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0974-1275 | Journal of plant biochemistry and biotechnology (e-vir) | Society for Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology | 0 | ✔ |
0971-7811 | Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology | S. L. Mehta | 0 | ✔ |
1226-9239 | Journal of Plant Biology | Botanical Society of Korea. | 0 | ✔ |
1229-2818 | Journal of Plant Biotechnology | Hangugsigmuljojigbaeyanghaghoe; han-guksingmulsaengmyeonggonghakoe | 0 | |
1861-3829 | Journal of plant diseases and protection | Ulmer | 1 | ✔ |
1861-3837 | Journal of plant diseases and protection (e-vir) | Ulmer | 0 | ✔ |
Y505-9887 | Journal of plant diseases and protection | Ulmer | 0 | |
1752-9921 | Journal of plant ecology | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1752-993X | Journal of plant ecology (e-vir) | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0721-7595 | Journal of plant growth regulation | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1435-8107 | Journal of plant growth regulation (e-vir) | Springer. | 0 | ✔ |
1742-9145 | Journal of plant interactions | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1742-9153 | Journal of plant interactions (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0190-4167 | Journal of plant nutrition | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1532-4087 | Journal of plant nutrition (e-vir) | Marcel Dekker | 0 | ✔ |
1436-8730 | Journal of plant nutrition and soil science | Wiley-Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1522-2624 | Journal of plant nutrition and soil science (e-vir) | Wiley-VCH-Verl. | 0 | ✔ |
1125-4653 | Journal of plant pathology | Edizioni ETS. | 1 | ✔ |
2239-7264 | Journal of plant pathology (e-vir) | 0 | ✔ | |
1618-1328 | Journal of plant physiology (e-vir) | Urban u. Fischer | 0 | ✔ |
0176-1617 | Journal of Plant Physiology | Gustav Fischer Verlag | 0 | ✔ |
1427-4345 | Journal of Plant Protection Research | Instytut Ochrony Roślin (Poznań); Polska Akademia Nauk. Komitet Ochrony Roślin.; Polskie Towarzystwo Ochrony Roślin. | 0 | ✔ |
1899-007X | Journal of Plant Protection Research | Institute of Plant Protection; Committee of Plant Protection of the Polish Academy of Sciences; Polish Society of Plant Protection | 0 | ✔ |
1936-5209 | Journal of plant registrations | Crop Science Society of America | 0 | ✔ |
1940-3496 | Journal of plant registrations (e-vir) | Crop Science Society of America | 0 | ✔ |
0918-9440 | Journal of plant research | Botanical Society of Japan | 0 | ✔ |
1618-0860 | Journal of plant research | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1566-2543 | Journal of polymers and the environment | Kluwer Academic/Plenum Press | 0 | ✔ |
1572-8919 | Journal of polymers and the environment (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1346-7395 | Journal of poultry science | Japan Poultry Science Association | 0 | |
1349-0486 | Journal of poultry science (e-vir) | Japan Poultry Science Association | 0 | |
1535-3893 | Journal of proteome research | American Chemical Society | 1 | ✔ |
1535-3907 | Journal of proteome research (e-vir) | American Chemical Society | 1 | ✔ |
1874-3919 | Journal of proteomics | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1876-7737 | Journal of proteomics (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
0917-4427 | Journal of protozoology research | Obihiro University; Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine. National Research Center for Protozoan Diseases | 0 | |
1879-1379 | Journal of psychiatric research (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
0022-3956 | Journal of Psychiatric Research | Pergamon Press | 2 | ✔ |
1180-4882 | Journal of psychiatry & neuroscience | Journal of Psychiatry and Neuroscience | 0 | ✔ |
1488-2434 | Journal of psychiatry & neuroscience (e-vir) | Canadian Medical Association = Association médicale canadienne. | 0 | ✔ |
0279-1072 | Journal of psychoactive drugs | Published by Haight-Ashbury Publications in association with the Haight-Ashbury Free Medical Clinic | 0 | ✔ |
2159-9777 | Journal of psychoactive drugs (e-vir) | Haight-Ashbury Publications in association with the Haight-Ashbury Free Medical Clinic | 0 | ✔ |
0882-2689 | Journal of psychopathology and behavioral assessment | Plenum | 0 | ✔ |
1573-3505 | Journal of psychopathology and behavioral assessment | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0269-8811 | Journal of psychopharmacology | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1461-7285 | Journal of psychopharmacology (e-vir) | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0022-3999 | Journal of psychosomatic research | Pergamon Press | 0 | ✔ |
1879-1360 | Journal of psychosomatic research (e-vir) | Elsevier Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
0973-7510 | Journal of pure & applied microbiology | M. N. Khan | 0 | ✔ |
2581-690X | Journal of pure and applied microbiology (e-vir) | Journal of pure and applied microbiology | 0 | ✔ |
0449-3060 | Journal of radiation research | Japan Radiation Research Society. | 0 | ✔ |
1349-9157 | Journal of radiation research (e-vir) | Japan Radiation Research Society | 0 | ✔ |
0952-4746 | Journal of radiological protection | IOP Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
1361-6498 | Journal of radiological protection (e-vir) | IOP Publishing | 2 | ✔ |
1079-9893 | Journal of receptor and signal transduction research | Marcel Dekker, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1532-4281 | Journal of receptor and signal transduction research (e-vir) | Marcel Dekker | 0 | ✔ |
1650-1977 | Journal of rehabilitation medicine | Taylor & Francis | 1 | |
1651-2081 | Journal of rehabilitation medicine (e-vir) | Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine | 0 | ✔ |
0916-8818 | Journal of reproduction and development | Japanese Society of Animal Reproduction | 0 | |
1348-4400 | Journal of reproduction and development | Japanese Society of Animal Reproduction | 0 | |
0165-0378 | Journal of reproductive immunology | Elsevier/North-Holland Biomedical Press; Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1872-7603 | Journal of Reproductive Immunology (e-vir) | Elsevier | 1 | ✔ |
0024-7758 | Journal of reproductive medicine | Journal of reproductive medicine,Inc. | 0 | |
0315-162X | Journal of rheumatology | Journal of rheumatology Publ. | 0 | ✔ |
1016-1104 | Journal of sciences, Islamic Republic of Iran | University of Tehran | 0 | |
2345-6914 | Journal of sciences, Islamic Republic of Iran (e-vir) | University of Tehran | 0 | |
1385-1101 | Journal of sea research | Netherlands Institute of Sea Research; Elsevier Science | 0 | ✔ |
1873-1414 | Journal of sea research (e-vir) | Elsevier BV | 0 | ✔ |
1615-9306 | Journal of separation science | Wiley-VCH | 0 | ✔ |
1615-9314 | Journal of separation science (e-vir) | Wiley-VCH-Verl. | 1 | ✔ |
0730-8000 | Journal of shellfish research | National Shellfisheries Association | 0 | |
1943-6319 | Journal of shellfish research (e-vir) | National Shellfisheries Association. | 0 | |
0962-1105 | Journal of sleep research | Blackwell Scientific | 0 | ✔ |
1365-2869 | Journal of sleep research (e-vir) | Blackwell Science | 1 | ✔ |
0022-4510 | Journal of Small Animal Practice | Blackwell Scientific Publications | 1 | ✔ |
1439-0108 | Journal of soils and sediments | Wiley | 1 | ✔ |
1614-7480 | Journal of soils and sediments (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0264-0414 | Journal of sports sciences | Routledge | 1 | ✔ |
1466-447X | Journal of sports sciences (e-vir) | Taylor Francis Health Sciences; E & FN Spon | 1 | ✔ |
0960-0760 | Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology | Pergamon Press | 0 | ✔ |
0022-474X | Journal of Stored Products Research | Pergamon Press | 2 | ✔ |
1345-711X | Journal of structural and functional genomics | Springer Science+Business Media (formerly Kluwer Academic Press) | 0 | |
1570-0267 | Journal of structural and functional genomics | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | |
1047-8477 | Journal of structural biology | Academic Press | 1 | ✔ |
1937-1888 | Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs | Alcohol Research Documentation, Inc., Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey | 0 | ✔ |
1938-4114 | Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs (e-vir) | Rutgers Center of Alcohol Studies. | 0 | |
1873-6483 | Journal of substance abuse treatment (e-vir) | Elsevier Inc. | 0 | |
0740-5472 | Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment | Pergamon Press | 0 | |
1095-8673 | Journal of surgical research (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | |
1477-2019 | Journal of systematic palaeontology | The Natural History Museum; Cambdrige University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1478-0941 | Journal of systematic palaeontology (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1759-6831 | Journal of systematics and evolution (e-vir) | Science Press; Wiley-Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1674-4918 | Journal of Systematics and Evolution | Blackwell Publishing Asia Pty Ltd | 0 | ✔ |
1696-0815 | Journal of taphonomy | Fundación Conjunto Paleontológico de Teruel | 0 | |
0313-4083 | Journal of the Adelaide Botanic Gardens | Adelaide Botanic Garden. | 0 | |
2201-9855 | Journal of the Adelaide Botanic Gardens (e-vir) | State Herbarium of South Australia, Board of the Botanic Gardens and State Herbarioum | 0 | |
1527-5418 | Journal of the american academy of child & adolescent psychiatry (e-vir) | Lippincot | 0 | ✔ |
0890-8567 | Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry | American Academy of Child and Adolescenṫ Psychiaṫry | 0 | ✔ |
1547-3317 | Journal of the American Animal Hospital Association (e-vir) | American Animal Hospital Association | 0 | |
1559-6109 | Journal of the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science | American Association for Laboratory Animal Science | 0 | |
0002-7863 | Journal of the American Chemical Society | American Chemical Society | 7 | ✔ |
1520-5126 | Journal of the American Chemical Society (e-vir) | American Chemical Society | 0 | ✔ |
0735-1097 | Journal of the American College of Cardiology | Elsevier Biomedical | 3 | ✔ |
1558-3597 | Journal of the American College of Cardiology (e-vir) | Excerpta Medica | 1 | ✔ |
0731-5724 | Journal of the American College of Nutrition | A.R. Liss | 0 | ✔ |
1541-1087 | Journal of the American College of Nutrition (e-vir) | American College of Nutrition | 0 | ✔ |
0002-8614 | Journal of the American Geriatrics Society | Elsevier Science Pub. Co. for the American Geriatrics Society, etc. | 0 | ✔ |
1532-5415 | Journal of the American Geriatrics Society (e-vir) | Blackwell Science | 0 | ✔ |
1943-6270 | Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association | The American Mosquito Control Association | 0 | |
8756-971X | Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association | The Association | 0 | |
0003-021X | Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society | American Oil Chemists' Society | 0 | ✔ |
1558-9331 | Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society (e-vir) | American Oil Chemists' Society Press | 0 | ✔ |
0003-1062 | Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science | American Society for Horticultural Science | 0 | ✔ |
2327-9788 | Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science (e-vir) | American Society for Horticultural Science | 0 | ✔ |
0361-0470 | Journal of the American Society of Brewing Chemists | American Society of Brewing Chemists. | 0 | ✔ |
1943-7854 | Journal of the American Society of Brewing Chemists (e-vir) | American Society of Brewing Chemists | 0 | ✔ |
1046-6673 | Journal of the American Society of Nephrology | Williams & Wilkins | 0 | ✔ |
1533-3450 | Journal of the American Society of Nephrology (e-vir) | Williams & Wilkins | 2 | ✔ |
0003-1488 | Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association | American Veterinary Medical Association. | 0 | ✔ |
1943-569X | Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association (e-vir) | [American Veterinary Medical Association] | 0 | ✔ |
0193-8509 | Journal of the Arizona-Nevada Academy of Science | Arizona Nevada Academy of Science | 0 | |
1533-6085 | Journal of the Arizona-Nevada Academy of Science (e-vir) | Arizona-Nevada Academy of Science | 0 | |
1525-3961 | Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology | Springer. | 0 | ✔ |
1304-9550 | Journal of the black sea : mediterranean environment | Türk Deniz Araştırmaları Vakfı | 0 | |
0006-6982 | Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society | Bombay Natural History Society. | 0 | |
1934-5259 | Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas | Botanical Research Institute of Texas | 0 | |
1110-0583 | Journal of the Egyptian Society of Parasitology | Egyptian Society of parasitology | 0 | |
0013-6220 | Journal of the Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society | Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society (Chapel Hill, N.C.); North Carolina Academy of Science.; University of North Carolina (1793-1962) | 0 | |
1302-0250 | Journal of the Entomological Research Society | Gazi Entomological Research Society | 0 | |
0071-0733 | Journal of the Entomological Society of British Columbia | Entomological Soc. of British Columbia. | 0 | |
1929-7890 | Journal of the Entomological Society of British Columbia (e-vir) | Entomological Society of British Columbia. | 0 | |
1713-7845 | Journal of the Entomological Society of Ontario | Entomological Society of Ontario. | 0 | |
0022-5002 | Journal of the experimental analysis of behavior | Society for the Experimental Analysis of Behavior | 0 | ✔ |
1938-3711 | Journal of the experimental analysis of behavior | Society for the Experimental Analysis of Behavior | 0 | ✔ |
0023-6152 | Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University | Kyushu Daigaku Nogakubu | 0 | |
0929-6646 | Journal of the Formosan Medical Association | Excerpta Medica Asia; Formosan Medical Association; Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1876-0821 | Journal of the Formosan Medical Association (e-vir) | Formosan Medical Association; Elsevier Singapore | 0 | ✔ |
0022-5010 | Journal of the history of biology | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1573-0387 | Journal of the history of biology (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0970-8235 | Journal of the Indian Potato Association | Indian Potato Association | 0 | |
0046-9750 | Journal of the Institute of Brewing | J. Wiley & Sons | 0 | ✔ |
2050-0416 | Journal of the Institute of Brewing (e-vir) | Wiley-Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1758-2652 | Journal of the International AIDS Society (e-vir) | BioMed Central; International AIDS Society | 0 | ✔ |
0022-8567 | Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society | The Society | 0 | |
1937-2353 | Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society (e-vir) | Kansas Entomological Society | 0 | |
1098-7096 | Journal of the Kentucky Academy of Science | Kentucky Academy of Science. | 0 | |
0024-0966 | Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society | Lepidopterists' Society. | 0 | |
0025-3146 | Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India | Marine Biological Association of India | 0 | |
0025-3154 | Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1469-7769 | Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom (e-vir) | Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom | 0 | ✔ |
1110-0133 | Journal of the Medical Research Institute | Alexandria University | 0 | |
0027-8874 | Journal of the National Cancer Institute | United States Department of Health, Education and Welfare | 0 | ✔ |
1052-6773 | Journal of the National Cancer Institute | U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, National Institutes of Health; Oxford University Press | 0 | |
1460-2105 | Journal of the National Cancer Institute (e-vir) | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1745-6614 | Journal of the National Cancer Institute (e-vir) | Oxford University Press | 0 | |
0027-9684 | Journal of the National Medical Association | Appleton-Century-Crofts | 0 | ✔ |
1943-4693 | Journal of the National Medical Association (e-vir) | [Appleton-Century-Crofts] | 0 | ✔ |
1802-6842 | Journal of the National Museum | Národní muzeum | 0 | |
1391-4588 | Journal of the National Science Foundation | National Science Foundation. | 0 | ✔ |
2362-0161 | Journal of The National Science foundation of Sri Lanka (e-vir) | National Science Foundation | 0 | ✔ |
0022-510X | Journal of the neurological sciences | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1878-5883 | Journal of the neurological sciences (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
0022-5193 | Journal of theoretical biology | Academic Press. | 2 | ✔ |
1095-8541 | Journal of theoretical biology (e-vir) | Academic Press | 0 | |
0030-9982 | Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association | Pakistan Medical Association | 0 | |
0552-9360 | Journal of the Palaeontological Society of India | Palaeontological Society of India. | 0 | ✔ |
1044-6753 | Journal of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science | Pennsylvania Academy of Science. | 0 | |
2475-1898 | Journal of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science (e-vir) | Pennsylvania Academy of Science | 0 | |
0485-2044 | Journal of the Rio Grande Valley Horticultural Society | Rio Grande Valley Horticultural Society. | 0 | |
0306-4565 | Journal of Thermal Biology | Pergamon Press | 1 | ✔ |
1879-0992 | Journal of Thermal Biology (e-vir) | Pergamon Press | 0 | ✔ |
1742-5662 | Journal of the Royal Society interface (e-vir) | Royal Society | 1 | ✔ |
1742-5689 | Journal of the Royal Society interface | The Royal Society | 3 | ✔ |
0303-6758 | Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand | Royal Society of New Zealand | 0 | ✔ |
1175-8899 | Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand | Royal Society of New Zealand; Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0035-922X | Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia | [S.n.] | 0 | |
0022-5142 | Journal of the science of food and agriculture | Academic Press | 3 | ✔ |
1097-0010 | Journal of the science of food and agriculture (e-vir) | Published for SCI by John Wiley & Sons | 0 | ✔ |
1019-9128 | Journal of the South African Veterinary Association | South African Veterinary Association | 0 | |
2224-9435 | Journal of the South African Veterinary Association (e-vir) | South African Veterinary Association | 0 | |
0040-313X | Journal of the Tennessee Academy of Science | Tennessee Academy of Science | 0 | |
2168-8338 | Journal of the Tennessee Academy of Science (e-vir) | Tennessee Academy of Science. | 0 | |
0893-8849 | Journal of the World Aquaculture Society | The Society | 0 | ✔ |
1749-7345 | Journal of the World Aquaculture Society (e-vir) | The Society | 0 | ✔ |
0974-7893 | Journal of threatened taxa | Wildlife Information Liaison Development Society | 0 | |
0974-7907 | Journal of threatened taxa (e-vir) | Wildlife Information Liaison Development Society | 0 | |
1932-6254 | Journal of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine | John Wiley & Sons | 1 | ✔ |
1932-7005 | Journal of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine | John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. | 0 | ✔ |
0388-1350 | Journal of toxicological sciences | Doku sayo kenkyukai; Doku sayo kenkyukai; Nihon doku kagakkai; Nihon doku kagakkai; Nihon tokishikoroji gakkai; Nihon dokusei gakkai | 0 | |
1880-3989 | Journal of toxicological sciences | Japanese Society of Toxicology | 0 | |
0914-9198 | Journal of toxicologic pathology | Japanese Society of Toxicologic Pathology | 0 | |
1881-915X | Journal of toxicologic pathology (e-vir) | Japanese Society of Toxicological Pathology | 0 | |
0098-4108 | Journal of toxicology and environmental health | Hemisphere Pub. Corp. | 0 | |
1087-2620 | Journal of toxicology and environmental health (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis Health Sciences | 0 | ✔ |
1528-7394 | Journal of toxicology and environmental health | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0946-672X | Journal of trace elements in medicine and biology | Elsevier | 1 | ✔ |
0266-4674 | Journal of tropical ecology | Published for INTECOL and the ICSU Press by Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1469-7831 | Journal of tropical ecology (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0128-1283 | Journal of tropical forest science | FRIM. | 0 | |
2521-9847 | Journal of tropical forest science (e-vir) | FRIM | 0 | |
0387-821X | Journal of UOEH | Sangyo ika daigaku; 産業医科大学 | 0 | |
1018-1172 | Journal of vascular research | S.Karger | 0 | ✔ |
1423-0135 | Journal of vascular research (e-vir) | S. Karger | 0 | ✔ |
0741-5214 | Journal of vascular surgery | C.V. Mosby Co. | 0 | ✔ |
1097-6809 | Journal of vascular surgery (e-vir) | Mosby, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
0972-9062 | Journal of Vector Borne Diseases | M.A. Ansari. | 0 | ✔ |
1081-1710 | Journal of vector ecology | Society for Vector Ecology | 0 | |
1948-7134 | Journal of vector ecology (e-vir) | Society for Vector Ecology | 0 | |
1100-9233 | Journal of vegetation science | Opulus Press | 0 | ✔ |
1654-1103 | Journal of vegetation science (e-vir) | Opulus Press; Wiley-Blackwell; John Wiley | 0 | ✔ |
0272-4634 | Journal of vertebrate paleontology | Society of Vertebrate Paleontology | 0 | ✔ |
1937-2809 | Journal of vertebrate paleontology (e-vir) | University of Oklahoma | 0 | ✔ |
0891-6640 | Journal of veterinary internal medicine | J.B. Lippincott | 0 | ✔ |
1939-1676 | Journal of veterinary internal medicine (e-vir) | J.B. Lippincott]; American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine; Wiley Periodicals | 0 | ✔ |
0916-7250 | Journal of veterinary medical science | Japanese Society of Veterinary Science. | 0 | |
1347-7439 | Journal of veterinary medical science (e-vir) | Japanese Society of Veterinary Science | 0 | |
0140-7783 | Journal of veterinary pharmacology and therapeutics | Blackwell Scientific Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1365-2885 | Journal of veterinary pharmacology and therapeutics (e-vir) | Blackwell Science. | 0 | ✔ |
1229-845X | Journal of veterinary science | Korean Society of Veterinary Science | 0 | |
1976-555X | Journal of veterinary science (e-vir) | Korean society of veterinary science | 0 | |
1352-0504 | Journal of viral hepatitis | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1365-2893 | Journal of viral hepatitis (e-vir) | Blackwell Science. | 0 | ✔ |
0166-0934 | Journal of virological methods | Elsevier/North-Holland | 1 | ✔ |
1879-0984 | Journal of virological methods (e-vir) | Elsevier BV | 0 | ✔ |
0022-538X | Journal of virology | American Society for Microbiology. | 0 | ✔ |
1098-5514 | Journal of virology (e-vir) | American Society for Microbiology | 0 | ✔ |
1940-087X | Journal of visualized experiments (e-vir) | MYJoVE Corporation] | 2 | ✔ |
1477-8920 | Journal of water and health | IWA Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
1996-7829 | Journal of water and health (e-vir) | IWA Publishing; World Health Organization | 0 | ✔ |
2220-1319 | Journal of water reuse and desalination | IWA Publishing | 0 | |
2408-9370 | Journal of water reuse and desalination (e-vir) | IWA Publishing | 0 | |
0090-3558 | Journal of wildlife diseases | Wildlife Disease Association | 0 | ✔ |
1943-3700 | Journal of wildlife diseases (e-vir) | 0 | ✔ | |
0957-1264 | Journal of wine research | Carfax Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
1469-9672 | Journal of wine research (e-vir) | Carfax International Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1673-1581 | Journal of Zhejiang University | Zhejiang University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1862-1783 | Journal of Zhejiang University | Zhejiang University Press; Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1042-7260 | Journal of zoo and wildlife medicine | The Association | 1 | |
1937-2825 | Journal of zoo and wildlife medicine (e-vir) | American Association of Zoo Veterinarians | 0 | |
0947-5745 | Journal of zoological systematics and evolutionary research | Blackwell-Wiss.-Verl. | 1 | ✔ |
1439-0469 | Journal of zoological systematics and evolutionary research (e-vir) | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
0952-8369 | Journal of zoology | Zoological Society of London | 0 | ✔ |
1469-7998 | Journal of zoology (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0933-4173 | JPC. Journal of planar chromatography, modern TLC | Hüthig | 0 | ✔ |
2008-3645 | Jundishapur journal of microbiology | Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences; Kowsar Medical | 0 | |
2008-4161 | Jundishapur journal of microbiology (e-vir) | Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences; Kowsar Medical | 0 | |
0253-6250 | Jungang yidaeji | Institute of Medical Science, Chung-Ang University College of Medicine. | 0 | |
1672-3538 | Junwu yanjiu | Junwu Yanjiu Zazhishe | 0 | |
0368-5128 | Kagawa Daigaku Nogakubu Gakujutsu Hokoku | Kagawa Daigaku Nogakubu | 0 | |
0453-0764 | Kagawa Daigaku Nogakubu Kiyo | Kagawa Daigaku Nogakubu. | 0 | |
0368-5063 | Kagoshima Daigaku Igaku Zasshi | Kagoshima daigaku igakubu; Kagoshima daigaku igakkai | 0 | |
0453-087X | Kagoshima Daigaku Suisan Gakubu kiyo | Kagoshima Daigaku. Suisan Gakubu | 0 | |
1347-3549 | Kaju kenkyujo kenkyu hokoku | Nogyo gijutsu kenkyu kiko kaju kenkyujo,; Nogyo, seibutsukei tokutei sangyo gijutsu kenkyu kiko kaju kenkyujo; Nogyo, Shokuhin Sangyo Gijutsu Sogo Kenkyu Kiko Kaju Kenkyujo | 0 | |
0022-7854 | Kaku igaku | Nihon Kaku Igakkai | 0 | |
0022-877X | Kansas school naturalist | Kansas State Teachers College of Emporia.; Emporia State University.; Emporia Kansas State College. | 0 | |
0387-9763 | Käochi Daigaku Kaiyäo Seibutsu Kyäoiku Kenkyäu Sentäa kenkyäu häokoku | Kochi University. Usa Marine Biological Institute. | 0 | |
0453-3402 | Karstenia | Suomen sieniseura | 0 | ✔ |
1814-3326 | Kavkazskij èntomologičeskij bjulletenʹ | KMK Press | 0 | |
2713-1785 | Kavkazskij èntomologičeskij bûlletenʹ; Кавказский энтомологический бюллетень (e-vir) | KMK Press; КМК Пресс | 0 | |
0368-4814 | Kazanskij medicinskij žurnal | Izdatelʹstvo Tatarskogo obkoma KPSS | 0 | |
2587-9359 | Kazanskij medicinskij žurnal (e-vir) | Èko-vektor | 0 | |
0022-9717 | Keio journal of medicine | School of Medicine, Keio University | 0 | |
1054-6863 | Kennedy Institute of Ethics journal | Johns Hopkins University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1086-3249 | Kennedy Institute of Ethics journal | Johns Hopkins University Press for Joseph and Rose Kennedy Institute of Ethics | 0 | ✔ |
0075-5974 | Kew bulletin | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1874-933X | Kew bulletin (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1420-4096 | Kidney & blood pressure research | Karger | 0 | ✔ |
1423-0143 | Kidney & blood pressure research (e-vir) | S. Karger | 0 | ✔ |
0085-2538 | Kidney international | Springer | 2 | ✔ |
1523-1755 | Kidney international (e-vir) | Nature Publishing Group | 0 | ✔ |
0451-9930 | Kirkia | Ministry of Agriculture, Department of Research and Specialist Services. | 0 | |
0075-6245 | Kirtlandia | Cleveland Museum of Natural History | 0 | |
1348-2653 | Kitakyuushuu shiritsu shizenshi rekishi hakubutsukan kenkyuu houkoku | Kitakyushu Museum of Natural History and Human History | 0 | |
1961-9502 | Knowledge and management of aquatic ecosystems (e-vir) | EDP sciences | 1 | ✔ |
0075-6458 | Koedoe | Raad van Kuratore vir Nasionale Parke; AOSIS Publishing; AOSIS (Pty) Ltd | 0 | ✔ |
2071-0771 | Koedoe (e-vir) | AOSIS OpenJournals | 0 | ✔ |
1343-8794 | Konchu | Nihon Konchu Gakkai | 0 | |
1226-3303 | Korean journal of internal medicine | Korean association of internal medicine | 0 | |
0023-4001 | Korean Journal of Parasitology | Korean Society for Parasitology | 0 | |
1738-0006 | Korean Journal of Parasitology | Korean Society for Parasitology | 0 | |
1226-4512 | Korean Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology | Korean Physiological Society; Korean Society of Pharmacology | 0 | |
1000-7482 | Kunchong fenlei xuebao | Kunchong Fenlei Xuebaoshe | 0 | |
0454-6296 | Kunchong Xuebao | Kexue Chubanshe | 0 | |
0023-5679 | Kurume Medical Journal | Kurume University. School of Medicine. | 0 | |
0368-492X | Kybernetes | MCB university press | 2 | ✔ |
1758-7883 | Kybernetes (e-vir) | MCB University Press | 0 | |
0374-874X | Kyoto-furitsu Daigaku Näogakubu Enshäurin häokoku | Kyoto Prefectural University Forests. | 0 | |
1347-0159 | Kyushu daigaku daigakuin nogaku kenkyuin gakugei zasshi | Kyushu daigaku daigakuin nogaku kenkyuin, | 0 | |
0003-5521 | L'anthropologie | Masson | 0 | ✔ |
1873-5827 | L' anthropologie (e-vir) | Elsevier; Masson | 0 | |
0013-8886 | L'Entomologiste | L'Entomologiste, | 0 | |
1473-0189 | Lab on a chip (e-vir) | Royal Society of Chemistry | 0 | ✔ |
1473-0197 | Lab on a chip | Royal Society of Chemistry | 1 | ✔ |
0023-6772 | Laboratory animals | Laboratory Animals Ltd | 0 | ✔ |
1758-1117 | Laboratory animals (e-vir) | [Laboratory Animals Ltd.] | 1 | ✔ |
0023-6837 | Laboratory investigation | Williams & Wilkins | 0 | ✔ |
1530-0307 | Laboratory investigation (e-vir) | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins | 0 | ✔ |
0210-7708 | Lagascalia | Universidad. Facultad de Ciencias. Departamento de Botánica | 0 | |
1040-2381 | Lake and reservoir management | North American Lake Management Society | 0 | ✔ |
2151-5530 | Lake and reservoir management | Taylor and Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1320-5331 | Lakes & reservoirs | Blackwell Science | 0 | ✔ |
1440-1770 | Lakes & reservoirs (e-vir) | Blackwell Science..; Willey | 0 | ✔ |
1085-3278 | Land degradation & development | Wiley | 2 | ✔ |
1099-145X | Land degradation & development (e-vir) | J. Wiley | 0 | ✔ |
1860-1871 | Landscape and ecological engineering | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1860-188X | Landscape and ecological engineering | Springer Japan | 0 | ✔ |
0169-2046 | Landscape and urban planning | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1872-6062 | Landscape and urban planning (e-vir) | Elsevier B.V. | 0 | ✔ |
1879-2901 | Landscape and urban planning (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | |
0921-2973 | Landscape ecology | SPB Academic Publishing | 1 | ✔ |
1572-9761 | Landscape ecology (e-vir) | Springer Netherlands | 0 | ✔ |
Y503-1583 | Landscape ecology (e-vir) | Springer Netherlands | 0 | |
1435-2443 | Langenbeck's archives of surgery | Springer. | 0 | |
1435-2451 | Langenbeck's archives of surgery (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1128-7969 | La Rivista di scienza dell'alimentazione | Società italiana di scienza dell'alimentazione; Fondazione per lo studio degli alimenti e della nutrizione | 0 | |
0268-8921 | Lasers in medical science | Baillière Tindall | 1 | ✔ |
1435-604X | Lasers in medical science (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0718-560X | Latin american journal of aquatic research (e-vir) | Escuela de Ciencias del Mar, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso | 0 | |
1869-2168 | Latridiidae & Merophysiinae (e-vir) | Rücker | 0 | |
2592-8848 | Latvijas Zinātņu Akadēmijas Vēstis. A daļa, Humanitārās un sociālās zinātnes (e-vir) | Latvijas Zinātņu akadēmija | 0 | |
0392-9450 | Lavori | Museo civico di storia naturale. | 0 | |
0210-9778 | Lazaroa | Departamento de Biología Vegetal II (Botánica) de la Facultad de Farmacia de la Universidad Complutense | 0 | |
1988-3307 | Lazaroa | Universidad Complutense, Servicio de Publicaciones | 0 | |
1543-4494 | Learning & behavior | Psychonomic Society; Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1543-4508 | Learning & behavior | Psychonomic Society; Springer-Verlag | 0 | ✔ |
1072-0502 | Learning & memory | Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press | 0 | ✔ |
1549-5485 | Learning & memory | Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press | 0 | ✔ |
0023-9690 | Learning and motivation | Academic Press. | 0 | ✔ |
1095-9122 | Learning and motivation | Academic Press. | 0 | ✔ |
0023-6438 | Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft + Technologie | Academic Press | 2 | ✔ |
0223-7741 | Le Bièvre | Centre ornithologique Rhône-Alpes; Université Claude Bernard (Lyon) | 0 | |
1344-6223 | Legal medicine | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1873-4162 | Legal Medicine (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
0457-4184 | Lejeunia | Ed. de Lejeunia | 0 | |
0305-7518 | Leprosy review | Academic Press. | 0 | ✔ |
2162-8807 | Leprosy review (e-vir) | LEPRA | 0 | ✔ |
1624-1940 | Les Cahiers Magellanes | Association Magellanes (Andrésy, Yvelines) | 0 | |
0024-1148 | Lesovedenie | Nauka | 0 | |
0024-1164 | Lethaia | Universitetsforlaget | 0 | ✔ |
1502-3931 | Lethaia (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0266-8254 | Letters in applied microbiology | Blackwell Scientific | 0 | ✔ |
1472-765X | Letters in applied microbiology (e-vir) | Blackwell Science | 0 | ✔ |
0887-6924 | Leukemia | Williams & Wilkins | 2 | ✔ |
1476-5551 | Leukemia (e-vir) | Nature Publishing Group | 0 | ✔ |
0145-2126 | Leukemia Research | Pergamon Press | 0 | ✔ |
1873-5835 | Leukemia Research (e-vir) | Pergamon | 0 | ✔ |
0723-6514 | Libellula | Arbeitsgemeinschaft Deutscher Odonatologen | 0 | |
0024-2829 | Lichenologist | Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
2075-1729 | Life (e-vir) | MDPI | 4 | ✔ |
2325-081X | Life: the excitement of biology | Blay Publishers LLC | 0 | |
0024-3205 | Life Sciences | Pergamon Press | 0 | ✔ |
1879-0631 | Life Sciences (e-vir) | Pergamon | 0 | ✔ |
0075-9481 | Lilloa | Fundación Miguel Lillo | 0 | |
2346-9641 | Lilloa (e-vir) | Fundación Miguel Lillo | 0 | |
0213-8409 | Limnetica | Asociación Española de Limnología | 0 | |
1989-1806 | Limnética (e-vir) | Asociación Española de Limnología | 0 | |
2660-8537 | Limnética (e-vir) | Asociación Española de Limnología | 0 | |
0075-9511 | Limnologica | [b.i.] | 2 | ✔ |
1896-835X | Limnological Papers | Nicolaus Copernicus University Press | 0 | |
2300-8911 | Limnological Papers (e-vir) | Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika (Toruń) | 0 | |
1439-8621 | Limnology | Springer. | 0 | ✔ |
1439-863X | Limnology | Springer Japan. | 0 | ✔ |
0024-3590 | Limnology and oceanography | American Society of Limnology and Oceanography | 0 | ✔ |
1939-5590 | Limnology and oceanography (e-vir) | American Society of Limnology and Oceanography | 0 | ✔ |
0024-3620 | Limosa | Nederlandse Ornithologische Unie | 0 | |
0105-0761 | Lindbergia | Nordic Bryological Society; Dutch Bryological and Lichenological Society | 0 | ✔ |
2001-5909 | Lindbergia (e-vir) | Nordic Bryological Society | 0 | |
0889-258X | Lindleyana | American Orchid Society. | 0 | |
0024-4090 | Linneana Belgica | Linneana Belgica | 0 | |
0253-116X | Linzer biologische Beiträge | Biologiezentrum der Oberösterreichischen Landesmuseen | 0 | |
0024-4201 | Lipids | American Oil Chemists' Society. | 0 | ✔ |
1558-9307 | Lipids | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1478-3223 | Liver international | Blackwell Munksgaard | 1 | ✔ |
1478-3231 | Liver international (e-vir) | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1871-1413 | Livestock science | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1878-0490 | Livestock science (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1133-5165 | Ludus vitalis | Centro de Estudios Filosóficos, Políticos y Sociales "Vicente Lombardo Toledano" (México) | 0 | |
1522-7235 | Luminescence | Wiley & Sons | 0 | ✔ |
1522-7243 | Luminescence (e-vir) | J. Wiley & Sons | 0 | ✔ |
1097-993X | Lundellia | University of Texas at Austin. | 0 | |
1676-6180 | Lundiana | Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas. | 0 | |
0341-2040 | Lung | Springer | 1 | ✔ |
1432-1750 | Lung (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0961-2033 | Lupus | Scientific & Medical Division, Macmillan | 0 | ✔ |
1477-0962 | Lupus (e-vir) | Arnold. | 0 | ✔ |
0024-7634 | Lutra | Rijksmuseum voor Natuurlijke Historie. | 0 | |
1096-1127 | LWT - Food science and technology (e-vir) | Swiss Society of Food Science and Technology by Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
1539-6851 | Lymphatic research and biology | Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1557-8585 | Lymphatic research and biology | Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
0024-7766 | Lymphology | International Society of Lymphology | 1 | |
0024-7774 | Lynx | Národní muzeum | 0 | |
1804-6460 | Lynx (e-vir) | Národní muzeum | 0 | |
0767-0974 | M.S. Médecine sciences | Société des périodiques Flammarion; Gesco-media | 0 | ✔ |
1942-0862 | MAbs | Landes Bioscience | 0 | ✔ |
1942-0870 | MAbs (e-vir) | Landes Bioscience | 0 | ✔ |
1616-5187 | Macromolecular bioscience | Wiley-VCH | 0 | ✔ |
1616-5195 | Macromolecular bioscience (e-vir) | Wiley-VCH | 0 | ✔ |
1011-5498 | Madoqua | Department van Landbou en Natuurbewaring, Suidwes-Afrika.; Department of Agriculture and Nature Conservation, South West Africa. | 0 | |
0024-9637 | Madroño | California Botanical Society. | 0 | |
1943-6297 | Madroño (e-vir) | California Botanical Society | 0 | |
1018-3647 | Mağallatć ğäamiʹatć al-malik Saʹäud. al-ʹUläum | Ğäamiʹatć al-malik Saʹäud. | 0 | ✔ |
0953-1424 | Magnesium research | Société internationale pour le développement des recherches sur le magnésium (France) | 0 | ✔ |
1952-4021 | Magnesium research (e-vir) | J. Libbey Eurotext | 0 | ✔ |
0740-3194 | Magnetic resonance in medicine | Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
1522-2594 | Magnetic resonance in medicine (e-vir) | Wiley-Liss | 0 | ✔ |
0025-004X | Magyar állatorvosok lapja | Magy. Mezőgazd. Kft. | 0 | |
0385-1036 | Maku | Kitami Shobäo :; Nihon maku gakkai | 0 | |
0917-4710 | Makunagi | Sōshi Gakkai | 0 | |
0076-2997 | Malacologia | Institute of Malacology | 0 | |
2168-9075 | Malacologia (e-vir) | [Institute of Malacology] | 0 | |
0076-3004 | Malacological review | Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan, etc. | 0 | |
0025-1291 | Malayan nature journal | Malayan Nature Society | 0 | |
0126-8643 | Malaysian applied biology = | Malaysian Society of Applied Biology. | 0 | |
0331-3689 | Malimbus | West African Ornithological Society | 0 | |
0025-1461 | Mammalia | Mammalia | 1 | ✔ |
1864-1547 | Mammalia | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
1616-5047 | Mammalian biology | Urban u. Fischer | 2 | ✔ |
1618-1476 | Mammalian biology (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
0938-8990 | Mammalian genome | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1432-1777 | Mammalian genome (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0076-3519 | Mammalian species | American Society of Mammalogists | 0 | ✔ |
1545-1410 | Mammalian species (e-vir) | American Society of Mammalogists | 1 | ✔ |
2199-2401 | Mammal research | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
2199-241X | Mammal research (e-vir) | Springer | 1 | ✔ |
0305-1838 | Mammal review | Blackwell Scientific Publ. | 0 | ✔ |
1365-2907 | Mammal review (e-vir) | Blackwell Science | 0 | ✔ |
1343-4152 | Mammal study | Mammalogical Society of Japan; Mammal Society of Japan; Mammal Society of Japan | 0 | |
1989-8649 | Management of Biological Invasions (e-vir) | [Elías D. Dana] | 7 | ✔ |
1676-5788 | Mare magnum | Museu Oceanográfico do Vale do Itajaí. | 0 | |
1323-1650 | Marine & freshwater research | Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization | 0 | ✔ |
1448-6059 | Marine & freshwater research | CSIRO Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
1942-5120 | Marine and coastal fisheries (e-vir) | American Fisheries Society | 0 | ✔ |
1023-6244 | Marine and freshwater behaviour and physiology | Gordon and Breach Science Publishers SA. | 0 | ✔ |
1029-0362 | Marine and freshwater behaviour and physiology (e-vir) | Gordon and Breach Publishing Group. | 0 | ✔ |
1867-1616 | Marine biodiversity | Senckenberg, Forschungsinstitut und Naturmuseum.; Senckenberg Research Institute. | 0 | ✔ |
1867-1624 | Marine biodiversity | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1755-2672 | Marine biodiversity records (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | |
0025-3162 | Marine Biology | Springer-Verlag | 1 | ✔ |
1432-1793 | Marine Biology (e-vir) | Springer-Verlag | 0 | ✔ |
1745-1000 | Marine biology research | Taylor & Francis in collaboration with the University of Bergen and the Institute of Marine Research, Norway, and the Marine Biological Laboratory, University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 0 | ✔ |
1745-1019 | Marine biology research (e-vir) | Published by Taylor & Francis, Oslo, in collaboration with the University of Bergen and the Institute of Marine Research, Norway, and the Marine Biological Laboratory, University of Copenhagen, Denmark | 0 | ✔ |
1436-2228 | Marine biotechnology | Springer. | 0 | ✔ |
1436-2236 | Marine biotechnology | Springer. | 0 | ✔ |
0304-4203 | Marine Chemistry | Elsevier etc. | 1 | ✔ |
1872-7581 | Marine Chemistry (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1660-3397 | Marine drugs (e-vir) | MDPI | 1 | ✔ |
0171-8630 | Marine ecology | Inter-Research | 0 | ✔ |
0173-9565 | Marine ecology | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1439-0485 | Marine ecology | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1616-1599 | Marine ecology (e-vir) | Inter-Research | 1 | ✔ |
0141-1136 | Marine environmental research | Applied Science publishers | 1 | ✔ |
1879-0291 | Marine environmental research (e-vir) | Elsevier Ltd. | 0 | ✔ |
1874-7787 | Marine genomics | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1876-7478 | Marine genomics (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
0824-0469 | Marine mammal science | Society for Marine Mammalogy; Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1748-7692 | Marine mammal science (e-vir) | Blackwell | 1 | ✔ |
0377-8398 | Marine micropaleontology | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1872-6186 | Marine micropaleontology (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1018-3337 | Marine ornithology | African Seabird Group | 0 | |
2074-1235 | Marine ornithology (e-vir) | Pacific Seabird Group | 0 | |
0025-326X | Marine pollution bulletin | Macmillan | 5 | ✔ |
1879-3363 | Marine pollution bulletin (e-vir) | Elsevier | 1 | ✔ |
1000-9620 | Marine Science Bulletin | China Ocean Press, | 0 | |
0839-7708 | Marine turtle newsletter | [s.n.]. | 0 | |
0327-9383 | Mastozoología neotropical | Unidad de Zoología y Ecología Animal, Instituto Argentino de Investigación de las Zonas Aridas, CRICYT, CONICET | 0 | |
1666-0536 | Mastozoología neotropical (e-vir) | Sociedad Argentina para el Estudio de los Mamíferos | 0 | |
0025-5564 | Mathematical biosciences | Elsevier. | 0 | ✔ |
1547-1063 | Mathematical biosciences and engineering | American Institute of Mathematical Sciences.; Beijing hang kong hang tian da xue. | 0 | ✔ |
1551-0018 | Mathematical biosciences and engineering (e-vir) | American Institute of Mathematical Sciences | 0 | ✔ |
1477-8599 | Mathematical medicine and biology | Oxford University Press on behalf of the IMA | 0 | ✔ |
1477-8602 | Mathematical medicine and biology (e-vir) | Oxford University Press. | 0 | ✔ |
0945-053X | Matrix biology | Fischer | 0 | ✔ |
0378-5122 | Maturitas | Elsevier/North-Holland | 0 | ✔ |
0025-6153 | Maydica | Istituto sperimentale per la cerealicoltura | 0 | |
2279-8013 | Maydica (e-vir) | Istituto sperimentale per la cerealicoltura | 0 | ✔ |
0025-6196 | Mayo Clinic proceedings | Mayo Foundation | 2 | ✔ |
1942-5546 | Mayo Clinic Proceedings (e-vir) | Mayo Medical Ventures for Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research; Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
2150-7511 | mBio (e-vir) | American Society for Microbiology | 0 | ✔ |
2161-2129 | MBio | American Society for Microbiology | 0 | ✔ |
0309-1740 | Meat science | Applied Science Publishers | 3 | ✔ |
1873-4138 | Meat science (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
0047-6374 | Mechanism of ageing and development | Elsevier Sequoia; Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1872-6216 | Mechanisms of Ageing and Development (e-vir) | Elsevier | 1 | ✔ |
0925-4773 | Mechanisms of development | Elsevier Scientific Publishers Ireland ltd | 0 | |
2040-2503 | MedChemComm | Royal Society of Chemistry | 0 | |
2040-2511 | MedChemComm (e-vir) | Royal Society of Chemistry | 0 | |
1958-5381 | Médecine/sciences (e-vir) | EDK | 0 | ✔ |
0300-4937 | Médecine et armées | Association pour le développement et la diffusion de l'information militaire | 0 | ✔ |
0225-9591 | Médecin vétérinaire du Québec | Ordre des médecins vétérinaires du Québec | 0 | |
0962-9351 | Mediators of inflammation | Rapid Communications | 0 | ✔ |
1466-1861 | Mediators of inflammation (e-vir) | Carfax | 0 | ✔ |
0140-0118 | Medical & biological engineering & computing | Peter Peregrinus | 0 | ✔ |
1741-0444 | Medical & biological engineering & computing (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0269-283X | Medical and veterinary entomology | Blackwell Scientific Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1365-2915 | Medical and veterinary entomology (e-vir) | Blackwell Science | 0 | ✔ |
1350-4533 | Medical engineering & physics | Butterworth-Heinemann | 0 | ✔ |
1873-4030 | Medical engineering & physics (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
0306-9877 | Medical hypotheses | Elsevier Science | 0 | ✔ |
1532-2777 | Medical hypotheses (e-vir) | Harcourt | 0 | ✔ |
0300-8584 | Medical microbiology and immunology | Springer-Verlag | 0 | ✔ |
1432-1831 | Medical microbiology and immunology | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1860-1480 | Medical molecular morphology | Springer Japan | 0 | ✔ |
1860-1499 | Medical molecular morphology (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1369-3786 | Medical mycology | BIOS Scientific Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1460-2709 | Medical mycology (e-vir) | Blackwell Science | 0 | ✔ |
1357-0560 | Medical oncology | Science and Technology letters | 0 | ✔ |
1559-131X | Medical oncology (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0276-3869 | Medical reference services quarterly | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
1540-9597 | Medical reference services quarterly (e-vir) | Haworth Press; Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group | 0 | ✔ |
0025-7680 | Medicina | Fundación Revista Medicina | 0 | |
0076-6046 | Medicina | Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto, Hospital das Clínicas | 0 | |
1669-9106 | Medicina (e-vir) | Fundación Revista Medicina | 0 | |
2176-7262 | Medicina (e-vir) | Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto, Hospital das Clínicas | 0 | |
1054-2523 | Medicinal chemistry research | Birkhäuser Boston | 0 | ✔ |
1554-8120 | Medicinal chemistry research (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1026-9428 | Medicina truda i promyšlennaâ èkologiâ | Institut mediciny truda; Naučno-issledovatelʹskij institut mediciny truda imeni akademika N.F. Izmerova | 0 | |
0025-7974 | Medicine | Williams & Wilkins Co. | 0 | ✔ |
1536-5964 | Medicine (e-vir) | Lippincot | 1 | ✔ |
1530-0315 | Medicine & science in sports & exercise (e-vir) | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins | 1 | ✔ |
0195-9131 | Medicine and science in sports and exercise | American College of Sports Medicine | 2 | ✔ |
0025-8326 | Medicinskaâ parazitologiâ i parazitarnye bolezni | Medicina | 0 | |
0025-830X | Medicinskij žurnal Uzbekistana | "Medicina" UzSSR | 0 | |
1108-393X | Mediterranean Marine Science | National Centre for Marine Research | 0 | ✔ |
1791-6763 | Mediterranean Marine Science (e-vir) | National Centre for Marine Research | 4 | ✔ |
0025-8601 | Medycyna Doświadczalna i Mikrobiologia | Państwowy Zakład Higieny.; Polskie Towarzystwo Mikrobiologów.; Narodowy Instytut Zdrowia Publicznego - Państwowy Zakład Higieny. | 0 | |
2353-1339 | Medycyna pracy (e-vir) | Nofer Institute of Occupational Medicine | 1 | ✔ |
0465-5893 | Medycyna Pracy | Polskie Towarzystwo Medycyny Pracy; Instytut Medycyny Pracy im. prof. J. Nofera. | 0 | ✔ |
0025-8628 | Medycyna Weterynaryjna | Państwowe Wydawnictwo Rolnicze i Leśne | 0 | |
0380-9633 | Megadrilogica | [s.n.] | 0 | |
0910-3376 | Meijäo Daigaku Näogakubu gakujutsu häokoku | Meijo University. Faculty of Agriculture. | 0 | |
1611-7557 | Meiofauna marina | 0 | ||
0960-8931 | Melanoma research | Rapid Communications of Oxford | 0 | ✔ |
1473-5636 | Melanoma research (e-vir) | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins | 0 | ✔ |
1302-5821 | Mellifera | Türkiye Kalkűnma Vakfű | 0 | |
0376-2025 | Mémoires de la Société royale d'entomologie de Belgique | Société entomologique de Belgique.; Société royale d'entomologie de Belgique.; Société royale belge d'entomologie. | 0 | |
0037-9611 | Mémoires de la Société vaudoise des sciences naturelles | Société vaudoise des sciences naturelles | 0 | |
1447-2546 | Memoirs of Museum Victoria | Museum Victoria | 0 | |
1447-2554 | Memoirs of Museum Victoria (e-vir) | Museum Victoria. | 0 | |
0386-5541 | Memoirs of National Institute of Polar Research | Kokuritsu Kyokuchi Kenkyäujo. | 0 | |
0065-8170 | Memoirs of the American Entomological Society | American Entomological Society. | 0 | |
0373-4242 | Memoirs of the Entomological Society of Southern Africa | Entomological Society of Southern Africa | 0 | |
0453-0853 | Memoirs of the Faculty of Agriculture, Kagoshima University | Faculty of Agriculture, Kagoshima University | 0 | |
0454-7802 | Memoirs of the Faculty of Science, Kyoto University. Series of biology | Kyoto Daigaku. Rigakubu. | 0 | |
0916-7390 | Memoirs of the Faculty of Science, Kyushu University. Series D, Earth and Planetary Sciences | Kyushu daigaku daigakuin rigaku kenkyuin. | 0 | |
1346-3306 | Memoirs of the Graduate School of Fisheries Sciences, Hokkaido University | Graduate School of Fisheries Sciences, Hokkaido University, | 0 | |
0079-8835 | Memoirs of the Queensland Museum | Queensland Museum | 0 | |
0373-6873 | Memoranda Societatis pro fauna et flora Fennica | Societas pro fauna et flora Fennica | 0 | |
0074-0276 | Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz | Fundação Oswaldo Cruz | 0 | |
1678-8060 | Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz (e-vir) | Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. | 0 | |
0037-8747 | Memorie della Società entomologica italiana | Fratelli Pagano | 0 | |
0392-0097 | Memorie del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Verona. Sezione Scienze della Vita | Museo Civico di Storia Naturale. | 0 | |
0503-1540 | Mer | Nichi-Futsu Kaiyō Gakkai | 0 | |
2373-0951 | Mesoamerican herpetology (e-vir) | 0 | ||
0885-7490 | Metabolic brain disease | Plenum | 0 | ✔ |
1573-7365 | Metabolic brain disease | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1096-7176 | Metabolic engineering | Elsevier | 1 | ✔ |
1096-7184 | Metabolic engineering (e-vir) | Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
1540-4196 | Metabolic syndrome and related disorders | Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1557-8518 | Metabolic syndrome and related disorders (e-vir) | Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
0026-0495 | Metabolism, clinical and experimental | Grune & Stratton. | 0 | ✔ |
1532-8600 | Metabolism, clinical and experimental (e-vir) | W.B. Saunders | 0 | ✔ |
1573-3882 | Metabolomics | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 1 | ✔ |
1573-3890 | Metabolomics (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1756-5901 | Metallomics | Royal Society of Chemistry | 0 | ✔ |
1756-591X | Metallomics (e-vir) | RCS Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
1046-2023 | Methods | Academic Press | 1 | ✔ |
1095-9130 | Methods (e-vir) | Academic Press | 0 | |
2041-210X | Methods in ecology and evolution (e-vir) | Wiley | 0 | ✔ |
0390-0460 | Micologia Italiana | Edagricole | 0 | |
1342-6311 | Microbes and environments | Nihon Biseibutsu Seitai Gakkai. | 0 | |
1347-4405 | Microbes and environments (e-vir) | Japanese Society of Microbial Ecology | 0 | |
1286-4579 | Microbes and infection | Editions Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1751-7907 | Microbial biotechnology | Wiley-Blackwell | 0 | |
1751-7915 | Microbial biotechnology (e-vir) | Wiley-Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1475-2859 | Microbial cell factories (e-vir) | BioMed Central | 2 | ✔ |
1076-6294 | Microbial drug resistance | M. A. Liebert | 1 | ✔ |
1931-8448 | Microbial drug resistance (e-vir) | Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
0095-3628 | Microbial ecology | Springer-Verlag. | 1 | ✔ |
1432-184X | Microbial ecology (e-vir) | Springer International Publ. | 0 | ✔ |
0891-060X | Microbial ecology in health and disease | Scandinavian University Press | 0 | |
1651-2235 | Microbial ecology in health and disease (e-vir) | John Wiley & Sons | 0 | |
0882-4010 | Microbial pathogenesis | Academic Press | 1 | ✔ |
1096-1208 | Microbial pathogenesis (e-vir) | Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
0944-5013 | Microbiological research | Urban u. Fischer; Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1618-0623 | Microbiological research (e-vir) | Urban u. Fischer | 0 | ✔ |
0026-2617 | Microbiology | Consultants Bureau [etc.] | 0 | ✔ |
1350-0872 | Microbiology | Society for General Microbiology | 0 | ✔ |
1465-2080 | Microbiology (e-vir) | 0 | ✔ | |
1608-3237 | Microbiology (e-vir) | Nauka/Interperiodica | 0 | ✔ |
0385-5600 | Microbiology and immunology | Center for Academic Publications Japan | 0 | ✔ |
1348-0421 | Microbiology and immunology | Center for Academic Publications Japan | 0 | ✔ |
2045-8827 | MicrobiologyOpen (e-vir) | Wiley-Blackwell | 1 | ✔ |
2049-2618 | Microbiome (e-vir) | BioMed Central | 0 | ✔ |
0026-265X | Microchemical journal | Academic Press. | 2 | ✔ |
1095-9149 | Microchemical journal (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1073-9688 | Microcirculation | Chapman & Hall | 0 | ✔ |
1549-8719 | Microcirculation | Chapman & Hall | 0 | ✔ |
0938-0108 | Microgravity, science and technology | Hanser.; Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1875-0494 | Microgravity science and technology (e-vir) | Springer Netherlands | 0 | ✔ |
0968-4328 | Micron | Pergamon | 0 | ✔ |
0026-279X | Micronesica | University of Guam] | 0 | |
2374-801X | Micronesica (e-vir) | University of Guam.; Territorial College of Guam. | 0 | |
0026-2803 | Micropaleontology | American Museum of Natural History, Dept. of Micropaleontology | 0 | ✔ |
1937-2795 | Micropaleontology (e-vir) | Dept. of Micropaleontology, American Museum of Natural History | 0 | ✔ |
2050-5698 | Microscopy | Nihon Kenbikyō Gakkai, | 0 | ✔ |
2050-5701 | Microscopy (e-vir) | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1431-9276 | Microscopy and microanalysis | Springer-Verlag | 0 | ✔ |
1435-8115 | Microscopy and microanalysis (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
Y503-0390 | Microscopy and microanalysis | Springer-Verlag | 0 | |
0738-1085 | Microsurgery | A. R. Liss | 0 | ✔ |
1098-2752 | Microsurgery | Wiley-Liss, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
0026-2862 | Microvascular research | Academic Press. | 0 | ✔ |
1095-9319 | Microvascular research (e-vir) | Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
0026-3648 | Mikologiâ i fitopatologiâ | "Nauka" | 0 | |
0374-9096 | Mikrobiyoloji bülteni | Ankara Mikrobiyoloji Derneægi.; Ankara Microbiology Society. | 0 | |
1040-0680 | Minnesota wildlife report | Minnesota. | 0 | |
1819-754X | Mires and Peat (e-vir) | International Mire Conservation Group; International Peat Society | 0 | |
0076-8405 | Miscellaneous publications | The University | 0 | |
2380-2359 | Mitochondrial DNA (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
2470-1394 | Mitochondrial DNA | 0 | ✔ | |
2470-1408 | Mitochondrial DNA (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis Group | 0 | ✔ |
1567-7249 | Mitochondrion | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1872-8278 | Mitochondrion (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
0072-9612 | Mitteilungen aus dem Hamburgischen Zoologischen Museum und Institut | Zoologisches Institut und Zoologisches Museum der Universität | 0 | |
1435-1935 | Mitteilungen aus dem Museum für Naturkunde in Berlin | Wiley-VCH | 0 | ✔ |
1435-1951 | Mitteilungen aus dem Museum für Naturkunde in Berlin | Wiley-VCH-Verl. | 0 | ✔ |
1860-1324 | Mitteilungen aus dem Museum für Naturkunde in Berlin (e-vir) | Wiley-VCH-Verl. | 0 | ✔ |
Y503-8472 | Mitteilungen aus dem Museum für Naturkunde in Berlin | Wiley-VCH-Verl. | 0 | |
0344-8002 | Mitteilungen der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Geobotanik in Schleswig-Holstein und Hamburg | Arbeitsgemeinschaft Geobotanik in Schleswig-Holstein und Hamburg. | 0 | |
0418-8861 | Mitteilungen der Deutschen Malakozoologischen Gesellschaft | Deutsche Malakozoologische Gesellschaft.; DMG. | 0 | |
0340-4943 | Mitteilungen der Münchner Entomologischen Gesellschaft (e.V.) | Münchner Entomologische Gesellschaft e.V | 0 | |
1420-4606 | Mitteilungen der Naturforschenden Gesellschaften beider Basel | Naturforschende Gesellschaft | 0 | |
0077-6130 | Mitteilungen der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Bern | Naturhistorisches Museum | 0 | |
0036-7575 | Mitteilungen der Schweizerischen Entomologischen Gesellschaft | Schweizerische Entomologische Gesellschaft | 0 | |
1019-2808 | Mitteilungen des Internationalen Entomologischen Vereins e.V. Frankfurt a.M. gegr. 1884 | Internationaler Entomologischer Verein. | 0 | |
0007-5922 | Mitteilungen Klosterneuburg Rebe und Wein, Obstbau und Früchteverwertung | Höhere Bundeslehranstalt und Bundesamt für Wien | 1 | |
0385-0900 | Mizunami-shi Kaseki Hakubutsukan kenkyäu häokoku | Mizunami-shi Kaseki Hakubutsukan | 0 | |
1545-8601 | MMWR (e-vir) | Centers for Disease Control and Prevention | 0 | |
0149-2195 | MMWR. Morbidity and mortality weekly report | U.S. Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare, Public Health Service, Center for Disease Control | 0 | |
1759-8753 | Mobile DNA (e-vir) | BioMed Central | 0 | ✔ |
0893-3952 | Modern pathology | Williams & Wilkins | 2 | ✔ |
1530-0285 | Modern pathology (e-vir) | Nature Publishing Group | 0 | ✔ |
1556-5297 | Molecular & cellular biomechanics | Tech Science Press | 0 | |
1556-5300 | Molecular & cellular biomechanics (e-vir) | Tech Science Press | 0 | |
1535-9476 | Molecular & cellular proteomics | American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology | 0 | |
1535-9484 | Molecular & cellular proteomics | American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
2092-8467 | Molecular & cellular toxicology | Korean Society of Toxicogenomics and Toxicoproteomics | 0 | ✔ |
1738-642X | Molecular & Cellular Toxicology | Korean Society of Toxicogenomics and Toxicoproteomics | 0 | ✔ |
0166-6851 | Molecular and biochemical parasitology | Elsevier-North-Holland Biomedical Press; Elsevier Science Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0300-8177 | Molecular and cellular biochemistry | Kluwer Academic | 0 | ✔ |
1573-4919 | Molecular and cellular biochemistry (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0270-7306 | Molecular and cellular biology | American Society for Microbiology | 0 | ✔ |
1098-5549 | Molecular and cellular biology (e-vir) | American Society for Microbiology | 0 | ✔ |
0303-7207 | Molecular and cellular endocrinology | North-Holland | 0 | ✔ |
1872-8057 | Molecular and cellular endocrinology (e-vir) | Elsevier Science | 1 | ✔ |
1095-9327 | Molecular and cellular neuroscience (e-vir) | Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
1044-7431 | Molecular and cellular neurosciences | Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
0890-8508 | Molecular and cellular probes | Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
1096-1194 | Molecular and cellular probes (e-vir) | Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
2040-2392 | Molecular autism (e-vir) | BioMed Central | 0 | ✔ |
0026-8933 | Molecular biology | Consultants Bureau. | 0 | ✔ |
1608-3245 | Molecular biology (e-vir) | Nauka/Interperiodica | 0 | ✔ |
0737-4038 | Molecular biology and evolution | The University of Chicago Press | 2 | ✔ |
1537-1719 | Molecular biology and evolution (e-vir) | Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution | 0 | ✔ |
1059-1524 | Molecular biology of the cell | American Society for Cell Biology | 0 | |
1939-4586 | Molecular biology of the cell (e-vir) | American Society for Cell Biology | 0 | ✔ |
0301-4851 | Molecular biology reports | D. Reidel Publ. Co. | 1 | ✔ |
1573-4978 | Molecular biology reports (e-vir) | Kluwer | 3 | ✔ |
1742-2051 | Molecular biosystems (e-vir) | Royal Society of Chemistry | 0 | |
1742-206X | Molecular bioSystems | Royal Society of Chemistry | 0 | |
1073-6085 | Molecular biotechnology | Humana Press | 0 | ✔ |
1559-0305 | Molecular biotechnology (e-vir) | Humana Press | 0 | ✔ |
1756-6606 | Molecular brain (e-vir) | BioMed Central | 0 | ✔ |
1380-3743 | Molecular breeding | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1572-9788 | Molecular breeding | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1476-4598 | Molecular cancer (e-vir) | BioMed Central | 0 | ✔ |
1541-7786 | Molecular cancer research | American Association for Cancer Research | 0 | ✔ |
1557-3125 | Molecular cancer research (e-vir) | American Association for Cancer Research | 0 | ✔ |
1535-7163 | Molecular cancer therapeutics | American Association for Cancer Research | 0 | ✔ |
1538-8514 | Molecular cancer therapeutics (e-vir) | American Association for Cancer Research | 0 | ✔ |
0899-1987 | Molecular carcinogenesis | Alan R. Liss, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1098-2744 | Molecular carcinogenesis (e-vir) | Wiley-Liss, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1097-2765 | Molecular cell | Cell Press | 2 | ✔ |
1097-4164 | Molecular cell (e-vir) | Cell Press | 2 | ✔ |
1755-8166 | Molecular cytogenetics (e-vir) | BioMed Cental | 0 | ✔ |
1381-1991 | Molecular diversity | Kluwer; Kluwer/ESCOM | 0 | ✔ |
1573-501X | Molecular diversity (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0962-1083 | Molecular ecology | Blackwell Scientific Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1365-294X | Molecular ecology (e-vir) | Blackwell Science | 2 | ✔ |
1755-098X | Molecular ecology resources | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1755-0998 | Molecular ecology resources (e-vir) | Blackwell Science | 0 | ✔ |
0891-4168 | Molecular genetics, microbiology and virology | Allerton Press | 0 | ✔ |
1934-841X | Molecular genetics, microbiology and virology (e-vir) | Allerton Press | 0 | ✔ |
1617-4615 | Molecular genetics and genomics | Springer-Verlag | 0 | ✔ |
1617-4623 | Molecular genetics and genomics (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1096-7192 | Molecular genetics and metabolism | Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
1096-7206 | Molecular genetics and metabolism (e-vir) | Academic Press. | 0 | |
1360-9947 | Molecular human reproduction | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1460-2407 | Molecular human reproduction (e-vir) | Oxford University Press. | 0 | ✔ |
0161-5890 | Molecular Immunology | Pergamon Press. | 0 | ✔ |
1868-1743 | Molecular informatics | Wiley-VCH-Verl | 0 | ✔ |
1868-1751 | Molecular informatics (e-vir) | Wiley-VCH-Verl. | 0 | ✔ |
1076-1551 | Molecular medicine | Blackwell Scientific Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1528-3658 | Molecular medicine (e-vir) | Johns Hopkins University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1791-2997 | Molecular medicine reports | D. A. Spandidos | 0 | ✔ |
1791-3004 | Molecular Medicine Reports | D. A. Spandidos | 0 | ✔ |
0968-7688 | Molecular membrane biology | Taylor & Francis | 0 | |
1464-5203 | Molecular membrane biology (e-vir) | Taylor and Francis Health Sciences | 0 | |
2212-8778 | Molecular metabolism (e-vir) | Elsevier | 2 | ✔ |
0950-382X | Molecular microbiology | Blackwell Scientific | 0 | ✔ |
1365-2958 | Molecular microbiology (e-vir) | Blackwell Science | 0 | ✔ |
0893-7648 | Molecular neurobiology | Humana Press | 1 | ✔ |
1559-1182 | Molecular neurobiology | Humana Press | 0 | ✔ |
1750-1326 | Molecular neurodegeneration (e-vir) | BioMed Central | 0 | ✔ |
1613-4125 | Molecular nutrition & food research | Wiley-VCH | 0 | ✔ |
1613-4133 | Molecular nutrition & food research (e-vir) | Wiley-VCH | 1 | ✔ |
1574-7891 | Molecular oncology | Elsevier Science | 0 | |
1878-0261 | Molecular oncology (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
2041-1006 | Molecular oral microbiology | Wiley-Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
2041-1014 | Molecular oral microbiology (e-vir) | Wiley-Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1744-8069 | Molecular pain (e-vir) | BioMed Central | 0 | ✔ |
1543-8384 | Molecular pharmaceutics | American Chemical Society | 2 | ✔ |
1543-8392 | Molecular pharmaceutics (e-vir) | American Chemical Society | 0 | ✔ |
0026-895X | Molecular pharmacology | American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics | 0 | ✔ |
1521-0111 | Molecular pharmacology (e-vir) | American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics | 1 | ✔ |
1055-7903 | Molecular phylogenetics and evolution | Academic Press | 2 | ✔ |
1095-9513 | Molecular phylogenetics and evolution (e-vir) | Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
1752-9867 | Molecular plant (e-vir) | Oxford University Press | 0 | |
1674-2052 | Molecular Plant | Molecular Plant Shanghai Editorial Office in Association with Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0894-0282 | Molecular plant-microbe interactions | APS Press | 0 | ✔ |
1943-7706 | Molecular plant-microbe interactions (e-vir) | APS Press | 0 | ✔ |
1364-3703 | Molecular plant pathology (e-vir) | British Society for Plant Pathology. | 0 | ✔ |
1464-6722 | Molecular plant pathology | Blackwell Science | 0 | ✔ |
1359-4184 | Molecular psychiatry | Stockton Press | 1 | ✔ |
1476-5578 | Molecular psychiatry | Nature Publishing Group. | 0 | ✔ |
1040-452X | Molecular reproduction and development | A.R. Liss | 0 | ✔ |
1098-2795 | Molecular reproduction and development (e-vir) | Wiley | 0 | ✔ |
1744-4292 | Molecular systems biology (e-vir) | Nature Pub. Group | 1 | ✔ |
1525-0016 | Molecular therapy | Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
1525-0024 | Molecular therapy (e-vir) | Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
2162-2531 | Molecular therapy (e-vir) | Nature Pub. Group | 1 | ✔ |
2329-0501 | Molecular therapy (e-vir) | Nature Publishing Group | 0 | ✔ |
2372-7705 | Molecular therapy oncolytics (e-vir) | Nature Publishing | 1 | ✔ |
1090-0535 | Molecular vision (e-vir) | [s.n.] | 1 | |
0219-1032 | Molecules and cells (e-vir) | Springer-Verlag | 0 | ✔ |
1016-8478 | Molecules and Cells | Korean Society of Molecular Biology | 0 | |
1323-5818 | Molluscan research | Malacological Society of Australasia | 0 | ✔ |
1448-6067 | Molluscan research | CSIRO Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
1684-3908 | Mongolian journal of biological sciences | National University of Mongolia. Faculty of Biology.; Faculty of Biology. NUM. | 0 | |
2225-4994 | Mongolian journal of biological sciences | National University of Mongolia | 0 | |
2167-9436 | Monoclonal antibodies in immunodiagnosis and immunotherapy (e-vir) | 0 | ✔ | |
1515-7652 | Monografías del Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales | Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales Bernardino Rivadavia. | 0 | |
0390-6639 | Monografie di natura bresciana | Museo civico di scienze naturali di Brescia | 0 | |
1899-3788 | Monografie Faunistyczne | Polska Akademia Nauk.; Polish Academy of Sciences. | 0 | |
0077-0655 | Monographiae Botanicae | Polskie Towarzystwo Botaniczne. | 0 | |
2392-2923 | Monographiae Botanicae (e-vir) | Polish Botanical Society | 0 | |
0269-3445 | Monograph of the Palaeontographical Society | Palaeontographical Society. | 0 | |
2576-1900 | Monograph of the Palaeontographical Society (e-vir) | The Palaeontographical Society | 0 | |
1508-9851 | Monographs of the Upper Silesian Museum | Muzeum Górnośląskie (Bytom) | 0 | |
1545-0228 | Monographs of the Western North American naturalist | Published for the Monte L. Bean Life Science Museum by Brigham Young University Press | 0 | |
1944-8236 | Monographs of the Western North American naturalist (e-vir) | Brigham Young University | 0 | |
1057-5987 | Morbidity and mortality weekly report | U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control, Epidemiology Program Office | 0 | |
1545-861X | Morbidity and mortality weekly report (e-vir) | U.S. Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare, Public Health Service, Center for Disease Control | 0 | |
1545-8636 | Morbidity and mortality weekly report (e-vir) | U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control | 0 | |
1546-0738 | Morbidity and mortality weekly report | Epidemiology Program Office, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services | 0 | |
1286-0115 | Morphologie | Association des anatomistes | 0 | ✔ |
2352-3387 | Morphologie (e-vir) | Association des Morphologistes | 0 | |
0254-6442 | Moscosoa | Jardín botánico nacional "Dr. Rafael M. Moscoso" | 0 | |
0276-4741 | Mountain research and development | United Nations University; International Mountain Society | 0 | ✔ |
1994-7151 | Mountain research and development | International Mountain Society; United Nations University; International Mountain Society | 0 | ✔ |
2379-5042 | mSphere (e-vir) | American Society for Microbiology | 0 | ✔ |
2379-5077 | mSystems (e-vir) | American Society for Microbiology; 2016- | 3 | ✔ |
1933-0219 | Mucosal immunology | Nature Pub. Group | 0 | ✔ |
1935-3456 | Mucosal immunology (e-vir) | Nature Pub. Group | 0 | ✔ |
0077-1813 | Muelleria | National Herbarium. | 0 | |
1352-4585 | Multiple sclerosis | Stockton | 0 | ✔ |
1477-0970 | Multiple sclerosis (e-vir) | Arnold; Sage | 3 | ✔ |
2213-4794 | Multisensory research | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
2213-4808 | Multisensory research | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
1306-3022 | Munis entomology & zoology | SEMRA TURGUT | 0 | |
0148-639X | Muscle & nerve | Wiley, etc. | 2 | ✔ |
1097-4598 | Muscle & nerve (e-vir) | John Wiley & Sons | 0 | ✔ |
0267-8357 | Mutagenesis | IRL Press | 0 | ✔ |
1464-3804 | Mutagenesis (e-vir) | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1383-5718 | Mutation research | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1383-5742 | Mutation research | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1388-2139 | Mutation research (e-vir) | Elsevier BV | 0 | ✔ |
1879-3592 | Mutation research (e-vir) | Elsevier BV | 0 | ✔ |
0027-5107 | Mutation Research | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1229-8093 | Mycobiology | Korean Society of Mycology | 0 | ✔ |
2092-9323 | Mycobiology (e-vir) | Korean Society of Mycology | 0 | ✔ |
1314-4049 | MycoKeys (e-vir) | Pensoft Publishers | 1 | ✔ |
1314-4057 | MycoKeys | Pensoft Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0027-5514 | Mycologia | New York Botanical Garden. | 0 | ✔ |
1557-2536 | Mycologia (e-vir) | New Era Print. Co. for the New York Botanical Garden | 0 | ✔ |
1861-8952 | Mycological progress (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1617-416X | Mycological progress (Print) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1729-5521 | Mycopath | Departement of Mycology & Plant Pathology. | 0 | |
0301-486X | Mycopathologia | Junk | 0 | ✔ |
1573-0832 | Mycopathologia | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0940-6360 | Mycorrhiza | Springer Internat. | 1 | ✔ |
1432-1890 | Mycorrhiza (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1340-3540 | Mycoscience | Springer Japan | 0 | |
1618-2545 | Mycoscience | Springer Japan | 0 | |
0933-7407 | Mycoses | Grosse | 0 | ✔ |
1439-0507 | Mycoses (e-vir) | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
2077-7000 | Mycosphere | Mycosphere Press | 0 | |
2077-7019 | Mycosphere (e-vir) | Mycosphere Press | 0 | |
0093-4666 | Mycotaxon | Mycotaxon | 0 | |
2154-8889 | Mycotaxon (e-vir) | Mycotaxon | 0 | |
0178-7888 | Mycotoxin research | Hans W. Schmidt | 0 | ✔ |
1867-1632 | Mycotoxin research (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0580-3896 | Myotis | Zoologisches Forschungsinstitut und Museum Alexander Koenig | 0 | |
1994-4136 | Myrmecological news | Österreichische Gesellschaft für Entomofaunistik | 0 | |
1130-9717 | NACC. Bioloxía | Universidade, Servicio de Publicacions e Intercambio Científico | 0 | |
0027-7452 | Nachrichtenblatt der bayerischen Entomologen | Münchner Entomologische Gesellschaft | 0 | |
2783-3968 | Nāmah-i anjuman-i ḥasharah/shināsī-i Īrān; نامه انجمن حشرهشناسی ایران (e-vir) | Anjuman-i ḥasharah/shināsī-i Īrān; انجمن حشرهشناسی ایران | 0 | |
0259-9996 | Nāmah-i anjuman-i ḥasharah'shināsī-i Īrān.; نامه انجمن حشرهشناسی ایران | Anjuman-i ḥasharah'shināsī-i Īrān; انجمن حشرهشناسی ایران | 0 | ✔ |
1001-4616 | Nanjing Shi-da xuebao | Gai Kan Bianjibu | 0 | |
0085-7289 | Nankyoku shiryo | Monbusho; Kokuritsu kagaku hakubutsukan; Kokuritsu kagaku hakubutsukan kyokuchi kenkyu senta; Kokuritsu kyokuchi kenkyujo; Joho, shisutemu kenkyu kiko kokuritsu kyokuchi kenkyujo | 0 | |
2432-079X | Nankyoku shiryo (e-vir) | Joho, shisutemu kenkyu kiko kokuritsu kyokuchi kenkyujo | 0 | |
1549-9634 | Nanomedicine | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1549-9642 | Nanomedicine (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1743-5889 | Nanomedicine | Future Medicine | 1 | ✔ |
1748-6963 | Nanomedicine (e-vir) | Future Medicine | 0 | ✔ |
1743-5390 | Nanotoxicology | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1743-5404 | Nanotoxicology (e-vir) | Informa Healthcare | 0 | ✔ |
1881-9109 | National Museum of Nature and Science monographs | National Museum of Nature and Science | 0 | |
0028-0550 | Náttúrufræðingurinn | Hið íslenska náttúrufræðifélag | 0 | |
0369-6243 | Natura | Società Italiana di Scienze Naturali; Museo Civico di Storia Naturale | 0 | |
0391-156X | Natura Bresciana | Museo Civico di Scienze Naturali | 0 | |
1330-0520 | Natura Croatica | Hrvatski prirodoslovni muzej | 1 | ✔ |
1848-7386 | Natura Croatica (e-vir) | Hrvatski prirodoslovni muzej =; Croatian Natural History Museum | 0 | ✔ |
1399-6010 | Natura Jutlandica | Naturhistorisk Museum. | 0 | |
0885-8608 | Natural areas journal | The Natural Areas Association | 0 | |
2162-4399 | Natural areas journal (e-vir) | The Association | 0 | |
1567-7818 | Natural computing | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1572-9796 | Natural computing (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1343-0955 | Natural history bulletin of Ibaraki University | Ibaraki University. | 0 | |
0080-9462 | Natural History Bulletin of the Siam Society | Siam Society. | 0 | |
0915-9444 | Natural history research | Natural History Museum and Institute | 0 | |
2385-0442 | Natural history sciences | Società italiana di scienze naturali di Milano | 0 | ✔ |
2385-0922 | Natural History Sciences (e-vir) | Società italiana di scienze naturali e museo civico di storia naturale | 0 | ✔ |
0101-1944 | Naturalia | Universidade Estadual de São Paulo, Instituto de Biociências, Departamento de Botânica | 0 | |
0028-0771 | Naturalist | Yorkshire Naturalists' Union.; West-Riding Consolidated Naturalists' Society. | 0 | |
0028-0801 | Naturalistes Belges | [S.n.] | 0 | |
1340-3443 | Natural medicines = | Springer Japan | 0 | ✔ |
1226-3907 | Natural Product Sciences | Korean Society of Pharmacognosy | 0 | |
0890-8575 | Natural resource modeling | Rocky Mountain Mathematics Consortium | 0 | ✔ |
1939-7445 | Natural resource modeling (e-vir) | Rocky Mountain Mathematics Consortium | 0 | ✔ |
2168-8273 | Natural sciences education | American Society of Agronomy. | 0 | |
2168-8281 | Natural sciences education (e-vir) | American Society of Agronomy | 0 | ✔ |
0028-0666 | Natura Mosana | Natura Mosana | 0 | |
0028-0836 | Nature | Macmillan | 5 | ✔ |
1476-4687 | Nature (e-vir) | Nature Publishing Group | 2 | ✔ |
1087-0156 | Nature biotechnology | Nature Biotechnology | 0 | ✔ |
1546-1696 | Nature biotechnology (e-vir) | Nature America | 0 | ✔ |
1465-7392 | Nature cell biology | Macmillan Magazines Ltd | 2 | ✔ |
1476-4679 | Nature cell biology (e-vir) | Macmillan Publishers Ltd. | 0 | ✔ |
1552-4450 | Nature chemical biology | 2005- | 1 | ✔ |
1552-4469 | Nature chemical biology (e-vir) | Nature Pub. Group | 0 | ✔ |
Y505-9844 | Nature chemical biology | 2005- | 0 | |
1755-4330 | Nature chemistry | Nature Publishing Group | 0 | ✔ |
1755-4349 | Nature chemistry (e-vir) | Nature Publishing Group | 1 | ✔ |
Y506-5135 | Nature chemistry | Nature Publishing Group | 0 | |
2041-1723 | Nature communications (e-vir) | Nature Publishing Group | 22 | ✔ |
1314-3301 | Nature Conservation (e-vir) | Pensoft Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1314-6947 | Nature Conservation | Pensoft Publishers | 1 | ✔ |
1061-4036 | Nature genetics | Nature Pub. Co. | 1 | ✔ |
1546-1718 | Nature genetics (e-vir) | Nature America, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1529-2908 | Nature immunology | Nature Amerca Inc. | 1 | ✔ |
1529-2916 | Nature immunology (e-vir) | Springer Nature | 0 | ✔ |
1476-1122 | Nature materials | Nature Pub. Group | 1 | ✔ |
1476-4660 | Nature Materials (e-vir) | Nature Publishing Group | 1 | ✔ |
1078-8956 | Nature medicine | Macmillan Publishers | 1 | ✔ |
1546-170X | Nature medicine (e-vir) | Nature Publishing Group | 2 | ✔ |
1548-7091 | Nature methods | Nature Publishing Group | 2 | ✔ |
1548-7105 | Nature methods (e-vir) | Nature Publishing Group | 0 | ✔ |
2058-5276 | Nature microbiology (e-vir) | Nature Publishing Group | 1 | ✔ |
1097-6256 | Nature neuroscience | Nature America Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1546-1726 | Nature neuroscience (e-vir) | Nature Publishing Group | 0 | ✔ |
2055-026X | Nature Plants | 0 | ✔ | |
1545-9985 | Nature structural & molecular biology (e-vir) | Nature Publishing Group | 1 | ✔ |
1545-9993 | Nature structural & molecular biology | Nature Pub. Group | 0 | ✔ |
0940-6808 | Naturschutz und Landschaftsplanung | Ulmer | 0 | |
0028-1042 | Naturwissenschaften | Springer-Verlag | 0 | ✔ |
1432-1904 | Naturwissenschaften (e-vir) | Springer-Verlag | 0 | ✔ |
0028-1107 | Natuurhistorisch Maandblad | [S.n.] | 0 | |
0861-007X | Nauka za gorata | Bʺlgarska akademiâ na naukite | 0 | |
0028-1298 | Naunyn Schmiedeberg's archives of pharmacology | Springer Verlag | 0 | ✔ |
1432-1912 | Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's archives of pharmacology | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0067-9208 | Navorsinge van die Nasionale museum | Nasionale Museum | 0 | |
1681-5947 | Neilreichia | Verein zur Erforschung der Flora Österreichs | 0 | |
2358-436X | Nematoda (e-vir) | Sociedade Brasileira de Nematologia | 0 | |
0102-2997 | Nematologia Brasileira | Sociedade Brasileira de Nematologia | 0 | |
1388-5545 | Nematology | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
1568-5411 | Nematology (e-vir) | Brill | 0 | ✔ |
0099-5444 | Nematropica | Organization of Nematologists of Tropical America | 0 | |
0085-3887 | Nemouria | Delaware Museum of Natural History. | 0 | |
1619-0033 | Neobiota | U. Starfinger c/o Working Group Neobiota c/o Institute of Ecology of the TU Berlin; I. Kowarik c/o Working Group Neobiota c/o Institute of Ecology of the TU Berlin | 0 | ✔ |
1661-7800 | Neonatology | S.Karger | 0 | ✔ |
1661-7819 | Neonatology (e-vir) | S. Karger | 0 | ✔ |
1476-5586 | Neoplasia (e-vir) | Nature Publishing Group. | 0 | ✔ |
1522-8002 | Neoplasia | Stockton Press | 0 | ✔ |
0028-2685 | Neoplasma | Cancer Research Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences | 0 | |
1338-4317 | Neoplasma (e-vir) | AEPress; Cancer Research Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences | 0 | |
0548-1686 | Neotrópica | Sociedad Zoológica del Plata. | 0 | |
2376-6808 | Neotropical biodiversity (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | |
1809-9939 | Neotropical Biology and Conservation | Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos | 0 | |
1519-566X | Neotropical entomology | Entomological Society of Brazil | 0 | ✔ |
1678-8052 | Neotropical entomology | Sociedade Entomológica do Brasil. | 0 | ✔ |
1995-1043 | Neotropical helminthology (e-vir) | Asociación Peruana de Helmintología e Invertebrados Afines | 0 | |
2218-6425 | Neotropical helminthology (e-vir) | Asociación Peruana de Helmintología e Invertebrados Afines | 0 | |
1679-6225 | Neotropical ichthyology | Sociedade Brasileira de Ictiologia | 0 | |
1982-0224 | Neotropical ichthyology | Sociedade Brasileira de Ictiologia | 0 | |
0931-0509 | Nephrology, dialysis, transplantation | Springer-Verlag New York; Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1460-2385 | Nephrology dialysis transplantation (e-vir) | Oxford University Press | 5 | ✔ |
1660-8151 | Nephron | Karger | 1 | ✔ |
2235-3186 | Nephron journals (e-vir) | S. Karger | 0 | ✔ |
0300-2977 | Netherlands journal of medicine | Scheltema & Holkema | 0 | |
1872-9061 | Netherlands journal of medicine (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | |
0722-3773 | Neue entomologische Nachrichten | Eitschberger | 0 | |
2363-717X | Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie (e-vir) | Schweizerbart Science Publ. | 0 | ✔ |
0077-7749 | Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie. Abhandlungen | Schweizerbart | 2 | ✔ |
0379-1327 | Neujahrsblatt herausgegeben von der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Zürich | Orell Füssli | 0 | |
1749-8104 | Neural development (e-vir) | BioMed Central | 0 | |
0893-6080 | Neural networks | Pergamon | 1 | ✔ |
1687-5443 | Neural Plasticity | Hindawi Publishing Corporation | 0 | ✔ |
2090-5904 | Neural Plasticity | Hindawi Publishing Corporation | 0 | ✔ |
1876-7958 | Neural regeneration research | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1673-5374 | Neural Regeneration Research | Publishing House of Neural Regeneration Research | 0 | ✔ |
0197-4580 | Neurobiology of aging | Pergamon Journals, Inc. | 3 | ✔ |
0969-9961 | Neurobiology of disease | Blackwell Science | 0 | ✔ |
1095-953X | Neurobiology of disease (e-vir) | Blackwell Science | 0 | ✔ |
1074-7427 | Neurobiology of learning and memory | Academic Press, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1095-9564 | Neurobiology of learning and memory (e-vir) | Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
0364-3190 | Neurochemical research | Plenum Press. | 1 | ✔ |
1573-6903 | Neurochemical research | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0197-0186 | Neurochemistry International | Pergamon Press | 1 | ✔ |
1872-9754 | Neurochemistry International (e-vir) | Pergamon Press | 0 | ✔ |
1660-2854 | Neurodegenerative diseases | S. Karger | 0 | ✔ |
1660-2862 | Neurodegenerative diseases | S. Karger | 0 | ✔ |
0028-3835 | Neuroendocrinology | S. Karger AG; Albert J. Phiebig Inc | 0 | ✔ |
1423-0194 | Neuroendocrinology (e-vir) | S. Karger | 0 | ✔ |
0251-5350 | Neuroepidemiology | S. Karger | 0 | ✔ |
1423-0208 | Neuroepidemiology (e-vir) | S. Karger | 0 | ✔ |
1364-6745 | Neurogenetics | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1364-6753 | Neurogenetics (e-vir) | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1053-8119 | NeuroImage | Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
1095-9572 | NeuroImage (e-vir) | Academic Press | 1 | ✔ |
1021-7401 | Neuroimmunomodulation | S.Karger | 0 | ✔ |
1423-0216 | Neuroimmunomodulation (e-vir) | S. Karger | 0 | ✔ |
1539-2791 | Neuroinformatics | Humana Press, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1559-0089 | Neuroinformatics (e-vir) | Humana Press | 0 | ✔ |
0161-6412 | Neurological research | Forefront Publishing Group | 1 | ✔ |
1743-1328 | Neurological research (e-vir) | Butterworths | 0 | ✔ |
1590-1874 | Neurological sciences | Springer-Verlag Italia | 0 | ✔ |
1590-3478 | Neurological sciences (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0028-3878 | Neurology | Wolters Kluwer | 1 | ✔ |
1526-632X | Neurology (e-vir) | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins | 1 | ✔ |
1535-1084 | Neuromolecular medicine | Humana Press | 0 | ✔ |
1559-1174 | Neuromolecular medicine | Humana Press | 0 | ✔ |
0896-6273 | Neuron | Cell Press | 0 | ✔ |
1097-4199 | Neuron (e-vir) | Cell Press | 0 | ✔ |
1365-2990 | Neuropathology & applied neurobiology (e-vir) | Blackwell Science | 0 | ✔ |
0305-1846 | Neuropathology and applied neurobiology | Blackwell Scientific Publ. | 0 | ✔ |
0174-304X | Neuropediatrics | Hippokrates-Verlag | 1 | ✔ |
1439-1899 | Neuropediatrics | Thieme | 0 | ✔ |
0143-4179 | Neuropeptides | Churchill Livingstone | 0 | ✔ |
1532-2785 | Neuropeptides (e-vir) | Churchill Livingston | 0 | ✔ |
0028-3908 | Neuropharmacology | Pergamon Press. | 0 | ✔ |
1873-7064 | Neuropharmacology (e-vir) | Pergamon Press | 1 | ✔ |
1769-7131 | Neurophysiologie clinique (e-vir) | Société d'électroencéphalographie et de neurophysiologie clinique de langue française | 0 | ✔ |
0987-7053 | Neurophysiologie Clinique | Elsevier | 2 | ✔ |
0090-2977 | Neurophysiology (e-vir) | Kluwer Online | 0 | ✔ |
1573-9007 | Neurophysiology | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0302-282X | Neuropsychobiology | Karger | 0 | ✔ |
1423-0224 | Neuropsychobiology (e-vir) | S. Karger | 0 | ✔ |
0028-3932 | Neuropsychologia | Pergamon Press | 0 | ✔ |
1873-3514 | Neuropsychologia (e-vir) | Elsevier Science | 0 | ✔ |
Y507-8881 | Neuropsychologia (e-vir) | Elsevier Science | 0 | |
0893-133X | Neuropsychopharmacology | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1740-634X | Neuropsychopharmacology (e-vir) | Elsevier Science Pub. Co. | 0 | ✔ |
0959-4965 | Neuroreport | Rapid Communications | 0 | ✔ |
1473-558X | NeuroReport (e-vir) | Rapid Science Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0306-4522 | Neuroscience | Pergamon Press. | 1 | ✔ |
1995-8218 | Neuroscience bulletin | Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences; Springer-Verlag GmbH | 0 | ✔ |
1673-7067 | Neuroscience Bulletin | Science Press. | 0 | ✔ |
0304-3940 | Neuroscience letters | Elsevier/North Holland Publ. Co. | 0 | ✔ |
1872-7972 | Neuroscience letters (e-vir) | Elsevier Ireland | 1 | ✔ |
0168-0102 | Neuroscience research | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
0148-396X | Neurosurgery | Williams & Wilkins Co. | 0 | ✔ |
1524-4040 | Neurosurgery (e-vir) | Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins | 0 | ✔ |
0161-813X | Neurotoxicology | Intox Press, Inc., etc. | 0 | ✔ |
1872-9711 | NeuroToxicology (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
0892-0362 | Neurotoxicology and teratology | Pergamon | 0 | ✔ |
0733-2467 | Neurourology and urodynamics | Allen R. Liss | 1 | ✔ |
1520-6777 | Neurourology and urodynamics (e-vir) | Wiley Periodicals | 0 | ✔ |
1871-6784 | New biotechnology | Elsevier | 1 | ✔ |
1876-4347 | New biotechnology (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
0169-4286 | New forests | Nijhoff | 0 | ✔ |
1573-5095 | New forests (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
2042-3489 | New journal of botany | Botanical Society of the British Isles,; Botanical Society of Britain & Ireland, | 0 | |
2042-3497 | New journal of botany (e-vir) | Maney Publishing | 0 | |
2052-2975 | New microbes and new infections (e-vir) | Wiley | 0 | ✔ |
0078-0421 | Newsletters on stratigraphy | Borntraeger | 0 | ✔ |
0028-8047 | New Zealand dental journal | New Zealand Dental Association. | 0 | |
1175-8775 | New Zealand journal of agricultural research (e-vir) | Royal Society of New Zealand; Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0028-8233 | New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research | Dep. of Scientific and Industrial Research, Publications Officer | 0 | ✔ |
1175-8643 | New Zealand journal of botany | Royal Society of New Zealand; Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0028-825X | New Zealand Journal of Botany | RSNZ Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
0114-0671 | New Zealand journal of crop and horticultural science | DSIR Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
1175-8783 | New Zealand journal of crop and horticultural science | Royal Society of New Zealand; Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0110-6465 | New Zealand journal of ecology | New Zealand Ecological Society | 0 | ✔ |
1177-7788 | New Zealand journal of ecology (e-vir) | New Zealand Ecological Society | 0 | |
1174-7986 | New Zealand journal of forestry | NZ Institute of Forestry Inc.; Business Media Services | 0 | ✔ |
2253-1815 | New Zealand journal of forestry (e-vir) | New Zealand Institute of Forestry. | 0 | |
0048-0134 | New Zealand journal of forestry science | Forest Research Institute (N.Z.); New Zealand Forest Research Institute.; Scion (Organization : N.Z.) | 0 | |
1179-5395 | New Zealand journal of forestry science | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1175-8805 | New Zealand journal of marine and freshwater research | Royal Society of New Zealand; Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1171-0195 | New Zealand journal of medical laboratory science | New Zealand Institute of Medical Laboratory Science. | 0 | |
1175-8821 | New Zealand journal of zoology | Royal Society of New Zealand; Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0113-7492 | New Zealand natural sciences | [NZNS Editorial Committee], | 0 | |
1175-9003 | New Zealand plant protection | New Zealand Plant Protection Society | 0 | |
1176-0702 | New Zealand veterinary journal (e-vir) | New Zealand Veterinary Association. | 0 | |
1176-0710 | New Zealand veterinary journal | New Zealand Veterinary Association; Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0048-0169 | New Zealand Veterinary Journal | Editorial Services Ltd. | 0 | ✔ |
0028-8330 | New Zeland Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research | [S.n.] | 0 | ✔ |
0301-4223 | New Zeland Journal of Zoology | [S.n.] | 0 | ✔ |
0029-0424 | Nichidai Igaku Zasshi | Nippon Daigaku Igakkai | 0 | |
0021-4914 | Nihon äOyäo Däobutsu Konchäu Gakkaishi | Nihon äOyäo Däobutsu Konchäu Gakkai c/o Norin-sho Nogyo Gijutsu Kenkyusho | 0 | |
1341-8963 | Nihon Arukoru, Yakubutsu Igakkai zasshi | Nihon Arukoru, Yakubutsu Igakkai; Nihon arukoru, adikushon igakkai; Nihon arukoru, yakubutsu igakkai | 0 | |
0918-1067 | Nihon Dani Gakkaishi | Nihon Dani Gakkai; Nihon dani gakkai henshubu | 0 | |
1880-2273 | Nihon dani gakkaishi = | Nihon dani gakkai | 0 | |
0387-8961 | Nihon Purankuton Gakkaihō | Nihon Purankuton Gakkai; 日本プランクトン学会; Nihon Purankuton Gakkai; 日本プランクトン学会; Nihon Purankuton Gakkai; 日本プランクトン学会; Nihon Purankuton Gakkai; 日本プランクトン学会; Nihon Purankuton Gakkai; 日本プランクトン学会; Nihon Purankuton Gakkai; 日本プランクトン学会; Nihon Purankuton Gakkai; 日本プランクトン学会; Nihon Purankuton Gakkai; 日本プランクトン学会 | 0 | |
0021-4981 | Nihon Rinshäo Denshi Kenbikyäo Gakkaishi | Clinical Electron Microscopy Society of Japan. | 0 | |
0918-5623 | Nihon Sakyū Gakkaishi | Nihon Sakyū Gakkai | 0 | |
0067-8716 | Nihon Seibutsu Chiri Gakkai kaiho | Nihon Seibutsu Chiri Gakkai; Nihon seibutsu chiri gakkai | 0 | |
0021-5007 | Nihon Seitai Gakkaishi | Nihon seitai gakkai; 日本生態学会; Nihon seitai gakkai; 日本生態学会; Nihon seitai gakkai; 日本生態学会 | 0 | |
0919-6765 | Nihon Senchu Gakkaishi | Nihon Senchu Gakkai; Nihon Senchu Gakkai; Nihon senchu gakkai | 0 | |
1340-2544 | Nihon shinkei seishin yakurigaku zasshi | Nihon Shinkei Seishin Yakuri Gakkai | 0 | |
0913-882X | Nihon Yōton Gakkaishi | Nihon Yōton Gakkai; Nihon yoton gakkai; Nihon yoton gakkai | 0 | |
0029-0289 | Nippon Kingakkai Kaiho | Nihon Kin Gakkai; Nihon Kin Gakkai; Nihon Kin Gakkai | 0 | |
0385-1559 | Nippon Nōyaku Gakkaishi | Nippon Nōyaku Gakkai | 0 | |
0029-0343 | Nippon Onsen Kiko Butsuri Igakkai zasshi | Nippon Onsen Kiko Butsuri Igakkai | 0 | |
0031-9473 | Nippon Shokubutsu Byori Gakkaiho | Phytopathology Society of Japan. | 0 | |
1341-027X | Nippon Shokuhin Kagaku Käogaku kaishi | Japanese Society for Food Science and Technology. | 0 | |
0021-5392 | Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi | Nippon Suisan Gakkai | 0 | |
1089-8603 | Nitric oxide | Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
1174-0043 | NIWA biodiversity memoir | National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (N.Z.) | 0 | |
1573-5214 | NJAS Wageningen journal of life sciences | Elsevier | 0 | |
1931-4590 | NOAA professional paper NMFS | United States. | 0 | |
0911-9450 | Nōgyō Kankyō Gijutsu Kenkyūsho hōkoku | Nogyo kankyo gijutsu kenkyujo; Nogyo kankyo gijutsu kenkyujo | 0 | |
0021-8588 | Nogyo Kisho | Nippon Nogyo Kisho Gakkai, c/o Kisho-cho Sangyo Kisho-ka Ote-machi, Chiyoda-ku | 0 | |
2311-553X | Non-coding RNA (e-vir) | MDPI | 0 | ✔ |
0107-055X | Nordic journal of botany | Council for Nordic Publications in Botany | 0 | ✔ |
1756-1051 | Nordic journal of botany (e-vir) | Board of the Nordic Journal of Botany; Wiley-Blackwell [distributor] | 0 | ✔ |
0078-1304 | North American fauna | Governement Printing Office | 0 | |
1522-2055 | North American journal of aquaculture | American Fisheries Society | 0 | ✔ |
1548-8454 | North American journal of aquaculture | American Fisheries Society | 0 | ✔ |
0275-5947 | North American journal of fisheries management | American Fisheries Society | 0 | ✔ |
1548-8675 | North American journal of fisheries management | American Fisheries Society | 0 | ✔ |
0194-1453 | Northeastern geology | s.n.] | 0 | |
1092-6194 | Northeastern naturalist | Humboldt Field Research Institute; Eagle Hill Institute | 0 | ✔ |
1938-5307 | Northeastern naturalist (e-vir) | Humboldt Field Research Institute | 0 | ✔ |
0029-344X | Northwest science | Northwest Scientific Association. | 0 | |
1501-8415 | Norwegian journal of entomology | Norsk entomologisk forening | 0 | |
0342-7536 | Nota lepidopterologica | Societas Europaea Lepidopterologica. | 0 | ✔ |
2367-5365 | Nota lepidopterologica (e-vir) | Pensoft publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1121-161X | Notiziario S.I.M. | Società Italiana di Malacologia | 0 | |
0029-4470 | Notornis | Ornithological Society of New Zealand. | 0 | |
0029-4608 | Notulae naturae | The Academy of Natural Sciences | 0 | |
0166-6584 | Notulae odonatologicae | Ursus Scientific Publishers | 0 | |
0029-5035 | Nova Hedwigia | Cramer | 0 | ✔ |
2363-7188 | Nova Hedwigia (e-vir) | Schweizerbart Science Publ. | 0 | ✔ |
1375-7474 | Novapex | Société belge de malacologie.; Belgian Malacological Society. | 0 | |
0133-0829 | Növényvédelem | Hirlapk | 0 | |
1055-3177 | Novon | Missouri Botanical Garden | 0 | |
1945-6174 | Novon (e-vir) | Missouri Botanical Garden | 0 | |
0969-8051 | Nuclear medicine and biology | Pergamon | 0 | ✔ |
0305-1048 | Nucleic acids research | Oxford University Press | 8 | ✔ |
1362-4962 | Nucleic acids research online (e-vir) | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
2159-3337 | Nucleic acid therapeutics | Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
2159-3345 | Nucleic acid therapeutics (e-vir) | Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1525-7770 | Nucleosides, nucleotides & nucleic acids | Marcel Dekker | 0 | ✔ |
1532-2335 | Nucleosides, nucleotides & nucleic acids (e-vir) | Marcel Dekker | 0 | ✔ |
1949-1034 | Nucleus | Landes Bioscience | 0 | ✔ |
1949-1042 | Nucleus | Landes Bioscience | 0 | ✔ |
1385-1314 | Nutrient cycling in agroecosystems | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1573-0867 | Nutrient cycling in agroecosystems | Kluwer; Springer | 0 | ✔ |
2072-6643 | Nutrients (e-vir) | MDPI | 18 | ✔ |
0163-5581 | Nutrition and cancer | Lawrence Erlbaum Associates; Franklin Institute Press; Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group | 0 | ✔ |
1532-7914 | Nutrition and cancer (e-vir) | Taylor&Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0260-1060 | Nutrition and health | AB Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
2047-945X | Nutrition and health (e-vir) | AB Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0271-5317 | Nutrition research | Pergamon Press | 0 | ✔ |
1879-0739 | Nutrition research (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
0085-4417 | Nuytsia | Dept. of Agriculture. | 0 | |
2200-2790 | Nuytsia (e-vir) | Western Australia. | 0 | |
1873-233X | Obstetrics & gynecology (e-vir) | Lippincot | 0 | |
0029-7844 | Obstetrics and gynecology | Elsevier North Holland, etc. | 0 | ✔ |
0885-5943 | Occasional papers of the Florida state collection of arthropods | Florida. | 0 | |
0076-8413 | Occasional papers of the Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan | University of Michigan | 0 | |
1351-0711 | Occupational and environmental medicine | BMJ Publishing Group | 0 | ✔ |
1470-7926 | Occupational and environmental medicine (e-vir) | BMJ Pub. Group. | 0 | ✔ |
1730-413X | Oceanological and Hydrobiological Studies | Institute of Oceanography University of Gdańsk. | 0 | ✔ |
1897-3191 | Oceanological and Hydrobiological Studies | Institute of Oceanography University of Gdańsk | 0 | ✔ |
0001-4370 | Oceanology | MAIK "Nauka/Interperiodica" Pub. | 0 | |
1531-8508 | Oceanology (e-vir) | MAIK "Nauka/Interperiodica" Pub. | 0 | ✔ |
1738-5261 | Ocean science journal | Korea Ocean Research and Development Institute; Korea Institiute of Ocean Science and Technology | 0 | ✔ |
2005-7172 | Ocean science journal | Korea Ocean Research and Development Institute; Korea Institiute of Ocean Science and Technology | 0 | ✔ |
0375-0183 | Odonatologica | University | 0 | |
2751-0875 | Odonatologica (e-vir) | Societas Internationalis Odonatologica | 0 | |
0029-8549 | Oecologia | Springer International | 0 | ✔ |
1432-1939 | Oecologia (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
2177-6199 | Oecologia Australis (e-vir) | Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ecologia | 0 | |
1210-3209 | Oecologia Montana | Tatranský národný park | 0 | |
2494-1271 | OENO One (e-vir) | Institut des sciences de la vigne et du vin | 0 | |
0030-1299 | Oikos | Munksgaard | 0 | ✔ |
1600-0706 | Oikos (e-vir) | Ejnar Munksgaard | 0 | ✔ |
0030-154X | Okajimas folia anatomica japonica | Redaktion der Okajimas Folia Anatomica Japonica ;; Keio University | 0 | |
0916-930X | Okayama Daigaku Shigen Seibutsu Kagaku Kenkyäujo häokoku | Okayama University. Research Institute for Bioresources. | 0 | |
0285-7685 | Okayama Rika Daigaku kiyō. A, Shizen kagaku | Okayama Rika Daigaku | 0 | |
1536-2310 | Omics | Mary Ann Liebert | 1 | ✔ |
1557-8100 | Omics (e-vir) | Mary Ann Liebert | 1 | ✔ |
0950-9232 | Oncogene | Macmillan Press | 0 | ✔ |
1476-5594 | Oncogene (e-vir) | Nature Publishing Group. | 0 | ✔ |
2157-9024 | Oncogenesis (e-vir) | Nature Pub. Group | 0 | ✔ |
2162-4011 | Oncoimmunology | Landes Bioscience | 0 | ✔ |
2162-402X | Oncoimmunology (e-vir) | Landes Bioscience | 0 | ✔ |
0030-2414 | Oncology | S. Karger | 0 | ✔ |
1423-0232 | Oncology (e-vir) | S. Karger | 0 | ✔ |
1792-1074 | Oncology Letters | Ekdoseis A. Spantidos | 1 | ✔ |
1792-1082 | Oncology Letters (e-vir) | Ekdoseis A. Spantidos | 0 | ✔ |
1021-335X | Oncology reports | D. A. Spandidos | 0 | ✔ |
1791-2431 | Oncology Reports (e-vir) | D. A. Spandidos | 0 | ✔ |
0965-0407 | Oncology research | Pergamon Press | 0 | |
1555-3906 | Oncology research (e-vir) | Elsevier Science Pub. Co.; Cognizant Communication Corporation; Tech Science Press | 0 | |
2296-5262 | Oncology research and treatment (e-vir) | S. Karger | 1 | ✔ |
2296-5270 | Oncology research and treatment | S. Karger | 0 | ✔ |
1949-2553 | Oncotarget (e-vir) | Impact Journals | 0 | ✔ |
1178-6930 | OncoTargets and therapy | Dove Medical Press | 0 | ✔ |
0030-2465 | Onderstepoort journal of veterinary research | Government Printer | 0 | ✔ |
2219-0635 | Onderstepoort journal of veterinary research (e-vir) | AOSIS OpenJournals | 0 | ✔ |
0822-3890 | Ontario birds | Ontario Field Ornithologists. | 0 | |
1824-2669 | Onychium | Gruppo Entomologico Toscano | 0 | |
2046-2441 | Open biology (e-vir) | Royal Society Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
2391-5412 | Open life sciences (e-vir) | De Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
0078-5245 | Opera lilloana | Ministerio de Educación y Cultura.; Fundación Miguel Lillo. | 0 | |
1423-0259 | Ophthalmic research | S. Karger | 0 | ✔ |
0030-3747 | Ophthalmic Research | S. Karger; A. J. Phiebig | 0 | ✔ |
0030-3755 | Ophthalmologica | S. Karger | 0 | ✔ |
1423-0267 | Ophthalmologica | S. Karger | 0 | ✔ |
0161-6420 | Ophthalmology | Published for the American Academy of Ophthalmology by J.B. Lippincott Co., etc. | 0 | ✔ |
1549-4713 | Ophthalmology (e-vir) | Elsevier Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
0237-5419 | Opuscula zoologica Instituti Zoosystematici et Oecologici Universitatis Budapestinensis | ELTE | 0 | ✔ |
2063-1588 | Opuscula zoologica Instituti Zoosystematici et Oecologici Universitatis Budapestinensis | Univ. Bp. Rolando Eötvös Nomin. | 0 | ✔ |
0473-1034 | Opuscula zoologica Instituti Zoosystematici Universitatis Budapestinensis | Budapesti Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem Élet- és Földtudományi Kara és Állatrendszertani Intézete.; Institutum Zoosystematicum Universitatis Budapestinensis. | 0 | |
1368-8375 | Oral Oncology | Elsevier Science | 1 | ✔ |
1879-0593 | Oral Oncology (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
2212-4403 | Oral surgery, oral medicine, oral pathology, oral radiology | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
Y507-4088 | Oral surgery, oral medicine, oral pathology, oral radiology (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | |
2212-4411 | Oral surgery, oral medicine, oral pathology and oral radiology (e-vir) | American College of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery; American Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology; American Academy of Oral Medicine; American Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology | 0 | ✔ |
1523-7052 | Organic letters (e-vir) | American Chemical Society | 0 | ✔ |
1523-7060 | Organic letters | American Chemical Society | 2 | ✔ |
1439-6092 | Organisms diversity & evolution | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1618-1077 | Organisms diversity & evolution | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1547-6278 | Organogenesis | Landes Bioscience; Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1555-8592 | Organogenesis | Landes Bioscience | 0 | ✔ |
0030-5316 | Oriental insect | Association for the Study of Oriental Insects | 0 | ✔ |
2157-8745 | Oriental insects (e-vir) | Association for the Study of Oriental Insects | 0 | ✔ |
0169-6149 | Origins of life and evolution of the biospheres | Reidel | 0 | |
1573-0875 | Origins of life and evolution of the biospheres (e-vir) | Kluwer; Springer | 0 | |
0301-1569 | ORL | Karger | 0 | ✔ |
1423-0275 | ORL | S. Karger | 0 | ✔ |
0030-5685 | Ornis fennica | Suomen lintutieteellinen yhdistys | 0 | ✔ |
1502-0878 | Ornis Norvegica | Norwegian Ornithological society | 0 | |
2081-9706 | Ornis Polonica | Polskie Towarzystwo Zoologiczne; Bogucki Wydawnictwo Naukowe | 0 | |
1102-6812 | Ornis Svecica | Sveriges ornitologiska förening | 0 | |
1347-0558 | Ornithological science | Ornithological Society of Japan | 0 | |
0940-3256 | Ornithologischer Anzeiger | Ornithologische Gesellschaft | 0 | |
1075-4377 | Ornitología neotropical | Neotropical Ornithological Society | 0 | |
0213-4039 | Orsis | Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona; Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona; Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona; Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona | 0 | |
2014-9727 | Orsis | Departament de Biologia Animal, de Biologia Vegetal i d'Ecologia de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona | 0 | |
1788-6120 | Orvosi hetilap | Akadémiai Kiadó | 0 | ✔ |
0030-6002 | Orvosi Hetilap | Medicina | 0 | ✔ |
0030-6053 | Oryx | Blackwell Scientific | 0 | ✔ |
1365-3008 | Oryx (e-vir) | Blackwell Scientific | 0 | ✔ |
0030-6096 | Osaka City medical journal | Oosaka shiritsu ika daigaku.; Osaka City University Medical School.; Oosaka shiritsu daigaku igakubu.; Osaka City Medical Center.; Oosakashi igakkai. | 0 | |
1345-7209 | Osaka Kyōiku Daigaku | Osaka Kyōiku Daigaku | 0 | |
0945-358X | Österreichische Wasser- und Abfallwirtschaft | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1613-7566 | Österreichische Wasser- und Abfallwirtschaft (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1727-947X | Ostrich | Birdlife South Africa. | 0 | ✔ |
1537-4505 | Otology & neurotology (e-vir) | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins | 0 | ✔ |
1531-7129 | Otology & Neurotology | Lippincot Williams & Wilkins, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
0030-7270 | Outlook on agriculture | Plant Protection Division, ICI | 0 | ✔ |
2043-6866 | Outlook on agriculture (e-vir) | IP Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
1942-0900 | Oxidative medicine and cellular longevity | Hindawi | 0 | ✔ |
1942-0994 | Oxidative medicine and cellular longevity (e-vir) | Hindawi | 2 | ✔ |
Y507-1127 | Oxidative medicine and cellular longevity | Hindawi | 0 | |
0191-9512 | Ozone: science & engineering | Lewis Publishers | 1 | ✔ |
1547-6545 | Ozone: science & engineering (e-vir) | Taylor and Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1038-2097 | Pacific conservation biology | Surrey Beatty | 0 | ✔ |
2204-4604 | Pacific conservation biology (e-vir) | Informit | 0 | ✔ |
0030-8870 | Pacific science | University Press of Hawaii | 0 | ✔ |
1534-6188 | Pacific science (e-vir) | University of Hawai'i Press | 0 | ✔ |
2046-9047 | Paediatrics and international child health | Maney | 0 | ✔ |
2046-9055 | Paediatrics and international child health (e-vir) | Maney | 0 | ✔ |
0304-3959 | Pain | Elsevier-North Holland Publ. Co. | 0 | ✔ |
1872-6623 | Pain (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
0556-3321 | Pakistan journal of botany | Pakistan Botanical Society | 0 | |
2070-3368 | Pakistan journal of botany (e-vir) | Pakistan Botanical Society; University of Karachi, Department of Botany | 0 | |
1019-8415 | Pakistan journal of marine sciences | University of Karachi | 0 | |
0255-7576 | Pakistan journal of nematology | Pakistan Society of Nematologists. | 0 | ✔ |
2313-1942 | Pakistan journal of nematology (e-vir) | National Nematological Research Centre, University of Karachi | 0 | ✔ |
2221-6413 | Pakistan journal of scientific and industrial research | PCSIR Scientific Information Centre | 0 | |
2221-6421 | Pakistan journal of scientific and industrial research | PCSIR Scientific Information Centre | 0 | |
2223-2559 | Pakistan journal of scientific and industrial research (e-vir) | PCSIR Scientific Information Centre | 0 | |
2223-2567 | Pakistan journal of scientific and industrial research (e-vir) | PCSIR Scientific Information Centre | 0 | |
0030-9923 | Pakistan journal of zoology | Panjab University. | 0 | ✔ |
1867-1594 | Palaeobiodiversity and palaeoenvironments | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1867-1608 | Palaeobiodiversity and palaeoenvironments | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1867-6294 | Palaeodiversity | Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde | 0 | |
1869-4802 | Palaeodiversity (e-vir) | Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde | 0 | |
0031-0182 | Palaeogeography, palaeoclimatology, palaeoecology | Elsevier | 3 | ✔ |
1872-616X | Palaeogeography, palaeoclimatology, palaeoecology (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
2194-900X | Palaeontographica | 0 | ✔ | |
2509-8373 | Palaeontographica (e-vir) | Schweizerbart | 0 | ✔ |
2509-839X | Palaeontographica (e-vir) | 0 | ✔ | |
0375-0442 | Palaeontographica. Abteilung A, Paläozoologie, Stratigraphie | Schweizerbart | 0 | ✔ |
0375-0299 | Palaeontographica Abteilung B Paläophytologie | vv | 0 | |
0078-8554 | Palaeontologia africana | Bernard Price Institute for Palaeontological Research | 0 | |
1094-8074 | Palaeontologia electronica (e-vir) | Coquina Press | 0 | |
1532-3056 | Palaeontologia electronica (e-vir) | Coquina Press | 0 | |
1935-3952 | Palaeontologia electronica | Coquina Press | 0 | |
0078-8562 | Palaeontologia Polonica | Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe | 0 | |
0031-0239 | Palaeontology | Palaeontological Association | 0 | ✔ |
1475-4983 | Palaeontology (e-vir) | Blackwell Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1871-174X | Palaeoworld | Elsevier Science | 0 | ✔ |
1875-5887 | Palaeoworld (e-vir) | Elsevier Science | 0 | ✔ |
0883-1351 | Palaios | Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists | 0 | ✔ |
1938-5323 | Palaios (e-vir) | Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists | 0 | |
0031-0220 | Paläontologische Zeitschrift | Schweizerbart'Sche Verlagbuchhandlung | 1 | ✔ |
1867-6812 | Paläontologische Zeitschrift | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0094-8373 | Paleobiology | Paleontological Society. | 0 | ✔ |
1938-5331 | Paleobiology (e-vir) | Paleontological Society | 0 | ✔ |
0031-0298 | PaleoBios | Museum of Paleontology, University of California, Berkeley | 0 | |
1946-0279 | Paleontological contributions (e-vir) | University of Kansas. | 0 | ✔ |
0031-0301 | Paleontological journal | Scripta Pub. Co. | 0 | ✔ |
1555-6174 | Paleontological journal | Scripta Pub. Co. | 0 | ✔ |
1342-8144 | Paleontological research | Nihon Koseibutsu Gakkai. | 0 | |
1880-0068 | Paleontological research | Paleontological Society of Japan | 0 | |
1523-4495 | Palms | International Palm Society | 0 | |
2168-4596 | Palms (e-vir) | International Palm Society. | 0 | |
0191-6122 | Palynology | American Association of Stratigraphic Palynologists Foundation | 0 | ✔ |
1558-9188 | Palynology (e-vir) | American Association of Stratigraphic Palynologists | 0 | ✔ |
0885-3177 | Pancreas | Raven Press | 1 | ✔ |
1536-4828 | Pancreas | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins | 0 | ✔ |
1827-1898 | Panminerva medica (e-vir) | Edizioni Minerva Medica | 0 | ✔ |
0031-0808 | Panminerva Medica | Edizoni Minerva Medica | 0 | ✔ |
0031-1049 | Papéis avulsos de zoologia | Museu de Zoologia da Universidade | 0 | ✔ |
1807-0205 | Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia (e-vir) | Universidade de São Paulo, Museu de Zoologia. | 0 | ✔ |
0080-4703 | Papers and proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania | Royal Society of Tasmania | 0 | |
2056-2799 | Papers in palaeontology | The Palaeontological Association | 0 | ✔ |
2056-2802 | Papers in palaeontology (e-vir) | Palaeontological Association | 0 | ✔ |
1736-7646 | Papers on anthropology (e-vir) | University of Tartu. | 0 | ✔ |
1406-0140 | Papers on Antropology | Tartu University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0148-3838 | Papers on paleontology | University of Michigan. | 0 | |
1252-607X | Parasite | PDG communication | 0 | |
1776-1042 | Parasite (e-vir) | Princeps éditions | 1 | ✔ |
0141-9838 | Parasite immunology | Blackwell Scientific Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1365-3024 | Parasite immunology (e-vir) | Blackwell Science | 0 | ✔ |
1756-3305 | Parasites & vectors (e-vir) | BioMed Central | 1 | ✔ |
0031-1820 | Parasitology | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1469-8161 | Parasitology (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1383-5769 | Parasitology international | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1873-0329 | Parasitology International (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
0932-0113 | Parasitology research | Springer. | 0 | ✔ |
1432-1955 | Parasitology research (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0031-1847 | Parazitologiâ | Nedra Leningradskoe otdelenie | 0 | |
1743-8977 | Particle and fibre toxicology (e-vir) | BioMed Central | 1 | ✔ |
1015-2008 | Pathobiology | S. Karger | 0 | ✔ |
1423-0291 | Pathobiology | S. Karger | 0 | ✔ |
2049-632X | Pathogens and disease (e-vir) | J. Wiley & Sons | 0 | ✔ |
2047-7724 | Pathogens and global health | Maney Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
2047-7732 | Pathogens and global health (e-vir) | Maney Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
0369-8114 | Pathologie et biologie | Expansion scientifique française | 0 | |
0031-3025 | Pathology | Sydney University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1465-3931 | Pathology (e-vir) | Modern Medicine; Sydney University Press; Carfax International Publishers; Taylor & Francis; Informa Healthcare; Lippincott Williams & Wilkins | 0 | ✔ |
1618-0631 | Pathology, research and practice (e-vir) | Urban u. Fischer | 0 | ✔ |
1532-2807 | Pathology and oncology research | Harcourt; Harcourt; Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1320-5463 | Pathology international | Published by Blackwell Scientific Publications for the Japanese Society of Pathology | 0 | ✔ |
1440-1827 | Pathology international | Published by Blackwell Scientific Publications for the Japanese Society of Pathology | 0 | ✔ |
1219-4956 | Pathology oncology research | Tud. Kiadó | 0 | ✔ |
0344-0338 | Pathology research and practice | Fisher | 0 | ✔ |
0031-3203 | Pattern recognition | Pergamon | 0 | ✔ |
1873-5142 | Pattern recognition (e-vir) | Elsevier Science | 0 | ✔ |
0095-3679 | Peanut science | American Peanut Research and Education Association.; American Peanut Research and Education Society. | 0 | |
0031-403X | Pediatriâ | Medicina | 0 | |
2151-321X | Pediatric allergy, immunology, and pulmonology | Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
2151-3228 | Pediatric allergy, immunology, and pulmonology (e-vir) | Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1545-5009 | Pediatric blood & cancer | Wiley | 0 | ✔ |
1545-5017 | Pediatric blood & cancer (e-vir) | John Wiley | 0 | ✔ |
0172-0643 | Pediatric cardiology | Springer-Verlag | 0 | ✔ |
1432-1971 | Pediatric cardiology | Springer. | 0 | ✔ |
0888-0018 | Pediatric hematology and oncology | Hemisphere Pub. Corp. | 0 | ✔ |
1521-0669 | Pediatric hematology and oncology (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0931-041X | Pediatric nephrology | Springer-Verlag New York; Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1432-198X | Pediatric nephrology (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1016-2291 | Pediatric neurosurgery | S.Karger | 0 | ✔ |
1423-0305 | Pediatric neurosurgery (e-vir) | S. Karger | 0 | ✔ |
0031-3998 | Pediatric research | Williams & Wilkins Co. | 0 | ✔ |
1530-0447 | Pediatric research (e-vir) | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins | 0 | ✔ |
0031-4005 | Pediatrics | American Academy of Pediatrics | 0 | ✔ |
1098-4275 | Pediatrics (e-vir) | American Academy of Pediatrics | 0 | ✔ |
1875-9572 | Pediatrics & neonatology | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
2212-1692 | Pediatrics & neonatology (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1328-8067 | Pediatrics international | Blackwell Science Asia | 0 | ✔ |
1442-200X | Pediatrics international (e-vir) | Blackwell Science Asia | 0 | ✔ |
0031-4056 | Pedobiologia | =Gustav= Fischer Verlag | 0 | ✔ |
1002-0160 | Pedosphere | Science Press | 0 | ✔ |
2210-5107 | Pedosphere (e-vir) | Soil Science Society of China; Institute of Soil Science; Chinese Academy of Sciences; State Key Laboratory of Soil and Sustainable Agriculture, China | 0 | ✔ |
2167-8359 | PeerJ (e-vir) | PeerJ Inc. | 6 | |
0196-9781 | Peptides | Pergamon | 0 | ✔ |
1873-5169 | Peptides (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
0267-6591 | Perfusion | Edward Arnold | 0 | ✔ |
1477-111X | Perfusion (e-vir) | Arnold | 0 | ✔ |
0031-5362 | Periodicum biologorum | Hrvatsko prirodoslovno društvo | 1 | |
1849-0964 | Periodicum biologorum (e-vir) | Hrvatsko prirodoslovno društvo | 0 | |
0031-5850 | Persoonia | Rijksherbarium | 0 | |
0031-5982 | Perspectives in biology and medicine | University of Chicago Press. | 0 | ✔ |
1529-8795 | Perspectives in biology and medicine | Johns Hopkins University Press | 0 | ✔ |
2530-0644 | Perspectives in ecology and conservation (e-vir) | Elsevier Editora | 0 | |
1433-8319 | Perspectives in plant ecology, evolution and systematics | Urban u. Fischer. | 0 | ✔ |
1618-0437 | Perspectives in plant ecology, evolution and systematics (e-vir) | Urban u. Fischer | 1 | ✔ |
1511-3701 | Pertanika journal of tropical agricultural science | Universiti Pertanian Malaysia | 0 | |
2231-8542 | Pertanika journal of tropical agricultural science | Universiti Putra Malaysia | 0 | |
1517-6398 | Pesquisa Agropecuária Tropical | Universidade Federal de Goiás, Escola de Agronomia e Engenharia de Alimentos | 0 | |
1983-4063 | Pesquisa Agropecuária Tropical (e-vir) | Universidade Federal de Goiás, Escola de Agronomia e Engenharia de Alimentos | 0 | |
0373-840X | Pesquisas | Instituto Anchietano de Pesquisas | 0 | |
0100-736X | Pesquisa veterinária brasileira | Armando Amorim Publicidade. | 0 | |
1678-5150 | Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira (e-vir) | Colégio Brasileiro de Patologia Animal. | 0 | |
0048-3575 | Pesticide biochemistry and physiology | Academic Press. | 1 | ✔ |
1095-9939 | Pesticide biochemistry and physiology (e-vir) | Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
0970-6763 | Pesticide research journal | Society of Pesticide Science, India | 0 | |
1526-498X | Pest management science | John Wiley & Sons, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1526-4998 | Pest management science (e-vir) | J. Wiley & Sons | 0 | ✔ |
0031-6768 | Pflügers Archiv | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1432-2013 | Pflügers Archiv (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0365-267X | Pflügers Archiv für die Gesamte Physiologie des Menschen und der Tiere | Springer | 0 | |
1388-0209 | Pharmaceutical biology | Swets & Zeitlinger | 0 | ✔ |
1744-5116 | Pharmaceutical biology (e-vir) | Swets & Zeitlinger Pub. | 0 | ✔ |
0091-150X | Pharmaceutical chemistry journal (e-vir) | Kluwer Online | 0 | ✔ |
1573-9031 | Pharmaceutical chemistry journal | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0724-8741 | Pharmaceutical research | Springer New York LLC; Springer Nature | 1 | ✔ |
1573-904X | Pharmaceutical research (e-vir) | Kluwer | 2 | ✔ |
1053-8569 | Pharmacoepidemiology and drug safety | Wiley | 0 | ✔ |
1099-1557 | Pharmacoepidemiology and drug safety (e-vir) | J. Wiley | 0 | ✔ |
1744-6872 | Pharmacogenetics and genomics | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins | 1 | ✔ |
1744-6880 | Pharmacogenetics and genomics (e-vir) | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins | 0 | ✔ |
1462-2416 | Pharmacogenomics | Ashley Publications. | 2 | ✔ |
1744-8042 | Pharmacogenomics (e-vir) | Future Medicine | 0 | ✔ |
1470-269X | Pharmacogenomics journal | Nature Publishing. | 1 | ✔ |
1734-1140 | Pharmacological Reports | Institute of Pharmacology Polish Academy of Sciences | 0 | ✔ |
2299-5684 | Pharmacological Reports (e-vir) | Institute of Pharmacology, Polish Academy of Sciences | 0 | ✔ |
1043-6618 | Pharmacological research | Academic Press | 2 | ✔ |
1096-1186 | Pharmacological research (e-vir) | Academic Press | 1 | ✔ |
0031-7012 | Pharmacology | S Karger; Albert J Phiebig | 0 | ✔ |
1423-0313 | Pharmacology (e-vir) | S. Karger | 0 | ✔ |
0091-3057 | Pharmacology, biochemistry and behavior | Pergamon Journals | 0 | ✔ |
1873-5177 | Pharmacology, biochemistry and behavior (e-vir) | Elsevier Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
0176-3679 | Pharmacopsychiatry | Thieme | 0 | ✔ |
1439-0795 | Pharmacopsychiatry (e-vir) | Thieme | 0 | ✔ |
0277-0008 | Pharmacotherapy | Pharmacotherapy Publications, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1875-9114 | Pharmacotherapy | IOS Press | 0 | ✔ |
0031-7144 | Pharmazie | Verlag Volk und Gesundheit | 1 | |
0343-7620 | Philippia | Naturkundemuseum | 0 | |
0079-1466 | Philippine Scientist | University of San Carlos. | 0 | |
0962-8436 | Philosophical transactions | Royal Society | 0 | ✔ |
1471-2970 | Philosophical Transactions (e-vir) | RS | 0 | ✔ |
0031-8248 | Philosophy of science | Philosophy of Science Association | 0 | ✔ |
1539-767X | Philosophy of science (e-vir) | University of Chicago Press | 0 | ✔ |
0031-8388 | Phonetica | Karger | 0 | ✔ |
1423-0321 | Phonetica (e-vir) | Karger | 0 | ✔ |
1474-905X | Photochemical & photobiological sciences | RSC | 1 | ✔ |
1474-9092 | Photochemical & photobiological sciences (e-vir) | Royal Society of Chemistry | 0 | ✔ |
0031-8655 | Photochemistry and photobiology | Pergamon Press. | 0 | ✔ |
1751-1097 | Photochemistry and photobiology (e-vir) | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
0905-4383 | Photodermatology, photoimmunology & photomedicine | Munksgaard International Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1600-0781 | Photodermatology, photoimmunology & photomedicine (e-vir) | Munksgaard | 0 | ✔ |
0300-3604 | Photosyntetica | Academia | 0 | ✔ |
0166-8595 | Photosynthesis research | Junk; Nijhoff; Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1573-5079 | Photosynthesis research (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1573-9058 | Photosynthetica | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0031-8884 | Phycologia | International Phycological Society | 0 | ✔ |
2330-2968 | Phycologia (e-vir) | International Phycological Society | 0 | ✔ |
1322-0829 | Phycological research | Japanese Society of Phycology | 0 | ✔ |
1440-1835 | Phycological research | Blackwell Science | 0 | ✔ |
1519-1397 | Phyllomedusa | Universidade de São Paulo, Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz, Departamento de Ciências Biológicas | 0 | |
2316-9079 | Phyllomedusa (e-vir) | Universidade de São Paulo, Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz, Departamento de Ciências Biológicas | 0 | |
1478-3967 | Physical biology | IOP Publishing | 0 | |
1478-3975 | Physical biology (e-vir) | Institute of Physics | 0 | ✔ |
1361-6560 | Physics in medicine & biology (e-vir) | IOP Publishing | 1 | ✔ |
0031-9155 | Physics in Medicine & Biology | American Institute of Physics | 7 | ✔ |
1571-0645 | Physics of life reviews | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1873-1457 | Physics of life reviews (e-vir) | Elsevier B.V. | 0 | ✔ |
1399-3054 | Physiologia plantarum (e-vir) | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
0031-9317 | Physiologia Plantarum | Wiley-Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1522-2152 | Physiological and biochemical zoology | University of Chicago Press | 0 | |
1537-5293 | Physiological and biochemical zoology (e-vir) | University of Chicago Press | 0 | |
0885-5765 | Physiological and molecular plant pathology | Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
1096-1178 | Physiological and molecular plant pathology (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | |
0748-6642 | Physiological chemistry and physics and medical NMR | Pacific Press | 0 | |
0307-6962 | Physiological entomology | Blackwell Scientific Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1365-3032 | Physiological entomology (e-vir) | Blackwell Science | 0 | ✔ |
1094-8341 | Physiological genomics | American Physiological Society | 0 | ✔ |
1531-2267 | Physiological genomics (e-vir) | American Physiological Society | 0 | ✔ |
0967-3334 | Physiological measurement | Institute of Physics Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
1361-6579 | Physiological measurement (e-vir) | IOP Publishing | 3 | ✔ |
0862-8408 | Physiological research | Academia | 0 | |
1802-9973 | Physiological Research (e-vir) | Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic | 1 | |
1548-9213 | Physiology | International Union of Physiological Sciences; American Physiological Society | 0 | ✔ |
1548-9221 | Physiology (e-vir) | American Physiological Society | 0 | ✔ |
0031-9384 | Physiology & behavior | Pergamon Press. | 0 | ✔ |
0974-0430 | Physiology and molecular biology of plants (e-vir) | H.S. Srivastava Foundation for Science and Society & Springer India | 0 | ✔ |
0971-5894 | Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants | Department of Environmental Sciences, BBA University | 0 | ✔ |
2498-602X | Physiology international | Akadémiai Kiadó | 0 | ✔ |
2677-0164 | Physiology international (e-vir) | Akadémiai Kiadó | 0 | ✔ |
0959-3985 | Physiotherapy theory and practice | Churchill Livingstone | 0 | ✔ |
1532-5040 | Physiotherapy theory and practice (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0326-1441 | Physis | Asociación Argentina de Ciencias Naturales | 0 | |
0958-0344 | Phytochemical analysis | Wiley | 0 | ✔ |
1099-1565 | Phytochemical analysis | J. Wiley | 0 | ✔ |
0031-9422 | Phytochemistry | Pergamon Press | 0 | ✔ |
1874-3900 | Phytochemistry letters | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1876-7486 | Phytochemistry letters (e-vir) | Elsevier Ltd. | 0 | ✔ |
0340-269X | Phytocoenologia | Borntraeger | 2 | ✔ |
2363-7153 | Phytocoenologia (e-vir) | Schweizerbart Science Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1314-2003 | PhytoKeys (e-vir) | Pensoft Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1314-2011 | PhytoKeys | Pensoft Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1310-7771 | Phytologia Balcanica | Bulgarian Academy of Sciences | 0 | |
0944-7113 | Phytomedicine | Fischer | 0 | ✔ |
0031-9457 | Phyton | Fundación Rómulo Raggio | 0 | ✔ |
0079-2047 | Phyton | Apud Ferdinandum & fil. | 0 | |
1851-5657 | Phyton; Φυτον (e-vir) | Fundacion Romulo Raggio | 0 | ✔ |
0334-2123 | Phytoparasitica | Agricultural Research Organization. | 0 | ✔ |
1876-7184 | Phytoparasitica (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0031-9465 | Phytopathologia Mediterranea | Mediterranean Phytopathological Union; Firenze University press | 0 | ✔ |
1593-2095 | Phytopathologia Mediterranea (e-vir) | Firenze University Press, Mediterranean Phytopathological Union | 0 | ✔ |
0031-949X | Phytopathology | American Phytopathological Society | 1 | ✔ |
1943-7684 | Phytopathology (e-vir) | American Phytopathological Society] | 0 | ✔ |
0031-9511 | Phytoprotection | Station de Recherches | 0 | |
1710-1603 | Phytoprotection (e-vir) | Société de protection des plantes du Québec | 0 | |
1179-3155 | Phytotaxa | Magnolia Press | 0 | ✔ |
1179-3163 | Phytotaxa (e-vir) | Magnolia Press | 0 | ✔ |
0972-4206 | Phytotaxonomy | Deep Publications. | 0 | |
1624-8597 | Phytothérapie | Ed. de Condé; Springer-Verlag France | 0 | ✔ |
1765-2847 | Phytothérapie (e-vir) | Springer-Verlag France | 0 | ✔ |
0951-418X | Phytotherapy research | Heyden & Son | 0 | ✔ |
1099-1573 | Phytotherapy research (e-vir) | J. Wiley | 1 | ✔ |
1755-1471 | Pigment cell & melanoma research | Blackwell Munksgaard | 0 | ✔ |
1755-148X | Pigment cell & melanoma research (e-vir) | Blackwell Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
0143-4004 | Placenta | W.B. Saunders Company Ltd | 0 | ✔ |
1532-3102 | Placenta (e-vir) | Harcourt | 0 | ✔ |
1880-8247 | Plankton & benthos research | Plankton Society of Japan; Japanese Association of Benthology | 0 | |
1343-0874 | Plankton biology and ecology | Plankton Society of Japan; Plankton Society of Japan | 0 | |
1365-3040 | Plant, cell & environment (e-vir) | Blackwell Science. | 1 | ✔ |
0140-7791 | Plant, cell and environment | Wiley-Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1471-9053 | Plant & cell physiology (e-vir) | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0032-0935 | Planta | Springer-Verlag | 0 | ✔ |
1432-2048 | Planta | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1439-0221 | Planta medica (e-vir) | Thieme. | 0 | ✔ |
0032-0943 | Planta Medica | Thieme; Thieme-Stratton | 0 | ✔ |
0032-0781 | Plant and cell physiology | Japanese Society of Plant Physiologists | 0 | ✔ |
0032-079X | Plant and soil | Springer | 2 | ✔ |
1573-5036 | Plant and soil (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1435-8603 | Plant biology | G. Thieme; Thieme | 1 | ✔ |
1438-8677 | Plant biology (e-vir) | Thieme | 0 | ✔ |
1126-3504 | Plant Biosystems | Società Botanica Italiana | 0 | ✔ |
1724-5575 | Plant Biosystems (e-vir) | Società Botanica Italiana | 0 | ✔ |
1342-4580 | Plant biotechnology | Japanese Society for Plant Cell and Molecular Biology | 0 | |
1347-6114 | Plant biotechnology (e-vir) | Japanese Society for Plant Cell and Molecular Biology | 0 | |
1467-7644 | Plant biotechnology journal | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1467-7652 | Plant biotechnology journal | Blackwell. | 0 | ✔ |
1863-5466 | Plant biotechnology reports | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1863-5474 | Plant biotechnology reports (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
Y507-9268 | Plant biotechnology reports | Springer | 0 | |
0179-9541 | Plant breeding | Wiley-Blackwell | 1 | ✔ |
1439-0523 | Plant breeding (e-vir) | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1429-3862 | Plant Breeding and Seed Science | Plant Breeding and Acclimatization Institute | 0 | |
2083-599X | Plant Breeding and Seed Science (e-vir) | Plant Breeding and Acclimatization Institute | 0 | |
0167-6857 | Plant cell, tissue and organ culture | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1573-5044 | Plant cell, tissue and organ culture (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0721-7714 | Plant cell reports | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1432-203X | Plant cell reports (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0191-2917 | Plant disease | American Phytopathological Society | 2 | ✔ |
1943-7692 | Plant disease (e-vir) | American Phytopathological Society | 0 | ✔ |
2096-2703 | Plant diversity | Science Press | 0 | |
2468-2659 | Plant diversity (e-vir) | Elsevier B.V. | 0 | |
1869-6155 | Plant diversity and evolution | Schweizerbart, | 0 | ✔ |
2363-7129 | Plant diversity and evolution (e-vir) | Schweizerbart Science Publ. | 0 | ✔ |
1385-0237 | Plant ecology | Kluwer Academic | 0 | ✔ |
1573-5052 | Plant ecology (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1755-0874 | Plant ecology & diversity | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1755-1668 | Plant ecology & diversity | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
2032-3913 | Plant ecology and evolution | Royal Botanical Society of Belgium; National Botanic Garden of Belgium | 0 | ✔ |
2032-3921 | Plant Ecology and Evolution (e-vir) | Nationale Plantentuin van België | 0 | ✔ |
0921-9668 | Plant foods for human nutrition | Kluwer Academic | 0 | ✔ |
1573-9104 | Plant foods for human nutrition | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1479-2621 | Plant genetic resources | CABI Publishing; Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1479-263X | Plant genetic resources (e-vir) | CABI Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
0167-6903 | Plant growth regulation | Nijhoff; Junk; Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1573-5087 | Plant growth regulation (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1746-4811 | Plant methods (e-vir) | BioMed Central | 0 | ✔ |
0167-4412 | Plant molecular biology | Nijhoff/Junk; Nijhoff/Junk; Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1573-5028 | Plant molecular biology (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0735-9640 | Plant molecular biology reporter | Liebert; Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1572-9818 | Plant molecular biology reporter (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1836-0661 | Plant omics | Southern Cross Publishers | 0 | |
1836-3644 | Plant omics (e-vir) | Southern Cross Journals | 0 | |
1365-3059 | Plant pathology (e-vir) | Blackwell Science | 0 | ✔ |
0032-0862 | Plant Pathology | Her Majesty's Stationery Office | 0 | ✔ |
1598-2254 | Plant pathology journal (Suwon) | Korean Society of Plant Pathology | 0 | |
0032-0889 | Plant physiology | American Society of Plant Physiologists | 0 | ✔ |
1532-2548 | Plant physiology (e-vir) | American Society of Plant Physiologists | 0 | ✔ |
0981-9428 | Plant physiology and biochemistry | Gauthier-Villars; Centrale des revues | 4 | ✔ |
1873-2690 | Plant physiology and biochemistry (e-vir) | ElsevierMasson | 0 | ✔ |
1343-943X | Plant production science | Nihon Sakumotsu Gakkai. | 0 | ✔ |
1349-1008 | Plant production science (e-vir) | Crop Science Society of Japan | 0 | ✔ |
0815-2195 | Plant protection quarterly | Inkata Press | 0 | |
1212-2580 | Plant Protection Science | Institute of Agricultural and Food Information | 0 | |
1805-9341 | Plant Protection Science (e-vir) | Czech Academy of Agricultural Sciences | 0 | |
2194-7953 | Plant reproduction | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
2194-7961 | Plant reproduction | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
2223-7747 | Plants (e-vir) | MDPI | 17 | ✔ |
0168-9452 | Plant science | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1873-2259 | Plant science (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1559-2316 | Plant signaling & behavior | Landes Bioscience | 0 | ✔ |
1559-2324 | Plant signaling & behavior (e-vir) | Landes Bioscience | 0 | ✔ |
2280-1855 | Plant sociology | Società italiana di scienza della vegetazione = Italian Society for Vegetation Science | 0 | |
2704-6192 | Plant sociology (e-vir) | Società italiana di scienza della vegetazione | 0 | |
0913-557X | Plant species biology | Society for the Study of Species Biology | 0 | ✔ |
1442-1984 | Plant species biology | Blackwell Science. | 0 | ✔ |
0378-2697 | Plant systematics and evolution | Springer | 2 | ✔ |
1615-6110 | Plant systematics and evolution (e-vir) | Springer | 2 | ✔ |
1817-3721 | Plant tissue culture & biotechnology | Bangladesh Association for Plant Tissue Culture & Biotechnology.; BAPTC&B. | 0 | |
1818-8745 | Plant tissue culture & biotechnology (e-vir) | Bangladesh Association for Plant Tissue Culture & Biotechnology | 0 | |
1316-1547 | Plantula - Jardín Botánico | Jardín Botánico (Mérida) | 0 | |
0147-619X | Plasmid | Academic Press. | 0 | ✔ |
1095-9890 | Plasmid (e-vir) | Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
0953-7104 | Platelets | Churchill Livingstone | 0 | ✔ |
1369-1635 | Platelets (e-vir) | Carfax International Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1544-9173 | PLoS biology | Public Library of Science | 1 | ✔ |
1545-7885 | PLoS biology (e-vir) | Public Library of Science | 1 | ✔ |
1553-734X | PLoS computational biology | Public Library of Science | 0 | ✔ |
1553-7358 | PLoS computational biology (e-vir) | Public Library of Science | 1 | ✔ |
1553-7390 | PLOS genetics | Public Library of Science | 0 | ✔ |
1553-7404 | PLOS genetics (e-vir) | Public Library of Science | 0 | ✔ |
1549-1277 | PLoS medicine | Public Library of Science | 0 | ✔ |
1549-1676 | PLoS medicine (e-vir) | Public Library of Science | 3 | ✔ |
1935-2727 | PLoS neglected tropical diseases | Public Library of Science | 0 | ✔ |
1935-2735 | PLoS neglected tropical diseases (e-vir) | Public Library of Science | 3 | ✔ |
1932-6203 | PloS one (e-vir) | Public Library of Science | 41 | ✔ |
1553-7366 | PLOS pathogens | Public Library of Science | 1 | ✔ |
1553-7374 | PLOS pathogens (e-vir) | Public Library of Science | 2 | ✔ |
0722-4060 | Polar biology | Springer. | 0 | ✔ |
1432-2056 | Polar biology | Springer. | 0 | ✔ |
1475-3057 | Polar record (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0800-0395 | Polar research | Norsk polarinstitutt | 0 | ✔ |
1751-8369 | Polar research (e-vir) | Blackwell Publishing; Co-Action Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
1873-9652 | Polar science | National Institute of Polar Research | 0 | ✔ |
1876-4428 | Polar science (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1641-8190 | Polish Botanical Journal | W. Szafer Institute of Botany, Polish Academy of Sciences | 0 | |
2084-4352 | Polish Botanical Journal (e-vir) | W. Szafer Institute of Botany, Polish Academy of Sciences | 0 | |
Y504-121X | Polish Botanical Journal | W. Szafer Institute of Botany, Polish Academy of Sciences | 0 | |
0867-0730 | Polish Botanical Studies | W. Szafer Institute of Botany | 0 | |
1505-2249 | Polish journal of ecology | Centre for Ecological Research, Polish Academy of Sciences | 0 | |
2299-9884 | Polish Journal of Entomology (e-vir) | Polskie Towarzystwo Entomologiczne | 0 | |
1230-1485 | Polish journal of environmental studies | "Hard" | 1 | |
2083-5906 | Polish Journal of Environmental Studies (e-vir) | Polish Journal of Environmental studies | 0 | |
1230-0322 | Polish Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences | Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research, Polish Academy of Sciences | 0 | |
2083-6007 | Polish Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences | Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research of Polish Academy of Sciences | 0 | |
1733-1331 | Polish Journal of Microbiology | Polskie Towarzystwo Mikrobiologów. | 1 | ✔ |
2544-4646 | Polish Journal of Microbiology (e-vir) | Polish Society of Microbiologists | 0 | ✔ |
1643-9953 | Polish Journal of Natural Sciences | Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski (Olsztyn) | 0 | |
1233-9687 | Polish Journal of Pathology | Polish Society of Pathologists; "Termedia" | 0 | ✔ |
2084-9869 | Polish Journal of Pathology | "Termedia" | 0 | ✔ |
0079-2985 | Polish Journal of Soil Science | Polska Akademia Nauk.; Polska Akademia Nauk.; Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej (Lublin) | 0 | |
1505-1773 | Polish Journal of Veterinary Sciences | Polish Academy of Sciences. Committee of Veterinary Sciences. | 0 | |
2300-2557 | Polish Journal of Veterinary Sciences (e-vir) | Polish Academy of Sciences Committee of Veterinary Sciences; University of Warmia and Mazury | 0 | |
2081-8262 | Polish Polar Research | Polish Academy of Sciences. Committee on Polar Research | 0 | |
0138-0338 | Polish Polar Research = | Polish Academy of Sciences. Committee on Polar Research | 0 | |
0032-3780 | Polskie pismo entomologiczne | Polish Entomological Society | 0 | |
1438-3896 | Population ecology | Springer Japan | 0 | ✔ |
1438-390X | Population ecology (e-vir) | Springer; Society of Population Ecology | 0 | ✔ |
0324-833X | Postępy Biologii Komórki | Polskie Towarzystwo Anatomiczne.; Polskie Towarzystwo Biologii Komórki.; Fundacja Biologii Komórki i Biologii Molekularnej. | 0 | |
0973-5909 | Potato Journal | Indian Potato Association | 0 | |
0032-5791 | Poultry science | Oxford University Press | 1 | ✔ |
1525-3171 | Poultry science (e-vir) | Poultry Science Association | 0 | ✔ |
1687-4765 | PPAR research (e-vir) | Hindawi Pub. Corp. | 1 | ✔ |
1687-4757 | PPAR Research | Hindawi Publishing Corporation | 0 | ✔ |
0137-1649 | Prace i Materiały Zootechniczne | Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe | 0 | |
1385-2256 | Precision agriculture | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1573-1618 | Precision agriculture (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1082-6068 | Preparative biochemistry & biotechnology | M. Dekker | 0 | ✔ |
1532-2297 | Preparative biochemistry & biotechnology (e-vir) | Marcel Dekker | 0 | ✔ |
0032-7786 | Preslia | Česká botanická společnost | 0 | |
2570-950X | Preslia (e-vir) | Czech Botanical Society | 0 | |
0091-7435 | Preventive medicine | Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
1096-0260 | Preventive medicine (e-vir) | Academic Press | 0 | |
0167-5877 | Preventive veterinary medicine | Elsevier | 1 | ✔ |
1873-1716 | Preventive veterinary medicine (e-vir) | Elsevier BV | 0 | ✔ |
0032-8332 | Primates | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1610-7365 | Primates (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1933-6896 | Prion | Landes Bioscience | 0 | ✔ |
1933-690X | Prion | Landes Bioscience | 0 | ✔ |
1867-1306 | Probiotics and antimicrobial proteins | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1867-1314 | Probiotics and antimicrobial proteins | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0375-9660 | Problemy endokrinologii | Medicina | 0 | |
0096-4522 | Proceedings | Soil and Crop Science Society of Florida. | 0 | |
0962-8452 | Proceedings | Royal Society | 0 | ✔ |
1013-3461 | Proceedings of ... Pakistan Congress of Zoology | University of the Punjab.; Zoological Society of Pakistan. | 0 | |
0097-3157 | Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia | Scientific Publications, Academy of Natural Sciences | 0 | |
1938-5293 | Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia (e-vir) | Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia | 0 | |
0006-324X | Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington | Biological Society of Washington | 0 | |
1943-6327 | Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington (e-vir) | Biological Society of Washington | 0 | |
0068-547X | Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences | California Academy of Sciences | 0 | |
0013-8797 | Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington | Entomological Society | 0 | |
0073-134X | Proceedings of the Hawaiian Entomological Society | Hawaiian Entomological Society. | 0 | |
0073-6767 | Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Science | Indiana Academy of Science | 0 | |
1349-2896 | Proceedings of the Japan Academy | Japan Academy | 0 | |
0386-2208 | Proceedings of the Japan Academy. Series B Physical and biological sciences | Japan Academy | 0 | |
1407-009X | Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences | Latvian Academy of Sciences | 0 | ✔ |
2255-890X | Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences. Section B, Natural, Exact and Applied Sciences (e-vir) | De Gruyter Open | 0 | ✔ |
0370-047X | Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales | Linnean Society of New South Wales. | 0 | |
0369-8211 | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India, Section B: biological sciences | National Academy of Science, India, General Secy. | 0 | |
2250-1746 | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India, Section B : biological sciences (e-vir) | National Academy of Sciences | 0 | |
0027-8424 | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | National Academy of Sciences | 11 | ✔ |
1091-6490 | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (e-vir) | National Academy of Sciences | 13 | ✔ |
0370-2731 | Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production | Editorial Services. | 0 | |
1176-5283 | Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production (e-vir) | New Zealand Society of Animal Production | 0 | |
0078-2521 | Proceedings of the Nova Scotian Institute of Science | Nova Scotian Institute of Science | 0 | |
0029-6651 | Proceedings of the Nutrition Society | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1475-2719 | Proceedings of the Nutrition Society (e-vir) | CABI Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
0078-4303 | Proceedings of the Oklahoma Academy of Science | Oklahoma Academy of Science.; University of Oklahoma.; Oklahoma Junior Academy of Science. | 0 | |
1471-2954 | Proceedings of the Royal Society (e-vir) | Royal Society | 1 | ✔ |
0080-469X | Proceedings of the Royal Society of Queensland | Royal Society of Queensland | 0 | |
0035-9211 | Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria | Royal Society's Hall | 0 | ✔ |
2204-1362 | Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria (e-vir) | 0 | ✔ | |
1059-8707 | Proceedings of the San Diego Society of Natural History | San Diego Natural History Museum.; San Diego Society of Natural History. | 0 | |
0511-7550 | Proceedings of the Western Foundation of Vertebrate Zoology | Western Foundation of Vertebrate Zoology (U.S.) | 0 | |
0373-5893 | Proceedings of the Zoological Society | Zoological Society of Bengal | 0 | ✔ |
0974-6919 | Proceedings of the Zoological Society (e-vir) | Springer India Pvt. Ltd. | 0 | ✔ |
1359-5113 | Process biochemistry | Elsevier Applied Science | 0 | ✔ |
1873-3298 | Process biochemistry | Elsevier Science | 0 | ✔ |
0990-0632 | Productions animales | INRA | 0 | |
0278-5846 | Progress in neuro-psychopharmacology & biological psychiatry | Pergamon | 0 | ✔ |
1311-9109 | Propagation of ornamental plants | Salvia press | 0 | |
1532-2823 | Prostaglandins, leukotrienes, and essential fatty acids (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
0952-3278 | Prostaglandins, leukotrienes and essential fatty acids | Churchill Livingstone | 0 | ✔ |
2212-196X | Prostaglandins & other lipid mediators (e-vir) | Elsevier Inc. | 1 | ✔ |
1098-8823 | Prostaglandins and other Lipid Mediators | Elsevier Science Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1674-800X | Protein & Cell | Higher Education Press | 0 | ✔ |
1674-8018 | Protein & Cell (e-vir) | Higher Education Press | 0 | ✔ |
1875-5305 | Protein & peptide letters (e-vir) | Bentham Science Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1741-0126 | Protein engineering, design & selection | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1741-0134 | Protein engineering, design and selection (e-vir) | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1046-5928 | Protein expression and purification | Academic Press | 2 | ✔ |
1096-0279 | Protein expression and purification (e-vir) | Academic Press | 0 | |
0929-8665 | Protein peptide letters | Bentham Science Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0887-3585 | Proteins | Alan R. Liss | 0 | ✔ |
1097-0134 | Proteins (e-vir) | John Wiley & Sons | 0 | ✔ |
0961-8368 | Protein science | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1469-896X | Protein science (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press. | 0 | ✔ |
1477-5956 | Proteome science (e-vir) | BioMed Central | 0 | ✔ |
1615-9853 | Proteomics | Wiley-VCH | 0 | ✔ |
1615-9861 | Proteomics | Wiley-VCH-Verl. | 0 | ✔ |
1862-8346 | Proteomics | Wiley-VCH-Verl. | 0 | ✔ |
1862-8354 | Proteomics | Wiley-VCH-Verl. | 0 | ✔ |
1434-4610 | Protist | Elsevier. | 0 | ✔ |
1618-0941 | Protist (e-vir) | Urban u. Fischer | 0 | ✔ |
1680-0826 | Protistology | Omsk State Pedagogical University. | 0 | |
0033-183X | Protoplasma | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1615-6102 | Protoplasma (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0033-247X | Przegląd Zoologiczny | Polskie Towarzystwo Zoologiczne. | 0 | |
0033-2658 | Psychiatria et neurologia japonica | Japanese Society of Psychiatry and Neurology | 0 | |
0955-8829 | Psychiatric genetics | Clinical Neuroscience Publishers; Distributed by Portland Press | 0 | ✔ |
1473-5873 | Psychiatric genetics (e-vir) | [Clinical Neuroscience Publishers]; [Distributed by Portland Press] | 0 | ✔ |
0033-2720 | Psychiatric quarterly | Kluwer | 2 | ✔ |
1573-6709 | Psychiatric quarterly (e-vir) | Kluwer Online | 0 | ✔ |
0033-2747 | Psychiatry | Guilford Press | 0 | ✔ |
1943-281X | Psychiatry (e-vir) | Guilford Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0165-1781 | Psychiatry research | Elsevier/North-Holland | 0 | ✔ |
0925-4927 | Psychiatry research | Elsevier Scientific Publishers Ireland | 0 | ✔ |
1872-7123 | Psychiatry Research (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
0340-0727 | Psychological research | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1430-2772 | Psychological research = | Springer. | 0 | ✔ |
0306-4530 | Psychoneuroendocrinology | Pergamon Press. | 0 | ✔ |
1069-9384 | Psychonomic bulletin & review | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1531-5320 | Psychonomic bulletin & review (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0254-4962 | Psychopathology | S. Karger | 0 | ✔ |
1423-033X | Psychopathology | S. Karger | 0 | ✔ |
0033-3158 | Psychopharmacologia | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1432-2072 | Psychopharmacology | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0048-5772 | Psychophysiology | Society for Psychophysiological Research | 0 | ✔ |
1469-8986 | Psychophysiology (e-vir) | Blackwell Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0033-3174 | Psychosomatic medicine | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1534-7796 | Psychosomatic medicine (e-vir) | Lippincot | 0 | ✔ |
1423-0348 | Psychotherapy and psychosomatics (e-vir) | S. Karger | 0 | ✔ |
0033-3190 | Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics | Karger | 0 | ✔ |
0213-313X | Publicaciones de biología de la Universidad de Navarra | Universidad de Navarra. Departamento de Zoología.; Universidad de Navarra. Departamento de Zoología y Ecología. | 0 | |
1666-4523 | Publicación especial de la Sociedad Entomológica Argentina | Sociedad Entomológica Argentina | 0 | |
1516-4926 | Publicações avulsas do Instituto Pau Brasil de história natural | Instituto Pau Brasil de história natural | 0 | |
0100-6304 | Publicações Avulsas do Museu Nacional | Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Fórum de Ciência e Cultura, Museu Nacional | 0 | |
0037-2870 | Publications of the Seto Marine Biological Laboratory | Seto Marine Biological Laboratory | 0 | |
2045-8932 | Pulmonary circulation | University of Chicago Press | 0 | ✔ |
2045-8940 | Pulmonary circulation (e-vir) | University of Chicago Press | 0 | ✔ |
1094-5539 | Pulmonary pharmacology & therapeutics | Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
1522-9629 | Pulmonary pharmacology & therapeutics (e-vir) | Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
1016-1597 | Punjab University journal of zoology | Department of Zoology, University of the Punjab | 0 | ✔ |
2313-8556 | Punjab University journal of zoology (e-vir) | Department of Zoology, University of the Punjab | 0 | ✔ |
1573-9538 | Purinergic signalling | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1573-9546 | Purinergic signalling (e-vir) | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1023-8948 | Qatar University science journal | University of Qatar. Faculty of Science. | 0 | |
1460-2393 | QJM (e-vir) | Oxford University Press. | 0 | ✔ |
1460-2725 | QJM | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
2283-6918 | Quaderni del museo civico di storia naturale di Ferrara | Edizioni Cartografica | 0 | |
0393-0645 | Quaderni italiani di psichiatria | Masson Italia periodici | 0 | |
1028-6764 | Quadrifina | Naturhistorisches Museum Wien | 0 | |
0033-5770 | Quarterly review of biology | The University of Chicago press | 0 | ✔ |
0033-5894 | Quaternary research | Academic Press | 1 | ✔ |
1096-0287 | Quaternary research (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
0079-8843 | Queensland Naturalist | Queensland Naturalists Club. | 0 | |
0869-8031 | Radiacionnaâ biologiâ radioèkologiâ.; Радиационная биология радиоэкология | Nauka; Наука.; Rossijskaâ akademiâ nauk; Российская академия наук | 0 | |
1618-1786 | Radiata | AG Schildkröten in der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Herpetologie und Terrarienkunde e.V.; DGHT-AG Schildkröten. | 0 | |
0301-634X | Radiation and environmental biophysics | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1432-2099 | Radiation and environmental biophysics (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0033-7587 | Radiation research | Academic Press | 0 | |
1938-5404 | Radiation research (e-vir) | Academic Press | 0 | |
0033-8303 | Radioisotopes | Nippon Hoshasei Doigenso Kyokai | 0 | |
0033-8419 | Radiology | Radiological Society of North America. | 1 | ✔ |
1527-1315 | Radiology (e-vir) | Radiological Society of North America; High Wire Press | 0 | ✔ |
1879-0887 | Radiotherapy & Oncology (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
0167-8140 | Radiotherapy and oncology | Elsevier | 6 | ✔ |
0333-256X | Rangifer | Nordic Council for Reindeer Husbandry Research | 0 | |
1890-6729 | Rangifer (e-vir) | Nordic Council for Reindeer Husbandry Research | 0 | |
0951-4198 | Rapid communications in mass spectrometry | Heyden | 0 | ✔ |
1097-0231 | Rapid communications in mass spectrometry | John Wiley & Sons | 0 | ✔ |
0803-0421 | Rapportserie | Norsk polarinstitutt | 0 | |
0033-9946 | Rastitel'nye resursy | Nauka, Leningradskoe otdelenie | 0 | |
2038-1840 | Recenti progressi in medicina (e-vir) | Il Pensiero Scientifico | 0 | |
0034-1193 | Recenti Progressi in Medicina | Il Pensiero Scientifico | 0 | |
1174-9202 | Records of the Auckland Museum | Auckland War Memorial Museum. | 0 | |
2422-8567 | Records of the Auckland Museum (e-vir) | Auckland War Memorial Museum | 0 | |
0812-7387 | Records of the Australian Museum | Australian Museum | 0 | |
2201-4349 | Records of the Australian Museum (e-vir) | 0 | ||
0067-1975 | Records of the Australian Museum. Supplement | [b.i.] | 0 | |
0370-3878 | Records of the Canterbury Museum | Canterbury Museum (Christchurch, N.Z.); Canterbury Museum Trust Board (Christchurch, N.Z.) | 0 | |
0312-3162 | Records of the Western Australian Museum | Western Australian Museum. | 0 | |
1009-5470 | Redai haiyang xuebao | Kexue chubanshe | 0 | |
1005-3395 | Redai yaredai zhiwu xuebao.; 热带亚热带植物学报 | Kexue Chubanshe = ; Scinece Press; 科学出版社; Zhongguo Kexueyuan Hua'nan Zhiwu Yanjiusuo; 中国科学院华南植物研究所 | 0 | |
0370-4327 | Redia | Istituto Sperimentale per la Zoologia Agraria | 0 | |
2213-2317 | Redox biology (e-vir) | Elsevier | 1 | ✔ |
1351-0002 | Redox report | Churchill Livingstone | 0 | ✔ |
1743-2928 | Redox report (e-vir) | Churchill Livingstone | 0 | ✔ |
1746-0751 | Regenerative medicine | Future Medicine | 10 | ✔ |
1746-076X | Regenerative medicine (e-vir) | Future Medicine | 1 | ✔ |
1098-7339 | Regional anesthesia and pain medicine | Churchill Livingstone Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1532-8651 | Regional anesthesia and pain medicine (e-vir) | Churchill Livingstone | 0 | ✔ |
0273-2300 | Regulatory toxicology and pharmacology | Academic Press | 1 | ✔ |
1096-0295 | Regulatory toxicology and pharmacology (e-vir) | International Society of Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology. | 0 | |
0034-365X | Reinwardtia | Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional | 0 | |
2337-8824 | Reinwardtia (e-vir) | Pusat Penelitian Biologi, Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia | 0 | |
1510-0804 | Relevamientos de biodiversidad | Vida Silvestre, Sociedad Uruguaya para la Conservación de la naturaleza | 0 | |
2150-704X | Remote sensing letters | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
2150-7058 | Remote sensing letters (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0034-4257 | Remote sensing of environment | American Elsevier Pub. Co. | 0 | ✔ |
0886-022X | Renal failure | Marcel Dekker | 0 | ✔ |
1525-6049 | Renal failure (e-vir) | Marcel Dekker | 1 | ✔ |
0392-9531 | Rendiconti - Istituto lombardo. Accademia di scienze e lettere. B. Scienze chimiche e fisiche, geologiche, biologiche e mediche | Istituto lombardo di scienze e lettere | 0 | |
2037-4631 | Rendiconti lincei. Scienze fisiche e naturali | Springer Verlag Italia | 0 | ✔ |
2385-2623 | Rendiconti lincei. Scienze fisiche e naturali (e-vir) | Springer international publishing | 1 | |
0453-7831 | Reports from the Kevo Subarctic Research Station | University of Turku | 0 | |
0583-0923 | Reports of Faculty of Science, Shizuoka University | Shizuoka University. Faculty of Science. | 0 | |
1470-1626 | Reproduction | Journals of Reproduction and Fertility Ltd. | 0 | ✔ |
1741-7899 | Reproduction (e-vir) | Journals of Reproduction and Fertility Ltd. | 0 | ✔ |
1448-5990 | Reproduction, fertility, and development (e-vir) | CSIRO Pub. | 0 | ✔ |
1031-3613 | Reproduction, fertility and development | CSIRO | 0 | ✔ |
0936-6768 | Reproduction in domestic animals | Parey | 0 | ✔ |
1439-0531 | Reproduction in domestic animals (e-vir) | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1477-7827 | Reproductive biology and endocrinology (e-vir) | BioMed Central | 0 | ✔ |
1445-5781 | Reproductive medicine and biology | Japanese Society of Fertility and Sterility | 0 | ✔ |
1447-0578 | Reproductive medicine and biology (e-vir) | Blackwell Science | 0 | ✔ |
0890-6238 | Reproductive toxicology | Pergamon Press. | 0 | ✔ |
1873-1708 | Reproductive Toxicology (e-vir) | Pergamon | 0 | ✔ |
0555-7631 | Research Bulletin of the Panjab University. Science | Panjab University. | 0 | |
1087-111X | Research communications in biochemistry and cell & molecular biology | PJD Publications, | 0 | |
1087-0695 | Research communications in biological psychology and psychiatry | PJD Publications Ltd., | 0 | |
1078-0297 | Research communications in molecular pathology and pharmacology | PJD Publications | 0 | |
0073-8751 | Research communications - Institute for Fermentation, Osaka | 0 | ||
0891-4222 | Research in developmental disabilities | Pergamon Press | 0 | ✔ |
1873-3379 | Research in Developmental Disabilities (e-vir) | Pergamon | 0 | ✔ |
0923-2508 | Research in Microbiology | Institut Pasteur; Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1532-2661 | Research in veterinary science (e-vir) | Harcourt. | 0 | ✔ |
0034-5288 | Research in Veterinary Science | British Veterinary Association | 1 | ✔ |
0737-7150 | Research note PNW | Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station (Portland, Or.); Pacific Northwest Research Station (Portland, Or.) | 0 | |
0882-5165 | Research paper PNW | Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station (Portland, Or.); Pacific Northwest Research Station (Portland, Or.) | 0 | |
0921-3449 | Resources, conservation and recycling | Elsevier; Pergamon | 0 | ✔ |
1879-0658 | Resources, conservation and recycling (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1569-9048 | Respiratory physiology & neurobiology | Elsevier | 1 | ✔ |
1878-1519 | Respiratory physiology & neurobiology (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1061-2971 | Restoration ecology | Blackwell Scientific Publications, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1526-100X | Restoration ecology (e-vir) | Blackwell Science, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
0275-004X | Retina | Lippincott | 1 | ✔ |
1539-2864 | Retina (e-vir) | Lippincot | 0 | ✔ |
1742-4690 | Retrovirology (e-vir) | BioMed Central | 0 | ✔ |
0034-6233 | Reumatologia | Instytut Reumatologiczny | 0 | ✔ |
2084-9834 | Reumatologia | "Termedia" | 0 | ✔ |
1308-4119 | Review of hydrobiology | Yincilik Egitim Hizmetleri | 0 | |
0034-6667 | Review of palaeobotany and palynology | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1879-0615 | Review of palaeobotany and palynology (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
0325-7541 | Revista argentina de microbiología | Asociación Argentina de Microbiología | 0 | |
1851-7617 | Revista argentina microbiología (e-vir) | Asociación Argentina de Microbiología; Elsevier España | 0 | |
2027-8918 | Revista Biodiversidad Neotropical | Universidad Tecnolâogica del Chocâo | 0 | |
1806-9959 | Revista brasileira de botânica (e-vir) | Sociedade Botânica de São Paulo. | 0 | ✔ |
1806-9665 | Revista brasileira de entomologia (e-vir) | Sociedade Brasileira de Entomologia.; Elsevier | 0 | |
0085-5626 | Revista Brasileira de entomologia | Sociedade Brasileira de Entomologia. | 0 | |
0102-695X | Revista Brasileira de Farmacognosia | Sociedade Brasileira de Farmacognosia. | 0 | |
1981-528X | Revista Brasileira de Farmacognosia (e-vir) | Sociedade Brasileira de Farmacognosia; Elsevier | 1 | ✔ |
1519-7530 | Revista Brasileira de Paleontologia | Sociedade Brasileira de Paleontologia. | 0 | |
2236-1715 | Revista Brasileira de Paleontologia (e-vir) | Sociedade Brasileira de Paleontologia | 0 | |
1984-2961 | Revista Brasileira de Parasitologia Veterinária (e-vir) | Colégio Brasileiro de Parasitologia Veterinária | 0 | |
1516-0572 | Revista brasileira de plantas medicinais | Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho, Instituto de Biociências | 0 | |
1983-084X | Revista brasileira de plantas medicinais | Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho, Instituto de Biociências | 0 | |
1516-4446 | Revista Brasileira de Psiquiatria | Associação Brasileira de Psiquiatria | 0 | |
1809-452X | Revista Brasileira de Psiquiatria (e-vir) | Associação Brasileira de Psiquiatria; Elsevier | 0 | |
0102-0803 | Revista Brasileira de Reprodução Animal | Colégio Brasileiro de Reprodução Animal. | 0 | |
1517-6770 | Revista brasileira de zoociências | Editora da Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora | 0 | |
1516-3598 | Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia | Sociedade Brasileira de Zootecnia. | 0 | |
1806-9290 | Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia (e-vir) | Sociedade Brasileira de Zootecnia. | 1 | |
1027-152X | Revista Chapingo. Serie: Horticultura | Universidad autónoma Chapingo. | 0 | |
2007-4034 | Revista Chapingo serie horticultura | Universidad Autónoma Chapingo, Coordinación de Revistas Institucionales, Dirección General de Difusión Cultural y Servicio | 0 | |
0034-740X | Revista chilena de entomología | Sociedad Chilena de Entomología | 0 | |
0718-8994 | Revista chilena de entomología | Sociedad Chilena de Entomología | 0 | |
0716-078X | Revista chilena de historia natural | Sociedad de Biología de Chile | 0 | ✔ |
0717-6317 | Revista chilena de historia natural (e-vir) | Sociedad de Biología de Chile | 0 | ✔ |
0123-3475 | Revista colombiana de biotecnologia | Universidad Nacional de Colombia | 0 | ✔ |
1909-8758 | Revista colombiana de biotecnología (e-vir) | 0 | ✔ | |
0120-0488 | Revista colombiana de entomologia | Sociedad Colombiana de Entomologia | 0 | |
0048-7678 | Revista cubana de ciencias veterinarias | Consejo científico veterinario | 0 | |
1409-438X | Revista de agricultura tropical | Estación Experimental Fabio Baudrit. Universidad de Costa Rica | 0 | |
0034-7736 | Revista de biologia | F. Resende [etc.], | 0 | |
0717-3326 | Revista de biología marina y oceanografía | Facultad de Ciencias del Mar, Universidad de Valparaíso | 0 | |
0718-1957 | Revista de biología marina y oceanografía (e-vir) | Facultad de Ciencias del Mar, Universidad de Valparaíso | 0 | |
0034-7744 | Revista de biología tropical | Universidad de Costa Rica | 0 | ✔ |
2215-2075 | Revista de biología tropical (e-vir) | Universidad de Costa Rica | 0 | |
1808-4532 | Revista de Ciências Farmacêuticas Básica e Aplicada | Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho, Faculdade de Ciências Farmacêuticas | 0 | |
2179-443X | Revista de Ciências Farmacêuticas Básica e Aplicada (e-vir) | Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho, Faculdade de Ciências Farmacêuticas | 0 | |
1130-4723 | Revista de la Academia Canaria de Ciencias | Academia Canaria de Ciencias. | 0 | |
0370-4661 | Revista de la Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo | Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo | 0 | |
1853-8665 | Revista de la Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo (e-vir) | Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo | 0 | ✔ |
0373-5680 | Revista de la Sociedad Entomológica Argentina | Sociedad Entomológica Argentina | 0 | |
1851-7471 | Revista de la Sociedad Entomológica Argentina (e-vir) | Sociedad Entomológica Argentina | 0 | |
1514-5158 | Revista del Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales | Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales Bernardino Rivadavia e Instituto Nacional de Investigación de las Ciencias Naturales | 0 | |
1853-0400 | Revista del Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales (e-vir) | Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales Bernardino Rivadavia | 0 | |
1980-8178 | Revista de patologia tropical | Universidade Federal de Goiás, Instituto de Patologia Tropical | 0 | |
0301-0406 | Revista de Patologia Tropical | Universidade Federal de Goiás, Instituto de Patologia Tropical | 0 | |
0253-570X | Revista de salud animal | Centro nacional de salud animal | 0 | |
2224-4700 | Revista de salud animal | Centro Nacional de Sanidad Agropecuaria | 0 | |
2304-7623 | Revista de salud animal (e-vir) | Centro nacional de sanidad agropecuaria.; CENSA. | 0 | |
0034-8910 | Revista de saúde pública | Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Saúde Pública. | 0 | |
1518-8787 | Revista de saúde pública (e-vir) | Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Saúde Pública. | 0 | |
0073-9855 | Revista do Instituto Adolfo Lutz | Instituto Adolfo Lutz | 0 | |
0036-4665 | Revista do Instituto de Medicina Tropical de São Paulo | Universidade de São Paulo, Instituto de Medicina Tropical de São Paulo | 0 | |
1678-9946 | Revista do Instituto de Medicina Tropical de São Paulo (e-vir) | Universidade de São Paulo, Instituto de Medicina Tropical de São Paulo | 0 | |
0187-7380 | Revista fitotecnia mexicana | Sociedad Mexicana de Fitogenética. | 0 | |
1576-9518 | Revista ibérica de aracnología | Grupo Ibérico de Aracnología | 0 | |
1130-1406 | Revista iberoamericana de micología | Asociación Española de Especialistas en Micología.; Elsevier España | 0 | ✔ |
2173-9188 | Revista iberoamericana de micología (e-vir) | Asociación Española de Especialistas en Micología | 0 | |
1870-3453 | Revista mexicana de biodiversidad | UNAM, Instituto de Biología | 0 | ✔ |
2007-8706 | Revista mexicana de biodiversidad (e-vir) | Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Instituto de Biología; Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
0185-3309 | Revista mexicana de fitopatología | Sociedad Mexicana de Fitopatología. | 0 | |
2007-8080 | Revista mexicana de fitopatología.(en línea) (e-vir) | Sociedad Mexicana de Fitopatología | 0 | |
0187-3180 | Revista mexicana de micología | Sociedad Mexicana de Micología. | 0 | |
0100-7653 | Revista nordestina de biologia | Departamento de biologia, Centro de Ciências Exatas e da Natureza, Universidade Federal da Paraíba | 0 | |
1561-0837 | Revista peruana de biología | Facultad de ciencias biológicas de la Universidad nacional mayor de San Marcos | 0 | ✔ |
1727-9933 | Revista peruana de biología (e-vir) | Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. | 0 | ✔ |
0035-0389 | Revista portuguesa de ciências veterinárias | Sociedade Portuguesa de Ciências Veterinárias. | 0 | |
1606-7916 | Revista Salud pública de México (e-vir) | Instituto nacional de salud pública | 0 | |
0398-4346 | Revue arachnologique | Association française d'arachnologie | 0 | |
0398-7620 | Revue d'épidémiologie et de santé publique | Masson; Revue d'épidémiologie et de santé publique | 0 | |
0035-1598 | Revue de micropaléontologie | Laboratoire de micropaléontologie | 0 | ✔ |
1873-4413 | Revue de micropaléontologie (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
0253-6730 | Revue de paléobiologie | Muséum d'histoire naturelle; Ville | 0 | |
1661-5468 | Revue de paléobiologie | Muséum d'histoire naturelle de la Ville de Genève | 0 | |
0373-2851 | Revue des sciences naturelles d'Auvergne | Société d'histoire naturelle d'Auvergne | 0 | |
0035-2829 | Revue forestière française | Ecole nationale supérieure du génie rural, des eaux et des forêts | 0 | ✔ |
1951-6827 | Revue forestière française (e-vir) | Ecole nationale du génie rural, des eaux et des forêts | 0 | ✔ |
0035-3787 | Revue neurologique | Masson | 0 | ✔ |
1608-0637 | Revue scientifique et technique (e-vir) | Office international des épizooties. | 0 | |
0253-1933 | Revue scientifique et technique - Office international des épizooties | Office international des épizooties | 2 | ✔ |
0035-418X | Revue suisse de zoologie | [S.n.] | 0 | |
0971-2313 | Rheedea | Indian Association for Angiosperm Taxonomy.; IAAT. | 0 | |
1462-0324 | Rheumatology | Oxford University Press | 8 | ✔ |
1462-0332 | Rheumatology (e-vir) | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0172-8172 | Rheumatology international | Springer. | 0 | ✔ |
1437-160X | Rheumatology international | Springer. | 0 | ✔ |
0300-0729 | Rhinology | International Rhinologic Society | 0 | |
0035-4902 | Rhodora | New England Botanical Club. | 0 | |
1938-3401 | Rhodora (e-vir) | New England Botanical Club | 0 | |
1330-061X | Ribarstvo | Ribozajednica | 0 | ✔ |
Y500-4071 | Ribarstvo | Ribozajednica | 0 | |
0021-5104 | Rikusuigaku Zasshi | Nippon Rikusui Gakkai | 0 | |
2159-8355 | Ringing & migration (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0307-8698 | Ringing & Migration | British Trust for Ornithology | 0 | ✔ |
1535-1459 | River research and applications | John Wiley & Sons | 0 | ✔ |
1535-1467 | River research and applications (e-vir) | John Wiley & Sons | 0 | ✔ |
1868-5749 | River systems | Schweizerbart | 0 | |
2363-7137 | River systems (e-vir) | Schweizerbart Science Publ. | 0 | |
0048-8399 | Rivista di Idrobiologia | Rivista di Biologia. | 0 | |
0035-6883 | Rivista italiana di paleontologia e stratigrafia | Università degli studi. Istituto di geologia | 0 | |
2039-4942 | Rivista italiana di paleontologia e stratigrafia = | Università degli studi. Istituto di geologia; Università degli studi di Milano. Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra "A. Desio" | 0 | ✔ |
1355-8382 | RNA | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1469-9001 | RNA (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1547-6286 | RNA biology | Landes Bioscience | 0 | ✔ |
1555-8584 | RNA biology (e-vir) | Landes Bioscience | 0 | ✔ |
0068-466X | Rocznik Muzeum Górnoŝląskiego w Bytomiu | Muzeum Górnoŝląskie (Bytom) | 0 | |
0867-1966 | Rocznik Muzeum Górnoślęaskiego w Bytomiu. Entomologia | Muzeum Górnoślęaskie. | 0 | |
1224-5984 | Romanian Biotechnological Letters | Ars Docendi | 0 | |
1582-3318 | Romanian journal of biochemistry | Editura Academiei Române | 0 | |
2054-5703 | Royal Society open science (e-vir) | The Royal Society | 5 | ✔ |
0132-8069 | Russian entomological journal | KMK Scientific Press. | 1 | |
1068-1620 | Russian journal of bioorganic chemistry | Consultants Bureau | 0 | ✔ |
1608-330X | Russian journal of bioorganic chemistry (e-vir) | Nauka/Interperiodica | 0 | ✔ |
1062-3604 | Russian journal of developmental biology | Consultants Bureau | 0 | ✔ |
1608-3326 | Russian journal of developmental biology (e-vir) | Nauka/Interperiodica | 0 | ✔ |
1067-4136 | Russian journal of ecology | Consultants Bureau | 0 | ✔ |
1608-3334 | Russian journal of ecology (e-vir) | Nauka/Interperiodica | 0 | ✔ |
1022-7954 | Russian journal of genetics | Maik Nauka/Interperiodica Publishing. | 0 | ✔ |
1608-3369 | Russian journal of genetics (e-vir) | Kluwer Online | 0 | ✔ |
1026-2296 | Russian journal of herpetology | Folium Publishing Company. | 0 | |
1063-0740 | Russian journal of marine biology | Plenum Pub. Corp. | 0 | ✔ |
1608-3377 | Russian journal of marine biology (e-vir) | Nauka/interperiodica | 0 | ✔ |
0869-6918 | Russian journal of nematology | S.n.; Mylnefield Research Services [distributor] | 1 | |
1021-4437 | Russian journal of plant physiology | Interperiodica; Russian Academy of Sciences | 0 | ✔ |
1608-3407 | Russian journal of plant physiology (e-vir) | Nauka/Interperiodica | 0 | ✔ |
1682-3559 | Russian journal of theriology | KMK Scientific Press Ltd.. | 0 | |
2423-6608 | Rustani/ha (e-vir) | Muassisah-i tahiqat-i giyah/pizishki-i kishvar | 0 | |
1608-4306 | Rustanī'hā.; رستنیها | Muʼassasah taḥqīqāt-i āfāt va bīmārīhā-yi giyāhī; مؤسسه تحقیقات گیاهپزشکی کشور | 0 | |
0136-0027 | Ruthenica | Rutenika | 0 | |
2307-7336 | Ruthenica (e-vir) | Ruthenica | 0 | |
1344-7556 | Sake, Masu Shigen Kanri Sentäa kenkyäu häokoku | Fisheries Agency of Japan. National Salmon Resources Center.; National Salmon Resources Center. | 0 | |
0036-3375 | Salamandra | Deutsche Gesellschaft Fur Herpetologie und Terrarienkunde | 0 | |
0036-3634 | Salud pública de México | Instituto nacional de salud pública. | 0 | |
0256-9574 | SAMJ. South African medical journal | Publications Division of the Medical Association of South Africa; Health and Medical Publishing Group (Pty) Ltd, HMPG | 0 | ✔ |
0099-5894 | Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History Contributions in Science | [s.n.] | 0 | |
0036-472X | Sapporo Igaku Zasshi | Sapporo Ika Daigaku | 0 | |
1026-776X | SAR and QSAR in environmental research (e-vir) | Gordon and Breach Publishers. | 0 | |
1029-046X | SAR and QSAR in environmental research | Gordon and Breach Publishing Group. | 0 | ✔ |
1062-936X | SAR and QSAR in environmental research | Gordon and Breach Science Publishers | 1 | ✔ |
1357-714X | Sarcoma | Carfax; Hindawi Publishing Corporation | 0 | |
1369-1643 | Sarcoma (e-vir) | Carfax International Publishers | 0 | |
0379-5284 | Saudi medical journal | Medical Services Department, Saudi Arabian Armed Forces, Ministry of Defence and Aviation | 0 | |
1658-3175 | Saudi medical journal (e-vir) | Saudi medical journal | 0 | |
0373-2525 | Saussurea | Société botanique de Genève | 0 | |
0036-5513 | Scandinavian journal of clinical & laboratory investigation | Blackwell Scientific Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1502-7686 | Scandinavian journal of clinical and laboratory investigation (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0282-7581 | Scandinavian journal of forest research | Scandinavian University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1651-1891 | Scandinavian journal of forest research (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1502-7708 | Scandinavian journal of gastroenterology (e-vir) | Scandinavian University Press; Informa Healthcare | 1 | ✔ |
0036-5521 | Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology | Universitetsforlaget | 0 | ✔ |
0300-9475 | Scandinavian journal of immunology | Blackwell Sc. Publ. | 0 | ✔ |
1365-3083 | Scandinavian journal of immunology (e-vir) | Blackwell Science. | 0 | ✔ |
0901-3393 | Scandinavian journal of laboratory animal science | Scand-LAS | 0 | |
2002-0112 | Scandinavian journal of laboratory animal science (e-vir) | Scandinavian Society for Laboratory Animal Science | 0 | |
0905-7188 | Scandinavian journal of medicine & science in sports | Munksgaard | 2 | ✔ |
1600-0838 | Scandinavian journal of medicine & science in sports (e-vir) | Blackwell | 5 | ✔ |
0300-9742 | Scandinavian journal of rheumatology | Almqvist & Wiksell | 0 | ✔ |
1502-7732 | Scandinavian journal of rheumatology | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
2168-1805 | Scandinavian journal of urology | Informa Healthcare | 0 | |
2168-1813 | Scandinavian journal of urology (e-vir) | Informa Healthcare | 0 | ✔ |
0355-3140 | Scandinavian journal of work, environment & health | Swedish Medical Society; Occupational Health Foundation; Work Research Institutes; Workers' Protection Fund | 0 | ✔ |
1795-990X | Scandinavian journal of work, environment & health (e-vir) | Institute of Occupational Health | 0 | ✔ |
0586-7614 | Schizophrenia bulletin | U.S. Dept. of Health, Education and Welfare, Public Health Service, Alcohol, Drug Abuse and Mental Health Administration; [Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O., distributor] | 0 | ✔ |
1745-1701 | Schizophrenia bulletin (e-vir) | Oxford University Press on behalf of the Maryland Psychiatric Research Center; U.S. Dept. of Health, Education and Welfare, Public Health Service, Alcohol, Drug Abuse and Mental Health Administration | 0 | ✔ |
0920-9964 | Schizophrenia research | Elsevier Science | 0 | ✔ |
1573-2509 | Schizophrenia research (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1436-2317 | Schlechtendalia | Institut für Biologie, Institutsbereich Geobotanik und Botanischer Garten der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg. | 0 | |
0036-7281 | Schweizer Archiv fuer Tierheilkunde | Orell Füssli Graphische Betriebe AG | 0 | |
1664-2848 | Schweizer Archiv für Tierheilkunde (e-vir) | H. Huber, Hogrefe | 0 | |
0036-8075 | Science | American Association for the Advancement of Science | 5 | ✔ |
1095-9203 | Science (e-vir) | American Association for the Advancement of Science | 0 | ✔ |
0765-1597 | Science & sports | Ed. scientifiques Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1778-4131 | Science & sports (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | |
0194-262X | Science & technology libraries | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
1541-1109 | Science & technology libraries | Haworth Press | 0 | ✔ |
1513-1874 | ScienceAsia (e-vir) | Science Society of Thailand, under Royal Patronage and the National Research Council of Thailand | 0 | |
Y506-6417 | ScienceAsia (e-vir) | Science Society of Thailand | 0 | |
2095-9273 | Science Bulletin | Science China Press; Springer | 0 | ✔ |
2095-9281 | Science Bulletin (e-vir) | Science China Press; Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1674-7305 | Science China | Science China Press; Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1869-1889 | Science China | Science China Press; Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0048-9697 | Science of the total environment | Elsevier | 20 | ✔ |
1879-1026 | Science of the total environment (e-vir) | Elsevier | 2 | ✔ |
0040-8786 | Science reports of the Tohoku University, series 4. Biology | Tohoku University. | 0 | |
0076-0943 | Science series | Los Angeles Museum of History, Science, and Art.; Los Angeles County Museum.; Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History.; Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County. | 0 | |
1937-9145 | Science signaling (e-vir) | American Association for the Advancement of Science | 0 | ✔ |
1945-0877 | Science signaling | American Association for the Advancement of Science | 0 | ✔ |
1946-6234 | Science translational medicine | American Association for the Advancement of Science | 0 | ✔ |
1946-6242 | Science translational medicine (e-vir) | American Association for the Advancement of Science | 0 | ✔ |
1904-5484 | Scientia Danica | Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab. | 0 | |
0304-4238 | Scientia horticulturae | Elsevier | 1 | ✔ |
1879-1018 | Scientia horticulturae (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
0214-8358 | Scientia marina | Instituto de Ciencias del Mar | 0 | ✔ |
1886-8134 | Scientia marina (e-vir) | Institut de Ciències del Mar | 0 | ✔ |
1582-1366 | Scientia parasitologica | Scientia Parasitologica Pro Vita Foundation | 0 | |
0250-6432 | Scientific Council studies | Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization; Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization | 0 | |
2052-4463 | Scientific data (e-vir) | Nature Publishing Group | 3 | ✔ |
1094-0782 | Scientific papers | Natural history museum; The University of Kansas | 0 | |
0304-016X | Scientific report | International Pacific Halibut Commission. | 0 | |
2045-2322 | Scientific reports (e-vir) | Nature Publishing Group | 75 | ✔ |
0138-9130 | Scientometrics | Springer; Akadémiai Kiadó | 7 | ✔ |
1588-2861 | Scientometrics (e-vir) | Akadémiai Kiadó; [Kluwer Academic Publishers] | 1 | ✔ |
0250-4162 | Scopus | Ornithological Sub-Committee of the EANHS | 0 | |
0036-9144 | Scottish birds | Scottish Ornithologists' Club. | 0 | |
0036-9217 | Scottish Forestry | Royal Scottish Foresty Society | 0 | |
1147-7806 | Sécheresse | Ed. John Libbey Eurotext | 0 | |
1777-5922 | Sécheresse (e-vir) | J. Libbey Eurotext | 0 | |
0379-5594 | Seed research | Indian Soc. of Seed Technology | 0 | |
0251-0952 | Seed science and technology | International Seed Testing Association | 0 | |
1819-5717 | Seed science and technology (e-vir) | International Seed Testing Association | 0 | |
0960-2585 | Seed science research | CAB International | 0 | ✔ |
1475-2735 | Seed science research (e-vir) | CABI Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1096-0724 | Seed technology | Published jointly by Association of Official Seed Analysts [and] Society of Commercial Seed Technologists | 0 | |
1348-1371 | Seibutsuken kagaku | Hiroshima daigaku daigakuin seibutsuken kagaku kenkyuka, | 0 | |
1341-691X | Seibutsu seisangaku kenkyäu | Hiroshima University. Faculty of Applied Biological Science. | 0 | |
0080-8539 | Seiken Jiho | Kihara Institute for Biological Research.; Yokohama City University. Kihara Institute for Biological Research. | 0 | |
0131-6397 | Sel'skohozâjstvennaâ biologiâ | Kolos | 1 | |
0361-185X | Selbyana | Marie Selby Botanical Gardens. | 0 | |
2689-0682 | Selbyana (e-vir) | Marie Selby Botanical Gardens | 0 | |
1863-2297 | Seminars in immunopathology | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1863-2300 | Seminars in immunopathology (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0235-0092 | Sensornye sistemy.; Сенсорные системы | Nauka; Наука.; Российская академия наук | 0 | |
1661-5425 | Sexual development | S. Karger | 0 | ✔ |
1661-5433 | Sexual development | S. Karger | 0 | ✔ |
2195-2744 | Sexuality and early development in aquatic organism (e-vir) | 0 | ||
2195-2736 | Sexuality and early development in aquatic organisms | 0 | ||
0148-5717 | Sexually transmitted diseases | J.B. Lippincott Co. | 0 | ✔ |
1537-4521 | Sexually transmitted diseases (e-vir) | Lippincot | 0 | ✔ |
1368-4973 | Sexually transmitted infections | BMJ Publishing Group | 1 | ✔ |
1472-3263 | Sexually transmitted infections (e-vir) | BMJ Publishing Group | 0 | ✔ |
0371-0874 | Shengli xuebao | Zhongguo Yike Daxue Xuebao Bian-Wei-hui | 0 | |
1673-5897 | Shengtai duli xuebao | Gai Kan Bian-Wei-Hui | 0 | |
1000-4890 | Shengtaixue zazhi | Zhongguo Kexue Jishu Chubanshe, | 0 | |
1673-4831 | Shengtai yu nongcun huanjing xuebao | Zhongguo Huanjing Kexue Chubanshe | 0 | |
1005-0094 | Shengwu duoyangxing | Kexue Chubanshe | 0 | |
1000-3282 | Shengwu huaxue yu shengwu wuli jinzhan | Kexue Chubanshe, | 0 | |
1672-3678 | Shengwu jiagong guocheng | Gai Kan Bianjibu | 0 | |
1342-9272 | Shiga Daigaku Kyōiku Gakubu kiyō | Shiga Daigaku. Kyōiku Gakubu | 0 | |
0389-9128 | Shiga Shizen Kyäoiku Kenkyäu Shisetsu kenkyäu gyäoseki | Shinshu University. College of Education. Institute of Nature Education in Shiga Heights. | 0 | |
0037-3710 | Shika Gakuho | Tokyo Shika Daigaku Gakkai | 0 | |
0030-6150 | Shika igaku | Osaka shika igaku senmon gakko koyukai henshubu; Osaka Shika Gakkai; Osaka shika gakkai | 0 | |
0300-5267 | Shilap | Sociedad Hispano-Luso-Americana de Lepidopetología | 1 | |
2340-4078 | SHILAP (e-vir) | Sociedad Hispano-Luso-Americana de Lepidopterología | 0 | |
1343-3644 | Shimane Daigaku Seibutsu Shigen Kagakubu kenkyū hōkoku | Shimane Daigaku. Seibutsu Shigen Kagakubu | 0 | |
0916-4405 | Shinrin Sōgō Kenkyūjo kenkyū hōkoku | Nōrin Suisanshō Rin'yachō Shinrin Sōgō Kenkyūjo; Shinrin sogo kenkyujo; 森林総合研究所 | 0 | |
0387-0707 | Shokubutsu Boäekijo chäosa kenkyäu häokoku | Yokohama Plant Protection Station. | 0 | |
0022-2062 | Shokubutsu kenkyū zasshi | Shokubutsu Kenkyu Zasshisha; 植物研究雑誌社; Seikei gakuen shuppanbu; 成蹊学園出版部; Tsumura kenkyujo; 津村研究所; Tsumura; ツムラ | 0 | |
0301-9780 | Shokuhin Sōgō Kenkyūjo kenkyū hōkoku | Nōrinshō Sōgō Kenkyūjo; Nogyo Shokuhin Sangyo Gijutsu Sogo Kenkyu Kiko Shokuhin Sogo Kenkyujo; 農業食品産業技術総合研究機構食品総合研究所 | 0 | |
1000-1050 | Shoulei xuebao | Kexue Chubanshe | 0 | |
1018-7324 | Shuěichǎn yánjiäu | Táiwäanshěng shuěichǎn shìyànsuěo.; Taiwan Fisheries Research Institute.; TFRI. | 0 | |
1000-3207 | Shuisheng shengwu xuebao | Kexue Chubanshe | 0 | |
0037-5349 | Silvae Genetica | Sauerlander | 0 | ✔ |
2509-8934 | Silvae Genetica (e-vir) | De Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
0037-5330 | Silva Fennica | Suomen metsätieteellinen seura | 0 | ✔ |
1457-7356 | Silva Fennica | The Finnish Society of Forest Science | 0 | |
2242-4075 | Silva Fennica | Finnish Society of Forest Science | 1 | ✔ |
1813-1743 | Sindh University research journal (e-vir) | University of Sindh | 0 | |
2737-5935 | Singapore medical journal (e-vir) | Singapore Medical Association | 0 | ✔ |
0037-5675 | Singapore Medical Journal | Andre Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1225-8318 | Singmulbullyuhakoeji | Han-gug sigmul bunryu hag-hoe; 한국식물분류학회 | 0 | |
1330-0121 | Sjemenarstvo | Hrvatsko agronomsko društvo, Sekcija oplemenjivanja i sjemenarstva | 0 | |
2044-5040 | Skeletal muscle (e-vir) | BioMed Central | 1 | ✔ |
1660-5527 | Skin pharmacology and physiology | S. Karger | 0 | ✔ |
1660-5535 | Skin pharmacology and physiology (e-vir) | S. Karger | 0 | ✔ |
2472-5552 | SLAS discovery | Society for Laboratory Automation and Screening, | 0 | |
2472-5560 | SLAS discovery (e-vir) | SAGE | 0 | |
2472-6303 | SLAS technology | Society for Laboratory Automation and Screening, | 0 | ✔ |
2472-6311 | SLAS technology (e-vir) | SAGE | 1 | |
0161-8105 | Sleep | Raven Press | 0 | ✔ |
1550-9109 | Sleep (e-vir) | Associated Professional Sleep Societies | 0 | ✔ |
2957-4439 | Small carnivore conservation (e-vir) | IUCN SSC Small Carnivore Specialist Group | 0 | |
1019-5041 | Small Carnivore Conservation | IUCN SSC Small Carnivore Specialist Group | 0 | |
0921-4488 | Small ruminant research | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1879-0941 | Small ruminant research (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1684-4149 | Smithiana | South African Institute for Aquatic Biodiversity | 0 | |
1813-7458 | Smithiana | South African Institute for Aquatic Biodiversity.; SAIAB. | 0 | |
1684-4130 | Smithiana. Bulletin | SAIAB.; South African Institute for Aquatic Biodiversity.; JLB Smith Institute of Ichthyology. | 0 | |
0081-0223 | Smithsonian contributions to anthropology | Smithsonian Institution. | 0 | |
0081-024X | Smithsonian contributions to botany | [b.i.] | 0 | |
1938-2812 | Smithsonian contributions to botany (e-vir) | Smithsonian Institution Press | 0 | |
0081-0266 | Smithsonian contributions to paleobiology | Smithsonian Institution Press | 0 | |
1943-6688 | Smithsonian contributions to paleobiology (e-vir) | Smithsonian Institution. | 0 | |
0196-0768 | Smithsonian contributions to the marine sciences | Smithsonian Institution Press | 0 | |
0081-0282 | Smithsonian contributions to zoology | Smithsonian Institution Press | 0 | |
0361-6525 | Sociobiology | Department of Biological Sciences of California State University, Chico | 0 | ✔ |
2447-8067 | Sociobiology (e-vir) | Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana, Departamento de Ciências Biológicas | 0 | |
1532-0383 | Soil & sediment contamination | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1549-7887 | Soil & sediment contamination (e-vir) | CRC Lewis Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0167-1987 | Soil & tillage research | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1879-3444 | Soil & tillage research (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1801-5395 | Soil and Water Research | Czech Academy of Agricultural Sciences | 0 | |
1805-9384 | Soil and Water Research (e-vir) | Czech Academy of Agricultural Sciences | 0 | |
0038-0717 | Soil biology & biochemistry | Pergamon Press | 0 | ✔ |
1879-3428 | Soil biology and biochemistry (e-vir) | Elsevier Ltd. | 0 | ✔ |
1864-6417 | Soil organisms | Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde | 0 | |
2509-9523 | Soil organisms (e-vir) | 0 | ||
1838-675X | Soil research | Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization | 0 | ✔ |
1838-6768 | Soil research | CSIRO Pub. | 0 | ✔ |
0038-075X | Soil science | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; Wolters Kluwer | 0 | |
1538-9243 | Soil science | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins | 0 | |
1747-0765 | Soil science and plant nutrition (e-vir) | Society of the Science of Soil and Manure, Japan | 0 | ✔ |
0038-0768 | Soil Science and Plant Nutrition | Nippon Dojo Hiryo Gakkai; Japan Publications Co., Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
0361-5995 | Soil Science Society of America journal | Soil Science Society of America | 0 | ✔ |
1435-0661 | Soil Science Society of America journal | Springer. | 0 | ✔ |
0266-0032 | Soil use and management | Blackwell Scientific | 0 | ✔ |
1475-2743 | Soil use and management (e-vir) | CABI Publishing. | 0 | ✔ |
0899-0220 | Somatosensory & motor research | Guilford Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1369-1651 | Somatosensory & motor research (e-vir) | Carfax International Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0038-1578 | Sorui | Nippon Sorui Gakkai | 0 | |
0253-939X | South African Journal for Enology and Viticulture | South African Society for Enology and Viticulture | 0 | |
0375-1589 | South African journal of animal science | [s.n.] | 0 | |
2221-4062 | South African journal of animal science (e-vir) | South African Society for Animal Science | 0 | |
0254-6299 | South African journal of botany | Foundation for Education, Science and Technology. Bureau for Scientific Publications | 1 | ✔ |
2224-7904 | South African journal of enology and viticulture (e-vir) | South African Society for Enology and Viticulture | 0 | |
0257-1862 | South African journal of plant and soil | Foundation for Education, Science and Technology. Bureau for Scientific Publications.; Stigting vir Onderwys, Wetenskap en Tegnologie. Buro vir wetenskaplike publikasies.; South African Society of Crop Production.; Suid- Afrikaanse Vereniging vir Gewasproduksie.; Soil Science Society of South Africa.; Grondkunde Vereniging van Suid Afrika.; Southern African Weed Science Society.; Suider-Afrikaanse Vereniging vir Onkruidwetenskap. | 0 | ✔ |
2167-034X | South African journal of plant and soil (e-vir) | Bureau for Scientific Publications, Foundation for Education, Science and Technology | 0 | ✔ |
0038-2353 | South African journal of science | Associated Scientific and Technical Societies of South Africa; Bureau for Scientific Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1996-7489 | South African journal of science = | National Research Foundation (South Africa); Academy of Science of South Africa | 0 | ✔ |
2078-5135 | South African medical journal (e-vir) | Health and Medical Publishing Group | 0 | ✔ |
1808-9798 | South american journal of herpetology | Sociedade Brasileira de Herpetologia | 0 | |
0125-1562 | Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health | Regional Tropical Medicine and Public Health Project of SEAMEO. | 0 | |
1528-7092 | Southeastern naturalist | Humboldt Field Research Institute; Eagle Hill Institute | 0 | ✔ |
1938-5412 | Southeastern naturalist (e-vir) | Humboldt Field Research Institute | 0 | ✔ |
1029-5925 | Southern African forestry journal | SAIF | 0 | |
1991-9301 | Southern African forestry journal (e-vir) | Southern African Institute of Forestry | 0 | |
0038-4348 | Southern medical journal | Southern Medical Association. | 0 | |
1541-8243 | Southern medical journal | Southern Medical Association | 0 | |
1695-971X | Spanish journal of agricultural research | Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología, Servicio de Publicaciones. | 0 | ✔ |
2171-9292 | Spanish journal of agricultural research (e-vir) | Servicio de Publicaciones INIA | 4 | ✔ |
2255-0550 | Spanish journal of palaeontology | Sociedad Española de Paleontología | 0 | ✔ |
2660-9568 | Spanish journal of paleontology (e-vir) | Sociedad Española de Paleontología | 0 | ✔ |
0070-2242 | Special publication | Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research. | 0 | |
0145-9031 | Special publication / | Carnegie Museum of Natural History. | 0 | |
0084-8875 | Special report | Colorado. | 0 | |
1342-1670 | Species diversity | Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology; Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology | 0 | |
2189-7301 | Species diversity (e-vir) | Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology | 0 | |
0584-8547 | Spectrochimica acta | Pergamon Press; Elsevier Science | 0 | ✔ |
1386-1425 | Spectrochimica acta | Pergamon Press; Elsevier Science | 0 | ✔ |
1873-3557 | Spectrochimica acta (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1873-3565 | Spectrochimica acta (e-vir) | Elsevier BV | 0 | ✔ |
1362-4393 | Spinal cord | Nature publishing group | 0 | ✔ |
1476-5624 | Spinal cord (e-vir) | Springer Nature | 0 | ✔ |
0362-2436 | Spine | Medical Dept., Harper & Row Publishers. | 0 | ✔ |
1528-1159 | Spine (e-vir) | Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins | 0 | ✔ |
0341-8391 | Spixiana | Zoologische Staatssammlung | 0 | |
2193-1801 | SpringerPlus (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | |
0490-6756 | Ssu Ch'uan Ta Hsueh Hsueh Pao - Tzu Jan K'o Hsueh | Ssu Ch'uan Ta Hsueh, | 0 | |
1944-3277 | Standards in genomic sciences (e-vir) | Genomic Standards Consortium; Michigan State University | 0 | |
1521-379X | Stärke (e-vir) | J. Wiley & Sons | 0 | ✔ |
1544-6115 | Statistical applications in genetics and molecular biology (e-vir) | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
2194-6302 | Statistical applications in genetics and molecular biology | 0 | ✔ | |
1946-6315 | Statistics in biopharmaceutical research (e-vir) | American Statistical Association | 0 | ✔ |
0277-6715 | Statistics in medicine | Wiley | 1 | ✔ |
1097-0258 | Statistics in medicine (e-vir) | John Wiley & Sons | 0 | ✔ |
0375-2909 | Steenstrupia | Zoological Museum, University of Copenhagen | 0 | |
2213-6711 | Stem cell reports | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1873-5061 | Stem cell research | Elsevier Science | 1 | ✔ |
1876-7753 | Stem cell research (e-vir) | Elsevier | 1 | ✔ |
1757-6512 | Stem cell research & therapy (e-vir) | BioMed Central | 1 | ✔ |
1066-5099 | Stem cells | AlphaMed Press | 0 | ✔ |
1549-4918 | Stem cells (e-vir) | AlphaMed Press | 0 | ✔ |
1687-966X | Stem Cells International | Hindawi Publishing Corporation | 0 | ✔ |
1687-9678 | Stem Cells International (Online) (e-vir) | Hindawi Publishing Corporation | 0 | ✔ |
2157-6564 | Stem cells translational medicine | AlphaMed Press | 0 | ✔ |
2157-6580 | Stem cells translational medicine (e-vir) | The AlpaMed Press | 0 | ✔ |
1011-6125 | Stereotactic and functional neurosurgery | S. Karger | 0 | ✔ |
1423-0372 | Stereotactic and functional neurosurgery (e-vir) | S. Karger | 0 | ✔ |
0039-128X | Steroids | Holden-Day. | 0 | ✔ |
1878-5867 | Steroids (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
0179-7158 | Strahlentherapie und Onkologie | Springer | 1 | ✔ |
1439-099X | Strahlentherapie und Onkologie | Urban u. Vogel | 0 | ✔ |
1532-2998 | Stress and health (e-vir) | John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.; John Wiley & Sons | 1 | ✔ |
1532-3005 | Stress and health | John Wiley & Sons | 0 | ✔ |
0039-2499 | Stroke | American Heart Association | 1 | ✔ |
1524-4628 | Stroke (e-vir) | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; HighWire Press | 0 | ✔ |
0969-2126 | Structure | Elsevier Current Trends Journals | 0 | ✔ |
1878-4186 | Structure (e-vir) | Elsevier Science | 0 | ✔ |
0301-7001 | Studia Botanica Hungarica | Népmüvelési Propaganda Iroda | 0 | |
0039-3150 | Studia Forestalia Suecica | Sveriges Skogsvardsfoerbund | 0 | |
1221-8103 | Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai | Universitatea "Babeş-Bolyai"; Presa Universitară Clujeană | 0 | |
1805-5648 | Studies and Reports. Taxonomical Series | Nakladatelství Jan Farkač | 0 | |
0166-0616 | Studies in mycology | Centraalbureau voor schimmelcultures | 0 | |
1872-9797 | Studies in mycology (e-vir) | CBS-KNAW Fungal Biodiversity Centre; Elsevier B.V. | 0 | |
0165-0521 | Studies on neotropical fauna and environment | Swets & Zeitlinger. | 0 | ✔ |
1744-5140 | Studies on neotropical fauna and environment (e-vir) | Swets & Zeitlinger Pub. | 0 | ✔ |
2035-7699 | Studi trentini di scienze naturali | Museo tridentino di scienze naturali | 0 | |
0341-0145 | Stuttgarter Beiträge zur Naturkunde | Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde | 0 | |
0341-0153 | Stuttgarter Beiträge zur Naturkunde | Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde | 0 | |
2193-5513 | Stuttgarter Beiträge zur Naturkunde | Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde Stuttgart | 0 | |
1768-1448 | Subterranean biology | International Society of Subterranean Biology | 0 | ✔ |
1314-2615 | Subterranean Biology (e-vir) | Pensoft Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0039-4521 | Sudebno-medicinskaâ ekspertiza | Medicina | 0 | |
0363-0234 | Suicide & life-threatening behavior | Human Sciences Press | 0 | |
1943-278X | Suicide and life-threatening behavior (e-vir) | Human Sciences Press | 0 | |
2222-4173 | Suid-Afrikaanse tydskrif vir natuurwetenskap en tegnologie (e-vir) | AOSIS OpenJournals | 0 | ✔ |
0370-9361 | Suisan Daigakkō kenkyū hōkoku | Suisan Daigakkō | 0 | |
0916-1562 | Suisan kaiyō kenkyū | Suisan Kaiyō Gakkai | 0 | |
1346-9894 | Suisan sogo kenkyu senta kenkyu hokoku | Suisan sogo kenkyu senta, | 0 | |
0100-5405 | Summa phytopathologica | Grupo Paulista de Fitopatologia. | 0 | |
1980-5454 | Summa phytopathologica (e-vir) | Grupo Paulista de Fitopatologia | 0 | |
1983-2729 | Summa phytopathologica (e-vir) | Associação Paulista de Fitopatologia | 0 | |
0039-5471 | Suo = | Suoseura | 0 | ✔ |
2489-8740 | Suo - mires and peat (e-vir) | 0 | ✔ | |
0039-6060 | Surgery | C. V. Mosby Co. | 0 | ✔ |
1532-7361 | Surgery (e-vir) | Mosby | 0 | ✔ |
0389-5025 | Suzugamine Joshi Tandai kenkyu shuho. Shizen kagaku | Suzugamine Joshi Tanki Daigaku | 0 | |
0039-646X | Svensk Botanisk Tidskrift | Svenska Botaniska Foreningen | 0 | |
1661-8726 | Swiss journal of geosciences | Birkhäuser | 0 | ✔ |
1661-8734 | Swiss journal of geosciences (e-vir) | Birkhäuser | 0 | ✔ |
1664-2376 | Swiss journal of palaeontology | Birkhäuser | 0 | ✔ |
1664-2384 | Swiss journal of palaeontology (e-vir) | Birkhäuser | 0 | ✔ |
1424-3997 | Swiss medical weekly (e-vir) | EMH Schweizerischer Ärzteverlag | 1 | ✔ |
1424-7860 | Swiss medical weekly | EMH Swiss Medical Publishers Ltd | 0 | ✔ |
0082-0598 | Sydowia | Berger and Sohne, Ferdinand | 0 | |
0334-5114 | Symbiosis | Balaban Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1878-7665 | Symbiosis | Springer Netherlands | 0 | ✔ |
0082-0644 | Symbolae botanicae Upsalienses | Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis :; Almqvist & Wiksell International. | 0 | |
0887-4476 | Synapse | Alan R. Liss, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1098-2396 | Synapse (e-vir) | Alan R. Liss | 0 | ✔ |
1362-1971 | Systematic and applied acarology | Systematic and Applied Acarology Society. | 0 | |
0723-2020 | Systematic and applied microbiology | Fischer | 0 | ✔ |
1063-5157 | Systematic biology | Oxford University Press | 1 | ✔ |
1076-836X | Systematic biology (e-vir) | Society of Systematic Biologists | 0 | ✔ |
0363-6445 | Systematic botany | [American Society of Plant Taxonomists] | 0 | |
1548-2324 | Systematic botany | American Society of Plant Taxonomists | 0 | |
0307-6970 | Systematic entomology | Blackwell Scientific Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1365-3113 | Systematic entomology (e-vir) | Blackwell Science | 0 | ✔ |
0165-5752 | Systematic parasitology (e-vir) | Kluwer Online | 0 | ✔ |
1573-5192 | Systematic parasitology (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
1477-2000 | Systematics and biodiversity | Natural History Museum; Cambridge University Press | 1 | ✔ |
1478-0933 | Systematics and biodiversity (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
Y504-9016 | Systematics and biodiversity | Natural History Museum; Cambridge University Press | 0 | |
1939-6368 | Systems biology in reproductive medicine | Informa Healthcare | 1 | ✔ |
1939-6376 | Systems biology in reproductive medicine (e-vir) | Informa Healthcare | 0 | ✔ |
0379-4180 | Táiwäan shuěichǎnxué hui Käan | Táiwäan shuěichǎnxué hui. | 0 | |
0372-333X | Taiwania | Botany Department of the National Taiwan University. | 0 | |
1605-2471 | Taiwān nóngyè huàxué yǔ shípǐn kēxué | Zhōngguó nóngyè huàxuìhuì; Zhōnghuá mínguó shípǐn kēxué jìshù xuéhuì | 0 | |
1682-6485 | Táiwān shòuyīxué zázhì | Zhōnghuá mínguó shòuyī xuéhuì | 0 | |
1819-8317 | Taiwan yuanyi | Taiwan yuanyi xuehui. | 0 | |
0255-5905 | Táizhōng-qū nóngyè gǎiliáng chǎng yánjiū huìbào | Táizhōng-qū nóngyè gǎiliáng chǎng yánjiū huìbào | 0 | |
0039-9140 | Talanta | Pergamon Press | 3 | ✔ |
1873-3573 | Talanta (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
0375-3271 | Täokai Daigaku kiyäo. Kaiyäo Gakubu | Tokai University. Faculty of Marine Science and Technology.; Tokai University. School of Marine Science and Technology. | 0 | |
1057-7017 | Task force report | Council for Agricultural Science and Technology. | 0 | |
0040-0262 | Taxon | International bureau for plant taxonomy and nomenclature | 0 | ✔ |
1996-8175 | Taxon (e-vir) | International Bureau for Plant Taxonomy and Nomenclature; International Association for Plant Taxonomy | 0 | ✔ |
1649-1009 | Tearmann | University College, Dublin. Faculty of Agriculture.; Teagasc (Organisation) | 0 | |
0084-0564 | Technical bulletin | Wisconsin. | 0 | |
1031-8062 | Technical reports of the Australian Museum | Australian Museum. | 0 | |
1533-0338 | Technology in cancer research and treatment (e-vir) | Adenine Press | 0 | ✔ |
1533-0346 | Technology in cancer research and treatment | Adenine Press | 0 | ✔ |
0280-6509 | Tellus | Swedish geophysical society; Munksgaard | 0 | ✔ |
1600-0889 | Tellus (e-vir) | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
2200-4025 | Telopea | The Royal Botanic Garden and Domain Trust | 0 | |
0312-9764 | Telopea / | National Herbarium of New South Wales.; Royal Botanic Gardens (Sydney, N.S.W.) | 0 | |
0040-3660 | Terapevtičeskij arhiv | Medicina | 0 | |
2309-5342 | Terapevtičeskij arhiv (e-vir) | Media Sfera | 0 | |
0040-4020 | Tetrahedron | Pergamon Press | 1 | ✔ |
1464-5416 | Tetrahedron (e-vir) | Elsevier Science | 0 | ✔ |
0040-4039 | Tetrahedron letters | Pergamon Press | 0 | ✔ |
0730-2347 | Texas Heart Institute journal | Cardiovascular Surgical Research Laboratories, Texas Heart Institute | 0 | |
1526-6702 | Texas Heart Institute journal (e-vir) | Texas Heart Institute | 0 | |
1210-0420 | Thaiszia | Botanical Garden, P. J. Šafárik University | 0 | |
0212-5919 | Thalassas | Universidade de Vigo, Servicio de Publicacions. | 0 | ✔ |
2366-1674 | Thalassas (e-vir) | 0 | ✔ | |
1550-7416 | The AAPS Journal (e-vir) | American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists | 0 | ✔ |
1110-5879 | The African Journal of Mycology and Biotechnology | Itiḥaād al-Afrīqī lil-Fiṭriyyaāt | 0 | |
0002-8703 | The American heart journal | C. V. Mosby Co. | 0 | ✔ |
1879-1913 | The American journal of cardiology (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | |
0002-9149 | The American Journal of Cardiology | Excerpta Medica | 1 | ✔ |
0192-415X | The American journal of Chinese medicine | Institute for Advanced Research in Asian Science and Medicine. | 0 | ✔ |
0002-9165 | The American journal of clinical nutrition | American Society for Nutrition | 1 | ✔ |
1938-3207 | The American journal of clinical nutrition (e-vir) | The American Society for Nutrition, with the assistance of Highwire Press | 0 | ✔ |
0095-2990 | The American journal of drug and alcohol abuse | Marcel Dekker | 0 | ✔ |
0195-7910 | The American journal of forensic medicine and pathology | Raven Press | 0 | ✔ |
0002-9270 | The American journal of gastroenterology | The Association | 1 | ✔ |
1572-0241 | The American journal of gastroenterology (e-vir) | Elsevier Science | 0 | ✔ |
0002-9343 | The American journal of medicine | Cahners Pub. Co. | 0 | ✔ |
0002-9440 | The American journal of pathology | American Association of Pathologists and Bacteriologists | 0 | ✔ |
1525-2191 | The American journal of pathology (e-vir) | American Society for Investigative Pathology | 0 | ✔ |
0002-953X | The American journal of psychiatry | American Psychiatric Association | 0 | ✔ |
1535-7228 | The American journal of psychiatry (e-vir) | American Psychiatric Association | 0 | ✔ |
0363-5465 | The American journal of sports medicine | Williams & Wilkins Co. | 0 | ✔ |
1552-3365 | The American journal of sports medicine (e-vir) | Sage Publications | 0 | ✔ |
0147-5185 | The American journal of surgical pathology | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins | 2 | ✔ |
1532-0979 | The American journal of surgical pathology (e-vir) | Lippincott-Raven Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0002-9629 | The American journal of the medical sciences | J.B. Lippincott, Co. | 0 | ✔ |
1538-2990 | The American journal of the medical sciences (e-vir) | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins | 0 | ✔ |
0002-9637 | The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene | Allen Press, etc. | 1 | ✔ |
1476-1645 | The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene (e-vir) | American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene | 0 | ✔ |
0003-0031 | The American midland naturalist | University of Notre Dame. | 0 | |
1938-4238 | The American midland naturalist (e-vir) | University of Notre Dame | 0 | |
0003-0147 | The American naturalist | The University of Chicago Press | 1 | ✔ |
1537-5323 | The American naturalist (e-vir) | Essex Institute | 0 | ✔ |
1932-8486 | The anatomical record | John Wiley & Sons | 0 | ✔ |
1932-8494 | The anatomical record (e-vir) | John Wiley & Sons, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
0003-4894 | The Annals of otology, rhinology & laryngology | Annals Pub. Co. | 0 | ✔ |
1943-572X | The Annals of otology, rhinology & laryngology (e-vir) | Jones H. Parker | 0 | ✔ |
1542-6270 | The annals of pharmacotherapy (e-vir) | Harvey Whitney Books Co. | 0 | ✔ |
1060-0280 | The Annals of pharmacotherapy | Harvey Whitney Books Co. | 1 | ✔ |
2168-1074 | The Arboricultural journal (e-vir) | [Arboricultural Association] | 0 | ✔ |
1938-4254 | The auk (e-vir) | Estes & Lauriat | 0 | |
0004-8038 | The Auk | American Ornithologists' Union | 0 | ✔ |
1320-6133 | The Australian entomologist | Entomological Society of Queensland. | 0 | |
0006-3185 | The Biological bulletin | Marine biological laboratory | 0 | ✔ |
1061-5466 | The birds of North America | American Ornithologists' Union.; Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia.; Cornell University. | 0 | |
2190-7307 | The Bonn zoological bulletin | Zoologisches Forschungsmuseum Alexander Koenig | 1 | |
0006-8101 | The Botanical review | New York Botanical Garden | 0 | ✔ |
1874-9372 | The Botanical review (e-vir) | Springer; New York Botanical Garden Press | 0 | ✔ |
0524-1685 | The Bovine practitioner | American Association of Bovine Practitioners. | 0 | |
1532-3080 | The breast (e-vir) | Harcourt Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0960-9776 | The Breast | Churchill Livingstone | 2 | ✔ |
1472-1465 | The British journal of psychiatry (e-vir) | Royal Medico-psychological Association | 0 | ✔ |
1938-4378 | The bryologist | Sullivant Moss Chapter of the Agassiz Association] | 0 | |
0007-2745 | The Bryologist | American Bryological and Lichenological Society | 0 | |
1918-3240 | The Canadian entomologist | Entomological Society of Canada | 0 | ✔ |
0828-282X | The Canadian journal of cardiology | Canadian Cardiology Publications. | 0 | ✔ |
2057-0155 | The Canadian journal of neurological sciences (e-vir) | Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences | 0 | ✔ |
1540-336X | The cancer journal (e-vir) | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; Jones and Bartlett Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1528-9117 | The Cancer Journal | Jones and Bartlett | 0 | ✔ |
0304-4920 | The chinese journal of physiology | National Yang-Ming University | 0 | |
0010-065X | The Coleopterists' bulletin | Coleopterists' Society. | 0 | |
1938-4394 | The coleopterists bulletin (e-vir) | Sherwood Press | 0 | |
1938-5129 | The condor (e-vir) | Cooper Ornithological Club | 0 | |
0010-5422 | The Condor | Cooper Ornithological Society | 0 | ✔ |
1021-2787 | The Dhaka University journal of biological sciences | Dhaka University | 0 | |
0261-4189 | The EMBO journal | IRL Press | 0 | ✔ |
1460-2075 | The EMBO journal (e-vir) | Wiley | 0 | ✔ |
0158-4197 | The Emu | The Union | 0 | ✔ |
0019-4816 | The Indian Forester | Forest Research Institute | 0 | |
0019-5022 | The Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences | Indian Council of Agricultural Research | 0 | |
2394-3319 | The Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences (e-vir) | Indian Council of Agricultural Research | 0 | |
0019-509X | The Indian Journal of Cancer | Indian Cancer Society | 0 | ✔ |
0971-5916 | The Indian journal of medical research | Indian Council of Medical Research | 0 | |
1998-3751 | The Indian journal of pharmacology | Medknow Publications Pvt. Ltd. | 0 | ✔ |
1724-6040 | The International Journal of Artificial Organs (e-vir) | Wichtig. | 0 | ✔ |
1878-5875 | The international journal of biochemistry & cell biology (e-vir) | Elsevier Ltd. | 0 | ✔ |
2151-3732 | The International journal of biodiversity science, ecosystem services & management | Taylor & Francis. | 0 | |
0393-6155 | The international journal of biological markers | Wichtig Editore | 0 | ✔ |
1724-6008 | The International Journal of Biological Markers (e-vir) | Wichtig | 0 | ✔ |
1557-4679 | The international journal of biostatistics (e-vir) | de Gruyter | 0 | ✔ |
2194-573X | The international journal of biostatistics | 0 | ||
0214-6282 | The international journal of developmental biology | University of the Basque Country Press | 0 | ✔ |
1696-3547 | The International journal of developmental biology | University of the Basque Country Press. | 0 | ✔ |
0276-3478 | The international journal of eating disorders | Van Nostrand Reinhold | 0 | ✔ |
0020-7233 | The International journal of environmental studies | Gordon and Breach. | 0 | ✔ |
1026-7476 | The International journal of environmental studies (e-vir) | Gordon and Breach Publishers | 0 | |
0948-3349 | The international journal of life cycle assessment | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1614-7502 | The international journal of life cycle assessment (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1461-1457 | The international journal of neuropsychopharmacology | Cambridge University Press | 1 | ✔ |
1469-5111 | The international journal of neuropsychopharmacology (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1350-4509 | The international journal of sustainable development and world ecology | Sapiens | 0 | ✔ |
1745-2627 | The international journal of sustainable development and world ecology (e-vir) | Parthenon Pub. Group] | 0 | ✔ |
1049-8001 | The International journal of wildland fire | Fire Research Institute | 0 | ✔ |
1029-788X | The Iranian journal of botany | Research Institute of Forests and Rangelands | 0 | |
1751-7362 | The ISME journal | Nature Publishing Group | 2 | ✔ |
1751-7370 | The ISME journal (e-vir) | Nature Pub. Group | 0 | ✔ |
0096-851X | The Journal of abnormal and social psychology | Boyd Printing | 0 | |
1469-5146 | The journal of agricultural science (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0021-8596 | The Journal of Agricultural Science | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1085-8725 | The journal of allergy and clinical immunology (e-vir) | American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology. | 0 | |
1097-6825 | The journal of allergy and clinical immunology (e-vir) | Elsevier | 1 | ✔ |
0091-6749 | The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology | Mosby | 1 | ✔ |
1365-2656 | The journal of animal ecology (e-vir) | University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1542-2666 | The journal of applied research in veterinary medicine | Therapeutic Solutions LLC | 0 | |
2374-7129 | The journal of applied research in veterinary medicine (e-vir) | Veterinary Solutions | 0 | |
1937-2396 | The journal of arachnology | American Arachnological Society | 0 | |
0161-8202 | The Journal of arachnology | American Arachnological Society | 0 | ✔ |
1756-2651 | The journal of biochemistry (e-vir) | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0021-9258 | The Journal of biological chemistry | American Society of Biological Chemists. | 2 | ✔ |
1540-8140 | The journal of cell biology (e-vir) | Rockefeller University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0021-9525 | The Journal of cell biology | Rockefeller University Press. | 0 | ✔ |
1561-0713 | The journal of cetacean research and management | International Whaling Commission. | 0 | |
2312-2692 | The journal of cetacean research and management (e-vir) | International Whaling Commission | 0 | |
1945-7197 | The journal of clinical endocrinology & metabolism (e-vir) | Endocrine Society | 3 | ✔ |
0021-972X | The Journal of clinical endocrinology & metabolism | Issued for the Endocrine Society by the Williams & Wilkins Co. | 1 | ✔ |
1558-8238 | The journal of clinical investigation (e-vir) | American Society for Clinical Investigation | 0 | ✔ |
0021-9738 | The Journal of clinical investigation | American Society for Clinical Investigation. | 0 | ✔ |
1552-4604 | The journal of clinical pharmacology (e-vir) | American College of Clinical Pharmacology | 0 | ✔ |
0091-2700 | The Journal of clinical pharmacology | Hall Associates, etc. | 0 | ✔ |
0019-5138 | The Journal of Communicable Diseases | Indian Society for Malaria and other Communicable Diseases. | 0 | ✔ |
1096-9861 | The Journal of comparative neurology (e-vir) | Wistar Institute of Anatomy and Biology | 0 | ✔ |
0093-4127 | The Journal of comparative psychology | Williams & Wilkins | 0 | |
1479-6805 | The journal of endocrinology (e-vir) | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1550-7408 | The journal of eukaryotic microbiology (e-vir) | The International Society of Protistologists. | 0 | ✔ |
1066-5234 | The Journal of eukaryotic microbiology | Society of Protozoologists | 0 | ✔ |
1477-9145 | The journal of experimental biology | Company of Biologists. | 0 | ✔ |
1540-9538 | The journal of experimental medicine (e-vir) | Rockefeller University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0022-1007 | The Journal of experimental medicine | Rockefeller University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1099-498X | The journal of gene medicine | John Wiley & Sons | 0 | ✔ |
1521-2254 | The journal of gene medicine (e-vir) | J. Wiley & Sons | 0 | ✔ |
1540-7748 | The journal of general physiology | Rockefeller University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0022-1295 | The Journal of general physiology | Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research | 0 | ✔ |
1557-3117 | The journal of heart and lung transplantation | Elsevier Science | 1 | ✔ |
0022-1503 | The Journal of heredity | American Genetic Association | 0 | ✔ |
0022-1554 | The Journal of histochemistry and cytochemistry | Williams & Wilkins Co. | 1 | ✔ |
1462-0316 | The journal of horticultural science & biotechnology | Headley Brothers Ltd. | 0 | ✔ |
2380-4084 | The journal of horticultural science & biotechnology (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1532-2939 | The journal of hospital infection (e-vir) | Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
0195-6701 | The Journal of hospital infection | W.B. Saunders | 1 | ✔ |
0022-1767 | The journal of immunology | Williams & Wilkins | 1 | ✔ |
1550-6606 | The journal of immunology (e-vir) | HighWire Press | 0 | ✔ |
1537-6613 | The journal of infectious diseases (e-vir) | Published by the University of Chicago Press for the Infectious Diseases Society of America | 0 | ✔ |
0022-1899 | The Journal of infectious diseases | University of Chicago Press | 2 | ✔ |
0022-202X | The Journal of investigative dermatology | Williams & Wilkins | 0 | ✔ |
1748-5460 | The journal of laryngology & otology (e-vir) | Headley Brothers; Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0022-2631 | The journal of membrane biology | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1432-1424 | The journal of membrane biology (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1943-7811 | The journal of molecular diagnostics (e-vir) | American Society for Investigative Pathology and the Association for Molecular Pathology | 0 | ✔ |
0260-1230 | The journal of molluscan studies | Angus Graham Associates | 0 | ✔ |
1464-3766 | The journal of molluscan studies (e-vir) | Angus Graham Associates | 0 | ✔ |
1539-736X | The journal of nervous and mental disease (e-vir) | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins | 0 | ✔ |
1529-2401 | The journal of neuroscience (e-vir) | Society for Neuroscience | 0 | ✔ |
0270-6474 | The Journal of neuroscience | The Society | 1 | ✔ |
0161-5505 | The Journal of nuclear medicine | Society of Nuclear Medicine | 1 | ✔ |
1535-5667 | The Journal of nuclear medicine (e-vir) | Society of Nuclear Medicine | 0 | |
0022-3166 | The Journal of nutrition | Oxford University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1541-6100 | The Journal of nutrition (e-vir) | American Institute of Nutrition | 0 | ✔ |
0955-2863 | The Journal of nutritional biochemistry | Butterworth Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1873-4847 | The Journal of nutritional biochemistry (e-vir) | Elsevier Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1937-2345 | The journal of parasitology (e-vir) | Henry B. Ward | 0 | |
0022-3395 | The Journal of parasitology | American Society of Parasitologists | 0 | |
0022-3417 | The Journal of pathology | Longman | 0 | ✔ |
1096-9896 | The Journal of pathology (e-vir) | John Wiley & Sons | 0 | ✔ |
1097-6833 | The journal of pediatrics (e-vir) | Mosby | 0 | |
0022-3476 | The Journal of pediatrics | C. V. Mosby. | 0 | ✔ |
1521-0103 | The journal of pharmacology and experimental therapeutics (e-vir) | American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics | 1 | ✔ |
0022-3565 | The Journal of pharmacology and experimental therapeutics | Williams & Wilkins | 1 | ✔ |
0022-3751 | The journal of physiology | Cambridge University Press | 3 | ✔ |
1469-7793 | The journal of physiology (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 7 | ✔ |
0892-1016 | The Journal of raptor research | Raptor Research Foundation | 0 | |
0022-4324 | The journal of research on the Lepidoptera | Lepidoptera Research Foundation. | 0 | |
1499-2752 | The journal of rheumatology (e-vir) | Journal of Rheumatology Pub. Co.. | 0 | ✔ |
1748-5827 | The journal of small animal practice (e-vir) | BVA Publications | 0 | ✔ |
1879-1220 | The Journal of steroid biochemistry and molecular biology (e-vir) | Elsevier Ltd. | 1 | ✔ |
0022-4804 | The Journal of surgical research | Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
1520-9024 | The journal of the Acoustical Society of America (e-vir) | Acoustical Society of America through the American Institute of Physics | 0 | |
0001-4966 | The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America | American Institute of Physics for the Acoustical Society of America | 0 | ✔ |
1520-8524 | The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America (e-vir) | Acoustical Society of America | 1 | |
0587-2871 | The Journal of the American Animal Hospital Association | American Animal Hospital Association | 0 | |
0002-8177 | The Journal of the American Dental Association | American Dental Association | 0 | ✔ |
1523-7834 | The journal of the Association of Genetic Technologists | The Association | 0 | |
0896-8381 | The Journal of the Iowa Academy of Science | The Academy | 0 | |
1095-5674 | The journal of the Torrey Botanical Society | The Society | 0 | |
1940-0616 | The journal of the Torrey Botanical Society (e-vir) | Torrey Botanical Society | 0 | |
2163-0755 | The journal of trauma and acute care surgery | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins | 0 | ✔ |
2163-0763 | The journal of trauma and acute care surgery (e-vir) | Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins | 0 | ✔ |
1527-3792 | The journal of urology (e-vir) | Lippincott, Williams & Willkins | 0 | |
0022-5347 | The Journal of urology | Williams and Wilkins Co. | 0 | ✔ |
1678-9180 | The Journal of venomous animals and toxins including tropical diseases (e-vir) | Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho, Centro de Estudos de Venenos e Animais Peçonhentos | 0 | |
1678-9199 | The Journal of venomous animals and toxins including tropical diseases | UNESP, Centro de Estudos de Venenos e Animais Peçonhentos. | 0 | |
1937-2817 | The journal of wildlife management (e-vir) | Wildlife Society | 0 | ✔ |
0022-541X | The Journal of wildlife management | Wildlife Society. | 0 | ✔ |
2005-6648 | The Korean journal of internal medicine (e-vir) | Korean Association of Internal Medicine | 0 | |
2093-3827 | The Korean journal of physiology & pharmacology (e-vir) | Korean Physiological Society and Korean Society of Pharmacology | 0 | |
1939-5604 | The l & o on cd-rom (e-vir) | American Society of Limnology and Oceanography. | 0 | |
0140-6736 | The Lancet | J. Onwhyn; Elsevier | 6 | ✔ |
1474-547X | The Lancet (e-vir) | Elsevier; Lancet Publishing Group | 3 | ✔ |
1096-1135 | The Lichenologist | Academic Press. | 0 | ✔ |
0026-282X | The microscope | Microscope Publications | 0 | |
0970-258X | The National Medical Journal of India | Oxford University Press | 0 | |
0028-1344 | The Nautilus | American Malacologists, Inc. | 0 | |
0028-4793 | The New England journal of medicine | Massachusetts Medical Society | 2 | ✔ |
1533-4406 | The New England journal of medicine (e-vir) | Massachusetts Medical Society, NEJM Group | 3 | ✔ |
1121-7138 | The New microbiologica | L.A. Seragnoli, Department of Hematology and Oncologie Sciences Section of Microbiology, University of Bologna; Edizioni Internazionali | 1 | |
1469-8137 | The new phytologist (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press. | 2 | ✔ |
0028-646X | The New phytologist | Academic Press. | 0 | ✔ |
0077-9962 | The New Zealand entomologist | Taylor & Francis Group [etc.] | 0 | ✔ |
1179-3430 | The New Zealand entomologist (e-vir) | Entomological Society of New Zealand | 0 | ✔ |
0030-0950 | The Ohio journal of science | Ohio Academy of Science | 0 | ✔ |
2471-9390 | The Ohio journal of science (e-vir) | 0 | ✔ | |
0177-798X | Theoretical and applied climatology | Springer | 1 | ✔ |
1434-4483 | Theoretical and applied climatology (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1432-2242 | Theoretical and applied genetics (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0040-5752 | Theoretical and Applied Genetics | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
2197-0025 | Theoretical and Experimental Plant Physiology (e-vir) | Springer Internat. Publ. | 0 | ✔ |
1742-4682 | Theoretical biology and medical modelling | BioMed Central | 0 | |
1874-1738 | Theoretical ecology | Springer Netherlands | 0 | ✔ |
1874-1746 | Theoretical ecology (e-vir) | Springer Netherlands | 0 | ✔ |
0040-5809 | Theoretical population biology | Academic Press. | 0 | ✔ |
1096-0325 | Theoretical population biology (e-vir) | Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
0030-5553 | The Oriole | Georgia Ornithological Society. | 0 | |
1431-7613 | Theory in biosciences = | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1611-7530 | Theory in biosciences = | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0030-6525 | The Ostrich | Institute of African Ornithology | 0 | ✔ |
0030-9818 | The Pakistan journal of forestry | Pakistan Forest Institute | 0 | |
0031-0603 | The Pan-Pacific entomologist | Pacific Coast Entomological Society. | 0 | |
2162-0237 | The Pan-Pacific entomologist (e-vir) | Pacific Coast Entomological Society.; California Academy of Sciences. | 0 | |
0891-3668 | The Pediatric infectious disease journal | Williams & Wilkins | 0 | ✔ |
1532-0987 | The Pediatric infectious disease journal (e-vir) | Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins | 0 | ✔ |
1473-1150 | The pharmacogenomics journal (e-vir) | Nature Publishing Group | 1 | ✔ |
1532-298X | The plant cell (e-vir) | American Society of Plant Physiologists | 0 | ✔ |
1040-4651 | The Plant cell | American Society of Plant Physiologists | 0 | ✔ |
1940-3372 | The plant genome (e-vir) | Crop Science Society of America | 0 | ✔ |
0960-7412 | The plant journal | Blackwell Scientific | 1 | ✔ |
1365-313X | The plant journal (e-vir) | Blackwell Science | 0 | ✔ |
2093-9280 | The plant pathology journal (e-vir) | Korean Society of Plant Pathology | 0 | ✔ |
0032-2474 | The Polar record | Scott Polar Research Institute | 0 | ✔ |
0091-0376 | The Prairie naturalist | North Dakota Natural Science Society.; Great Plains Natural Science Society. | 0 | |
1097-0045 | The prostate | Wiley-Liss | 0 | ✔ |
0270-4137 | The Prostate | Wiley | 0 | ✔ |
1572-3887 | The protein journal | Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1875-8355 | The Protein journal | Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
0033-2933 | The Psychological record | Denison University | 0 | ✔ |
2163-3452 | The Psychological record | Denison University | 0 | ✔ |
1747-0218 | The quarterly journal of experimental psychology | Psychology Press | 0 | ✔ |
1747-0226 | The quarterly journal of experimental psychology (e-vir) | Psychology Press | 0 | ✔ |
1539-7718 | The quarterly review of biology (e-vir) | Williams & Wilkins | 0 | ✔ |
0969-3823 | The Quekett journal of microscopy | Quekett Microscopical Club. | 0 | |
0217-2445 | The Raffles bulletin of zoology | Department of Zoology, National University of Singapore. | 0 | |
1838-7640 | Theranostics (e-vir) | Ivyspring International Publisher | 1 | ✔ |
0163-4356 | Therapeutic drug monitoring | Raven Press | 0 | ✔ |
1536-3694 | Therapeutic drug monitoring | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins | 0 | ✔ |
0040-5957 | Thérapie | Société de thérapeutique et de pharmacodynamie | 0 | ✔ |
1958-5578 | Thérapie (e-vir) | EDP sciences | 0 | ✔ |
0093-691X | Theriogenology | Geron-X. | 1 | ✔ |
1879-3231 | Theriogenology (e-vir) | Elsevier Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
2007-3364 | Therya | Asociación Mexicana de Mastozoología, A. C. | 0 | |
0147-1724 | The Southwestern entomologist | Southwestern Entomological Society; Society of Southwestern Entomologists | 0 | |
2162-2647 | The Southwestern entomologist (e-vir) | Southwestern Entomological Society. | 0 | |
0038-4909 | The Southwestern naturalist | Southwestern Association of Naturalists] | 0 | |
1943-6262 | The Southwestern naturalist (e-vir) | Southwestern Association of Naturalists | 0 | |
0040-4403 | The Texas journal of science | Texas Academy of Science. | 0 | |
1046-8390 | The University of Kansas paleontological contributions | University of Kansas. | 0 | |
0195-5616 | The Veterinary clinics of North America | W. B. Saunders Co. | 0 | ✔ |
1090-0233 | The veterinary journal | Ballière Tindall | 0 | ✔ |
1532-2971 | The veterinary journal (e-vir) | Harcourt | 0 | ✔ |
1875-5941 | The Veterinary quarterly | Euroscience | 0 | ✔ |
2208-6277 | The Victorian naturalist (e-vir) | Field Naturalists' Club of Victoria, | 0 | |
0726-9609 | The Western Australian naturalist | Western Australian Naturalists' Club. | 0 | |
1559-4491 | The Wilson journal of ornithology | Wilson Ornithological Society | 0 | ✔ |
1938-5447 | The Wilson journal of ornithology (e-vir) | Wilson Ornithological Society | 0 | ✔ |
0044-0086 | The Yale journal of biology and medicine | Yale Journal of Biology and medicine | 0 | |
1551-4056 | The Yale journal of biology and medicine (e-vir) | Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine | 0 | |
0040-6376 | Thorax | British Medical Association | 0 | ✔ |
1468-3296 | Thorax (e-vir) | BMJ Publishing Group | 0 | ✔ |
0340-6245 | Thrombosis and haemostasis | Schattauer | 1 | ✔ |
2567-689X | Thrombosis and haemostasis (e-vir) | Schattauer | 0 | |
0049-3848 | Thrombosis research | Pergamon Press. | 0 | ✔ |
1877-959X | Ticks and tick-borne diseases | Elsevier, Urban u. Fischer | 0 | ✔ |
1877-9603 | Ticks and tick-borne diseases (e-vir) | [Elsevier, Urban u. Fischer] | 0 | |
0040-7453 | Tijdschrift voor diergeneeskunde | Koninklijke Nederlandse Maatschappij voor Diergeneeskunde :; Beijers | 0 | |
0040-7496 | Tijdschrift voor entomologie | Netherlands Entomological Society | 0 | ✔ |
2211-9434 | Tijdschrift voor entomologie (e-vir) | Nederlandse Entomologische Vereniging | 0 | ✔ |
1405-888X | Tip revista especializada en ciencias químico-biológicas | UNAM, Facultad de Estudios Superiores, FES Zaragoza | 0 | |
0563-587X | Tiscia | Tiszakutató Egyesület | 0 | |
1532-3072 | Tissue & cell (e-vir) | Longman Group | 0 | ✔ |
0040-8166 | Tissue & Cell | Longman Group | 0 | ✔ |
1937-3341 | Tissue engineering | Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1937-335X | Tissue engineering | Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1937-3384 | Tissue engineering | Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1937-3392 | Tissue engineering (e-vir) | Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
2212-5469 | Tissue engineering and regenerative medicine | Springer Netherlands | 0 | ✔ |
1360-2276 | TM & IH. Tropical medicine and international health | Blackwell Science | 0 | ✔ |
0040-8727 | Tohoku journal of experimental medicine | Tohoku University Medical Press. | 0 | |
1349-3329 | Tohoku journal of experimental medicine | Tohoku University Medical Press | 0 | |
0869-7922 | Toksikologičeskij vestnik.; Токсикологический вестник | Rossijskij registr potencialʹno opasnyh himičeskih i biologičeskih veŝestv; Российский регистр потенциально опасных химических и биологических веществ | 0 | |
0375-9202 | Tokyo Nogyo Daigaku nogaku shuho | Tokyo Nogyo Daigaku | 0 | |
0277-2248 | Toxicological and environmental chemistry | Gordon and Breach Science Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1029-0486 | Toxicological and environmental chemistry | Gordon and Breach Publishing Group. | 0 | ✔ |
0092-9867 | Toxicological and environmental chemistry reviews | Gordon and Breach Science Publishers. | 0 | |
1096-0929 | Toxicological sciences (e-vir) | Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
1096-6080 | Toxicological sciences | Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
0192-6233 | Toxicologic pathology | Society of Toxicologic Pathologists | 0 | ✔ |
1533-1601 | Toxicologic pathology | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0300-483X | Toxicology | North-Holland Publishing | 2 | ✔ |
1879-3185 | Toxicology (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
0041-008X | Toxicology and applied pharmacology | Academic Press. | 2 | ✔ |
1096-0333 | Toxicology and applied pharmacology (e-vir) | Academic Press | 0 | |
1026-7832 | Toxicology and environmental chemistry (e-vir) | Gordon and Breach | 0 | |
2005-9752 | Toxicology and environmental health sciences | Korean Society of Environmental Risk Assessment and Health Science | 0 | |
2233-7784 | Toxicology and environmental health sciences (e-vir) | Korean Society of Environmental Risk Assessment and Health Science | 0 | ✔ |
0748-2337 | Toxicology and industrial health | Princeton Scientific Pub. Co. | 0 | ✔ |
1477-0393 | Toxicology and industrial health (e-vir) | Stockton Press | 0 | ✔ |
0976-5131 | Toxicology international (e-vir) | Medknow Publications & Media Pvt. Ltd. | 0 | |
0887-2333 | Toxicology in vitro | Pergamon | 0 | ✔ |
1879-3177 | Toxicology in Vitro (e-vir) | Pergamon | 2 | ✔ |
0378-4274 | Toxicology letters | Elsevier/North-Holland | 0 | ✔ |
1879-3169 | Toxicology letters (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1537-6516 | Toxicology mechanisms & methods | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1537-6524 | Toxicology mechanisms and methods (e-vir) | Taylor and Francis | 0 | ✔ |
2045-452X | Toxicology research | Royal Society of Chemistry (Great Britain); British Toxicology Society.; Zhongguo du li xue hui. | 0 | |
2045-4538 | Toxicology research (e-vir) | Royal Society of Chemistry | 0 | |
0041-0101 | Toxicon | Pergamon press | 4 | ✔ |
1879-3150 | Toxicon (e-vir) | Elsevier . | 0 | ✔ |
1556-9543 | Toxin reviews | Taylor & Francis, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1556-9551 | Toxin reviews (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
2072-6651 | Toxins (e-vir) | MDPI | 6 | ✔ |
0165-9936 | TrAC | Elsevier | 1 | ✔ |
0946-2104 | Trace elements and electrolytes | Dustri-Verl. Feistle | 0 | |
1879-3142 | TrAC trends in analytical chemistry (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1398-9219 | Traffic | Munksgaard; Blackwell Science | 0 | ✔ |
1600-0854 | Traffic (e-vir) | Munksgaard; Blackwell Science | 0 | ✔ |
Y505-8422 | Traffic | Munksgaard; Blackwell Science | 0 | |
Y505-8430 | Traffic (e-vir) | Munksgaard; Blackwell Science | 0 | |
0019-2252 | Transactions | Illinois State Academy of Science | 0 | |
0002-8320 | Transactions of the American Entomological Society | Society at the Academy of Natural Sciences | 0 | |
2162-3139 | Transactions of the American Entomological Society (e-vir) | American Entomological Society | 0 | |
0002-8487 | Transactions of the American Fisheries Society | American Fisheries Society | 0 | ✔ |
1548-8659 | Transactions of the American Fisheries Society | American Fisheries Society | 0 | ✔ |
0022-8443 | Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science | Kansas Academy of Science | 0 | |
1938-5420 | Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science | Kansas Academy of Science | 0 | |
0544-540X | Transactions of the Missouri Academy of Science | Missouri Academy of Science | 0 | |
0144-221X | Transactions of the Natural History Society of Northumbria | Natural History Society of Northumbria.; Natural History Society of Northumbria. | 0 | |
0077-6351 | Transactions of the Nebraska Academy of Sciences | Nebraska Academy of Sciences. | 0 | |
2154-0098 | Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa | Taylor & Francis; Unisa Press | 0 | ✔ |
0035-919X | Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia | [b.i.] | 0 | ✔ |
2204-0293 | Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia (e-vir) | Taylor and Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0372-1426 | Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia, Incorporated | Royal Society of South Australia. | 0 | ✔ |
0084-0505 | Transactions of the Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts, and Letters | Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts, and Letters | 0 | |
1865-1674 | Transboundary and emerging diseases | Parey | 1 | ✔ |
1865-1682 | Transboundary and emerging diseases (e-vir) | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
0041-1132 | Transfusion | American Association of Blood Banks, etc. | 0 | ✔ |
1537-2995 | Transfusion (e-vir) | American Association of Blood Banks | 0 | ✔ |
1473-0502 | Transfusion and apheresis science | Pergamon; Elsevier Science | 0 | ✔ |
0962-8819 | Transgenic research | Chapman & Hall | 0 | ✔ |
1573-9368 | Transgenic research (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
2081-3856 | Translational Neuroscience | Versita | 0 | |
1936-5233 | Translational oncology (e-vir) | Neoplasia Press | 0 | ✔ |
1944-7124 | Translational oncology | Neoplasia Press | 0 | ✔ |
1878-1810 | Translational research (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1931-5244 | Translational research | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
2164-2591 | Translational vision science & technology (e-vir) | Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology | 1 | ✔ |
0041-1337 | Transplantation | Williams & Wilkins Co. | 4 | ✔ |
1534-6080 | Transplantation (e-vir) | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins | 0 | ✔ |
1873-2623 | Transplantation proceedings (e-vir) | Elsevier Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
0041-1345 | Transplantation Proceedings | Grune & Stratton | 0 | ✔ |
1223-2254 | Travaux du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle "Grigore Antipa" | Muzeul Naţional de Istoire Naturalæa "Grigore Antipa". | 0 | ✔ |
2247-0735 | Travaux du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle "Grigore Antipa" (e-vir) | Muzeul Naţional de Istoire Naturală "Grigore Antipa" Bucureşti | 0 | ✔ |
1614-2942 | Tree genetics & genomes | Springer. | 1 | ✔ |
1614-2950 | Tree genetics & genomes | Springer. | 0 | ✔ |
0829-318X | Tree physiology | Heron Pub. | 1 | ✔ |
1758-4469 | Tree physiology (e-vir) | Heron | 1 | ✔ |
1536-1098 | Tree-ring research | Tree-Ring Society with the cooperation of the Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research] | 0 | |
2162-4585 | Tree-ring research (e-vir) | Tree-Ring Society with the cooperation of the Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research | 0 | |
0931-1890 | Trees | Springer International; Springer | 2 | ✔ |
1432-2285 | Trees (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0915-7352 | Trends in glycoscience and glycotechnology | FCCA; FCCA; FCCA ;; Nihon toshitsu gakkai; FCCA ;; Nihon toshitsu gakkai | 0 | |
1573-7438 | Tropical animal health and production (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0049-4747 | Tropical Animal Health and Production | E. & S.Livingstone | 1 | ✔ |
0127-5720 | Tropical biomedicine | Malaysian Society of Parasitology and Tropical Medicine | 0 | |
1940-0829 | Tropical conservation science (e-vir) | Mongabay.com | 0 | ✔ |
0049-4755 | Tropical doctor | Royal Society of Medicine (Great Britain) | 0 | ✔ |
1758-1133 | Tropical doctor (e-vir) | RSM Press | 0 | ✔ |
0564-3295 | Tropical Ecology | International Society for Tropical Ecology. | 0 | ✔ |
2661-8982 | Tropical Ecology (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1048-8138 | Tropical lepidoptera | Association for Tropical Lepidoptera. | 0 | |
1062-6581 | Tropical Lepidoptera news | Association for Tropical Lepidoptera. | 0 | |
1941-7659 | Tropical lepidoptera research | Association for Tropical Lepidoptera | 0 | ✔ |
2575-9256 | Tropical lepidoptera research (e-vir) | Association for Tropical Lepidoptera | 0 | ✔ |
1365-3156 | Tropical medicine & international health (e-vir) | Blackwell Science | 0 | ✔ |
1935-9756 | Tropical plant biology | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1935-9764 | Tropical plant biology (e-vir) | Springer Science+Business Media | 0 | ✔ |
1982-5676 | Tropical plant pathology | Sociedade Brasileira de Fitopatologia | 0 | |
1983-2052 | Tropical plant pathology (e-vir) | Springer Internat. Publ. | 0 | ✔ |
0394-6975 | Tropical zoology | Il Sedicesimo | 0 | |
1970-9528 | Tropical zoology (e-vir) | Firenze University Press | 0 | |
0771-3312 | Tropicultura | Instituut voor Tropische Geneeskunde. | 0 | |
2295-8010 | Tropicultura (e-vir) | Instituut voor Tropische Geneeskunde | 0 | |
0206-0477 | Trudy Zoologičeskogo instituta | Russian academy of sciences | 0 | |
2221-3996 | Trudy Zoologičeskogo instituta Rossijskoj akademii nauk.; Труды Зоологического института Российской академии наук (e-vir) | Zoologičeskij institut Rossijskoj akademii nauk; Зоологический институт Российской академии наук | 0 | |
1472-9792 | Tuberculosis | Churchill Livingstone | 0 | ✔ |
0722-494X | Tuexenia | Floristisch-Soziologische Arbeitsgemeinschaft e.V. | 0 | |
1173-4337 | Tuhinga | The Museum | 0 | ✔ |
2253-5861 | Tuhinga (e-vir) | Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa | 0 | ✔ |
0082-6782 | Tulane Studies in Zoology and Botany, Tulane University | [b.i.] | 0 | |
0300-8916 | Tumori journal | Wichtig Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
2038-2529 | Tumori journal (e-vir) | Wichtig Editore | 0 | ✔ |
1300-011X | Turkish journal of agriculture and forestry | Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey | 1 | |
1303-6173 | Turkish journal of agriculture and forestry (e-vir) | Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey | 0 | |
1300-0152 | Turkish journal of biology | Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey | 0 | |
1300-008X | Turkish journal of botany | Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey | 0 | |
1303-6106 | Turkish journal of botany (e-vir) | Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey | 0 | |
Y508-8925 | Turkish journal of botany (e-vir) | Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey | 0 | |
1300-0160 | Turkish journal of engineering and environmental sciences | Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey | 0 | |
2536-491X | Turkish journal of entomology (e-vir) | Türk Entomoloji Derneği | 0 | |
1303-2712 | Turkish journal of fisheries and aquatic sciences | Central Fisheries Research Institute (CFRI) | 0 | |
1300-0179 | Turkish journal of zoology | Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey | 0 | |
1010-6960 | Türkiye entomoloji dergisi | Türk Entomoloji Derneği | 0 | |
1300-6320 | Türkiye parazitoloji dergisi | Türkiye Parazitoloji Derneği | 0 | |
2146-3077 | Türkiye parazitoloji dergisi (e-vir) | Türkiye parazitoloji derneægi | 0 | |
0042-6857 | Uirusu | Nihon uirusu gakkai; Nihon uirusu gakkai | 0 | |
2415-8860 | Ukrainian botanical journal (e-vir) | M.G. Kholodny Institute of Botany, NAS of Ukraine | 0 | |
0201-8470 | Ukrainskij biohimičeskij žurnal | Izdatel'stva "Naukova Dumka" | 0 | |
0372-4123 | Ukrajin'skyj botaničnyj žurnal | Vidavnictvo "Naukova dumka" | 0 | |
0304-3991 | Ultramicroscopy | North-Holland Publ. Co. | 0 | ✔ |
1879-2723 | Ultramicroscopy (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1879-291X | Ultrasound in medicine & biology (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
0301-5629 | Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology | Pergamon Press | 0 | ✔ |
0191-3123 | Ultrastructural pathology | Hemisphere | 0 | ✔ |
1521-0758 | Ultrastructural pathology (e-vir) | Taylor and Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1066-2936 | Undersea & hyperbaric medicine | The Society | 0 | |
0300-9734 | Uppsala Journal of Medical Sciences | [S.n.] | 0 | |
2000-1967 | Upsala journal of medical sciences | Upsala Medical Society; Informa Healthcare | 0 | |
1083-8155 | Urban ecosystems | Chapman & Hall | 1 | ✔ |
1573-1642 | Urban ecosystems (e-vir) | Chapman & Hall | 0 | ✔ |
1610-8167 | Urban forestry & urban greening (e-vir) | Urban u. Fischer. | 1 | ✔ |
1618-8667 | Urban Forestry and Urban Greening | Urban & Fisher Verlag GmbH & Co. KG | 0 | ✔ |
2194-7228 | Urolithiasis | 0 | ✔ | |
2194-7236 | Urolithiasis (e-vir) | Springer | 1 | ✔ |
1728-2985 | Urologiâ | Medicina; Bionika | 0 | |
1423-0399 | Urologia internationalis (e-vir) | S. Karger | 0 | ✔ |
0042-1138 | Urologia Internationalis | Karger; Albert J. Phiebig Inc | 0 | ✔ |
0090-4295 | Urology | Cahners Pub. Co., etc. | 0 | ✔ |
1527-9995 | Urology (e-vir) | Elsevier Science | 0 | ✔ |
1537-6176 | Ursus | International Association for Bear Research and Management | 0 | |
1938-5439 | Ursus (e-vir) | International Association for Bear Research and Management | 0 | |
0301-1798 | Uspehi fiziologičeskih nauk.; Успехи физиологических наук | Nauka; Наука.; Rossijskaâ akademiâ nauk; Российская академия наук | 0 | |
0566-4691 | Utsunomiya Daigaku Nogakubu Gakujutsu Hokoku | Utsunomiya Daigaku Nogakubu | 0 | |
0256-971X | Uttar Pradesh journal of zoology | Sanatan arm College. P G Department of Zoology. Uttar Pradesh Zoological Society. | 0 | |
0264-410X | Vaccine | Butterworth Scientific | 2 | ✔ |
1873-2518 | Vaccine (e-vir) | Elsevier Ltd. | 0 | ✔ |
2230-2298 | Vaccine | Dovepress | 0 | |
0301-1526 | VASA | H. Huber | 3 | |
1664-2872 | VASA (e-vir) | Hogrefe | 3 | |
1537-1891 | Vascular pharmacology | Elsevier Science | 0 | ✔ |
1879-3649 | Vascular pharmacology (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1200-670X | Vecteur environnement | Association québécoise des techniques de l'environnement.; Réseau environnement. | 0 | |
1557-7759 | Vector borne and zoonotic diseases | Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1530-3667 | Vector borne and zoonotic diseases. | Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. | 1 | ✔ |
0939-6314 | Vegetation history and archaeobotany | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1617-6278 | Vegetation history and archaeobotany (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1348-2955 | Venus | Nihon kairui gakkai,; Nihon kairui gakkai | 0 | |
0945-4292 | Verhandlungen des Botanischen Vereins von Berlin und Brandenburg | Botanischer Verein von Berlin und Brandenburg | 0 | |
0173-749X | Verhandlungen des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins in Hamburg | Goecke & Evers | 0 | |
1864-5755 | Vertebrate zoology | Museum für Tierkunde | 1 | ✔ |
2625-8498 | Vertebrate zoology (e-vir) | Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung; Senckenberg Naturhistorische Sammlungen Dresden; Staatliches Museum für Tierkunde Dresden | 0 | ✔ |
0042-4609 | Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii | Medicina | 0 | |
2313-6294 | Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii (e-vir) | Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii | 0 | |
0137-0944 | Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta | Izdatel'stvo Moskovskogo universiteta | 0 | |
0137-0952 | Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta | Izdatel'stvo Moskovskogo universiteta | 0 | |
2949-6144 | Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta; Вестник Московского университета (e-vir) | Izdatelʹskij dom Moskovskogo universiteta; Издательский дом Московского университета | 0 | |
0042-4668 | Vestnik otorinolaringologii | Medicina | 0 | |
0084-5604 | Vestnik zoologii | Institut zoologii im. I. I. Ščmalʹ gauzena NAN Ukrainy | 0 | |
2073-2333 | Vestnik zoologii (e-vir) | I.I. Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology | 0 | |
0301-5092 | Veterinaria | Universidad nacional autónoma. | 0 | |
2007-5472 | Veterinaria (e-vir) | Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia | 0 | |
0372-5480 | Veterinarski arhiv | Veterinarski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu | 4 | |
1331-8055 | Veterinarski arhiv (e-vir) | University of Zagreb, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine | 0 | |
0350-2457 | Veterinarski glasnik | Veterinarski fakultet | 0 | ✔ |
2406-0771 | Veterinarski glasnik (e-vir) | Veterinarski fakultet | 0 | ✔ |
0275-6382 | Veterinary clinical pathology | Veterinary Practice Pub. Co. | 0 | ✔ |
1939-165X | Veterinary clinical pathology (e-vir) | Veterinary Practice Pub. Co. | 0 | ✔ |
1878-1306 | Veterinary clinics of North America (e-vir) | Elsevier Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
0165-2427 | Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1873-2534 | Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
0378-1135 | Veterinary Microbiology | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1873-2542 | Veterinary Microbiology (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1463-5216 | Veterinary ophthalmology | Blackwell Science | 0 | ✔ |
1463-5224 | Veterinary ophthalmology (e-vir) | Blackwell Pub. | 0 | ✔ |
1873-2550 | Veterinary parasitology (e-vir) | Elsevier BV | 0 | ✔ |
0304-4017 | Veterinary Parasitology | Associated Scientific Publ. | 0 | ✔ |
0165-2176 | Veterinary quarterly | Nijhoff | 0 | ✔ |
1058-8183 | Veterinary radiology & ultrasound | American College of Veterinary Radiology. | 0 | ✔ |
1740-8261 | Veterinary radiology & ultrasound (e-vir) | Blackwell Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
0928-4249 | Veterinary research | Editions scientifiques d'Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1297-9716 | Veterinary research (e-vir) | EDP sciences; BioMed Central | 0 | ✔ |
0165-7380 | Veterinary research communications | Elsevier; Kluwer Academic Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1573-7446 | Veterinary research communications (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0161-3499 | Veterinary surgery | Lippincott | 0 | ✔ |
1532-950X | Veterinary surgery (e-vir) | Harcourt Health Sciences; Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
0042-5184 | Victorian naturalist | Field Naturalists Club of Victoria. | 0 | |
0240-8759 | Vie et milieu | Masson | 0 | |
0210-945X | Vieraea | Museum Scientiarum Naturalium Nivariense.; Museo Insular de Ciencias Naturales. Santa Cruz de Tenerife. | 0 | |
0042-5672 | Vierteljahrsschrift der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Zürich | Naturforschende Gesellschaft | 0 | |
0882-8245 | Viral immunology | Mary Ann Liebert | 1 | ✔ |
1557-8976 | Viral immunology (e-vir) | Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1432-2307 | Virchows archiv (e-vir) | Springer | 5 | ✔ |
0945-6317 | Virchows Archiv | Springer | 3 | ✔ |
0042-658X | Virginia journal of science | Virginia Academy of Science. | 0 | |
1995-820X | Virologica sinica (e-vir) | Wuhan Institute of Virology; Springer-Verlag GmbH | 0 | ✔ |
1674-0769 | Virologica Sinica | Science Press | 0 | |
1267-8694 | Virologie | John Libbey Eurotext | 0 | ✔ |
1950-6961 | Virologie (e-vir) | J. Libbey Eurotext | 0 | ✔ |
0042-6822 | Virology | Academic Press. | 0 | ✔ |
1096-0341 | Virology (e-vir) | Academic Press; Elsevier | 0 | |
1743-422X | Virology journal (e-vir) | Biomed Central. | 0 | ✔ |
2150-5594 | Virulence | Landes Bioscience | 0 | ✔ |
2150-5608 | Virulence | Landes Bioscience | 0 | ✔ |
2347-3517 | Virusdisease (e-vir) | Springer (India) Pvt. Ltd. | 0 | ✔ |
2347-3584 | Virusdisease | Springer (India) Pvt. Ltd. | 0 | |
1999-4915 | Viruses (e-vir) | MDPI | 8 | ✔ |
0920-8569 | Virus genes (e-vir) | Kluwer Online | 0 | ✔ |
1572-994X | Virus genes (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0168-1702 | Virus Research | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1872-7492 | Virus Research (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
0042-6989 | Vision Research | Pergamon Press. | 0 | ✔ |
1878-5646 | Vision Research (e-vir) | Pergamon | 0 | ✔ |
0952-5238 | Visual neuroscience | Cambridge University Press. | 0 | ✔ |
1469-8714 | Visual neuroscience (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0042-7500 | Vitis | Institut für Rebenzüchtung Geilweilerhof des Julius Kühn-Instituts, Bundesforschungsanstalt für Kulturpflanzen | 0 | |
2367-4156 | Vitis (e-vir) | Julius Kühn-Institut (JKI), Bundesforschungsinstitut für Kulturpflanzen | 0 | |
1431-6722 | Vogelkundliche Hefte Edertal für den Landkreis Waldeck-Frankenberg | HGON; NABU, | 0 | |
0049-6650 | Vogelwarte | Deutsche Ornithologen-Gesellschaft e.V., Geschäftsstelle c/o Institut für Vogelforschung | 0 | |
1731-3708 | Volumina Jurassica | Institute of Geology | 0 | |
0042-8752 | Voprosy ihtiologii.; Вопросы ихтиологии | Nauka; Наука; Rossijskaâ akademiâ nauk; Российская академия наук | 0 | |
0507-3758 | Voprosy onkologii | "Medicina" | 0 | |
0042-8833 | Voprosy pitaniâ | Medicina; GÈOTAR-Media | 0 | |
0507-4088 | Voprosy virusologii | Medicina | 0 | |
2411-2097 | Voprosy virusologii; Вопросы вирусологии (e-vir) | Medicina; Медицина | 0 | |
0042-9007 | Vox Sanguinis | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1423-0410 | Vox Sanguinis (e-vir) | Wiley | 0 | ✔ |
2058-8410 | Wader study | International Wader Study Group, | 0 | |
1684-1182 | Wäei-miǎn yěu gǎnrǎn zázhì | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Asia Ltd.; Scientific Communications International Limited | 0 | ✔ |
1000-0674 | Wäeitěi gæushäengwù xúebào | Käexúe Chäubæanshè | 0 | |
0125-2526 | Warasan Khana Witthayasat Maha Witthayalai Chiang Mai | Khana Witthayasat, Maha Witthayalai Chiang Mai. | 0 | |
1686-5456 | Warasan Singwaetlom lae Sappayakon Tammachat | Faculty of Environment and Resource Studies Mahidol University. | 0 | |
0956-053X | Waste management | Pergamon | 1 | ✔ |
1879-2456 | Waste Management (e-vir) | Pergamon | 0 | ✔ |
0734-242X | Waste management & research | Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
1096-3669 | Waste management & research (e-vir) | Academic Press; International Solid Wastes and Public Cleansing Association | 0 | ✔ |
1573-2932 | Water, air & soil pollution (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0049-6979 | Water, air and soil pollution | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1524-4695 | Waterbirds | The Waterbird Society | 0 | |
1938-5390 | Waterbirds (e-vir) | Waterbird Society | 0 | |
1061-4303 | Water environment research | The Federation | 0 | ✔ |
1554-7531 | Water environment research (e-vir) | Water Environment Federation | 0 | ✔ |
1201-3080 | Water quality research journal of Canada | Canadian Association on Water Quality; International Water Association | 0 | |
0043-1354 | Water research | Pergamon Press | 6 | ✔ |
1879-2448 | Water Research (e-vir) | Pergamon | 0 | ✔ |
0378-4738 | Water SA | Water Research Commission | 0 | |
1816-7950 | Water SA (e-vir) | Water Research Commission | 0 | |
1996-9732 | Water science & technology (e-vir) | IWA Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
0273-1223 | Water science and technology | Pergamon Press | 0 | ✔ |
1606-9749 | Water science and technology: water supply | IWA Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
1607-0798 | Water science and technology: water supply (e-vir) | IWA Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
0083-7792 | Webbia | Istituto Botanico Universita. | 0 | ✔ |
2169-4060 | Webbia (e-vir) | Istituto botanico dell'Università di Firenze; Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
2193-3081 | Web ecology | Copernicus Publ. | 0 | ✔ |
1399-1183 | Web Ecology (e-vir) | European Ecological Federation | 0 | ✔ |
1444-6162 | Weed biology and management | Blackwell Science Asia | 0 | ✔ |
1445-6664 | Weed biology and management (e-vir) | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1365-3180 | Weed research (e-vir) | Blackwell Science | 0 | ✔ |
0043-1737 | Weed Research | Wiley-Blackwell; European weed research society | 0 | ✔ |
0043-1745 | Weed science | Weed Science Society of America | 0 | ✔ |
1550-2759 | Weed science (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0890-037X | Weed technology | The Society | 0 | ✔ |
1550-2740 | Weed technology (e-vir) | Weed Science Society of America | 0 | ✔ |
0001-6209 | Weishengwu xuebao | Kexue Chubanshe, | 0 | |
0160-1121 | Western birds | California Field Ornithologists.; Western Field Ornithologists. | 0 | |
0856-860X | Western Indian Ocean Journal of Marine Science | Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association (WIOMSA) | 0 | |
1527-0904 | Western North American naturalist | Monte L. Bean Life Science Museum | 0 | ✔ |
1944-8341 | Western North American naturalist | Monte L. Bean Life Science Museum, Brigham Young University] | 0 | ✔ |
0043-3144 | West Indian medical journal | University of West Indies. | 0 | |
0277-5212 | Wetlands | Society of Wetlands Scientists | 0 | ✔ |
1943-6246 | Wetlands | Society of Wetland Scientists | 0 | ✔ |
0923-4861 | Wetlands ecology and management | SPB Academic Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
1572-9834 | Wetlands ecology and management (e-vir) | Kluwer | 0 | ✔ |
0043-5090 | Wiadomości Botaniczne | Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe. Oddział | 0 | ✔ |
2543-6503 | Wiadomości Botaniczne (e-vir) | Polskie Towarzystwo Botaniczne | 0 | ✔ |
0043-5163 | Wiadomości Parazytologiczne | Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe | 0 | |
1613-7671 | Wiener klinische Wochenschrift (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
0043-5325 | Wiener Klinische Wochenschrift | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1080-6032 | Wilderness & environmental medicine | Chapman and Hall | 0 | ✔ |
1545-1534 | Wilderness & environmental medicine (e-vir) | Wilderness Medical Society | 0 | ✔ |
0954-6324 | Wildfowl | Wildfowl Trust.; Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust. | 0 | |
2052-6458 | Wildfowl | Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust | 0 | |
0909-6396 | Wildlife biology | Wildlife Biology | 0 | ✔ |
1903-220X | Wildlife biology (e-vir) | Nordic Board for Wildlife Research | 0 | ✔ |
0084-0173 | Wildlife monographs | Wildlife Society. | 0 | |
1938-5455 | Wildlife monographs (e-vir) | Wildlife Society | 0 | ✔ |
1035-3712 | Wildlife research | CSIRO | 0 | ✔ |
1448-5494 | Wildlife research | CSIRO Publishing | 0 | ✔ |
0091-7648 | Wildlife Society bulletin | Wildlife Society. | 0 | |
1938-5463 | Wildlife Society bulletin (e-vir) | Wildlife Society | 0 | |
0511-9618 | Willdenowia | Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum | 0 | ✔ |
1868-6397 | Willdenowia (e-vir) | Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum, Freie Universität | 0 | ✔ |
1530-4426 | Working paper | Wildlife Conservation Society (New York, N.Y.) | 0 | |
1743-4777 | World's poultry science journal (e-vir) | CABI Publishing; Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0043-9339 | World's Poultry Science Journal | World's Poultry Science Association | 0 | ✔ |
0959-3993 | World journal of microbiology & biotechnology | Rapid Communications of Oxford | 0 | ✔ |
1573-0972 | World journal of microbiology & biotechnology (e-vir) | Kluwer | 1 | ✔ |
1948-0210 | World journal of stem cells (e-vir) | Beijing Baishideng BioMed Scientifc Company | 0 | ✔ |
0724-4983 | World journal of urology | Springer International | 0 | ✔ |
1433-8726 | World journal of urology (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1878-8750 | World neurosurgery | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
1067-1927 | Wound repair and regeneration | Mosby | 0 | ✔ |
1524-475X | Wound repair and regeneration (e-vir) | Mosby. | 0 | ✔ |
1671-8852 | Wuhan Daxue xuebao | Wuhan Daxue Qikanshe | 0 | |
1561-882X | Wulfenia | Landesmuseum Kärnten | 0 | |
0049-8254 | Xenobiotica | Taylor and Francis | 0 | ✔ |
1366-5928 | Xenobiotica (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | ✔ |
0908-665X | Xenotransplantation | Munksgaard International Publishers | 0 | ✔ |
1399-3089 | Xenotransplantation (e-vir) | Blackwell Pub. | 0 | ✔ |
0438-0479 | Xiamen Daxue xuebao | Gai-Kan Bianjibu | 0 | |
1001-988X | Xibei Shifan Daxue xuebao | Gai Kan Bianjibu, | 0 | |
1000-4025 | Xibei zhiwu xuebao | Shanxi Kexue Jishu Chubanshe; Xibei Zhiwu Xuebao Bianjibu | 0 | |
0377-9556 | Yaghag hoeji | daehan yaghaghoe | 0 | |
0031-6903 | Yakugaku zasshi | Pharmaceutical Society of Japan. | 0 | |
1347-5231 | Yakugaku zasshi = | Pharmaceutical Society of Japan | 0 | |
0372-7629 | Yakuzaigaku | Yakuji Nippo-sha; Nihon yakugakkai; Nihon yakuzai gakkai; 日本薬剤学会 | 0 | |
1348-5032 | Yamashina choruigaku zasshi | Yamashina Chorui Kenkyujo, | 0 | |
0257-5493 | Yánjiäu huìbào - Táiwäan tángyè yánjiäusuěo | Taiwan Sugar Research Institute.; Táiwäan tángyè yánjiäusuěo. | 0 | |
1021-9498 | Yàowù shípěin fäenxäi | Xíngzhèng yuàn wèishäeng shěu yàowù shípěin jiǎnyàn jú. | 0 | |
2224-6614 | Yàowù shípin fenxi (e-vir) | Xíngzhèng yuàn wèisheng shu yàowù shípin jiǎnyàn jú; Elsevier Taiwan LLC | 0 | |
0513-4870 | Yaoxue xuebao | Zhongguo Yixue Kexueyuan Yaowu Yanjiusuo; Zhongguo Xiehe Yike Daxue Yaowu Yanjiusuo | 0 | |
0749-503X | Yeast | Wiley | 1 | ✔ |
1097-0061 | Yeast (e-vir) | John Wiley & Sons | 0 | ✔ |
0253-9772 | Yichuan | Kexue Chubanshe | 0 | |
2095-1353 | Yingyong kunchong xuebao | Yingyong Kunchong Xuebao Bianjibu | 0 | |
1001-9332 | Yingyong shengtai xuebao | Gai Kan Bian-Wei-Hui | 0 | |
1006-687X | Yingyong yu huanjing shengwu xuebao | Kexue Chubanshe, | 0 | |
0044-0531 | Yokohama Medical Bulletin | Yokohama University School of Medicine. | 0 | |
0513-2622 | Yokosuka-shi Hakubutsukan kenkyū hōkoku. Shizen kagaku | Yokosuka-shi Hakubutsukan; Yokosukashi shizen hakubutsukan; 横須賀市自然博物館; Yokosukashi shizen, jinbun hakubutsukan; 横須賀市自然・人文博物館 | 0 | |
0513-5710 | Yonago Acta Medica | Tottori Daigaku Igakubu | 0 | |
1976-2437 | Yonsei medical journal (e-vir) | Yonsei university, College of medicine | 0 | |
0513-5796 | Yonsei Medical Journal | Yonsei University, College of Medicine | 0 | |
0372-798X | Zasso Kenkyu | Nihon Zasso Bojo Kenkyukai, c/o Tokyo Daigaku Nogakubu; Nihon zassou gakkai | 0 | |
0139-5424 | Zborník Slovenského národného múzea | Slovenské národné múzeum, Prírodovedné múzeum | 0 | |
1545-8547 | Zebrafish | Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1557-8542 | Zebrafish (e-vir) | Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
0375-5223 | Zeitschrift der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Österreichischer Entomologen | Arbeitsgemeinschaft Österr. Entomologen | 0 | |
0044-2771 | Zeitschrift für Gastroenterologie | Demeter | 1 | ✔ |
1439-7803 | Zeitschrift für Gastroenterologie (e-vir) | Georg Thieme | 0 | |
0948-6704 | Zeitschrift für Gerontologie und Geriatrie | Springer Medizin c/o Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1435-1269 | Zeitschrift für Gerontologie und Geriatrie (e-vir) | Springer | 1 | ✔ |
0170-110X | Zeitschrift für Mykologie | Deutsche Gesellschaft für Mykologie | 0 | |
0939-5075 | Zeitschrift für Naturforschung | Verl. d. Zeitschrift für Naturforschung | 0 | ✔ |
1865-7125 | Zeitschrift für Naturforschung | Verl. d. Zeitschr. für Naturforschung | 0 | ✔ |
0340-1855 | Zeitschrift für Rheumatologie | Steinkopff | 0 | ✔ |
1435-1250 | Zeitschrift für Rheumatologie | Steinkopff. | 0 | ✔ |
1391-6270 | Zeylanika | Wildlife Heritage Trust of Sri Lanka. | 0 | |
2095-0837 | Zhiwu kexue xuebao | Kexue Chubanshe | 0 | |
1005-264X | Zhiwu shengtai xuebao | Kexue Chubanshe | 0 | |
1673-5102 | Zhiwu yanjiu.; 植物研究 | Zhiwu Yanjiu Bianjibu; 《植物研究》编辑部; Kexue Chubanshe; 科学出版社 | 0 | |
1674-7895 | Zhiwu ziyuan yu huanjing xuebao | Zhiwu Ziyuan yu Huanjing Xuebao Bianjibu | 0 | |
1001-8689 | Zhongguo kangshengsu zazhi | Gai Kan Bianjibu | 0 | |
1007-7626 | Zhongguo shengwu huaxue yu fenzi shengwu xuebao.; 中国生物化学与分子生物学报 | Zhongguo Shengwu Huaxue yu Fenzi Shengwu Xuehui; 中国生物化学与分子生物学会; Zhongguo Shengwu Huaxue yu Fenzi Shengwu Xuebao Bianjibu; 《中国生物化学与分子生物学报》编辑部 | 0 | |
1004-5503 | Zhongguo shengwuzhipinxue zazhi | Weishengbu Changchun Shengwuzhipin Yanjiusuo. | 0 | |
1001-7216 | Zhongguo shuidao kexue | Gai Kan Bian-Wei-Hui, | 0 | |
1672-3651 | Zhongguo tianran yaowu | Gai Kan Bianjibu | 0 | |
1007-7669 | Zhongguo xin yao yu linchuang zazhi | Shanghai Shi Yiyao Guanliju Ke-Ji Qingbao Yanjiusuo; Zhongguo Yaoxuehui Shanghai Fenhui | 0 | |
1001-1978 | Zhongguo yaolixue tongbao | Linchuang Yaoli Yanjiusuo | 0 | |
0258-4646 | Zhongguo Yike Daxue xuebao | Gai-Kan Bianjibu, | 0 | |
1001-8255 | Zhongguo yiyao gongye zazhi | Shanghai Yiyao Gongye Yanjiuyuan | 0 | |
1001-5302 | Zhongguo zhongyao zazhi.; 中国中药杂志 | Zhongguo Yaoxuehui; 中国药学会; Zhongguo Zhongyao Zazhi Bianjibu; 中国中药杂志编辑部 | 0 | |
0412-4030 | Zhonghua pifuke zazhi | Zhongguo Yixue Kexueyuan Pifubing Yanjiusuo, | 0 | |
0254-5101 | Zhonghua weishengwuxue he mianyixue zazhi | Weishengbu Beijing Shengwu Zhipin Yanjiusuo | 0 | |
0253-3758 | Zhonghua xinxueguanbing zazhi | Zhonghua Yixuehui Zazhishe | 0 | |
1016-1015 | Zhōnghuá yàoxué zázhì | Zhōngguó yàoxuéhuì; Taiwan yaoxue xuehui | 0 | |
1003-9406 | Zhonghua yixue yichuanxue zazhi | Huaxi Yike Daxue | 0 | |
0253-9624 | Zhonghua yufang yixue zazhi | Zhonghua Yixuehui, | 0 | |
0253-3766 | Zhonghua zhongliu zazhi | Zhongguo Yixue Kexueyuan Zhongguo Xiehe Yike Daxue Zhongliu Yanjiusuo Zhongliu Yiyuan, | 0 | |
1005-9628 | Zhuxing xuebao | Gai-Kan Bianjibu, | 0 | |
0373-9627 | Zitteliana | Geiselberger | 0 | |
0733-3188 | Zoo biology | American Zoo and Aquarium Association. | 0 | ✔ |
1098-2361 | Zoo biology (e-vir) | [A.R. Liss]; Wiley-Liss, Inc. | 0 | ✔ |
1313-2970 | ZooKeys (e-vir) | Pensoft Publishers | 1 | ✔ |
1313-2989 | ZooKeys | Pensoft Publishers | 2 | ✔ |
1984-4670 | Zoologia (e-vir) | Sociedade Brasileira de Zoologia | 0 | |
1984-4689 | Zoologia (e-vir) | Sociedade Brasileira de Zoologia | 0 | |
0024-4082 | Zoological journal of the Linnean Society | Academic Press | 1 | ✔ |
1096-3642 | Zoological journal of the Linnean Society (e-vir) | Academic Press | 0 | ✔ |
2056-306X | Zoological letters (e-vir) | BioMed Central | 0 | ✔ |
0289-0003 | Zoological science | Zoological Society of Japan | 0 | |
1021-5506 | Zoological studies | Institute of Zoology | 0 | |
1810-522X | Zoological studies (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | |
2095-6827 | Zoological Systematics | Editorial Office of Zoological Systematics | 0 | |
0300-3256 | Zoologica scripta | Almqvist & Wiksell Periodical Co. | 2 | ✔ |
1463-6409 | Zoologica scripta (e-vir) | Blackwell Science | 2 | ✔ |
0044-5134 | Zoologičeskij žurnal | Nauka | 0 | |
1876-2174 | Zoologische mededelingen | Nationaal Natuurhistorisch Museum | 0 | |
0024-0672 | Zoölogische Mededelingen | Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historie; Nationaal Natuurhistorisch Museum | 0 | |
0044-5231 | Zoologischer Anzeiger | G. Fischer | 0 | ✔ |
1873-2674 | Zoologischer Anzeiger (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
0944-2006 | Zoology | Elsevier | 1 | ✔ |
1873-2720 | Zoology (e-vir) | Elsevier | 0 | ✔ |
2165-8005 | Zoology and ecology | Gamtos tyrimų centras (Vilnius, Lithuania) | 0 | |
2165-8013 | Zoology and ecology (e-vir) | Taylor & Francis | 0 | |
0939-7140 | Zoology in the Middle East | Kasparek | 0 | ✔ |
2326-2680 | Zoology in the Middle East (e-vir) | Max Kasparek | 0 | ✔ |
0720-213X | Zoomorphology | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1432-234X | Zoomorphology (e-vir) | Springer | 0 | ✔ |
1863-1959 | Zoonoses and public health | Blackwell | 0 | ✔ |
1863-2378 | Zoonoses and public health (e-vir) | Wiley | 0 | ✔ |
1280-9551 | Zoosystema | Publications scientifiques du Muséum national d'histoire naturelle | 0 | ✔ |
1638-9387 | Zoosystema (e-vir) | Publications scientifiques du Muséum national d'histoire naturelle | 0 | ✔ |
0320-9180 | Zoosystematica rossica | Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences. | 0 | |
1860-0743 | Zoosystematics and evolution | Wiley-VCH | 0 | ✔ |
1175-5326 | Zootaxa | Magnolia Press | 3 | ✔ |
1175-5334 | Zootaxa (e-vir) | Magnolia Press | 2 | ✔ |
0044-5401 | Züchtungskunde | Verlag E. Ulmer | 0 | |
1867-4518 | Züchtungskunde (e-vir) | Ulmer | 0 | |
0372-9311 | Žurnal mikrobiologii, epidemiologii i immunobiologii | "Medicina" | 0 | |
2686-7613 | Žurnal mikrobiologii, èpidemiologii i immunobiologii; Журнал микробиологии, эпидемиологии и иммунобиологии (e-vir) | CNII Èpidemiologii Rospotrebnadzora; ЦНИИ Эпидемиологии Роспотребнадзора | 0 | |
0044-4596 | Žurnal obščej biologii | Nauka | 0 | |
0044-4677 | Žurnal vysšej nervnoj deâtel'nosti im. I.P. Pavlova | Nauka | 0 | |
0967-1994 | Zygote | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
1469-8730 | Zygote (e-vir) | Cambridge University Press | 0 | ✔ |
0048-3753 | 0 | |||
0570-202X | 0 | |||
0719-7853 | 0 | |||
0869-6128 | 0 | |||
1447-3682 | 0 | |||
1522-886X | 0 | |||
2152-4920 | 0 | ✔ | ||
2383-1561 | 0 | |||
Seznami revij, ki so vključene v mednarodne bibliografske baze podatkov, so praviloma prevzeti s spletnih strani proizvajalcev baz podatkov in vsi niso popolni. Vključene niso tiste revije, pri katerih v seznamih proizvajalcev baz podatkov manjkajo številke ISSN ali pa seznamov revij ni bilo možno pridobiti v celoti. Nekateri proizvajalci tudi dokaj neredno ažurirajo sezname. Če ugotovite, da pri kakšni bazi podatkov manjka revija, ki jo navedena baza podatkov zanesljivo indeksira, to sporočite pristojnemu OSIC-u. Na podlagi ustreznih dokazil bo seznam dopolnjen. Seznami se od leta 2014 naprej vsako leto vzpostavljajo na novo. To pomeni, da OSIC-i vsako leto na novo prevzamejo sezname s spletnih strani proizvajalcev; ti seznami potem veljajo za tekoče leto oz. do prejema novih seznamov. Od leta 2014 naprej se torej članki v revijah v določenem letu vrednotijo v skladu z uvrstitvijo na sezname v tem letu. Članki v tekočem letu se do prejema novih seznamov vrednotijo v skladu z zadnjo prejeto verzijo seznamov. Za članke do vključno leta 2013 pa veljajo še stari kumulativni seznami, pri katerih so se revije na sezname samo dodajale, ne pa tudi iz njih odstranjevale, četudi je revija iz baze izpadla. V stolpcu Odprti dostop so s kljukico označene revije, za katere so v informacijskem servisu SHERPA/RoMEO objavljeni podatki o licenčnih pogojih založb in politiki arhiviranja posameznih revij. S klikom na kljukico se prestavimo na zapis revije z informacijami o politiki odprtega dostopa. |
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